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[OT, Star Wars] The Vader/droid connection...


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Squire James said:
I've never seen Ep I (so call me a heretic), but hearing that Anakin made the two droids strains my suspension of disbelief a bit. It seems a Jedi has to be responsible for everything important, I guess (at least until a strange non-Jedi called Han Solo arrived at the scene, and who knows what he may be reverse-engineered into by the end of Ep III).

Yeah, I've always found it absurd that he built a robot from scratch as a 10 year old. I think its more likely that robots are highly modular, like the pieces of a PC. If some kid told me he built a PC from scrap metal in a junkyard, I wouldn't believe it, but if he said he just found an old CPU, harddrive, etc... and plugged them into a motherboard, well, that's really easy to do. Anakin probably just snapped C3PO together from a few pieces. After all, we know that C3PO's body and head function seperately, so that seems to show that they are pretty modular.

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RPG stuff.

According to the WEG SW game R2-D2 has never had his memory wiped. C-3PO has had several wipes. R2 was the captains droid, not leia's, and C-3PO was probably just one of a few on board. The idea that Padme sent them off to Alderaan is a good one, probably how they serve on the same ship. R2 already had the plans inside of him the whole time. In fact it caused him to lose some of his memory, probably the really old ones. Also, Darth Vader isn't Anakin Skywalker, he is Darth Vader! They may be the same man physically, but in thier souls, memories, actions, they are different men completely. A life that full, that evil, probably forgets droids except as tools. Ah well.


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Zerovoid said:
Anakin probably just snapped C3PO together from a few pieces. After all, we know that C3PO's body and head function seperately, so that seems to show that they are pretty modular.
Well, if his appearance and "first words" are any indication, C3P0 is patterned on an existing design and runs factory-standard personality programs. =/

- Sir Bob.


Vaxalon said:
I figure that C3PO doesn't have much of a memory. After all... you wouldn't want a tranlation/protocol droid to have much in the way of historical memory. You want him to forget most of what happens as it happens, so that he can't be a spy no matter how inadvertent. C3PO really seems to live in the present.

Except in Return of the Jedi he tells the ewoks stories about Master Luke's adventures. If he couldn't remember them how did he manage that?


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ok im new to the Star Wars genre but heres my take.

Why did 3PO tell the ewoks stories and remember? EASY!!! Neither Luke, Leia or Han had him wiped. Did they really have the time? No.

Also Its easy to get attached to R2D2. I did. I think hes cute.

Did anyone else notice that Obiwan in Ep II used the same trick Han and Leia use in Ep V?? I think thats how Boba Fett knew how to find them ...


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Of course, a much simpler explanation for everything is that Lucas has no qualms whatsoever about re-writing history, and that, because he doesn't seem to mind screwing up continuity (R2D2's thrusters, anyone?), the droids' history just doesn't make any sense.

He hasn't gone to any trouble to smooth out the rough edges on something as huge as Anakin and Padme's courtship, so I really doubt there's much to look forward to in the droid department. Yeah, there are many ways in which their horribly mangled story (the level of contrivance reminds me of some D&D games gone bad I've played in... and a few I ran :)) could be put right, but it's not going to happen. The fans have been doing a hell of a better job of explaining Star Wars plot holes than Lucas was ever interested in doing.

Oh yeah, by the way, the whole R2D2 'creation story' - I'm sorry, but if anyone thinks that it makes sense that the same people (as in same culture, not same three engineers) who designed the hood-ornament Naboo starships, the Naboo royal regalia, the guns the guard and the princess use, etc. also designed R2D2... Please, you have to promise me to get an interior decorator and get someone else to pick your clothing for you, because your sense of aesthetics is likely warped beyond recovery ;) These people DON'T do simple an utilitarian... An R2 unit might go well with an X-Wing, stuck into a Naboo starfighter it looks out of place. (Speaking of stuck into a starfighter - if R2's can fly, why is getting them in and out of fighters such a pain in the ass in Episodes IV-VI? Eh?)


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Did anyone else notice in Episode V when Han and the rest run away from Vader, Boba Fett is about to blast Chewie in the back, except he lowers Boba's blaster. Because C3P0 is on his back!

Or maybe it's nothing.

Azathoth said:
Did anyone else notice in Episode V when Han and the rest run away from Vader, Boba Fett is about to blast Chewie in the back, except he lowers Boba's blaster. Because C3P0 is on his back!

Or maybe it's nothing.

Actually, I think that's just because:

A) he wants the prisoners unharmed, and

B) he knows there's nowhere they can go.

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