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Rich beyond dreams (El Jefe Judging)


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Verrick Dram

"So what makes a bunch of pirates interested in the place?"

OOC: Verrick does not have much gold left, but what he has, he will convert into trinkets before leaving.

2gp 4 sewing needles
2gp 4sp 3 signal whistles
1gp 10 fishhooks

This leaves 1gp 5cp, which Verrick will bring as 5sp 55cp

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LiquidBlue said:
"So what makes a bunch of pirates interested in the place?"

As told by Uggla, the Pirates planned to establish a trade route, masquerading as honest merchants, sell the rites to the trade route and then rob the real trading ships that would follow loaded with goods. Uggla was their navigator, now the 1st mate of this ship, so with any luck they will not find the island again. Your jobs will be to protect the ship from any enemy. Of course the crew are available to help but need to sail the ship and do not have the experience and skill that you bring.

Purdy has the look of an excited child as he explains things to the group of adventurers. He is dressed like a pirate from a bards tale with large brimmed hat, complete with feather, loose fitting colorful shirt and trousers with a rapier hanging at his hip.


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Phoenix returns quickly with some trade goods to sell or trade in the exotic ports of call they will reach...

5 Bells x1gp = 5gp
5 Chests x2gp = 10gp
10 Hammers x 5sp = 5gp
3 Mirror, Sm. Steel x 10gp = 30gp
5 Miner's Picks x 3gp = 15gp
20 Iron Pots x 5sp = 10gp
50 Whetstones x 2cp = 1gp
10 Daggers x 2gp = 20gp
5 Handaxe's x 6gp = 30gp
Total funds spent for trade = 126gp

All items bought are packed into the 5 purchased chests for shipment.
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Purdy gives the group a tour of the ship when everyone has returned. Three rooms #10 are the groups rooms and room #12 is storage for the group. Room #11 is Uggla's room, #8 is the armory, #7 is the kitchen, #3 is Purdy's quarters, #4 chart room/conference room. Note one ballista and one catapult on deck. The ship cargo is packed with provisions and trade goods. Crew members are hustling about readying the ship to sail.

(You can post purchases for trade anytime, I just thought to get this ship moving)

The ship sails out of the harbor as the sun is setting casting a red glow over the horizon. This is the first you have seen of Uggla since boarding the ship. He seems much different when not unconscious from drink. As he approaches he gets a gleam in his eye, Ahh my guardian angel. All I remember from that night is your face. he remarks to Phoenix. He gives a passing sailor instructions for the helmsman and then turns back to the group...Thank you all for saving me from myself and delivering me to this fine opportunity. I hope you are up to the task to deliver us all to this island!


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Ray responds to Uggla's thanks...

I killed three men myself for you that night, I hope that this trip is worth it.

I assume you have made some arangements for the ladies to have some privacy?

We will stow, if that is the correct nautical term, our gear. 4

I suggest that we divide ourselves into watches along with the crew so we can have someone on alert at all times.

How many are we now?
(OOC: are the others checking in or is it the 4 of us)

We have two archers and I think Pinky and I would make good use of the nest topside, keen eyes and all that.

How many watches do you have set Captain?


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Quite, quite...Ray, I am a lady after all and I must insist Captain on a modicum of privacy and your word of honor that your crew will mind their manners.

I am sure Pheonix will quite agree.

I agree with the watch idea Ray, I remember the one trip we took did have three watches but I am sure that the good Captain has taken care to divde the crew...

Isn't that so....


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"Don't worry about me Pinky. Anybody lays a finger on me without permision is gonna have that finger and it's hand sliced off with my mindblade before I throw it into the ocean for the sharks! But that don't mean I would object to a little privacy for us gals. We should take one of the 3 cabins for ourselves. I also would be willing to take a turn at watch as needed.

"Uggla, you're welcome. I hope this journey works out well for all of us as well.

"Ray, I believe all 5 of us are here. I saw Lookspring and Verrick aboard before you and Pinky arrived."

Enjoying the view, Phoenix watches as the waves sweep by and the clouds race across the sky.


First Post
BigB said:
COLOR=Green]Thank you all for saving me from myself and delivering me to this fine opportunity. I hope you are up to the task to deliver us all to this island![/COLOR]

"So what can you tell us about the island? Master Purdy mentioned that the people there though isolated, enjoy several natural treasures. How did you come across it in the first place?"

"You have been there before. What hazards might we come across during our journey."

DerHauptman said:
I suggest that we divide ourselves into watches along with the crew so we can have someone on alert at all times.

We have two archers and I think Pinky and I would make good use of the nest topside, keen eyes and all that.

I am willing to take a turn.

Once the cabin's are assigned Verrick will stow both his backpack and Fobin's pack.


First Post
LiquidBlue said:
"So what can you tell us about the island? Master Purdy mentioned that the people there though isolated, enjoy several natural treasures. How did you come across it in the first place?"

"You have been there before. What hazards might we come across during our journey."

Uggla smiles in a way a person does when they are covering up fear. That was a trip one cannot forget. We were chasing a merchant ship that left charted waters in hopes we would not follow and that was when it happened. The merchant vessel sank faster than anything I have ever seen, just out of the blue. No apparent reason, just sank. As we were turning back to familiar water the ship began to rock and the tiller broke leaving us to drift in the calm winds. I charted the stars so we could find our way home after repairs were made. Then we spotted the island. We sailed the shore line til we found a village. We sent some scouts out but never heard of them again. The villagers talk of many dangerous creatures on the island. The villagers themselves were friendly enough, and we traded some with them and that was when Capn came up with his plan to get us all rich beyond our dreams. I got us back to familiar water and you know the rest. The islanders play a game with pearls the size of a large mans fist. They say it is the mark of a warrior to get one of the pearls. I think it is kind of dangerous. I think that is why Purdy brought you along, to help with all that dangerous business. He smiles again. Dont think I am the one for that danger stuff. Ha ha! My guardian angel there can handle it.


First Post
Catching Up

Lookspring takes Master Purdy's advice while he has time and picks up a few weapons and other items he might be able to sell to the primitives on this mysterious island. He returns not long after with a straining porter lugging a heavy chest. He has the man stow it in his room before heading up to meet the others and discuss the journey.

As Uggla regails them with the tale of his adventures on the island, Lookspring slides farther and farther forward on his seat. His eyes go wide at the mention of the huge pearls and deadly sea monsters. He speaks up excitedly, "Where did the pearls come from? Are there many of them? There must be if they use them for games! Are we going to loot and pillage the village? Brilliant!"

Added to my sheet:

Purchased for Trade in Rich Beyond Dreams:
Chest - 2gp
Simple Lock DC20 - 20gp
Bullseye Lantern x 2 - 24gp
Chain - 30gp
Bell x10 - 10gp
Mirror x5 - 50gp
Spade/Shovel x5 - 10gp
Hunk of Cheese x4 - 2gp
Fine wine x1 - 10gp
Total of 158gp
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Voidrunner's Codex

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