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Persistent regeneration..not kidding here


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Belares said:
Haha as I expected you cannot refrain from taking some advice and you must hide behind the boards to make fun of everyone..you are soooo cool.

This is not a joke, smiley or not and you should be wise enough to know better. If you are not then maybe you should reconsider moving your opinions to another board. If then that is unacceptable I can go somewhere else.

:cool: And the Hits Keep on Comming!! Beautiful! You sir are a Deity of Comedy. You claim the previous post was "advice" when it was clearly wit, and then accuse someone of "hiding behind the boards" while you are also surrounded by eletronic oaken timbers, then you fire up the Sarcasm Machine. ** Kewl Indeed! **

Belares donning his Playground clothes and picking up his ball he wades into the sandbox to kick the "Coffee Can" of the imaginary girlfriend again.
"We should play by my rules cause I'm smarter than you, You rotten little boy", shaking his fingler sternly at the other person. "If you don't want to play that way maybe you should go home, and if you don't wanna go, then I'm taking my ball and going back home cause you don't appreciate me!" :mad:

!! Stop it stop it youre killing me!! I just cant take it anymore!
Please Mercy stop tickeling my funny bone, you win! Stop! Uncle! :rolleyes:


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I take it all back, and I'm sorry.

After some time of reflection, and the fact that I take too long to type, I'd like to retract my statments refering to Comedic Genius and Godhood.

Sometimes a Cigar is just a Cigar and the Caperings of a Dolt are just the Caperings of a Dolt.



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Originally posted by Belares Casting Sinister Shaodws ofer the lack of an email address

Thanks for pointing out my indiscretion. I do not consider that a curse word so I used it in a context that I thought was applicable.

I would have emailed you and not subjected everyone to this parrying between us, but you have it blocked (hmmm I wonder why..oh yes you would rather not be bothered by people who dislike your <joking>). Of course it could be that the administrator of this board disallows your email address to come up. speaking of that I wonder if the administrators of this boards would appreciete that comment you made?

Or perhaps the idea of some dolt taking issue with something he posted as an example in a discussion stalking him and trying to take up valuble personal email time. Post it here so we can all share in the amusement.

I'm beginning to throw monkey poo too, I think I should stop it.


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It is funny that when I think that making fun of someone and joking about things that may be offensive, the people who come out in support of the offender, and I am called immature and a "bully who cannot get along with others and runs off crying". Isn't that a hoot.

I guess that I owe everyone a apology, because I stepped over the bounds of decency, and objected to the caustic remarks made by someone that I cannot hope to compare myself too.

How come everytime someone points out that being rude and obnoxious in any message board that they are WRONG TO DO IT?

I will say I erred in saying smartass(oops sorry that i am cursing..get a clue) and should have said smart aleck.


Yeah, something similar happened to me on another board. However, in this case I'd just drop it as the person that the post was originally directed at doesn't seem to have been offended so I'd just let it go.



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However, in this case I'd just drop it as the person that the post was originally directed at doesn't seem to have been offended so I'd just let it go.

Thanks Icebear for pointing that out. I will drop it and if people want to say more ..then more power to them.

Sometimes being wise and attempting to act wise is farther apart than you think.


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Maturity or Aging Toxins, Same thing?

Belares said:
I pointed out a problem in this board I thought was inappropiate, and I of course get slammed.

I then am the immature one? Wow, I guess being from a older generation is wrong and wanting a better place to post messages makes me the bad guy.

My thought on your post Antikinesis is that you know me so well that you assume for me, thank you.

Slamming, you betcha Timmy!

While you may have pointed out a problem (imaginary or otherwise), you also contributed to the problem by flinging your own excrement. You insulted the poster and offended me with your "smartass" comments. That is something that should have been avoided by you if you wished your earlier complaint/concern to be taken seriously. At the end, with your own words invited him to ridicule you.

Older Generation: Age does not equate to neither Maturity or Wisdom, only Aging Toxins and Declining Health.

You're not a Bad Guy(tm), just an Adventurer.

Antikinesis makes ASSumptions, You make ASSumptions, I make ASSumptions, we're all in the same boat. "Ware that Ore Matey!" :)

Damm I type too slow:eek:


First Post
Belares said:

How come everytime someone points out that being rude and obnoxious in any message board that they are WRONG TO DO IT?

I will say I erred in saying smartass(oops sorry that i am cursing..get a clue) and should have said smart aleck.

Most of us who post have a thick enough skin to say, "Oh he called me a Dork, how un-original" and move on.

Because when you may have taken offense to what was said, Not-K replied in an adult manner poking all sizes of holes in the inadaquacy of your complaint, and you responded with name calling and petty sarcasm. (I responded with a heaping boat-load of sarcasm you can in no way say that volume was petty. Heavy handed and over-the-top, but not petty) :)
Claimed sinister motives for a lack of email address.
Invited a longtime poster/contributor of the boards to leave cause his manner of dialog didn't suit you.
Threatened to Leave the boards yourself.
Scrambled to claim some kind of tattered moral high ground with a passing reference to your age.

"Get a Clue" My, how un-original.

(sometimes the Capering of a Dolt is just me Jumpin around)
Pissed that the 2nd half of the tread reserching personal spells got hijacked.
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