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[M+M] Amalgam Campaign Ideas-need help!


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Me and a couple friends will be running a short Mutants and Masterminds game inspired by the Marvel/DC Amalgam comics imprint of the 90s.

Basically, we will each be taking 1 hero from Marvel and 1 from DC, mixing them together to taste, and taking turns running team-up scenarios while the third member of the group comes up with the villains and plot.

The PCs (I think):
Flashfire (Human Torch/The Flash)
Green Goliath (Hulk/Green Lantern)
Spirit of '76 (Captain America/The Specter)

[sblock]Other discarded ideas: Thunderman (Thor/Superman), Iron B.A.T (Ironman/Batman), Bat-devil (Daredevil/Batman), Nightmare (Nightcrawler/Sandman), American Eagle (Captain America/Hawkman)[/sblock]

I will be running adventures for the team-up of Flashfire and Green Goliath.

Any ideas for amalgamations of Marvel and DC villains/the plots they would use which would resonate with both of these heroes?

I know that Flash and Green Lantern frequently teamed up over the years. Who did they fight against?

About me: [sblock]My DC comic-fu is pretty weak, and my Marvel-fu is mighty in the Ultimate comics, and moderate everywhere else. We like to break away from amalgamations that appeared in the comics, and also like for there to be some kind of unifying feature of the two heroes (Human Torch and the Flash are both red, Hulk and Green Lantern are both green, Captain America and The Specter are both old-school golden age heroes).[/sblock]

My current idea is is something with Sinestro and The Leader (unifying feature: The Moustache!) as a great foil to Green Goliath.

I am also sure that some kind of Galactus/Silver Surfer scenario (Traditional villain of the Fantastic Four) could mesh well with some interstellar Green Lantern foes.


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GL and Flash fought Black Hand and Mirror Master, then Captain Cold and Heat Wave in The Brave and Bold. Otherwise, they've only really teamed up in JLA and the big crossover events (most recently Blackest Night).

Hector Hammond and Leader are pretty similar, but that defeats the purpose of the amalgam, I suppose.

Anti-Monitor/Galactus combo would make a good "cosmic threat". Skrull/Manhunter (shapeshifting robots!) would be another.

Not sure about plots, though. Even the Amalgam writers had trouble with that, as the quality of the books shows....


Staff member
Not 100% sure what you're looking for, but here are some character ideas:
Hero Ideas:

ThunderHawk (Native American combo of Thor/Hawkman), a shamanistic shapechanger who becomes a lightning-slinging gigantic bird-man to fight crime.

Piscator the Starhunter (a combo of Namor/Martian Manhunter) the last prince of a water-world, sold into slavery as a gladiator. He won his freedom, but now he wanders the stars in hopes of finding an ally to free his people.

Villain Ideas:

Magnetar (combination of Magneto/Metallo)- A humanoind alien who uses super-magnetic neutron-star material to power his cybernetics...and gives him amazing control over magnetic fields

Dr. Zeus (combo of Gorilla Grodd and Dr. Doom), a hyperintelligent great ape who has mastered electrical energy weapons of all kinds.

And example of this kind of PC can be found here: Post #24. Mine is more a combo of Dr. Zaius (from Planet of the Apes), Mojo Jojo, Monsieur Mallah & The Brain, Gorilla Grodd & an extrapolation of the inventions of Nicola Tesla, but you get the idea.

Doomthane, the Herald of Oblivion (Despero/Terrax the Tamer) the 3-eyed being who is the scout/shock trooper for Omega (Darkseid/Thanos)

Blitzwolf (Baroness Blitzkrieg/Wendigo), a cannibalistic neo-Nazi who was possessed by evil manitou...a brutal shapechanger with superhuman powers, some from her genetically altered super-soldier father, some from the possessing supernatural beast within her

Mr. Kyllz (Mr. Mxyzptlk/Taskmaster), the ultimate interdimensional mercenary and assassin, and he's completely insane. Someone's going to die, and be embarrassed in the process.



Dr. Zeus (my version) wanted to elevate the entire animal kingdom to the same status as humanity, in terms of intellect, and failing that, destroying humanity to free all animals. Subject to his rule, of course.

Blitzwolf is a crazed killer, dominated by both her abhorrent political philosophies and her otherworldly bloodlust.

Magnetar is a typical megalomaniac.

Doomthane is here to soften up the planet for his master's whims.

Mr. Kyllz is either here to assassinate someone in particular...or he's just here for training...or just a little R&R. Regardless, he's here to kill.
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Staff member
Some more villains

Solomon Samson (Solomon Grundy/Doc Samson), a brilliant physicist and weapons designer who was kidnapped a month before his newest bomb design was tested. He refused to give up his secrets, even when tortured, so he was killed and dumped in the swamp on the bomb's test site. He rose from the dead, a gamma-ray powered zombie...

Doomzoom (Professor Zoom/Doctor Doom), a weapons designer who has created a suit of powered armor that increases his speed to superhuman levels, also incorporating a few extra secret weapons as well.

Psychotic Jim

First Post
My current idea is is something with Sinestro and The Leader (unifying feature: The Moustache!) as a great foil to Green Goliath.

I am also sure that some kind of Galactus/Silver Surfer scenario (Traditional villain of the Fantastic Four) could mesh well with some interstellar Green Lantern foes.


I see is that you've got something of an imbalance between your Flash and Green Lantern enemies there. So I'd try to put in some amalgam Flash enemies there too.

Now, I'm neither a Flash or a Green Lantern expert, but http://www.comicvine.com/ has character listings complete with enemies and allies.

Sineg as you brought up a Galactus/Silver Surfer point of reference, the only villain that seems to correspond to a "cosmic predator" type thing is Black Flash This guy represents a destructive/death aspect of the Speed Force, the source of the Flash's power.

If you wanted to link this guy more officially to a more cosmic threat that approach's Galactus' Herald's relationship, there are the Black Lantern Corps which have apparently menaced the entire DCU as of late. Think of like Marvel Zombies but with power rings. They're headed by Nekron apparently an embodiment of death that gains power when dead souls pass into his realm.

Other useful websites for villain as categorized by hero: Rapsheet
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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