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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Rodents of Unusual Size pt 4


GM: Aura
Judge: perrinmiller
Start Date: March 27, 2016

Honored Participants (Initial level / xp) player:
Weylyn (Aasimar Bloodrager-10 / 71408) Mowgli
Menik (Elf Wizard-10 / 77712) kinem
Lem (Halfling Monk-10 / 77712) Deuce Traveler

GM Expectations/Rules/Whatnot (stuff you may well already know, but presented here anyway):
(1) I try to be a supportive GM and hope everyone will have fun. My message box is open if you need to contact me privately.
(2) I like the coyotecode.net die roller best for it's most direct roll history function (assuming you use the same name every time). I will probably make my own life easier with just good 'ol physical dice.
(3) We're doing group initiative using average initiative value, which means that once your team has the initiative, actions can be resolved in whatever order people post. Those on the losing team (initiative-wise) side, with above team average initiative scores, might be awarded (a pre-initiative action if their individual value beats the entire winning team.
(4) Players are encouraged to at least check on the game on a daily basis. When real life makes posting that difficult or impossible, please leave AFK messages if possible.
(5) Please include a Mini Stats sblock with every post that has some sort of mechanical effect, from combat to skill rolls. Included is an example MiniStats for my character, Charity. Customize to taste:
[sblock=Example MiniStats][sblock=Charity Mini Stats][URL="http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Charity_%28Aura%29"][B][COLOR=#0066cc]Charity[/COLOR][/B][/URL]
[COLOR=blue]AC:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]17 (16 flat-footed, 11 touch)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]HP:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]23/23[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]CMB:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+4[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]CMD:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]15[/COLOR]

[COLOR=blue]Fort:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+7[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Reflex:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+5[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Will:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+7[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Perception:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+7[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Sense Motive:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+6[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Initiative:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+1[/COLOR]

[COLOR=blue]Lay on Hands remaining:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]4/4[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Smite remaining:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]1/1[/COLOR]

[COLOR=blue]Current Weapon in Hand:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]Glaive[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Current Conditions in Effect:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]Ioun Torch[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Temporary items in possession:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]none[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Items not currently in possession:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]Silk Rope[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Items depleted:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]none[/COLOR][/sblock]
[/sblock](6) I may make some rolls for you, such as perception checks, saving throws, opportunity attacks, etc, to move the adventure along smoothly. If you anticipate needing a roll (say you suspect an opponent will move in such a way as to provoke your attack of opportunity) you *may* 'preroll' it, however, put the actual roll/damage in a spoiler block. I will only open it if the AoO was triggered.
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Assumption: The number of characters xp/gp is divided over is 4 (the 3 PC’s plus Jacobson). Any additional White Cloak participation is either trivial (cave battle) or counterbalanced by matched boggards (land-bridge battle). Gold is handled by the original agreement, namely that Jacobson and her entourage all count as one share.

Encounter 1: Land Bridge Battle
Encounter Difficulty = CR 11
Budget = 12800xp
- 3 Wardens, CR 7 (3200xp ea x 3 = 9600xp)
- 4 Croakers, CR 3 (800xp ea x 4 = 3200xp)
Party: Menik (L10), Lem (L10), Weylyn (L10), Jacobson (L9)
Average level = 10, #Characters = 4, APL = 10
XP Award = 3200xp ea
Gold Award = 10500 calculated - 0 lost - 4900 deferred = 5600 awarded (1400 each)
Award Date = 9/15/16 (estimated)

Encounter 2: Cave Battle
Encounter Difficulty = CR 12
Budget: 19200xp
- 4 Level 9 NPCs, CR 8 (4800xp ea x 4 = 19200)
Party: Menik (L11), Lem (L11), Weylyn (L11), Jacobson (L9)
Average level = 11, #Characters = 4, APL = 11
XP Award = 4800xp ea
Gold Award = 13500 calculate - 0 lost + 4900 Enc1 = 18400 awarded (4600 each)
Award Date = 1/11/17

Loot Dispensed
Encounter 1:
- 3x Hide Armor +1 (1165gp ea)
- 3x Masterwork Handaxe (306gp ea)
- 3x Masterwork Trident (315gp ea)
Encounter 2:
- Mithral Breastplate (4300 gp)
- 2x Heavy Steel Shield +1 (1170 gp)
- 2x Longsword +1 (2315 gp)
- Dagger +1 Agile Weapon (8302 gp)
- Mithral Chain Shirt +1 (2100 gp)
- Lesser Metamagic Rod: Silent Spell (3000gp)
- Silk Ceremonial Armor +1 (1180 gp)
- Cloak of Resistance +1 (1000 gp)
- Full Plate Armor +1 (2650gp)
(Note: Encounter 2 is over the awarded amount in items alone, but there is enough TBG to make up for it, easily. Error happened due to shortening adventure and not being able to defer value from the other planned encounter.)

Personal Awards (xp/gp, level up dates in Green)
Menik (Kinem):
77712/0 (3/27/16 - initial)
[+27448/16206,146d@L10] (8/19/16)
105160/16206 (8/19/16)
[+5994/3888,27d@L11] (9/15/16)
[+3200/1400,Enc1] (9/15/16)
[+4800/4600,Enc2] (1/11/17)
145350/43086 (1/11/17)
[+11552/5696,32d@L12] (2/12/17)
156902/48782 (2/12/17 - final)

Lem (Deuce Traveler):
77712/0 (3/27/16 - initial)
[+27448/16206,146d@L10] (8/19/16)
105160/16206 (8/19/16)
[+5994/3888,27d@L11] (9/15/16)
[+3200/1400,Enc1] (9/15/16)
[+4800/4600,Enc2] (1/11/17)
145350/43086 (1/11/17)
[+11552/5696,32d@L12] (2/12/17)
156902/48782 (2/12/17 - final)

Weylyn (Mowgli):
71408/0 (3/27/16 - initial)
[+32524/19203,173d@L10] (9/15/16)
[+3200/1400,Enc1] (9/15/16)
107132/20603 (9/15/16)
[+26196/16992,118d@L11] (9/15/16)
[+4800/4600,Enc2] (1/11/17)
[+6882/4464,31d@L11] (2/11/17)
145010/46659 (9/15/16)
[+361/178,1d@L12] (2/12/17)
145371/46837 (2/12/17 - final)

DM Award: 323 days x 0.07 DMC/day = 22.61 DMC
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Commander Jacobson
Jacobson, a White Cloak commander, turns her attention to the three adventurers before her, "Yes, you will do, and I see few other likely candidates. Each of you will receive a share of the looting, with my troupe constituting the last share. And you will be paid a grade based wage in accordance with your skills. I'm guessing a bit on Weylyn, but the dynamic duo here are already known to me. It is just the first time we have met." She stops speaking, and after a pregnant pause, offers, "I try to keep my ear to the ground when it comes to the community. Anyway, let us be going, time is short and I don't want to lose the initiative. Just ask questions as we walk." With that, the commander turns for the door, cloak fluttering almost dramatically as she leads her new compatriots out of the Inn. Once out of the Inn, she promptly turns to Venza's main entrance...


Menik considers for a moment.

The elven wizard tells her "Then I'm afraid you have me at an advantage, Commander ... ? You have probably heard that we assisted the Whitecloaks in the matter of the Children of the Mud, though the effectiveness of your ears continues to impress me.

One-fifty pounds? I never heard of rats of that size!

I must admit, I know little of boggards. I am used to fighting undead and other monsters, not humanoid tribes.

What is the reason for the conflict? Is our mission more to just take the device, by stealth if possible, or is it an all out attack? I just think it would be a good idea to have some background information before raining fire on a humanoid camp.

Also, how many Whitecloaks will be with us, and what forces will we face?"
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Deuce Traveler

Lem can barely believe what he is hearing. "Rats the size of a skinny human male? I don't even want to know what the beasties must be eating to get so big. Of course we will need to handle this with the kind of assault that will leave no giant rat remaining. The future of chef pantries in this entire region are at stake."


Commander Jacobson
Keeping up a brisk walk, Commander Jacobson nods, "Yes, the largest of the rats are quite impressive. They are not our objective, however. Thanks to the efforts of another team, we have learned the boggard priest-king has obtained a magical control device dubbed the 'Ratty Control Contraption' by its creator. We suspect he was quite mad, by the way, and it's not clear why he built it. In any case, take or destroy the device, the rat plague ends."

Weaving through the city streets, Jacobson of the White Cloaks continues, "As for the reason for the conflict, we have only suspicions. The priest-king is young, and younger boggard leaders often try to impress their subjects to secure their position. There may be personal grievances as well. Ultimately, it doesn't matter. The goal is to make the price too high to consider even indirect attacks on Venza. Simply stealing the device leaves the priest-king with no reason to avoid trying again."

"In any case," the commander continues, "We have about a dozen white cloaks, not counting myself or any of you. We are also picking up a guide from one of the surrounding villages. Anything else?"

Deuce Traveler

"There are huge rats threatening the city, they are being controlled by some magical device, so destroy the device and save the city. Nope, I think I got it," Lem says as he cracks his knuckles in anticipation.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!

Weylyn strides along with the others, his short legs churning but easily keeping pace with them. At Lem's statement, he looks thoughtful and then responds. "Destroy the device, and inflict such punishment on the boggards and their leader that they won't even consider attacking Venza again in the future. Or, leave none of them alive to do so."


Weylyn Wealbetwyn
Male aasimar bloodrager 10 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 15, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 7)
NG Medium outsider (native)
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +13
AC 21, touch 14, flat-footed 17 (+7 armor, +3 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 132 (10d10+50)
Fort +11, Ref +6, Will +6; +2 bonus vs. spells cast by self or an ally
Defensive Abilities blood sanctuary, improved uncanny dodge; DR 2/—; Resist acid 5, cold 5, electricity 5
Speed 50 ft.
Melee cold iron dagger +14/+9 (1d4+4/19-20) or
. . muutos +15/+10 (2d6+7/×3) or
. . silver cestus +14/+9 (1d4+4/19-20) or
. . unarmed strike +14/+9 (1d3+4 nonlethal)
Special Attacks blood casting, bloodrage (26 rounds/day), staggering strike
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 10th; concentration +12)
. . 1—corruption resistance (vs evil hr/lvl on self)[APG] (DC 14)
Bloodrager Spells Known (CL 10th; concentration +12)
. . 3rd (1/day)—countless eyes[UM] (DC 15), haste
. . 2nd (2/day)—elemental touch[APG], glitterdust (DC 14), ironskin, see invisibility, stone discus[ACG]
. . 1st (3/day)—blade lash[ACG], blurred movement[ACG], enlarge person (DC 13), magic missile, stone fist[APG], thunderstomp[ACG]
. . Bloodline Aberrant
Str 18, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 10, Cha 15
Base Atk +10; CMB +14; CMD 28
Feats Bludgeoner[UC], Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Enforcer[APG], Eschew Materials, Extra Rage, Iron Will, Power Attack
Traits armor expert, resilient (will)
Skills Acrobatics +15 (+23 to jump), Climb +10, Handle Animal +6, Intimidate +15, Linguistics +3, Perception +13, Sense Motive +2, Spellcraft +4, Survival +5 (+7 to get along in the wild, endure severe weather, avoid getting lost, spot natural hazards, and predict weather), Swim +10
Languages Aklo, Celestial, Custom Language, Dwarven, Low Landellan
SQ abnormal reach, fast movement, truespeaker
Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds; Other Gear +1 mithral breastplate, muutos[UE], cold iron dagger, silver cestus[APG], belt of physical perfection +2, boots of swift fury[ACG], ring of vengeful blood magic[ACG], basic maps (major landmarks only), bedroll, blanket[APG], candle (2), chalk, everburning torch, flint and steel, hammer, hammock[UE], knife, utility (0.5 lb), masterwork backpack[APG], mess kit[UE], piton (4), sack (2), silk rope (50 ft.), sunrod (3), tindertwig (4), torch (2), trail rations (6), waterskin (2), 893 gp
Special Abilities
Abnormal Reach (Su) Increase reach by 5 ft when raging.
Blood Casting (Su) Cast bloodrager spells while in bloodrage.
Blood Sanctuary +2 (Su) +2 bonus to save vs. spells cast by self or an ally.
Bloodrage (26 rounds/day) (Su) +4 Str, +4 Con, +2 to Will saves, -2 to AC when enraged.
Bludgeoner Inflict nonlethal damage with bludgeoning weapons
Combat Reflexes (4 AoO/round) Can make extra attacks of opportunity/rd, and even when flat-footed.
Damage Reduction (2/-) You have Damage Reduction against all attacks.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Energy Resistance, Acid (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Acid attacks.
Energy Resistance, Cold (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Cold attacks.
Energy Resistance, Electricity (5) You have the specified Energy Resistance against Electricity attacks.
Enforcer If you deal nonlethal damage with a melee weapon, make a free Intimidate check to demoralize.
Eschew Materials Cast spells without materials, if component cost is 1 gp or less.
Fast Movement +10 (Ex) +10 feet to speed, unless heavily loaded.
Improved Uncanny Dodge (Lv >=14) (Ex) Retain DEX bonus to AC when flat-footed. You cannot be flanked unless the attacker is Level 14+.
Power Attack -3/+6 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Staggering Strike (DC 19) (Su) On critical hit when raging, target is staggered 1 rd (Fort neg).
Truespeaker Learn two languages for each rank you put in Linguistics.



Menik says "It sounds like the boggard king is the main problem. If we kill or capture him, won't that end the threat?"

[sblock=stats]Menik, wizard 10
AC 13 (touch 13, ff 10), hp 72/72
Init +3, CMB +6, CMD 19, Fort +8, Reflex +9, Will +10; Perception +12 (low-light vision), Stealth +12

Attack longsword +6 (1d8+1, 19/x2) or dagger +6 (1d4+1, 19/x2)

Force missile (Sp): (1d4+5, as magic missile, 8/8 per day)

Elemental Wall (Sp): 2d6+10 or 2d4 or 1d4, 10/10 rounds/day

Arcane bond: ring; cast any spell in spellbook 1/day except Abj or Div

Spells DC 15 + spell level; (& = evocation, +1 DC, +4 damage, school spell)
(- = abj, 1 slot), (* = div: need 2 slots) (~ = fire, +1 DC)

spells/day: 4 cantrips, 6+1& 1st, 5+1& 2nd, 4+1& 3rd, 4+1& 4th, 3+1& 5th
concentration: +15 (+5 Int, +10 level)
lesser metamagic rod, selective (3/day, up to 3rd level spell, exclude up to 4 creatures from area of effect)

Level 0: message, ray of frost (50', +8 ranged touch, 1d3+5), detect magic*

Level 1: mage armor, magic missile& (1d4+6,1d4+1,1d4+1,1d4+1,1d4+1),
ear-piercing scream& (50', 5d6+5, daze 1 rnd, Fort 1/2 + no daze) (x3),
charm person, protection from evil-

Level 2: mirror image (1d4+3, 10 min) (x2),
toppling magic missile& (1d4+6,1d4+1,1d4+1,1d4+1,1d4+1; trip +15) (x2),
blindness/deafness, false life (1d10+10 temp hp, 10 hr)

Level 3: haste (10 targets, 10 rounds) (x2), dispel magic-, invisibility sphere,
fireball&~ (10d6+5, Reflex half DC 20, 20' radius, 800' range)

Level 4: ball lightning& (3d6, 3d6, 3d6, 1st attack +5 damage) (x2),
charm monster, greater invisibility,
Protection from Energy, Communal-

Level 5: fire snake& (60' snake, 12d6+5, Reflex half DC 22),
dominate person, baleful polymorph,
empowered fireball&~ (10d6+((10d6)/2)+5, Reflex half DC 20)

Gear: 4 days' rations, potion of CLW (1d8+1), periscope, pearl of power (1st level),
Staff of Minor Arcana (10/10 charges, cast shield (1 charge) or magic missile (2 charges))
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Commander Jacobson
Jacobson nods, adding, "It's unlikely the boggard priest-king will give up the RCC without a fight, so I suppose any capture or destruction of the device will go with his death. That's not a bad thing, his death will teach the surviving croakers a lesson, if you asked me."

With the group coming to the edge of town at this point in the conversation, White Cloak Commander Jacobson speaks again, "There exists a small settlement on the outskirts of Venza. It's existence is not quite a secret, but it's not very well known, to say the least. I have a man there that is helping carry through a deal I made with the residents. He's a decent guide and we're going to want him along to get us to the boggards as directly as possible." Looking around and lowering her voice, she continues, "Anyway, they are all ratfolk, which makes them not terribly popular with the Venza citizens right now. So a little discretion is advised."

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