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(Record) Your Guide to Enworld


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This document is ment as a quick introduction to Living Enworld. To help all of the new players, this post gives you the basic information needed to play in Enworld, without reading through the 8 pages of the General Enworld Thread

Q: What is Enworld?

A: Enworld is a turly living campaign. Players will be able to create magic items, travel around the world, design new feats, research new spells, build their own shops, houses, and maybe even cities. DMs will get to create their own adventures, and run them.

Q: How is this different from a RPGA Living Campaign?

A: An RPGA Living campaign does not allow players to create items easily, players have a very hard time creating their own spells, and players cannot create feats. In a RPGA campaign, all of the groups play the same adventures, while in Living Enworld every adventure is unique. RPGA living campaign rarely allow the world to change as a result of one group of Players' actions, while the idea of having repercussions for every groups actions is central to living Enworld.

Q: How do I become a player?

A: Just post a character in the Living Enworld characters thread of the Rogues Gallery forum, report to the Red dragon inn in the Playing the Game Forum, and begin looking for adventuers and interacting with other players.

Q: What are the rules for character creation?

A: Player characters are created using a 30 point buy method, and only the races and classes presented in the 3.5 rulebooks. Even if you do not have the 3.5 rulebooks, the basic information is available for free, so everybody can play. At this point no other material is allowed, but as time passes other books will be added to the list available for use by player characters.
Starting gold is the maximum for each class.
Feel free to create new places and people as part of your backstory, players are encouraged to help build the world by adding details in their backstory.

Q: How do I become a DM?

A: Anybody who would like to run an adventure can run one. The first thing you need to do is submit as much information as possible on your adventure to one of the judges. Once the judge has given his approval, and as soon as you are ready to begin the adventure, you need to post your adventure to the Red dragon Inn, so that players can join. You can post the notice of a "job available" yourself as an NPC or your character, or you can ask a Judge to do it for you. Either way, as soon as a group of interested adventurers has gatherd, you create a new thread for your adventure and begin.

Q: If I DM can I still have a character?

A: Yes, anybody can have a character. the only restriction is that your character cannot participate in an adventure you run as anything other than an NPC.

Q: What is Enworld like?

A: To find out about notable places, people, and items within Enworld, visit the Almanac , a collection of all of the information we have so far created about Enworld. If you can think of something that needs to be added, or just have a great idea for a new NPC or place, feel free to post it, and it will be added to the forum. One of the best points about Enworld is that anybody can add to it.

Q: What deities are available?

A: The only available deities are listed in the Pantheon thread.

Q: Can I play a (insert name of monster here)?

A: At this point we are only allowing the races listed in the PHB and the varients of these races that do not have a ECL. So, for example, Deep Dwarves are allowed, since they have no ECL, but Drow are not, since they have an ECL.

Q: Can I play an evil character?

A: Sure, as long as it does not interefere with the smoothe running of the game.

Q: How do you play in a Play by Post game?

A: See garyh's Play by post FAQ.
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First Post
Re: [Living Enworld FAQ] Your Guide to Enworld

Checking spelling errors?

Macbeth said:
This document is ment as a quick introduction to Living Enworld.

Macbeth said:
A: Enworld is a turly living campaign.

Macbeth said:
and begin looking for adventuers and interacting with other players.

Macbeth said:
as soon as a group of interested adventurers has gatherd, you create a new thread for your adventure and begin.

Macbeth said:
A: At this point we are only allowing the races listed in the PHB and the varients of these races that do not have a ECL.

Macbeth said:
Sure, as long as it does not interefere with the smoothe running of the game.

3.5 SRD: http://www.wizards.com/D20/article.asp?x=srd35

Maybe it's usefull to use Level Adjustment instead of ECL, since the 3.5 MM uses Level Adjustment and Starting Hit Dice, but not ECL. Or have a list of available subspecies:

Humans, Half-Orcs, Half-Elves,
High Elves, Aquatic Elves, Gray Elves, Wild Elves, Wood Elves,
Hill Dwarves, Deep Dwarves, Mountain Dwarves,
Rock Gnomes, Forest Gnomes,
Lightfoot Halflings, Tallfellow Halflings, Deep Halflings.

Dunno about Gold Dwarves and Halfhuman Elves. They're in the DMG, but probably not in the SRD.


First Post
Q #1: In the rogues gallery, it says you can use anything in the SRD. Does this mean that psionics are available? Your post seems to imply that only 3.5 is allowed.

Q #2: If psionics are allowed, what is the starting gold for either of the two classes? I was looking around and couldn't find anything about it (dunno, maybe I missed it or didn't look in the correct spot).


Nope to the Psionics thing. By the way, when we move to a new forum (hopefully still, as Morrus hasn't said a word, but I think it's a strong possibility), this thread will be replaced by a real rules thread.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Do you allow multiclassed first level characters with the apprentice level rules? I can't find them on the SDR (and dont even know if they're in the 3.5 DMG)

Kahuna burger


First Post
multiclassed 1st level characters only make things complicated. You're in town a lot, so it shouldn't be hard to pick up a 2nd class later on.

IIRC it's an optional rule, so it doesn't make it into the SRD.
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