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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] The Haven


The Staking

The group sets to the gruesome task at hand. The staking of Sampson goes without incident, with Jonas actually striking the fatal blow and Jeremiah holding him down just in case. However, Evelyn proves to be a bit more harrowing. After Jonas lines up the fatal shot, her eyes flicker open and clawed hands grab onto both Jonas and Jeremiah, trying to rip herself free. However, despite the normal inhuman strength of a vampire, he is unable to wrest herself from impending doom, and Jonas pounds the makeshift stake into her with one fell blow. Jeremiah holds on for all he's worth as she screams, thrashes and generally bleeds all over, but it is as brief as it was sudden. As both Thuvian and Pirvinia begin to respond, she gasps her last and begins to shrivel up, obviously destroyed. No spells are required to send her on her way.

Once Evelyn has stopped thrashing, in a strangely tender moment, Jeremiah leans down and kisses her briefly on the forehead. Those that are close (Jonas, Pirvinia) can her him get out the words, "I'm sorry." Immediately after, his body immediately begins disintegrating, corporeal flesh falling off some sort of strange, blue, luminescent body underneath. He looks at what is happening, and speaks, quite clearly, "My mind clears... I don't feel the rage, hate... obsession." He pauses a moment, and you realize, as what is left of his physical body filters down to the floor as little more than dust and his falchion clatters quite loudly, he is already beginning to fade. A look of urgency crosses his translucent facial features, and he speaks quickly, "Evelyn's book on induced vampirism--find it, destroy it, and her journal. Don't let..."

If Jeremiah had much more to say, it's hard to say, it happened so fast. However, he faded from existence before he could even finish his words. However, it is immediately obvious that you are standing in the middle of a treasure trove of goods and historical documents. A little searching reveals quite a bit of gold coin, a number of obviously valuable weapons and armor on the bodies of the undead (or laying on the floor, in the case of Jeremiah's falchion), quite a few books of obvious historical worth that justify your employer's reason for sending you here and, with a bit of effort to find, a small satchel containing a book entitled 'Nosferatu: How it Starts, How it Propagates Through Populations' and what is obviously a personal journal.

A very quick perusal of the book on vampirism reveals heavy reading, taking notes in the margins, and rereading of the sections on how vampires originally come into being. Then, in the journal, which is attributed to Evelyn, she documents her experiments on recreating the curse upon herself, each attempt, and each failure. Then, in plain language, she has success and it is spelled out exactly how to do it. With this formula, and some expense, vampires can be easily manufactured. Any sane appraisal ranks these two books as more valuable than the rest of the treasure combined, and far more dangerous. (As an aside, you pick up from the journal that Evelyn was Jeremiah's wife, and she was using his affluent position within the Haven to conduct her research.)

[sblock=Notes]I didn't want to steal Jonas' moment, but felt we need to move on. So, that's pretty much it. It's just a matter of what you want to do. I have my suspicions but don't want to put words in your character's mouths.

Your calculated rewards remain the same whether your keep the books on vamprism, turn them over to Darvin Hurella, or destroy them. Or, some option I haven't thought of, but those are the primary three that come to mind. So you're free to do whatever you think appropriate.

Any weapons you keep will be distinctive, and you can brag about them being of ancient construction and actually be honest about it. And Samad's bow, obviously, is an artifact that he can scale to suit his needs. Depending on how the group handles the texts and artifacts of Karran, we might have some changes on that, or perhaps not. It's not immediately obvious if Karran exists any more.

Evelyn was originally supposed to be the big boss of the dungeon, but we're tidying things up quickly. Sorry about that. So just hash out what you're doing, and I'll write the epilogue.[/sblock]
[sblock=Loot]Jeremiah's Stuff: Falchion +2 (8375gp)
Sampson's Stuff: Ring of Protection +2 (8000gp)
Evelyn's Stuff: Scimitar +2 (8315gp), Ring of Protection +1 (2000gp), Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000gp), Heavy Shield +2 (4170gp)
Skeletons' Stuff: 4 masterwork longswords
and from before:
Dead corpse's stuff: Mithral Chain Shirt +2 (5100gp)
Entry room: Several other ancient weapons[/sblock]

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Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia looked at the two items and said, “I presume that is what our employer would like to come down here to retrieve. Darvin had not been specific, but I can understand now why he could not risk coming down here to explore by himself. We should destroy both things, and let him search through the rest to his heart's content. The world does not need more vampires.”

[sblock=Actions]Nothing special[/sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+9, Perception: +10 (12 with Far'ziel)
AC: 17 (21 w/ Mage Armor) (Touch 14, Flat-footed 14)-> 22 with Mage Armor
56 Current: 56
CMD: 16, Fort: +7, Ref: +8, Will: +9
Conditions in Effect: Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot, Ring of Sustenance, Mage Armor, Darkvision, Haste

Weapon in Hand: Alchemist's Fire Flask
Spells Remaining: 1st Level: 6/8, 2nd Level: 5/8, 3rd Level 6/8, 4th Level 5/5

+6 Senses: darkvision; Perception: +12
AC: 26 (Touch 15, flat-footed 22) -> 31 with Mage Armor
28 Current: 22
Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +6
Conditions in effect: Improved Evasion, Empathic Link, Mage Armor, Immune Fire, Vulnerable to Cold, DR5/Magic
SLAs: 1x/Hour--Scorching Ray [Att: +7, dmg: 4d6],
1/day--heat metal (DC 14), summon (level 2, 1 fire mephit 25%)
Weapon in Hand: 2 Claws [Att: +6, dmg: 1d3+1]
Special Attack: Breath Weapon (15-ft cone, 1d8 fire, DC13 half, every 4 rounds)

Combat Trained Light Horse
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, Scent; Perception: +6
AC: 13 (Touch 9, flat-footed 13)
HP: 15 Current: 15
Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +1
Conditions in effect: War-trained, 50ft movement
Weapon in Hand: 2 Hooves [Att: +3, dmg: 1d4+3][/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Jonas watches impassively as the undead disintegrate into their component parts and disappear. He is scarcely breathing hard from the effort of the stakings, though the hard work on Evelyn was done by those holding her down. He listens attentively as Jeremiah speaks his last, and whispers a benediction as the ancient man fades to his crossing.

The huge half-orc nods decisively as Privinia speaks her thoughts. "I quite agree, Privinia... The man has something of a slimy feel to him, and I mistrust to what use he would choose to put these two texts. I vote we destroy them, and let him rummage through the rest."

[sblock=Actions/Rolls/OOC]Yikes! Sorry about that - I read Privinia's encouragement to stake them and totally meant to respond later that day, but then promptly forgot about it as I sank into my work.[/sblock]
[sblock=Mini Stats]
Jonas Psalter

Initiative: +04
AC: 21 (14 Touch, 19 Flat-Footed)
HP: 43/76
Senses: DarkVision (60’) Perception: +15
CMB: +09 CMD: 23 (+11/25 vs. Trip)
Fort: +09 Reflex: +04 Will: +07

Special Abilities
Judgement: 01/02 Uses Remaining
Bane: 09/09 Rounds Remaining
Discern Lies: 06/06 Rounds Remaining

Orisons: At-Will
-------Create Water, Detect Magic, Disrupt
----------Undead, Guidance, Sift, Stabilize
Level 01: 05/05 Remaining
-------Command, Divine Favor, Ear Piercing
----------Scream, Wrath
Level 02: 04/04 Remaining
-------Blistering Invective, Restoration (Lesser),
----------See Invisibility, Stricken Heart


Thuvian nods quietly as he ponders the scene before him. "I agree with the destruction of those notes. As much as there is probably some useful information in those books, there are some things that best left in the shadows of human knowledge where the human heart cannot see them. As for the rest, the religious books will need to be copied and made accessible to the clergy, but otherwise our employer is probably as qualified as anyone to study them."

[sblock=Thuvian Darklight]
AC: 15 (Touch 13, Flatfooted 12) +4 AC from Mage Armor
HP: 37/37 Initiative: +3
Perception : +6 Sense Motive: +1
CMB: +3 CMD: 16
Fort: +3 Reflex: +5 Will: +6
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Place: Mage Armor, Protection From Evil

Current Conditions: Mage Armor

CL 7; +11 Concentration (+15 Casting Defensively); SR +7
Extended Illusion (3 rounds beyond concentration)
1st level Sapphire of Power - used
+4 to Spellcraft DC to identify spells cast by Thuvian

Darkness 1/1; CL 7

Cantrips - Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand
1st - Mage Armor (x), Protection from Evil (2)(xx), Vanish (2), Ventriloquism
2nd - Create Pit, Mirror Image, Spider Climb (2)
3rd - Fly, Major Image (2), Summon Monster III (x)
4th - Shadow Conjuration (2)(x), Stone Shape[/sblock]


First Post
Samad set Tsaaruck down into one of the chairs, before whispering a prayer for Jeremiah, "Peace be upon you, friend."

He spoke up, "Not that I don't agree that evil should be quashed wherever it lay its seed, but, what if the text there could also outline a means to counteract or cure the curse? If it can be made, can it not also be made broken?"

[sblock=ooc]I'm back, thanks for covering for me![/sblock]


Amid the developing conversation, you can hear the voice of Darvin Hurella calling for you. From the echo, you would not be surprised he is all the way back at the entrance, yelling into The Haven. Sound certainly does carry in this place.

Tsaaruck seems too tired to engage in the issue of the books. Any eyes falling on him are met with a simple nod, indicating assent to whatever the rest of the group feels is appropriate.

[sblock=Consensus?]Unless Samad's words change any minds, you all destroy the book and the journal, copy the holy books of Karran, then cut your employer loose on the rest?[/sblock]


Pirvinia von Lichenstein, Human Female


Pirvinia gave Samad’s words some serious consideration. “That is an interesting idea, Samad. Sure, I would not want the power of the knowledge to be in anyone’s hands that would abuse it. But throwing away knowledge that could help people has merit too.”

“Mayhap the church of Helerion would pay handsomely for it.”

[sblock=Actions]Nothing special[/sblock][sblock=Mini-stats]Privinia von Lichenstein
+9, Perception: +10 (12 with Far'ziel)
AC: 17 (21 w/ Mage Armor) (Touch 14, Flat-footed 14)-> 22 with Mage Armor
56 Current: 56
CMD: 16, Fort: +7, Ref: +8, Will: +9
Conditions in Effect: Eschew Materials, PBS, Precise Shot, Ring of Sustenance, Mage Armor, Darkvision, Haste

Weapon in Hand: Alchemist's Fire Flask
Spells Remaining: 1st Level: 6/8, 2nd Level: 5/8, 3rd Level 6/8, 4th Level 5/5

+6 Senses: darkvision; Perception: +12
AC: 26 (Touch 15, flat-footed 22) -> 31 with Mage Armor
28 Current: 22
Fort: +4, Ref: +5, Will: +6
Conditions in effect: Improved Evasion, Empathic Link, Mage Armor, Immune Fire, Vulnerable to Cold, DR5/Magic
SLAs: 1x/Hour--Scorching Ray [Att: +7, dmg: 4d6],
1/day--heat metal (DC 14), summon (level 2, 1 fire mephit 25%)
Weapon in Hand: 2 Claws [Att: +6, dmg: 1d3+1]
Special Attack: Breath Weapon (15-ft cone, 1d8 fire, DC13 half, every 4 rounds)

Combat Trained Light Horse
Initiative: +2 Senses: low-light vision, Scent; Perception: +6
AC: 13 (Touch 9, flat-footed 13)
HP: 15 Current: 15
Fort: +6, Ref: +5, Will: +1
Conditions in effect: War-trained, 50ft movement
Weapon in Hand: 2 Hooves [Att: +3, dmg: 1d4+3][/sblock]


First Post
Samad scratched his chin, "I'm not sure I've heard of this congregation. It wouldn't be perfect, for I know how the wills of even the most mighty lords can be subverted, but perhaps a noble church would remain the best option. I do agree that our employer or a devotee of knowledge might be too tempted to misuse it, even with the best intentions."


Thuvian shrugs before continuing to glance through the papers in the room. "It's tempting fate, but I suppose that hope is the one trait of humanity that cannot be snuffed out, even in this ancient place. If you wish to give these books to the church, I will not get in the way. Maybe they will even cough some useful coin. You should respond to our employer sooner rather than later, though. He may try to do something stupid if you don't."

[sblock=Thuvian Darklight]
AC: 15 (Touch 13, Flatfooted 12) +4 AC from Mage Armor
HP: 37/37 Initiative: +3
Perception : +6 Sense Motive: +1
CMB: +3 CMD: 16
Fort: +3 Reflex: +5 Will: +6
Current Weapon in Hand:
Current Conditions in Place: Mage Armor, Protection From Evil

Current Conditions: Mage Armor

CL 7; +11 Concentration (+15 Casting Defensively); SR +7
Extended Illusion (3 rounds beyond concentration)
1st level Sapphire of Power - used
+4 to Spellcraft DC to identify spells cast by Thuvian

Darkness 1/1; CL 7

Cantrips - Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mage Hand
1st - Mage Armor (x), Protection from Evil (2)(xx), Vanish (2), Ventriloquism
2nd - Create Pit, Mirror Image, Spider Climb (2)
3rd - Fly, Major Image (2), Summon Monster III (x)
4th - Shadow Conjuration (2)(x), Stone Shape[/sblock]


With that, you take possession of the book on vampirism and the journal of the head vampire. Eventually, your employer, Darvin Hurella, is escorted into The Haven, and although interested in the wealth of information available, he is clearly looking for something as well. His guard, Jericho, seems to not care one way or another, only showing interest in the man's safety. However, an off chuckle at Darvin's disappointment shows some level of involvement, for better or worse.

The acolytes at the Church of Helerion initially tell you none of the church elders are available for discussion. However, upon hearing your story and seeing you possess tangible evidence backing it up, they immediately make sure you get to talk to several of the elders without any delay. Funny how that works. In short order, the Church lines your pockets with gold and takes possession of your findings.

The holy tomes of Karran add to the body of knowledge about a deity that previously had only been mentioned in passing in other sources. Thanks to your effort, Karran advances from one of the least known ancient gods to one of the best understood. Perhaps new worshipers might even be found, much remains to be seen. For now, Samad carries the only known magical artifact of this ancient one, bringing a bit of divine power to reality with each arrow released from the weapon.

The End

[sblock=Experience and World Effects]I'll do the math here soon. I'll offer Karran as a proposal for inclusion as a potentially real deity. Not sure how to approach that yet.[/sblock]

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