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Pathfinder 1E Pathfinder Society Scenario #5–08: The Confirmation Recruitment


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Thank you for the offer, but no. I'm at the limit of what I can play and need one slot open for occasional instant-gratification adventures (sorry not native speaker, I mean instant decision to join, not planned). Any good exptession for that?

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First Post
Here's what I got so far. Background ties into her involvement with Liberty's Edge, but I am still pondering the specifics of it.

Name: Sachiko Satsu
Race: Kitsune
Class/Level: Bard (Archaeologist) 1
Gender: Female
Exp: 0

Strength (STR) 11 (3)
Dexterity (DEX) 18 (10)
Constitution (CON) 14 (5)
Intelligence (INT) 12 (2)
Wisdom (WIS) 10
Charisma (CHA) 16 (5)

Alignment: Chaotic Good
AC: 14 (10 + 4 Dex)
Hit Points: 10
Movement: 30'/60'/120'

Init: +4
Base Attack Bonus: +0
Melee Attack: +0
Ranged Attack: +4
Fort: +2
Reflex: +6
Will: +2

Race Abilities
+2 Dex, + 2 Dex, -2 Str
Favored Class: Bard (1 skill point)
Low Light Vision
Agile: +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics
Change Shape: Can assume form of singular human or natural vulpine human as std action
Natural Weapon: In natural form, 1d4 bite attack
Superior Shapeshifter: Can turn into a fox as a std action (as beast shape 2)

Class Abilities:
Bardic Knowledge +1 (Gain this bonus to any Knowledge skill check, can make rolls untrained)
Archaeologist's Luck +1 (swft act, applies to atks, damage, saves, skills; 4+chamod/day)

Skills: 8
Acrobatics (Dex) +10 (1 rank + 4 dex + 3 class + 2 racial)
Bluff (Cha) +7 (1 rank + 3 cha + 3 class)
Diplomacy (Cha) +7 (1 rank + 3 cha + 3 class)
Disable Device (Dex) +9 (1 rank + 4 dex + 3 class + 1 trait)
Disguise (Cha) +7 (1 rank + 3 cha + 3 class)
Perception (Wis) +4 (1 rank + 0 Wis + 3 class)
Sense Motive (Wis) +4 (1 rank + 0 wis + 3 class)
Stealth (Dex) +8 (1 rank + 4 dex + 3 class)

- Beastkin: Fox (+1 Survival, Speak With Animals (foxes only) at will as SLA)
- Nimble Fingers, Keen Mind (+1 Disable Device; it is a class skill)

1 Weapon Finesse

Languages - Common, Sylvan, Tien

Spells (caster level 1, save DC 13+lvl)

1- 2/2

0 Dancing Lights, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Spark
1 Tap Inner Beauty, Shadow Trap

Money - 45gp

Weapons -
Rapier, +4 atk, 1d6 piercing, 18-20/x2 crit, 2lbs, 20gp
Shortbow, +4 atk, 1d6 piercing, 20/x3 crit, 60', 2lbs, 30gp

Armour -
Leather armor, +2 AC, 0 ACP, 15lbs, 10gp

Gear -
Traveler's Outfit (free)
Common backpack, 2lbs, 2gp
2 belt pouches, 1lb, 2gp
Canteen, 1lb, 2gp
50' SilkRope, 5lbs, 10gp

Scroll of Entangle -- Sachiko
Scroll of Gust of Wind -- Sachiko
Scroll of Identify -- Sachiko
Scroll of Mage Armor (CL 6) -- Sachiko
Scroll of Obscuring Mist -- Sachiko
Wand of Burning Hands (CL 3, 4 charges) -- Sachiko
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (CL 3, 8 charges) -- Sachiko
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Nice! I'm happy with this. Here we go!

Let's start right here.

The invitation delivered last night was remarkably simple, especially given the importance of the occasion: Start where it all began. Meet us at the Pig’s Paunch one hour before dawn.
The Pig’s Paunch is a run-down building with a faded sign of a large pig standing on its hind legs, arms folded above a corpulent belly. Inside, the air is thick with the scents of human sweat, stale tobacco, and leftover food. In the center of the room, surrounded by inebriates sleeping off their revelries, a familiar elven man stands high upon top of a large round table.

Welcome! Welcome, my students! Please, have a seat! With that, Kreighton Shaine, the Pathfinder Society’s Master of Scrolls, nimbly drops down to sit cross-legged on the table before looking about the tavern with a sense of reverent wonder. Can you believe it? It all started here years ago—well, over four hundred of them at least. Under this very roof the Pathfinder Society was born. But today! Today you will begin your Confirmation! Master Farabellus, Master Zey, and I all agree you each have shown your worth and dedication to the Society, so there’s no better time to see if you can handle becoming full field operatives. Allow me to introduce you to Janira Gavix,

OOC: Who sits around the table? Describe yoursleves.

He says as he motions for an excitable halfling woman to approach. She wears a large backpack and carries all manner of tools, pouches, and scroll cases around her waist. Shaine continues, saying, Janira here will be going with you on your Confirmation. She was one of my brightest pupils and will no doubt be an invaluable
esource on your journey, for she discovered the caves you are about to explore during her own Confirmation.

Janira speaks up in an enthusiastic and cheerful voice, Greetings, aspiring Pathfinders! Six months ago, while I was mapping cave entrances in the foothills of the Kortos Mounts, I witnessed a lone gillman entering a concealed cave. I thought little of it at the time, but I saw another one enter the cave again a month later as my Confirmation stretched on. A few days later, after I completed my assigned task, I entered the cave system, but was unable to find the gillmen.

Master Shaine hops to his feet. Initiates, for your Confirmation, you will travel to these caves to explore and document its many passages. Additionally, and most
importantly, you are to learn what the gillmen are up to in there. Oh, and you need to come back alive as well.
With these parting words, the Master of Scrolls jumps off the table and strolls out of the building while humming to himself.

OOC: Any questions for the Master or do your coworker?


OOC: I'll get a post out Monday when I'm back at work. Usually we set up a Rogue's Gallery for character sheets here in Talking the Talk, and an IC thread over in Playing the Game (where you have cool DM markings for your posts). Put links to the threads in the first post of each thread for easy navigation. Check out my Heroes of Hydellor if you need examples.


First Post
One of the people at the table was a petite woman with the distinct features of someone from far off Tian, though her long hair was unusually pale-shaded for someone of that heritage. Clad in leather armor dyed a clashing combination of green and red and blue, with similarly colorful trousers and blouse under it and a patchwork cloak of many hues, she leapt to her feet at the stirring introduction and drew a rapier to hold it reverently outward.

"I, Sats...I mean Sachiko Satsu...eagerly accept your challenge!" she cried in a high, melodic voice. "We'll map that cave to DEATH! And also find those...men. Things."

Her brows furrowed, and she shot a furtive look at Janira.

"Gill men? Those are bad, right?"
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The other woman at the table shifted in her seat, scale armor clanking a bit. She sipped her mug of ale and tossed the long braid of red-gold hair back over her shoulder to fall down her blue cloak, settling a hand on the sheathed greatsword propped against the table, her pack at her feet. Her pale skin marked her Chelaxian descent, but she didn’t have their typical dark hair. Perhaps there was some Ulfen in her, with that red-gold hair and those green eyes, though she wasn’t as tall as the northern barbarians.

“Gillmen are no better or worse than you or I,” she told the Tian woman. “Though I admit we do not have any in Lastwall for me to have direct experience.” She looked to the Society leaders. “You are expecting this to be dangerous enough that we wouldn’t come back alive?” she asked, lifting an eyebrow.

Voidrunner's Codex

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