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(OT) Hmmm Star Wars II Seen I Have!

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Just saw it last night

Just saw it last night! I would rate it as a "good" movie. The action and effects were specatacular, and the story itself was well done and will lead nicely into the final movie. Lucas definitely did a good job of setting the stage for the last movie.

IMHO, the acting was also pretty good, however the dialogue itself was somewhat weak. I thought that the actors' expressions, body language, tone, etc... was right on. However, the written dialogue was somewhat overdone and melodramatic at times.

Many of the love scenes should have been shortened, they would have had the same effect without overdoing it (quite a few people were actually laughing out loud during some of the scenes that were suppose to be serious).

All in all, it's a good movie, but nothing exceptional. The reality is that Lucas is no longer a revolutionary mind in the movie business. He writes good stories with VERY average dialogue, and the special effects are no longer years ahead of the industry as a whole.

It is worth seeing, just don't expect the Matrix, Gladiator, Braveheart or LoTR.

The fight between the Jedi masters makes the movie.
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I couldn't dissagree more. These scenes helped define Padme's struggle between here duty and the feelings in her heart. Instead of rushing through scenes that take her from being uncomfortable to kissing to marriage, what, in about a weeks time, we would have greater insight into her feelings for Anakin. She sees, through her family, that she wants and in fact longs for a life with a family of her own. So, instead of thinking that Padme's reaction to Anakins confession of murder is off, we understand that she looks beyond this realizing that Anakin, despite his own torement, is who she wants to be with. Despite his horrible acts, she loves him and we have the insight as to why she does.

If you have not read the novelization, I recommend it. It clears up alot of these issues and besides, it's a good read.

I have not read the novelization. However, I don't think those things need to be added into the movie to make Padme's falling for Annakin make sense. The scenes they did have established that very well. Adding more scenes would have only slowed the pacing more (which you already complained about) and not really added anything essential.

Rashak Mani

First Post
Reading that review it hit me that Goerge Lucas always puts CUTE characters in his films:

r2d2 - Ewoks - little hooded sandmen - Yoda - jar jar (tried too at least) - Anakin Kid


just saw it again. a few more observations:

* The acting still held up well, IMHO. in fact, i think i ended up having an even better opinion of portman and christianson the second time around.

* the speeder chase scene at the beginning dragged a bit. could have been shortened a tad.

* the yoda scene at the end was kind of a letdown the second time around. just not the same as the first time, not the same energy. i still thought it was cool, but just not the same.

* kimino was still great, still so "alien".

* all in all, a great movie even after one viewing. can't wait to get the dvd and watch it in digital glory.
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First Post
Originally posted by Tsyr
[Yoda] can be a monster in combat, but it's probably very draining on him, as he has to tap the force heavily. He seemed to be very exausted afterwords, you'll note.

Another way to look at it is that Yoda doesn't use the Force unless he has to. Contrast this with Anakin, who thinks using the Force is fun and does so whenever possible.


Holy Bovine

First Post
Rashak Mani said:
Reading that review it hit me that Goerge Lucas always puts CUTE characters in his films:

r2d2 - Ewoks - little hooded sandmen - Yoda - jar jar (tried too at least) - Anakin Kid

:eek: You're just realizing that now??!!? :D


WotC's bitch
Tsyr said:
And for the whole "How can yoda move like that and still hobble on a cane", there are two answers (I loved the Yoda scene, btw).

1) He just pretends most of the time to be a cripple. If your oponents don't consider you a threat, you have an advantage. He certainly pretended to be very helpless at first to Luke in Empire.

or, 2, and this is the one I take...

When yoda was fighting, it was sorta like he was a mage with Bull's Strength, True Strike, Haste, Cat's Grace, etc cast on him. He can be a monster in combat, but it's probably very draining on him, as he has to tap the force heavily. He seemed to be very exausted afterwords, you'll note.

The problem seems to be that Eps 1-3 take place a short time ago (relative to Ep 4) in a galaxy far, far away, but the thrust of the storyline and the character archetypes need it to take place a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Speaking of which, is it really true that Ep 3 will take place 20 years before Ep 4? An Evil Empire that lasts 20 years is pretty pathetic, if you ask me. The Qing dynasty lasted three centuries, and even the USSR lasted close to a century!

Rashak Mani

First Post
Holy Bovine said:

:eek: You're just realizing that now??!!? :D

Darn cute things.... princesses... hairy creatures... Sword wielding men... Order of "Knights" (Jedi)... evil empires... magic like powers... the only thing lacking are Dragons.

This is too much fairy tale for me... give me "real" sci fi please :)


Originally posted by Rashak Mani Darn cute things.... princesses... hairy creatures... Sword wielding men... Order of "Knights" (Jedi)... evil empires... magic like powers... the only thing lacking are Dragons.

Actually, there are dragons. Krayt Dragons.... on Tatooine. They haven't appeared in any of the movies yet, unfortunately, though there's still Episode III.
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