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Dungeons and Lasers VI: Caverns


This kickstarter (well, Gamefound, but same idea) is going great guns, so I'm posting a link for anyone who might be interested. If you've ever been a bit interested in building terrain sets for your games, this is the best deal you are likely to find.

I'm a serious miniatures terrain aficionado (here's my thread on getting started with terrain: Getting Started with Terrain - MinisGallery Discussion Forum), and while D&L have always done good stuff, this latest offering is exceptional even by their standards, because now you can get it pre-painted, and the paint quality looks incredible.

Here are the advantages of D&L terrain:
1) Cost: terrain is all about table coverage, or cost/square inch. Nobody else comes close.
2) Quality: not at Dwarven Forge levels, but pretty darn good, and their new "prismacast" automated painting system is arguable superior. Being able to get terrain pre-painted at these prices is incredible.
3) Storage: D&L stuff is super light and thin, which makes it very efficient to store, bring to games, etc.
4) Reliability: I've backed them several times, and they've always delivered product that is as good or better than advertised, ahead of schedule.

I'm a hardcore DF guy, and I also have a fair amount of Warlock Tiles. I've also dabbled in various 3d printed terrain. If I was starting now, I would probably go for D&L and save thousands of dollars and a lot of shelf space. DF remains the Cadillac option, but you are unlikely to see better deals on quality terrain than what this KS is offering. IMO, based on many years of experience.

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The Laughing One
While the hard plastics from Archon Studios look absolutely awesome, especially the prepainted/printed sprues! I still have mixed feelings about ever backing anything from Archon Studios again. Not only are they exactly the same people that were behind Prodos => Alien vs Predator KS (which I didn't back but read the horror stories), the issues I've had with the LOAD boardgame KS were not funny (I backed the prepainted pledge). I did eventually get my money back, but that soured my on anything Archon.

The prepainted/printed stuff looks amazing from the previews on YouTube! I have great hopes for that in the future (prepainted/printed minis). The HIPS plastic that is used is great stuff, essentially model kit plastic you can glue with plastic glue, that was it's major selling point to me. The KS have looked amazing, not just this one, but the others before as well. But for me #1 Archon, #2 no more room, #3 not playing in person that often, #4 I still have a bunch of unpainted Dwarvenite Dwarven Forge stuff I need to paint, #5 I have a ton of 3D files and an FDM printer...


New Publisher
I backed a miniatures one from them and it's great. Really. I would back this for sure if I wasn't planning on completely blowing up our lifestyle and moving around the world every few months. This is a great deal.


While the hard plastics from Archon Studios look absolutely awesome, especially the prepainted/printed sprues! I still have mixed feelings about ever backing anything from Archon Studios again. Not only are they exactly the same people that were behind Prodos => Alien vs Predator KS (which I didn't back but read the horror stories), the issues I've had with the LOAD boardgame KS were not funny (I backed the prepainted pledge). I did eventually get my money back, but that soured my on anything Archon.

The prepainted/printed stuff looks amazing from the previews on YouTube! I have great hopes for that in the future (prepainted/printed minis). The HIPS plastic that is used is great stuff, essentially model kit plastic you can glue with plastic glue, that was it's major selling point to me. The KS have looked amazing, not just this one, but the others before as well. But for me #1 Archon, #2 no more room, #3 not playing in person that often, #4 I still have a bunch of unpainted Dwarvenite Dwarven Forge stuff I need to paint, #5 I have a ton of 3D files and an FDM printer...
I had also heard negative things about Archon, but that was before they completely changed their management and business model. Since then, they are arguably the most reliable KS bet in miniatures and terrain, consistently delivering ahead of schedule and with exceptional quality.

For example, I backed their "Encounters" KS and it was about 9 months from pledging to having the KS at my door, with no additional shipping charges even though it was in the middle of the shipping crisis a few years ago. 9 months is incredible for miniatures/terrain! By comparison, I backed Reaper 6 about two years ago and we are still months away from delivery, and I backed DF 8 more than a year ago and I don't expect to see anything from that until the fall, at best.

I am very cautious with kickstarters, and I have no qualms recommending this one. Since an admittedly rocky start some years ago, Archon has built a deserved reputation for underpromising and overdelivering.


Last call on this campaign, and with almost 100 stretch goals, and counting, unlocked, the value is incredible. $99 gets you a big set of modular cavern tiles plus all those stretch goals, or for $139 you get that but the caverns are pre-painted. And the deals only get better from there. If you've ever considered trying out 3d terrain to go with your miniatures, I'll doubt you'll ever find better a better deal.

I don't work for D&L, I just honestly think this is remarkable value and want folks to know about it.


New Publisher
Last call on this campaign, and with almost 100 stretch goals, and counting, unlocked, the value is incredible. $99 gets you a big set of modular cavern tiles plus all those stretch goals, or for $139 you get that but the caverns are pre-painted. And the deals only get better from there. If you've ever considered trying out 3d terrain to go with your miniatures, I'll doubt you'll ever find better a better deal.

I don't work for D&L, I just honestly think this is remarkable value and want folks to know about it.
I mean, I might stop playing in person soon, and I'm considering this. It's s great deal.

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