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Recruitment for WoT: "Hunt for the Horn"

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First Post
I apologize for the delay. I was unavailable Wednesday night and recovering from the late night the concert entailed last night. I should be able to post this evening after work.


Living EN World Judge
Elinas Sandrionovi
Ebou Dari Wanderer 2/Armsman 2
Str 12 (+1) Dex 16 (+3) Con 13 (+1)
Int 14 (+2) Wis 8 (-1) Cha 10 (0)
HP 28 (6 @first,+8,7 and 3 rolled +4 con)
BaB +3 Fort +5 Ref +9 Will +2 Def 4 Rep 2 Init +5

5'10" tall, 165#s, Black hair, light brown eyes, wears a small goatee and
mustache.23 years old
Dresses in pale yellows offset by a dark grey vest.
Feats: Luck of Heroes, Alertness, Weapon Finesse:Rapier,Duelist.
Class Skills/Feats: The Dark One's Own Luck,
Illicit Barter

Skills:Appraise 1/+3 Bluff 5/+4 Climb 3/+4
Craft-Traps 3/+5 Diplomacy 2/+4 Disguise 3/+3
Disable Device 4/+6 Escape Artist 1/+4
Gather Info 3/+3 Hide 3/+6 Intimidate 6/+6
Jump 1/+2 Know-Geography 1/+3 Know-History 1/+3
Listen 4/+5 Move Silently 3/+6 Open Locks 4/+7
Pick Pockets 2/+5 Ride 2/+5 Search 4/+6
Sense Motive 5/+4 Spot 4/+5 Swim 1/+2
Tumble 1/+4

Languages:Common, Domani and Borderlander Accents

Rapier, Light Crossbow&20 bolts, 4 daggers,
backpack, 2 belt pouches, 50' hemp rope&grapnel
flint&steel, masterworked thieves tools,
light horse&gear/saddle, fooder
Bedroll, waterskin and trail rations (1 week)
other minor gear to follow

82 MK

Elinas Sandrionovi grew up in the backstreets of Ebou Dar, like many a young rake. Spending his time in the Rashad, Elinas looked and played, fought and revelled with those of the lower Castes.
The problem was that Elinas was the son of Fredricino Sandrionovi, Head of the Sandrionovi
Merchantile House. Elinas was the second son, after his brother Ricardo, and followed by a sister, Isabelli.It was Isabelli that Elinas loved most, for she had always been his confidant, his partner in mischief, such a shrewd little child was she. Learning the family trade was not in the cards for Elinas,as whoring, gambling and drinking were always too big a temptation for him. Besides, his older brother was an able Man for that particular job, already groomed and ready to head the Family when Fredricino stepped down.
One day, the son of another house came to call upon Isabelli, asking for the permission to court her.Isabelli was a mere 13, and Fredricino thought it a bit early for her to begin courtship, as it was customary in the family to wait until the fifteenth year for such things. The young Man, one Alfonso Castdriavori smiled and said that he would be happy to wait, although he thought that Fredricino should be eager to wed her off, seeing as his was such a Strong family, and they would welcome such an alliance with the Sandrionovi House.Fredricino laughed and said, 'Well, young Alfonso, let us see how long your attentions last, for Isabelli will have to wait until her fifteenth year, summer after next.
Alfonso withdrew, heavy of Heart and bitter at such a blow to his Plans.Unknown to the Sandrinovi Family, Alfonso began a secret corespondance with Isabelli, who was thrilled at the Scandalous nature of it all, and, truth be told, was very taken with this Man that desired her. Weeks went by, and then months with no discovery of the little meetings, the letters, the plans to Elope.
One morning, Ricardo happened upon Isebelli as she was excitedly telling her friend Viviana some news. Ricardo listened quietly at the door as his sister explained that she was going to run away with the young Suitor two days hence, to live in Luxury and Splendor in his Family's Summer House in Amadicia.
Ricardo immediately set out with his Duelling Knife and a bag of coin to give unto Alfonso's Family, for the cost of their son's Funeral Expenses. Finding the Man setting his affairs in order regarding an impending trip, Ricardo exploded in Fury at the Outrage and Impudence of ignoring Fredricino's wishes regarding his daughter. Both men grew angry, each with a perfectly valid position, Ricardo's that of protective brother, Alfonso's that of a young man hopelessly in Love. Such a Duel was bound to end only in tragedy, and what a tragedy it was.
Alfonso killed Ricardo in the streets of Ebou Dar.
Hearing of the news, Elinas gathered his Sword and Knife, intending to avenge his brother's death.
Isabelli found him thus, and, throwing herself upon him weeping hysterically, she begged him not to go. 'I have already lost my brother, Elinas, please do not take the Man I Love as well, for I know it would be him that sees not Morning.'
Elinas stood there, holding his sister, tears streaming down his face. To Avenge his brother was his duty, but in doing so, he would destroy his sister, whom he loved more than life itself.
And now, should he survive, Elinas himself was destined to be Head of the Family, a posistion that he knew he was ill-suited for.
'If I left....'; he could not believe the words he was uttering, for leaving Ebou Dar was like leaving life itself,'If I left...the you would become Family Head when Papa steps down, little sister.Yu are far better suited for it as we both know.As for this Man that you Love. I cannot abide him, as it is my duty to Avenge Ricardo. I must leave, as the only outcome of me staying is his Death, and that would kill the little Bird that I love more than my own Life. So, kissing his sister on her brow, Elinas gathered up his things and left his home, his life and his Family to set out in the Wide World. Vowing never to return to Ebou Dar, Elinas hopes one day to see Isabelli and his parents again, yet knows that the likelihood of that is as slim as the blade he wears at his hip.

I improvised this, though as it went along, it was looking more and more like Romeo and Juliet, with brothers and suitors killing each other and a tragic end. So, I decided to give it a twist. I'm sure life in 16th century Venice had many little stories like this one, as I'm sure it had some that mirrored R&J as well.
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First Post
Hey Everyone,

How are you feeling about the game? What do you like? What do you wish was different? Do you want to keep playing?

I've sensed a lack of enthusiasm compared to some of my other games. I wanted to see whether it was real or my imagination.



First Post
I like the game, and I'm enthusiastic about it. I love WoT and want the game to keep going.

I just don't know where some of our players went... :mad:


First Post
Well, Priest hasn't posted in almost a month, so I think it's safe to say he's out. Uriel, you haven't posted in about a week, but I know you're around (Banewarrens).

Any feedback would be appreciated. What have you liked so far? What do you wish was different?



First Post
The descriptions have been great, and the trollocs behaved apppropriately Trolloc-y. It just all feels very novel-esque. Except without the overly-used gender war. :rolleyes:

My one negative comment is that some character info should maybe be a bit more secret. I think having a Darkfriend in the group could be interesting, but it'd be MORE interesting if we (both as players and characters) only learned it later after working with them. That sort of thing could be worked out with you via e-mail.

Ya know, since you've done it for other games, you could recruit more PCs if you feel it's necessary. We are staying at an inn, and inns attract all sorts of odd folk. :D


First Post
Thanks! Some of the descriptions are from the adventure text, but I'll take a little credit.

Yeah, I never was sure what Priest was going for by telling everyone his character was a Darkfriend in his asides. Suffice to say it would have made the long-term adventure plans tricky. Maybe I'll bring his character back as an NPC antagonist.

I think recruitment is in order. I'll expand the group to six players, although this makes the modules increasingly in need of balancing (designed for four 1st level characters). :) I'm going to ask the current players to each select one of the new characters as a long-time friend who has come to meet their character in Caemlyn (so the group has more reason to be together).


First Post
Scratch the previous comment about current players choosing. I'll let the new players figure out which of the existing characters their character knows, since they need to write backgrounds anyway.

Uriel, are you still playing?

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