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[OT] Buffy - Spoilers within


Vengeance Bunny
Angelsboi said:
Faith was human, The mayor was human (before the ritual), Ethayne Rayne was human ....

and the Trioka as the three assassins (the biker guy, worm man and the cop woman)

Faith is only incarcerated because she chooses to be.
The Mayor ceased being human after the ritual, thus he was killed. Buffy would never have slain him as a human, even before he made himself impervious.
Rayne is being held by the Initiative, probably illegally.

These are all options that are unavailable to Buffy at this moment in time. They are all human, not inately magical, and there is no one who would be interested in detaining them.

The assassins were assassins: Worm man is a demon, 'nuff said. Cop woman...was she actually killed? I don't recall. Still, being human, and trying to kill someone in a school would warrant regular arrest. I forget the Biker Guy. If he was human, and she killed him (I'll have to go check), it was in self-defense. Again, though, not in the same league as three weird teenagers who, for all intents and purposes to the world outside of Buffy's domain, have done nothing wrong.

What can you do? Nothing but wait and pray.


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Near the end of season 5, when those knights are attacking to try and kill Dawn, Buffy beats up a number of them and they fall off a moving vechicle onto the road. I think she even throws an axe at one. I definatly thought this was in character since she was protecting her sister, but I was surprised that they never dealt with this. Probably just because the plot was moving too fast at the time.

I think the thing about season 6 isn't that the arc is bad, its that the individual episodes just aren't as good as they used to be. They don't have the charm and wit that they used to. Perhaps the show is suffering in this way because Joss isn't paying attention to it, even if the metaplot is still on track.


Iron Fist of Pelor
This was my favorite episode since "Once More, with Feeling." I was skeptical about the "Is the whole world just a hallucination?" plotline, but I think it was handled quite well: the vampworld and the hospitalworld were equally plausible, the motives for the characters in each world could equally be interpreted as dangerous hallucinatory fragments of Buffy's own personality, and Spike's and Mom's speeches to Buffy balanced each other very well. I was expecting, in the final shot, for the doctor and Mom and Dad to morph into demons, or for the hospital room to be floating in a void -- but Joss, bless his evil heart, didn't make it so easy on us.

IANAD, but did the shrink's advice to Buffy -- to kill off all her fantasy friends -- sound like singularly bad advice to anyone else? Even if she were crazy, it doesn't seem like good advice to give to a girl who fantasizes about being a hero; rather, it seems custom-designed to drive her away. Had I been the doctor, I would have told her to go back to the fantasy world and give her powers to the peopel that lived there, so they could function without her.

Of course, if I'd been the evil hallucinations of a demon, I would've told her to kill her friends.



First Post
I loved this last episode. I really saw the hospital world as Buffy looking at herself from a distance (the doctor, Joyce, her father being the vehicle she used). I actually felt the most significant thing was when Buffy let the demon loose to kill her tied up friends and she faltered for a moment....could she really kill her friends?

Then Joyce came over and talked to her. I can't recall exactly what she said, but it really was powerful to me (and to Buffy). She tried to convince her that she had a well of strength in her heart and it wasn't like Buffy to just roll over and die. Of course Joyce was trying to convince her to stay in the dreamworld, but it really was the kick in the ass she needed in the vampire world to get her life on track.

I don't expect this to make her happy, but I expect Buffy to be more assertive as she has been before her mother died. She's kind of been in a funk since then (and rightfully so). Now the illusion of Joyce told her that she's stronger than that and hopefully it will be what she needs to turn her life around.


First Post
Zerovoid said:
I think the thing about season 6 isn't that the arc is bad, its that the individual episodes just aren't as good as they used to be. They don't have the charm and wit that they used to. Perhaps the show is suffering in this way because Joss isn't paying attention to it, even if the metaplot is still on track.

Thank you Zero. that's exactly what i was trying *sigh* to get at. i agree with Wolfspider (like i usually do :)) that after the god, they needed to calm down and ground themselves. but like i said, as the main plot for the entire season, it doesn't do it for me. at least not in the way that this show has left a feeling of satisfaction or great expectation at the end of each episode in the past. now, when the eps are done, i just flick over to WB for smallville. no big sigh. no real satisfaction. no pressing need to call up one of my friends and go: "DID YOU SEE THAT!!!" it just doesn't have the depth of feeling, ironically, that the other seasons had. for me anyway.

and, no. i don't need constant killing to entertain me. American Beauty was one of my favourites too. but it's a lot more difficult to pull off that much emotion. and few people manage to get it right. like i said, it's not that i don't like the emotion in this season. it's that it feels forced. it doesn't seem to flow naturally. at least for me. ... i'll still watch tho. if only to make sure that my Buffy's ok in the end :D


Ashtal said:
Faith is only incarcerated because she chooses to be.

Buffy also had nothing to do with Faith being in jail -- that was Angel.

However, I think he was referring to Buffy trying to kill Faith -- remember that Buffy went out to kill Faith (to get her blood to save Angel). Faith's survival was largely due to luck; she got away, and was found & taken to the hospital before she bled out.

OTOH, Faith wasn't actually the same as Joe Human, either; she was a Slayer, and a rogue Slayer at that.

As for Buffy & co. taking care of Warren & co. -- remember, they haven't been able to find them since they found out about 'em. Granted, the search has been hampered by the gang's preoccupation with their personal lives, but then again, the Troika doesn't exactly ooze Grand Menace -- not a lot of ranks in Intimidation amongst those three. Combine that with the lack of impending doom -- no prophecies, no Ascension day, no Key, no opening Hellmouth -- and the pressure to Find Them, Now! just isn't there.



Although I love Buffy immensely, I'm kinda hoping that this season is the last for the show. I want it to end while it's strong, and not degenerate and become weak. I want a definite ending to the story of the vampire slayer named Buffy.


First Post
Wolfspider said:
Although I love Buffy immensely, I'm kinda hoping that this season is the last for the show. I want it to end while it's strong, and not degenerate and become weak. I want a definite ending to the story of the vampire slayer named Buffy.

There will be a season seven. I know everyone is contracted threough season seven. I imagine after that it will either be over or severely changed.


First Post
Pielorinho said:

IANAD, but did the shrink's advice to Buffy -- to kill off all her fantasy friends -- sound like singularly bad advice to anyone else? Even if she were crazy, it doesn't seem like good advice to give to a girl who fantasizes about being a hero; rather, it seems custom-designed to drive her away. Had I been the doctor, I would have told her to go back to the fantasy world and give her powers to the peopel that lived there, so they could function without her.

Of course, if I'd been the evil hallucinations of a demon, I would've told her to kill her friends.


Yup. Thats the point when I became entirely sure that this was not the Real World.

Besides, what DM out there hasn't at least CONSIDERED combining Wis-Damage poison with illusions (or charms) to really mess wiith your PCs?


First Post
i dont know if UPN will let it go after two years. im thinking it will go for 9 years. There are some shws (like friends) that have done EXTREMELY well

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