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Orussus was a city that had been inhabited for a very long time. Orussus has been attacked and destroyed several times in its history. It was always rebuilt.

Rumors: The original city lies a few miles south of the present city.
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The city of Orussus is under the reign of no man. The city has been build outside the boundary of many kingdoms and has stayed a free land. As the free city has grown, it has established a council. The council is formed by representatives of each of the major organizations of the city. The council meets in the High Court of Orussus.

The council is led by a mayor. The mayor is named by the council members. His mandate can have a length of 36 months, but generally a new mayor is named every 30 months. To make sure no guild or organization would overpower the others, a mayor cannot be a member of the same guild than one of the four previous mayor. The main role of the mayor is to lead the meeting of the council and to represent the city to outside organization or kingdom.


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Being a crossroad city, Orussus economy heavily depend on trade. Many traders have establish there house in the city, using to there advantage the harbor and the roads that lead to many kingdom. All the transformation industries also prosper in this city were all the primary ressources travel through. Weavers, tailers, leatherworkers, jewelers, blacksmiths and woodworkers all prospers well in Orussus. Finally, a third sector grows well in the city, all the services to travellers, domain of transportation and lodging both lives well.


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Guilds & Business
The guilds have seen there number reduce during times. As everyone wanted more power on the council, the different guild have regrouped to see there influence growing.

To be member of a guild, you must be an artisan (or a senior or equivalent). Apprentice have no membership. A membership allow the member to open a shop to trades or sells there goods or service.

Blacksmith's Guild
Profession: Blacksmith, Locksmith, Weaponsmith
Number of members: 17
Ingus Stonebender [Dwarven blacksmith, South East of Merchant's Avenue]
Rurik Drewer [Dwarven blacksmith, North of Red Dragon Place]
Traubon Mithrilaxe [Dwarven blacksmith, South of High District]
Note: Only masters can gain membership in this guild. Apprentice can be recorded, but aren't full members of the guild. To be a master, someone needs to present an object he has crafted that will be evaluated by the guild, own his own forge and pay the member fee. Only masters are allowed to produce goods for Commercial and Industrials use. A master can be help by any number of apprentice. Personnal production can be done by non-member without penalties. Many masters have there first apprentice, apprentice that have more power within the forge, take supervision of the work while the master is gone and generally takes the place of the master when he retires.
A PC with the Apprentice job is considered an apprentice.
A PC with the Craftman job, but doesn't own a workshop, is considered a first apprentice. 1/4 of the income goes to the master of the forge.
A PC with the Craftman job and with a workshop, is considered to be a master.

Construction's Guild
Profession: Architect, Carpenter, Masson
Number of members: 37

Jeweler's Guild
Profession: Jewelers
Number of members: 41
Gontor [Jeweler, Old City]
Ingus [Jeweler]
Jaramis [Jeweler, High District Bazaar, Jaramis Jewelries]

Leather Guild
Profession: Glovemakers, Leatherworkers, Pursemakers, Shoesmakers
Number of members: 89

Merchant's Guild
Profession: Merchants, Traders
Number of members: 103
Edwyd [Food Merchant, Red Dragon Place, Edwyd’s Victuals]
Fenton [Wine trader, Merchant's Avenue]
Rinaldo di Senzio's [Human Magic Item Trader (PC), Merchant's Avenue, di Senzio Magic Shop]

Sage's Guild
Profession: Sages
Number of members: 23
Tharivian Atterwood
Note: The sages are erudits that sells there knowledge.

Textile's Guild
Profession: Dyers, Tailers, Weavers
Number of members: 82
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Permanent population: 8 223 recorded
Average Population: 12 000 approximated

Orussus is a small city. Being at the crossroad of many nations, and with his reputation of a trading centers and adventurer city, Orussus have seen an abnormal flow of travelers for his size. During all years, the city see over 30% of his population as temporary townspeople. During fairs and tournaments, the temporary population can reach up to 50%. The temporary population are people that have no establish home in the city or live less than 6 month per year (example: adventurers, mercenary, sailors, traders…). This number also included any person not recorded (like homless or outlaws).


First Post
One reason why the economy of the city prosper that much, is the security of the city. It is one of the safest city of the continent. The guilds have seen the value of a safe city to keep the flow of goods. Guards tower have been establish in each districts, and the number of watchmen in function is kept around one for each 120 persons in the city, including the temporary inhabitants, at all time. That mean the average number or guard in the city is at any time would be 100, spread throught the different guard towers.

Guard Tower
There is one guard tower at 67 Broadstroke Street, on the corner of Livingstone street. The guard house has a first story of stone and a second story of wood and has large rough stones below and narrow, grilled windows above. This guardhosue is situated in the Clerk's district.

There is one guard tower in the High district, south of the center of it.
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Clerk District
The clerk district is in the south of the city. In this district, most of the justice and bureaucracy institution as well as most of the Guild have been established here. Most people living here are working for all these organization, giving the name of the district. The district is separated in four quarters, each one bordered by either East, West, North or South Potter’s Lane. Most of the buildings in this district are made of wood.

Among all these building can be found Voran, Valin, Vursur and Sons and Associates, Clerks and Barristers, at 237 East Potter’s Lane. This stone building show a sign that say in dwarven “Records as well kept as your Axe”. Just beneath, a smaller sign repeat the same in common.

The Blacksmith's Guildhouse have establish itself inside one of the rare stony building of teh Clerk Ward.

The docks north of the river and their surrounding environs are decidedly more shabby, decrepit and delapidated than the rest of Orussus. With the sun going down, the streets are dim and the roads are muddy from the previous day's rain. Buildings seem to consist mostly of taverns, inns, chandlers' stores, shipwrights' shops and warehouses... Everything catering to the sailor and merchant. Occasionally, men and women of all manner of description in worn clothing of all manner of description stand aside to watch from alleys and doorways as you pass. You can almost feel their mildly suspicious glances as you walk through the streets toward the harbour.

Emerging out into the northen docks and harbour proper, you can see a handful of large ships at dock. They seem to be secured and waiting the high tide, as none of them show much activity. Farther down, smaller local fishing boats can be seen tidied up to pilings or beached on the strand. On a short jetty close to the docks, stands a small shack hung with coils of rope, chain and netting. Hanging outside the door of the shack, a sign depicting an anchor and a ship's wheel sways in the slight breeze, creaking quietly.

The region surrounding the northen docks seems to be of lesser quality than the rest of Orussus. The buildings are slightly shabbier, more crowded; streetside beggars are a slightly more common sight here. The rainfall has made small muddy puddles in the road, though they are few enough that you can step around them.

The shops here seem more geared towards ships, as would be expected, though there are only a handful interspersed between a multitude of taverns. No merchants hawk their wares here, though you can occassionally hear laughter from a tavern as you pass by. Among those shop can be found Jericho's Repairs.

South of the river, the southern docks have have only one things over the northen docks, it is a tighter security. The proximity of the Merchant's Avenue have made this part of the dock the main place where merchants recieve there goods. Following the pression of the merchant guild, the council have raised the security in the southern dock, but nothing have been made to raise his appearance.

The docks have fifteen piers, ten on the northen side (from pier 1 to pier 10), five in the southern (from pier 11 to pier 15). Each pier are 120 feet longs and finish with an iron ladder that lead to the water. The ladder is genrally rusted, because of some lack of maintenance. Also, the northen docks finish with a long stone jetty. A small dark alley lead from the jetty to the slum.

High Districts
The high district is where most of nobles, rich merchants and guild leaders have established their homes. This district is in the northwest of the city. South of the center, in the district, there is a watch tower.

Some shops have established themselves around the district, mainly offering services for them. Just south there is a bazaar, and on the eastern edge of the bazaar is Jaramis, a jeweler. He can be found at 489 Thunis Street. The Winged Flute can be found near the Bazaar too.

Merchant’s Avenue
The merchant’s avenue is the greatest market area of Orussus. Merchants, traders and craftsmen have seen, with times, the advantage of being close of each others. The proximity of the harbor also helps to carry goods that come from other cities to the shops that specialized themselves in imported stocks.

In this long have shops on both sides. Also, the large street allow to some person to establish stalls in the middle. You can find almost anything in this street, from food and spices to clothing, from weapon to jewelry, from pots to exotics animals. Among the shop, you can find Fenton’s Wines & Spirits, di Senzio’s Magical Shop and Stonebender's forge.

The Sage's Guild have establish his guildhouse near the Merchant's Avenue.

Old City
The old city distinguish itself by the presence of the arena (see above for description) and the High Court. One characteristic of this part of the city is the buildings are among the oldest in the city, mainly made of stone.

Another landmark that can be seen at the limits of the district is Rilithorne’s tower. The tower is only a few block north of the Red Dragon Place and can be easily seen from it. The tower has a sign out front reading, “Rilithorne, Mage. Comisions welcome, inquire within. Please knock before entering." Rilithorne’s tower is 60 feet in diameter.

Next to the tower, you can find an elder dwarven jeweler named Gontor. Gontor generally like to work at the sight of the passer-by. The sign out front of his shop says that they open at 10:00 am. His shop has a tiled floor. His shop contain a vault of high quality steel.
There is a hitching post near Gontor’s Jewelry.

Red Dragon Place
The Red dragon place has gained this name because of one of the wonders of Orussus, a huge dragon stone statue. Some wizards pretend this dragon was petrified, explaining the aura of magic it irradiate, some dwarves pretend it was crafted in a single block, and protected from the damage of time by the magic of Sela. No one is sure, but everyone agree this statue is impressive. During the night, the dragon eyes light up, acting as a beacon.

Around that place, you can find the famous Red Dragon Inn [see Red Dragon Inn entry in Buildings and Area section], also find an itching post, where you can find any kind of horses, mules or wagons to the good service of the adventurer that come to this place. Also, there is Master Drewer, a master blacksmith, have establish his forge next to the Red Dragon Inn.

Finally, Allimon’s street start at the bridge north west of the place and goes directly to Allimon's Gate, passing through the northen part of the Merchant's Avenue. Only a quarter of miles separate these two places.

The city of Orussus has a large complex of tunnels running under it. These tunnels compose the sewer of Orussus. Most of the complex is known to the authority, and maps of the sewer can be found in the library archives.

The rain water is drain by the sewer into the river and the sea. One of the known sewage disposal tunnels can be found in the harbor and another known just outside Orussus, at the bottom of a ravine. All known exits are generally gated and the keys are in possession of the city guards.

In the north west of the city, next to the northen part of the harbor, lies the slum, the dirtiest part of the city. This part of the city have been build by the poors, in a disorganized fashion, and the authorities never seem to take this matter in charge. It is in that sector the security is at the lowest, but it is still safe to walk in it during day. Lately, some effort by there inhabitants have raised the level of life in this district.
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Among the largest and oldest building of the city stands the arena in the old city. This arena can accept easily two thousand persons confortably. In high events, there is seldom some wooden tribune added that allow the capacity to be raised over three thousand persons.

The arena have been build long time ago for the pleasure of the people. With time, a number of events died, following wars. In the last decade, the city have decided to restore the arena and some events starts to take place again. The council also have stated that they could use it to make important public annoncement to the population, but they never use that right.

The inside field of the arena cover an area of 40 feet by 80 feet. All the permanent tribune are made of stone and surround on three sides the field. The forth side is the entrance of the field with two large oak door, and over, the rich loge. Next to the arena is a building that connect directly to the arena and the two large oak doors. This building is used by the entertainers or competitors to prepare themselves before the show.

Blacksmith's Guildhouse
The guildhouse is a large stony building that seems to be out of place compare to all the wooden building in this part of the city. A large arch is closed by two large wooden door reinforced by metal decoration. A small door have been worked into one of the large door.

Inside, there is a large hall with marble floor and stone walls. Many great metal work decorate the hall, from armors to shield, weapons, and mundane items of everyday's life. A large stony desk can be seen at the end of the hall. Two corridors starts on each side of the desk.

Inside the building are two forges, that are restricted only to members and there apprentices. It is seldom use for training.

High Court of Orussus
The High Court of Orussus is the most impressive building of the city. It is situated in the northwestern sector of the old city, near Rivenblight Gate.

In pre-human times, this was a temple. Now, if you look at real human history, in most ancient or medieval cities, the largest building in town was either a temple or church of some sort, a palace, a forum (marketplace), a stadium, baths or (near the end of the medieval period) a town hall. The good people of Orussus could have chosen to put the old temple to any of these uses, but they did not. Evidently the rule of law and the institution of the courts is very important to them.

The High Court of Orussus sits on a stepped marble base on the northwest corner of the city. In front of the facility is a granite statue of a massive dwarf wielding a huge spiked club in his left hand as if the man was dragging it behind him. The statue is labeled, "In the name of Morg, In Service of Orussus."

The court itself is a huge granite work originally a temple for a bastion of good-aligned minotaurs that ruled this region hundreds of years ago. The giant and massive doors, meant to impress, are a sign to their history. The only religious symbols that adorn this simple location now are that of the horn-like columns that act as the superstructure for the domed building, and the statement across the dome written in giant, "Honor be damned, we live to be free."

Into the main antechamber, a comfortable seeting arrangement consists of a three fourths crescent of cushioned resting couches. A chandelier made of bronzes sits above, unlit in the daylight hours.

The library stands in the clerk ward. This building is holding a large collection of books. The most impressive section is on the history of the city itself.

The building is guarded by two town guards during the day. No one can enter the library with weapon or armor, as it is a place of learning, peace and silence. Members have access freely to the library. To become a member, a person have to pay 100 gp. Members can invite non-member to the library freely. Others must pay a fee of 10 gp to be allowed inside for the day.

Another restriction apply to anyone who want to enter. The library is a place of knowledge, not of war. All weapons and armor are prohibited. The guards at the entraence watch over it. But it isn't unheard that some people trusted by the library has enter with armor or some discreet weapons.

Red Dragon Inn
Around the place is one of the most famous establishments, the Red Dragon Inn. Also there are many rumors, but the Inn keepers refuse to tell the secret of his Inn. Again, wizards pretend this Inn is magical in nature, other tells it is simply the great number of light in the Inn that irradiate that magic, as all the light are magical ever burning flames, giving all the light and not the heat that have seen so many inn burned by some clumsy drunk patron. The building, from the outside, is an old but sturdy building, lighted at night by torches. The two steps in from lead you directly to a large oak door. But the Inn also has two back doors to allow discreet entering or leaving.

Temple of Hyrag
At the end of the Merchant’s Avenue stands the new temple of Hyrag, at the limits of the Clerk District.
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Rilithorne is a human wizard that has establish himself in the tower that dominate the southern part of the northern district. He does his research in his tower, but also sells his talents to find the founds needed to his research. more than one time, it has been heard that the wizard's research havn't been like expected.

He also has a niece named Selera that live in Allimon. He niece is a cook of great reknown and highly skilled.

[SBLOCK=Stats]These are some establish stats. If it is not written here, feel free to complete it if you need it.
Class: Wizard
Level: At least 9th
Feats: Extend Spell, Quicken Spell, Craft Wonderous Items, Craft Arms and Armor, Craft Construct, Craft Rods
Known Spells: Magic Missile, Web[/SBLOCK]

Volidar Stormblade
Volidar Stormblade is another fixture in Orussus. He is a half-elven bard, now grey-haired. He tends to hang around the RDI, and is very interested in the stories of adventurers. He makes is rounds in other taverns and fairs as well, singing and story telling for coin.

Verbotem the Chosen
High priest of Hyrag in the temple of Orussus

Grace Leonard
Advisor of Verbotem
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