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[OT, Star Wars] The Vader/droid connection...


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Voneth said:
I've read in plenty of places that Star Wars droids are supposed to get a memory erasure when they are bought by a new owner. It seems that when droids memories are allowed to culminate over time, they get personality glitches.

Don't forget, 3PO mentions in ANH that they were both owned by Captain Antilles (Wedge) previous to Princess Leia. Obviously their memories weren't wiped between owners there, or he wouldn't know that.

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That Captain Antilles is not Wedge, he's the captain of the rebel ship where Leia voyaged, the captain that was killed chocked by Lod Vader at the beggininf of Ep. IV.

AFAIK, Antilles is as common in Star Wars like Smith in the US or Gonzalez in Spain. In Ep. 1 and II there is a Bail Antilles who is memeber of the Senate.


I think mistwell hit on something pretty big and obvious, here. It's not really C3PO and R2D2 who tie the series together, but rather just R2. Just think how different the entire history would have been had R2 been hit and destroyed in the running ship battle at Naboo in the beginning of Episode I. None of the story could have happened as it did. Maybe Lucas is giving a little of the "one being can make a difference" philosophy... :)

Or rather, Lucas just loves the idea of that much improbably chance accumulating in one little non-force-sensitive droid...

"...R2D2 - your midichlorians at work... :)

BTW, Nubian Corp. (or whatever they're called), did not build Artoo, Industrial Automation did. The R2 as we can see is a VERY popular series of droids.

As for the "R2 Booster rockets", I have to concur - if those are standard issue (which would seem logical in an astromech unit), then why don't we see more evidence of them? If not, then we are left with the question of how he loses them.


First Post
You might notice that in ANH there is a silver C3-P0 walking about the halls at the same time as the Gold C3-P0. They are the exact same model. When all throughout episode 1 and 2 C3-P0 is a dingy dirt colored unfinished metal.

By episode 4, Darth Vader, the guy who now squashes people with his thoughts, probably hasn't a care in the world about his childhood toys. And wouldn't think twice about a group of rebels protocal droid.

As to C3-P0, not remembering Lars farm....has to be a brain wipe.

R2-D2 never claims to have not been there. And this droid is just prone to lie if the mission requires it. He is stubborn and irresponsible as an astromech. He is more like a hero with a sidekick. When he lands on the planet he starts heading to the village. When he is picked up he is sold to a known point of reference and heads toward Obi-wans residence. This droid didn't see any reason to deviate from its purpose.

I think astromech were designed to fit in the exact same designed spot on every known fighter of the time.


Registered User

I remember most of the old Starwars RPG and there was mentioned that most droids get mindwipes. Those things don't bug me too much and the explanation that young Anakin just repaired an old C3PO model is good enough for me.

Another thing: I read in those same old sources that Vader spent a lot of time hunting and killing the remaining jedi knights. As well as his children. I just can't believe he didn't check Tattoine as hiding place. Padme sure didn't trust him to still be nice enough not to kill his relatives at his mothers grave.

Re: Droids

The only reason to go to Tatooine would be for Luke or Obiwan. I don't think he would want to kill either of them.

1. He wants Luke alive so that the two of them can kill the Emperor and replace him.

2. He needs Obiwan alive to hide on Tatooine and protect Luke.

Anakin isnt dumb, he probably kills Dooku in EP3 and knows that you only keep the junior sith position for as long as you are strong enough. So he keeps Luke alive in hopes that he can use his son later to get rid of the Emperor. I would be willing to bet that this is reinforced in EP3 by Sidious basically casting off Dooku and telling Anakin to kill him. I bet Dooku dies with a shocked and betrayed look on his face.

Darklone said:

Another thing: I read in those same old sources that Vader spent a lot of time hunting and killing the remaining jedi knights. As well as his children. I just can't believe he didn't check Tattoine as hiding place. Padme sure didn't trust him to still be nice enough not to kill his relatives at his mothers grave.
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Re: Re: Droids

DocMoriartty said:
Anakin isnt dumb, he probably kills Dooku in EP3 and knows that you only keep the junior sith position for as long as you are strong enough.

Nah, old books hint that Yoda killed the dark jedi on Dagoba.

Re: Re: Re: Droids

Lucas has said that old books don't mean diddly. Besides the old book you are referring to also said that Dark Jedi was not human.

Darklone said:

Nah, old books hint that Yoda killed the dark jedi on Dagoba.


First Post
Jerrid Al-Kundo said:
Here's the part I find creepy:

Episode I: Master Anakin, I know you're my maker and all...

Episode IV: Bless the Maker, this oil bath is going to feel so good...

Anyone else catch that?

Episode II: Oh my! Oh, my maker! Master Anakin!

I took the quote out of the novel since I didn't remember exactly what he said in the movie.

Unobservant Droids

(Cross-posted from the "Seen it I have" thread)


What follows is potentially a spoiler for Episode III. It's not much of a spoiler, because it's a very minor detail, and it's something we've all guessed already, but nevertheless, if you want to avoid it, don't scroll down.






Still here? Okay. The following is from E! News, courtesy of the Force.net website:

Patrick Stinson: Anakin in Episode One created C3PO. In the original trilogy, C3PO doesn't recognize him as Darth Vader because...

George Lucas: Well, one, his brains have, his memory system has been erased and so has R2's. So, they don't remember anything from the first trilogy. I'm telling you something from Episode 3, but I shouldn't be telling you that, but I think most of the fans already know that.

There we have it, folks. An answer straight from the man himself. Thought you might like to know.

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