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RPG Print News – Legendary Games, Cubicle 7, Mongoose, and More

A new sword and sorcery RPGs uses the rules of Castles & Crusades as a base. Dungeons & Dragons gets a new setting, a book of magic items, a book of spells, and a setting poster map. Warhammer FRPG gets a monster book, Traveller gets support for the Third Imperium and 2300AD, and superhero minis in mint condition are available for Marvel Super Heroes (TSR).

A new sword and sorcery RPGs uses the rules of Castles & Crusades as a base. Dungeons & Dragons gets a new setting, a book of magic items, a book of spells, and a setting poster map. Warhammer FRPG gets a monster book, Traveller gets support for the Third Imperium and 2300AD, and superhero minis in mint condition are available for Marvel Super Heroes (TSR).

RPG Print News covers new RPG releases and some classics, reprints, and sales available from retailers. It does not cover products that are only available directly to customers through kickstarter or as print on demand.

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Swords & Chaos by Blackspire Fantasy
  • SYSTEM: Castles & Crusades
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover core rulebook
  • RETAIL PRICE: $59.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Powered by the SIEGE Engine, a d20-based system originally developed by Troll Lord Games. Blended into this system are mechanics which ever so slightly modernize the experience. Included are rules for character generation, 120 spells, over 200 enemies, monsters, and beasts, a robust Game Master section, and a gazetteer of The Earth as it Was Known During its Forgotten Age: a sword & sorcery setting. PCs play larger-than-life-heroes like a tight-lipped assassin, a grim and brutal barbarian, an unrelenting fighter, a proud knight, a world-weary ranger, a wicked rogue, or a black-hearted sorcerer. The PCs face unspeakable horrors and unrelenting action in a n antediluvian world of riches and wickedness. Inspired by the works authors like Robert E Howard, Michael Moorcock, Fritz Leiber, and others.
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Boricubos - Latin American Monsters & Adventures (Deluxe Edition) by Legendary Games
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover deluxe campaign setting
  • RETAIL PRICE: $79.99
  • DESCRIPTION: Boricubos is an archipelago of cultures rooted in the myths and legends of the Taino and Arawak peoples of Puerto Rico and the Caribbean. Includes seven playable races including the anabagua flower-folk, the volcanic wolakan, the mercenary iguaca parrotfolk, and the hurakan living storm scions. Plus, nearly 40 new archetypes and class options, dozens of new spells, weapons and armor, feats, and magic items. Also has a divine spirit-master and cousin to the warlock, the shaman class with dozens of spirit bindings and boons. Has adventure hooks, cultural information and history, and three introductory adventures. Wraps up with over 120 creatures from ahuizotl to zuvembie. In addition to real creatures like the anaconda and jaguar there are also monsters like the divine messenger called the xiuh couatl and living engines of destruction like the chupacabra.
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The Imperial Zoo by Cubicle 7
  • SYSTEM: Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (4th Edition)
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover monster book
  • RETAIL PRICE: $39.99
  • DESCRIPTION: A bestiary and travelogue of three daring expeditions into the Old World, ranging from the heights of Karak Kadrin to the city of Miragliano in the southern land of Tilea. Includes over 60 unique creatures, beasts and monsters from the unusual but lethal Preyton to the devastating dragon Caledir called the Scythe of Fire, along with new creature traits. Includes six pregenerated characters along with rules for preserving and selling alchemical ingredients harvested from creatures especially those touched by the winds of magic, and a quick reference chart of creature traits.
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The Third Imperium | 2300AD RPG: Aerospace Engineers' Handbook by Mongoose Publishing
  • SYSTEM: Traveller (Mongoose 2E) for both/2300AD Box Set
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplements
  • RETAIL PRICE: $49.99 each
  • DESCRIPTION: The Third Imperium is the greatest interstellar empire in the history of Charted Space and it is at a crossroads. Despite all of its grand achievements, the Imperium has a dark side. It has committed genocide and its leaders have assassinated and murdered each other in battle to obtain the throne. The choices the Travellers (players characters) make may well determine whether it survives or crumbles. The Travellers seek fame, fortune and adventure in the Core sector, the ancient center of human civilization, where dreams are made and broken. Includes: a poster map of the Core sector, detailed descriptions of the people and the powers of the Third Imperium. The complete history of the Third Imperium, The Core sector, playable human and alien races, world descriptions for all 16 subsectors, starships, vehicles, weapons, armor, and gear. The Aerospace Engineers' Handbook covers the art and science of designing spacecraft and starships from sleek surface-to-orbit craft to lumbering bulk carriers. The stutterwarp drive provides the key to interstellar travel. The most difficult part remains escaping a planetary gravity well. Provides rules to design not just the ships of human space, but also the vessels of the alien Kaefers, Pentapods, and Sung along with the design of drones, space stations, and alternative means of achieving orbit. Also has information on those living in space, along with the major space powers and their fleets. Contains a selection of drones and ships along with advanced rules for spacecraft combat.
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Tome of Treasures | Midderlands Promo Map by Frog God Games
  • SYSTEM: Dungeons & Dragons 5th Editions
  • PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover supplement/poster map
  • RETAIL PRICE: $35/$4.95
  • DESCRIPTION: Tome of Treasures includes nearly 700 treasures ready to use individually or mixed into a huge number of combinations. Treasures for the lowliest of pickpockets and brawlers to the most resplendent kings and queens. Includes weapons and walking sticks, elaborate jewelry and wooden buttons, carved boxes with secret compartments, rare ivory and iron pots, statuettes, royal robes, belts, antique coins, and armor. The Midderlands Promo Map depicts a land of green-hued, dark-fantasy, late-Middle Ages, early Renaissance viewed through grime-smeared glasses. Landlocked, the setting is based on an area in the middle of England called The Midlands. Many of the locations are loosely based on reality, but others are pure fantasy from an addled mind.
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Incantations by Metal Weave Games

Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition

PRODUCT TYPE: hardcover spell supplement


DESCRIPTION: A book of spells crafted to give players and GMs powerful narrative tools and game state changing capabilities like making ships fly, turning stealth attempts into memory conundrums, or creating an assistant for the caster.

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Blast from the Past!​

Marvel Super Heroes Set #1 - Marvel Super Heroes by TSR
  • SYSTEM: Marvel Super Heroes (TSR)
  • PRODUCT TYPE: unpainted metal miniatures
  • RETAIL PRICE: $69.95
  • DESCRIPTION: A blast from the past of 1984 but in mint condition. Set contains Captain America, Dr. Octopus, Hulk, Thor, Mr. Fantastic, Captain Marvel, Human Torch, The Scorpion, Spider Man, Thing, Radioactive Man, and Dr. Doom.

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Charles Dunwoody

Charles Dunwoody

I have Incantations. What's noteworthy about it is that it's intended to not be combat magic, but magic more like one sees in fiction, where it takes a long time (and may not be cast by traditional spellcasters) and can do all sorts of other stuff. Not for everyone, but a great toolset for those whose games aren't as focused on combat as others may be.
Is the interior art anywhere near as good as the lovely cover? The PDF ain't cheap but the subject matter + the cover means that like, 20 years ago, I'd have bought it instantly, and if it has good interior art, I probably will get it.

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