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(OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen I Have!

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I just came to add my reviews, but Dr Midnight before has already explained perfectly how I feel. Thank you, Doc. :)

Instead, I'll answer to Edena. IMHO, The Force is not something you own. It's something that flows in every living being, so when you use it, you draw it from them. You have to use it only if it's necessary, because it's not yours. That's why the jedi teach compassion over all things, and that's why the whole balance issue is so important. And that's why The Dark Side is so evil, because it steals the force of life from every living being.

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Founder of the Gourmet Gamer Academy
Theory that fits...

Palaptine is a clone...Darth Sidious is manipulating him. Hence why the Council cannot detect the Drak Side when it is 3 feet from them.

Darth Sidious is Jedi Master Sipherdias (sp?), the one who supposedly died years and years ago but yet ordered the clone army from Kamino...

After watching this three times already and waiting for show number 4, I've got the feeling that I am on to something here.

Dr Midnight

Crap, Kaga... The first part was my theory, but that second part I'd never given thought to. Sidious, Sipherdious (sp?). Wow. Makes too much sense, and adds a whole new tasty mouthful to chew on for a while. I wonder...


hong said:
That's one way of looking at it, but given the well-known parallels between SW and eastern religion and spiritualism, it still feels a bit odd to me. Asian (and especially Chinese) history is filled with empires that lasted centuries, usually becoming old, corrupt and decrepit before being swept from power. I'd have thought these would be better analogies to the Galactic Empire than Nazi Germany.

Saying it should be like China because the Jedi resemble eastern mysticism is a bit of the tail wagging the dog if you ask me. China has been a monolithic empire from before Christ, with only a few short breaks. China continues as a empire because it has historically been one for a long time and the big, bureacratic empire has always been regarded as the desirable stat of being by its populace, not because of the presence of Taoism and Buddhism.


Re: Ok, time to vent some wrath! :) :) :)

Edena_of_Neith said:
Edena_of_Neith here.

And I say ...

Anakin Skywalker is great, and it stinks he dies at the end of Episode 6.

Why is Anakin Skywalker cool, neat, great, a real hero, and likeable?
Because I say so, that's why!
My opinion is that he is all of these things!

And so, there is only one thing to do, folks ...

Return of the Jedi must be remade, so that Anakin Skywalker LIVES.

Okay Bugaboo, how did you get Edena's password?

That business about Palpatine's lightning killing him - Luke withstood it for 30 seconds or more, and 7 seconds of it kills Anakin ... very fault machinery for Anakin? More likely very hard to believe.)

He rolled a crit against Darth Vader and it bypassed his VP. DUH! :)


Lichtenhart said:
IMHO, The Force is not something you own. It's something that flows in every living being, so when you use it, you draw it from them. You have to use it only if it's necessary, because it's not yours. That's why the jedi teach compassion over all things, and that's why the whole balance issue is so important. And that's why The Dark Side is so evil, because it steals the force of life from every living being.

So dark side = defiling, light side = preserving. Interesting. :)


First Post
Re: Theory that fits...

Chairman_Kaga said:
Palaptine is a clone...Darth Sidious is manipulating him. Hence why the Council cannot detect the Drak Side when it is 3 feet from them.

Darth Sidious is Jedi Master Sipherdias (sp?), the one who supposedly died years and years ago but yet ordered the clone army from Kamino...

This goes well with my theory that Anakin is also a clone of Darth Sidious, implanted in Shmi with her mind "Dark Force cleansed" of the event.

Thus, Anakin is a clone of the Emperor and Luke is the son of the Emperor. Worst case, Palpatine is the actual father of Anakin and the grandfather of Luke.

(My theory goes that the clones are slowly losing their efficacy due to continued replication and he needs new genetic material. He plans on using the body of Anakin as the new host of his evil soul when Anakin reaches maturity [no sense in going through puberty again], but then Anakin gets Jedi training and later on gets badly mutilated in the lava accident after his battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi. Rather than transplant his essence into the mauled Darth Vader, the Emperor continues with a new clone....)



Re: Re: Theory that fits...

Zhure said:
This goes well with my theory that Anakin is also a clone of Darth Sidious, implanted in Shmi with her mind "Dark Force cleansed" of the event.

Thus, Anakin is a clone of the Emperor and Luke is the son of the Emperor. Worst case, Palpatine is the actual father of Anakin and the grandfather of Luke.

(My theory goes that the clones are slowly losing their efficacy due to continued replication and he needs new genetic material. He plans on using the body of Anakin as the new host of his evil soul when Anakin reaches maturity [no sense in going through puberty again], but then Anakin gets Jedi training and later on gets badly mutilated in the lava accident after his battle with Obi-Wan Kenobi. Rather than transplant his essence into the mauled Darth Vader, the Emperor continues with a new clone....)

That's an interesting and oddly compelling theory, Ahure.


Re: Ok, time to vent some wrath! :) :) :)

Edena_of_Neith said:
Edena_of_Neith here.

And I say ...

FOR THAT MATTER, they state: Thou shalt not hate, fear, or love.

Hate and fear are the Dark Side, yes.
Doesn't that make love the Light Side?

From a Christian perspective this would be true. Love is the ultimate and ideal goal of Christian relationships.

However the spiritual doctrines of Star Wars have far more to do with Buddhism in which detachment, not love, is the ultimate spiritual goal (or one of them).

The following story illustrates this ideal
The Buddha's teaching on rejection of desire and suppression of emotional attachment is seen perhaps best in the story of a monk named Sangamaji. Like Siddhartha [aka. Buddha], Sangamaji had left his wife and family to search for truth as a homeless wanderer. While sitting in meditation beneath a tree, his wife approached him and lay their child before him. She asked her husband to nourish her and their child. Sangamaji remained silent until finally the woman took the child and left.

Siddhartha, after observing the incident, reportedly commented, "He [Sangamaji] feels no pleasure when she comes, no sorrow when she goes: a true Brahman released from passion."
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First Post
Tsyr said:
When yoda was fighting, it was sorta like he was a mage with Bull's Strength, True Strike, Haste, Cat's Grace, etc cast on him. He can be a monster in combat, but it's probably very draining on him, as he has to tap the force heavily. He seemed to be very exausted afterwords, you'll note.

Funny you should mention that... My first thought on seeing the movie was: "WOW! Yoda just cast Tenser's Transformation!" :)

GREAT scene. That whole movie was very well done. I've got to agree that C-3PO was a tad annoying during the Jedi/Robot battle -- Lucas using an established character that no one will complain about to fill in for Jar Jar as comic relief -- but I was astonished at how good the rest of the movie was.

I especially liked the clone army and the "prototype" versions of the Empire's battle gear -- the AT-AT like walkers, the ships that were reminiscent of the Star Destroyers...

Well, I'm off -- I have to go see it a few more times. ;)

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