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Recycled art? Don't care. I don't own enough books to even register that. What art was recycled?

4E Monster Manual. Most of the Monster Pictures are from the MM. The Pictures on page 46, 51 and 52 are the only new ones, the rest is reused art from the core rules.

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Yeah, the cartography is just brutal. That's bad.
When I read the first pages, I was wondering what your problem was - not gorgeous, but functioning. Then I hit the badly resized pixelated maps. :eek:

Plus, I don't care much for Skip's Vicious Venues, and he uses almost the same style of writing and generally setting up things in the adventure. :erm:

Cheers, LT.

Dave Turner

First Post
It does seem very sloppy. What really made me cringe, however, is this flavor text:
The mass of fallen trees blocking the road gives a creak, and a human head wearing a gray hunter’s cap appears from behind it, quickly followed by a lean, muscular body.
Putting aside the idea of a jumble of fallen trees "giving" a creak, I can't shake the image if a disembodied human head floating into view and its headless body appearing a moment later. I imagine the head arriving at the scene ahead of the body. The body is out of breath as it comes into view, having needed to run to catch up to the head. ;)


Wow, the quality of this release is... astonishingly sub par. If anything WotC has done to date basically screams "we don't give a rat's ..." this does it. If this is what they consider good enough quality to sell Dungeon as a subscription, they are out of their minds. You would really think that if anything, WotC would be pouring out the absolute best product they could put out to inspire people to fork over the $$ and THEN let quality slide. After seeing this material, I really wonder what is going on inside WotC.

On a side note, I also find it suspicious and disapointing that the WotC presence that used to be on these boards pre-4E release, has seemed to completely dry up. More ways to say "we don't care" without outright saying it.

To your second paragraph: to bea bit fair, Scott and L both have come on and said ALOT of folks in teh office are on vacation after the hectic release of 4e.

Irregardless of the vacation items....yeha the advetue is subpar and does NOTHING to showcase DDI and woo people into WANTING to subscribe to it. The online magazines got nothing on the print ones....


I'm not condoning sloppy publishing, but WotC *have* covered themselves by warning folks that individual articles released during the month *may* have errors in them. Hopefully, these errors are then *corrected* when the "complete" version of the magazine is released in PDF form at the end of every month.

Why does that cover them and excuse them?

If you were at work and told your folks "yeah, my next report is gonna have a bunch fo errors in it, but dont worry I'll get it right later" I highly doubt it go over well.

Why should it go over well here? Why cant they take the time to do it right instead of throwing out crap and fixing it later?

Vyvyan Basterd

Why does that cover them and excuse them?

Why should it go over well here? Why cant they take the time to do it right instead of throwing out crap and fixing it later?

Because otherwise how would they get free editing from the online community? Geesh! You expect them to do that themselves?! ;):p


Eternal Optimist
On a side note, I also find it suspicious and disapointing that the WotC presence that used to be on these boards pre-4E release, has seemed to completely dry up. More ways to say "we don't care" without outright saying it.

No, the EN World boards have been crap and disappointing of late - I often have had to wait for several minutes for _one_ page to load, and posting itself is often horrible beyond measure.

EN World 2 has, so far, been a disaster.


On a side note, I also find it suspicious and disapointing that the WotC presence that used to be on these boards pre-4E release, has seemed to completely dry up. More ways to say "we don't care" without outright saying it.


I had such high hopes.

Or maybe the fact that currently posting on this site, with all the network issues, is horrendously painful and might discourage them from wasting time trying to do so.

Specially since it seems like a hit or miss and it can get extremely frustrating to constantly have your "well crafted" response lost.

I know I have severely curtailed my posting and even visiting of this site.

Edit: Like right now where the boards ate my post several times and then MerricB posted my exact sentiments.
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