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Men'Thar-Glory to the Dragonknights


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scout989 said:
Unfortunately, the best he could do was "Well, that sure was an interesting day, eh?"

"Very true, friend, very true. Can you see yourself using that sword of yours in future? You always seemed more comfortable with your hands when in close quarters," Getran queried.

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OOC: Kharsin uses a polearm, not a sword (he doesn't even carry one), so I'm just going to insert that in the conversation ;)

IC: Feeling more at ease talking about his training, Kharsin replies "Well, I'm really equally comfortable with my hands or my ranseur. They are there for different situations. As you've probably noticed, though, I'm really most at home with my bow. Something about the way the bowstring trembles under tension, and the arrow seems to want to leap free... they speak to me."

Kharsin blushes slightly, aware that not everyone shares his feelings of mysticism when it comes to the art of war. "So what, exactly, comes next? I mean, I understand that we are Dragonknights now, but I've been so busy training that I haven't paid that much attention to the day-to-day life of a Dragonknight. Do you think it'll be more training? Or will we jump right into doing grand deeds?"


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"We'll be sent where our expertise is most needed, but the less action we see, the better. Times like that mean there isn't anything horrible enough happening to people to warrant our attention, so I hope that I'm just keeping my skills sharp for the majority of my time as a Dragonknight," Getran responds, "But day-to-day life? Mostly training I'd wager. Sir Wyte, how would you describe a Dragonknight's lifestyle?"


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The group of Knights congregates with their comrades, sharing drinks and stories. Waves of laughter erupt through the hall at Getran's jokes, which keep the senior Knights very amused. As the laughter settles down, he looks over to his mentor, Sir Wyte. Wyte was an older, very battle-hardened man, with nerves of mythril and a courage so legendary that the library of the Templars had been named after him.

Getran casually asks "But day-to-day life? Mostly training I'd wager. Sir Wyte, how would you describe a Dragonknight's lifestyle?". Wyte takes a sip of his ale and glances at the men, with a mixture of authority and kindness behind them as he speaks.

"When you began your life as a Dragonsquire, I am sure you all had visions of epic battles, heroic struggles, the kind that bards would scribe into songs for generations to come. These things are part of it, but they are a very small part of it.

The life of a Dragonknight is one of service and duty, duty to Amunia and the Patriarch. We are truely the last line of defense. When something rises amiss, the Army is sent. The Army handles 99 out of 100 conflicts in this nation. 9 out of 10 of that last conflict is the Dragon-Stalkers, who go in emergencies. We are only called in that miniscule 1 tenth of 1 conflict. But that 1 tenth is the most brutal, viscious, heartless battles ever seen by man. A Dragonknight must always train, always improve himself, for when that call of duty is sent, it is certain that it is no drill. You must be ready to sacrifice yourself at a moment's notice. That is the life of a Dragonknight..."

The mood in the chamber got much sadder at Sir Wyte spoke, the temporary break from reality being torn apart as reality came back to them. An awkward silence filled the barracks, as everyone simply stood, silently. Then, a noise filled the room, the sound of the front doors being opened. Everyone looked to see Sir Krisken walk in, decked in his everyday robes. He quickly approached Getran and his allies and spoke, "Greetings Sir Thwaite. I have a request from High Dragonknight Kazhaem for you and your allies to come to his office immediatly. Please follow me." He quickly turned around and began to head for the door.
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Snapping immediately to attention, Kharsin listens to the command to conference with intense concentration. He looks to Getran, waiting for him to lead the way as the one named specifically in the summons.
<I wonder what this could be about? I would hope that there isn't trouble already!> he thinks as he walks out the door.
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Getran nods solemnly, the words of his mentor were heavy in the wisdom of many battles. His becoming a Dragonknight wasn't the end of his tutelage either, as even now he intended to continue to seek Sir Wyte's counsel for as long as it would be offered.

"My thanks, Sir Wyte. A testament to how much I dread having our services called upon," the young Dragonknight explains.

Getran pales as he and his comrades are summoned, but regains his composure somewhat when he considers the unliklihood of being sent on a mission immediately after gaining his rank. He puts his drink to one side.

"Don't worry too much, gentlemen. Likely just congratulations. I'll fetch Even and meet you there," he says, and heads off to the seminary.


Toven paused, he'd been expected to get out into the city to celebrate and already they were being whisked away, "figures... no time for a proper celebration." Following Gerten, he nodded to the other knights who looked on with interest. I wonder what all of this is about? Perhaps as Getran says a congradulations, although such a formal request seems slightly out of line for a mere pat on the back.

Moving forwards, he takes the lead on the way to the High Dragonknight's office.


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As the Dragonknights swiftly follow Sir Krisken, they pass through ancient hallways, vast chambers, and ornate suits of armor. The Barracks were like a massive set of catacombs, with hundreds of rooms, each serving a purpose, be it training rooms or the chamber for a forbidden tome. After what seemed like a pilgrimage through the labryinth, Krisken turned the corner and they came to a dead end, with a black double door that had a Golden Dragon engraved into it. He approached it and gave a firm knock as the call to enter was heard.

Krisken opened the door and let the Knights in. As they passed through the doorway, they found themselves in a medium sized office, filled with oak furniture and military decorations. Swords hung on the wall, suits of armor were lined throughout the chamber, and in the back of the room, a massive, ebony desk. Behind it was a high ebony chair, with a tall, well built man sitting in it. The scars of war were evident upon his person, painted across his face like cracks in the earth. He was adorned in his military robes, as he nodded to Krisken, who promptly left the room. As the door shut, he motioned for the Knights to be at ease.

"Greetings my comrades. I apologize for interrupting your celebration, but as you know, a Dragonknight is always on call." The man stands up and salutes the Dragonknights, as he says, "I am High Dragonknight Kazstead, Commander of the Golden Dragonknights of Amun."

Kazstead sits back down and a stern look appears on his face, showing the shift from formality to duty. "Let me explain why you have been called."

"As you are all aware, one of the Ministry of Domestic Affairs duties is to make sure each town of at least 1,000 is operating smoothly and nothing is afoul twice a year. The people who handle these visits are known as Magistrates. Four weeks ago, Magistrate Bal'khozam was sent to the mining town of Greenwahl to make sure everything was alright there. A town of about 5,000, it is a fairly important mining town, and supplies the Army with a good deal of steel. A week passed, and nothing was heard from him. Suspecting he may have been attacked by Goblin bandits or something of the sort, Captain Kerix sent four regulars to investigate. A week passed again, and no reply was heard from either. Knowing something was definitly afoul, Kyerin Starshader, a member of the Dragon-Stalkers was secretly sent to investigate, knowing she could track down anything alive, or dead. And as before, a week later, there was no reply.

By this time, the Army, the Ministry, and the Dragon-Stalkers were in an uproar. They had all lost good people, the Stalkers in particular. Starshader was an extremely lethal elf from Gahalamear who had joined the Stalkers as a token of allegiance from the Elves. To lose her was something terrible, so I was forced to act. I sent my best Dragonknight, Sir Dormon to fly to Greenwahl and figure exactly what was happening to these people. And to the horror of the entire Kingdom, it has been a week, and he has yet to return."

Kazstead shifted in his chair as he placed his hands on the table, looking very sternly at Getran. "Now, when we lose other members of this Military, it troubles me, deeply. But when I lose a Dragonknight, it hits me like nothing else could. To me, each and every Dragonknight is like a priceless diamond, something that when lost, you cannot just let go. I would ask of your and your four comrades, Getran, to fly to Greenwahl, and rescue Sir Dormon. He is a hero of the Kingdom, and was the leader of the last assault on Skelandgrief. We cannot afford to lose him. Sir Krisken will also accompany you, just so you have some experience on your sides. Knights, this will be your first mission, but I trust in the outstanding capabilities you all have demonstrated thus far. Give em hell."


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Kharsin listened with mounting horror to the toll of experienced soldiers lost so far. However, taking an iron control over his thoughts, he quickly asked the question that had occured to him, before they were ushered out: "Sir, a question, if I may. Do we have any definite knowledge that these men reached Greenwahl? Or must we search the path to the city as well?"


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Getran was awed by the way in which events progressed in regards to the situation. With the possible loss of a single Dragonknight at risk, it was as though a hornets' nest had been disturbed, and now five Dragonknights were being sent to locate their missing colleague. Whoever was responsible for what was happening would surely think twice if they were aware of the reaction that was in motion. Then again, to effectively deal with one of the most experienced Dragonknights in service would give someone the confidence to take down almost anything.

DralonXitz said:
"I would ask of your and your four comrades, Getran, to fly to Greenwahl, and rescue Sir Dormon. He is a hero of the Kingdom, and was the leader of the last assault on Skelandgrief. We cannot afford to lose him. Sir Krisken will also accompany you, just so you have some experience on your sides. Knights, this will be your first mission, but I trust in the outstanding capabilities you all have demonstrated thus far. Give em hell."

Getran gave a sharp salute, "Yes, sir."

Kharsin was right on the money with his question. At a guess, Getran assumed each missing party had taken a different approach to the town, but knowing for certain was far superior to assumptions.

Getran was a little shamed at having incorrectly determined the reason for their summons. It was surprising at how quickly they were being placed into action after officially becoming Dragonknights, but he had the nagging feeling that this was just an omen of the challenges to come.
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