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Pathfinder 1E [LPF] Perception is Reality


GM: Aura
Judge: GlassEye
Start Date: July 23, 2015

Honored Participants (player, Initial XP/level):
Maui (jbear1979, 88863 xp/level 10)
Barlo Hawkins (perrinmiller, 50070 xp/level 9)
Vincenzo del Vecchio (Scott DeWar, 88697 xp/level 10)
Ethane Beray (jackslate45, 50000 xp/level 9)

Special Thanks:
This adventure was converted from a live tabletop adventure run a few years back. Thanks goes out to sunshadow21 for his work developing Tritower in a previous adventure; I borrowed heavily from his work when converting this adventure for LPF use.

GM Expectations/Rules/Whatnot (stuff you may well already know, but presented here anyway):
(1) I try to be a supportive GM and hope everyone will have fun. My message box is open if you need to contact me privately.
(2) I like the coyotecode.net die roller best for it's most direct roll history function (assuming you use the same name every time). I will probably make my own life easier with just good 'ol physical dice.
(3) We're doing group initiative using average initiative value, which means that once your team has the initiative, actions can be resolved in whatever order people post. Those on the losing team (initiative-wise) side, with above team average initiative scores, might be awarded (a pre-initiative action if their individual value beats the entire winning team.
(4) Players are encouraged to at least check on the game on a daily basis. When real life makes posting that difficult or impossible, please leave AFK messages if possible.
(5) Please include a Mini Stats sblock with every post that has some sort of mechanical effect, from combat to skill rolls. Included is an example MiniStats for my character, Charity. Customize to taste:
[sblock=Example MiniStats][sblock=Charity Mini Stats][URL="http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Charity_%28Aura%29"][B][COLOR=#0066cc]Charity[/COLOR][/B][/URL]
[COLOR=blue]AC:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]17 (16 flat-footed, 11 touch)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]HP:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]23/23[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]CMB:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+4[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]CMD:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]15[/COLOR]

[COLOR=blue]Fort:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+7[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Reflex:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+5[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Will:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+7[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Perception:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+7[/COLOR] [COLOR=blue]Sense Motive:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+6[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Initiative:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]+1[/COLOR]

[COLOR=blue]Lay on Hands remaining:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]4/4[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Smite remaining:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]1/1[/COLOR]

[COLOR=blue]Current Weapon in Hand:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]Glaive[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Current Conditions in Effect:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]Ioun Torch[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Temporary items in possession:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]none[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Items not currently in possession:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]Silk Rope[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Items depleted:[/COLOR] [COLOR=gray]none[/COLOR][/sblock]
[/sblock](6) I may make some rolls for you, such as perception checks, saving throws, opportunity attacks, etc, to move the adventure along smoothly. If you anticipate needing a roll (say you suspect an opponent will move in such a way as to provoke your attack of opportunity) you *may* 'preroll' it, however, put the actual roll/damage in a spoiler block. I will only open it if the AoO was triggered.
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Encounter 1: Ogre Mage Battle
Encounter difficulty = CR 11
Budget = 12800xp
- Advanced Ogre Mage (6400 xp)
- Ogre Mage (4800 xp)
- Dire Rat (135 xp)
Party: Barlo Hawkins (L9), Maui (L10), Vincenzo (L10), Ethane Beray (L9)
Average level = 10, #Characters = 4, APL = 10
XP award = 3200 each
Gold Award = 10500 calculated - 0 lost - 10500 deferred = 0 awarded (0 each)
Award Date = 2/11/16

Encounter 2: Graveyard Battle
Encounter difficulty = CR 12
Budget = 19200xp
- Mindy (12800xp)
- 4 large Earth Elementals (1600xp x4 = 6400xp)
Party: Barlo Hawkins (L10), Maui (L12), Vincenzo (L12), Ethane Beray (L9)
Average level = 11, #Characters = 4, APL = 11
XP award = 4800 each
Gold Award = 13500 calculated - 0 lost - 2898 deferred = 10602 awarded (2650 each)
Award Date = 8/15/16

Encounter 3: Witch Hut (Demon) Battle
Encounter difficulty = CR 13
Budget = 25600xp
- Xathan (Nabasu, 8 growth points, CR 12 = 19200xp)
- 10 advanced ghouls (600xp x10 = 6000xp)
Party: Barlo Hawkins (L11), Maui (L12), Vincenzo (L12), Ethane Beray (L9)
Average level = 11, #Characters = 4, APL = 11
XP award = 6400 each
Gold Award = 17500 calculated - 0 lost + 10500 Enc1 + 2898 Enc2 = 30898 awarded (7724 each)
Award Date = 11/21/16

Running Totals: total xp/gold awarded (date)

Ethane Beray (jackslate45):
50000/0 (7/23/15) [initial]
53712/2848 (8/24/15) [+3712/2848,32d@L9]
53944/2670 (10/17/16) [+232/178,2d@L9]*
* From post time of new activity (10/16/16) to next DM update (10/17/16).

Barlo Hawkins (perrinmiller):
50070/0 (7/23/15) [initial]
71066/16109 (1/20/16) [+20996/16109,181d@L9]
75202/18551 (2/11/16) [+4136/2442,22d@L10]
78402/18551 (2/11/16) [+3200/0,Enc1]
105098/34313 (7/2/16) [+26696/15762,142d@L10]
110204/37625 (7/25/16) [+5106/3312,23d@L11]
115004/40275 (7/25/16) [+4800/2650,Enc2]
141422/57411 (11/21/16) [+26418/17136,119d@L11]
147822/65135 (11/21/16) [+6400/7724,Enc3]
153598/67983 (12/7/16 (+5776/2848,16d@L12)

Maui (jbear1979):
88863/0 (7/23/15) [initial]
105031/9546 (10/17/15) [+16168/9546,86d@L10]
131005/26394 (2/11/16) [+25974/16848,117d@L11]
134205/26394 (2/11/16) [+3200/0,Enc1]
145083/33450 (3/31/16) [+10878/7056,49d@L11]
178656/50004 (7/2/16) [+33573/16554,93d@L12]
186959/54100 (7/25/16) [+8303/4096,23d@L12]
191759/56750 (7/25/16) [+4800/2650,Enc2]
210170/65828 (9/14/16) [+18411/9078,51d@L12]
242266/82828 (11/21/16) [+32096/17000,68d@L13]
248666/90552 (11/21/16) [+6400/7724,Enc3]
256218/94552 (12/7/16) [+7552/4000,16d@L13]

88697/0 (7/23/15) [initial]
105053/9657 (10/18/15) [+16356/9657,87d@L10]
130805/26361 (2/11/16) [+25752/16704,116d@L11]
134005/26361 (2/11/16) [+3200/0,Enc1]
145005/33561 (4/1/16) [+11000/7200,50d@L11]
178217/49937 (7/2/16) [+33212/16376,92d@L12]
186520/54033 (7/25/16) [+8303/4096,23d@L12]
191320/56683 (7/25/16) [+4800/2650,Enc2]
210092/65939 (9/15/16) [+18772/9256,52d@L12]
241716/82689 (11/21/16) [+31624/16750,67d@L13]
248116/90413 (11/21/16) [+6400/7724,Enc3]
255668/94413 (12/7/16) [+7552/4000,16d@L13]

7/23/15 to 12/7/16 = 502 days x 0.07 DMC/day = 35.14 DMC

Level-up entries in green.
Note: All totals are considered preliminary and subject to change due to unforeseen factors or judge action.
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Barlo Hawkins, Human Bard


Barlo stepped into the private room. He dropped his usual smirks and roguish expressions, maintaining a more serious demeanor. He had the impression that now was not the time for humor or amusing quips.

"Hello, there. I am Barlo Hawkins, experienced with a tale, a few weapons, and a number of other special abilities. I would like to hear what is going on. Just this day I had been contemplating a trip to Tritower and it certainly appears that you have news that is relevant for such a venture."

[sblock=Mini Stats]Character Sheet
Initiative: +4 Perception: +12
AC: 22 (20 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 65 Current: 65
CMB: +9 CMD: 22(20ff) Fort: +6 Reflex: +10 Will: +8
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Current Weapon in Hand: None

Bardic Performances (lingering 2 rnds): 25/25 Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: [Message, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound]
1st Level 7/7 (DC16) [CLW, Feather Fall, Hideous Laughter, Timely Inspiration, Grease, Vanish, Charm Person, Silent Image]
2nd Level 5/5 (DC17) [Sound Burst, Heroism, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Invisibility, Calm Emotions, Silence]
3rd Level 4/4 (DC18) [Haste, Slow, Phantom Steed, Confusion][/sblock]

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
ooc: crud. typed a new post thinking it was a quote instead of an edit. destroyed the one i had here

[sblock=stat block]
AC: 21 (17 flat-footed, 15 touch)
with Combat expertise:
AC: 24 (17 flat-footed, 18 touch)

HP: 112/112

CMB: +13 CMD: 26
vs trip
CMB: +15 CMD: 28
vs disarm
CMB: +18 CMD: 31

Fort: +9 Reflex: +6 Will: +4

Perception: +11 Sense Motive: +3
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: Rapier, +2 Keen

Temporary items in possession: healing potions, Healing wand

Items depleted: none
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Barlo Hawkins, Human Bard


Barlo gave the swordsman a professional nod, "As I was saying, I am Barlo Hawkins and this gentleman," he gestured towards the man with him in gleaming platemail armor, "is Ethane Beray."

"We are hearing that there is some potential trouble near or around Tritower. Do you know of another worthy adventurer that might help out?"

[sblock=Mini Stats]Character Sheet
Initiative: +4 Perception: +12
AC: 22 (20 flat-footed, 13 Touch)
HP: 65 Current: 65
CMB: +9 CMD: 22(20ff) Fort: +6 Reflex: +10 Will: +8
Current Conditions in Effect: None
Current Weapon in Hand: None

Bardic Performances (lingering 2 rnds): 25/25 Remaining
Spells Remaining: Cantrips: [Message, Read Magic, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Detect Magic, Ghost Sound]
1st Level 7/7 (DC16) [CLW, Feather Fall, Hideous Laughter, Timely Inspiration, Grease, Vanish, Charm Person, Silent Image]
2nd Level 5/5 (DC17) [Sound Burst, Heroism, Glitterdust, Mirror Image, Invisibility, Calm Emotions, Silence]
3rd Level 4/4 (DC18) [Haste, Slow, Phantom Steed, Confusion][/sblock]


First Post

Ethane looks at the newly arrived Vincenzo and nods respectfully. "Well met Vincenzo. As Barlo said, my name is Ethane Beray. I hail from the Tritower area, so I'm curious to hear what is going on." He looks at the follower of Cortesia as he said this, curious as to how the man knew Ethane came from Tritower.

[sblock=Ethane Stats]
Ethane Beray
AC: 22 (20 flat-footed, 13 touch)
HP: 83/83
CMB: +07 CMD: 20
Fort: +10 Reflex: +06 Will: +14
Perception: +11
Initiative: +1
Current Weapon in Hand: Longspear +14/+09 1d8+2 20/x3
Current Conditions in Effect:

Used Items:

Level 0 Spells( 3 ): Light, Purify Food and Drink, Stabilize
Level 1 Spells(5+1): Shield*, Bless, Comprehend Languages, Divine Favor, Divine Favor, Protection from Evil
Level 2 Spells(5+1): Barkskin*, Grace, Resist Energy, Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon, Weapon of Awe
Level 3 Spells(3+1): Protection from Energy*, Invisibility Purge, Magic Vestment, Prayer
Level 4 Spells(2+1): Spell Immunity*, Greater Magic Weapon, Freedom of Movement
Level 5 Spells(1+1): Quickened Shield*, Quickened Divine Favor
* Indicates Domain Spell

Extend Rod: 3/3 per Day
Deflection Aura: 1/1: 20' Aura +2 Deflection AC / CMD. Lasts for 9 rounds
Aura of Protection: 9/9: 30' aura; gain +1 deflection bonus, resistance 5 Fire/Electric/Sonic/Acid/Lightning
Channel: 3/3 5d6 30' burst.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Vincenzo rubs his stubbled chin thoughtfully. So many choices to mention, but one keeps coming to mind.

"The Jungle warrior. He is a druid that can fight as well as he can heal. He has a companion that can give any man pause for thought before acting in the wrong way. He is the Jungle king, Taniwah. A mountain lion sized cat, and a force to be reckoned with unto himself.

He nods to himself for his wise choice. Lem or the mechanical man, and many many others. But He sees a room with 3 warriors, but no healers.

[sblock=stat block]
AC: 21 (17 flat-footed, 15 touch)
with Combat expertise:
AC: 24 (17 flat-footed, 18 touch)

HP: 112/112

CMB: +13 CMD: 26
vs trip
CMB: +15 CMD: 28
vs disarm
CMB: +18 CMD: 31

Fort: +9 Reflex: +6 Will: +4

Perception: +11 Sense Motive: +3
Initiative: +2

Current Weapon in Hand: Rapier, +2 Keen

Temporary items in possession: healing potions, Healing wand

Items depleted: none


Anton Torelli
Your potential employer nods as each of you introduce yourselves, his brows furrowed. He walks to the door, peers into the main room, and then steps back towards the table. "I'm hoping for four or five for a mission of this difficulty," he begins, speaking his words in the rich accent of the Venzan region. "However, it would not be a sin to break the ice before we begin, I suppose." Picking up his beer, he takes a deep draught of the frothy beverage before continuing. "I am Anton Torelli, head guard at the Cathedral of Glass. I am in possession of a report from two of our younger members indicating something horrible has happened in Tritower, including undead walking the streets and some sort of mass exodus by many of the townfolk. I'll dispense the details, of course..." With that, his voice trails off and he looks back towards the door.

[sblock=Scott]Wasn't your post a replicate of your DWI post? If so you can copy it in from there.[/sblock]


First Post
The door opens and a tattooed dark skinned head with a mohawk of twisted dreadlocks peers in through the crack. "Handsome Blade? Are you hiding here?" A spotted feline drops off his shoulders through the door and pads over to Vincenzo and rubs his head on his legs with a deep purr of affection before flopping down lazily directly on top of his feet. Maui saw the other unfamiliar faces in the room and momentarily looked awkward. "Taniwha... haere mai! Sorry, Maui not knowing you busy ..." The wild looking jungle warrior entered the room to retrieve his cat companion.

[sblock=Lvl 10 Stats]
[http://livingpf.wikia.com/wiki/Maui_(jbear1979) Maui]
Initiative: +4
AC: 23 (Touch 16 ; FFt 19)
HP: 112 Current: 112
CMB: +15 CMD: 28 Fort: +13 Reflex: +11 Will: +14


In Hand:
Cold Iron MW Scimitar: +15/+10; 1d6+7 (Crit 18-20:x2)
and Heavy Shield

Spells: Orisons: Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Detect Poison
1st: CLW; Longstrider, Entangle, Aspect of the Falcon, Faerie Fire
2nd: Bull's Strength, Bark Skin 2/2, Restoration Lesser, Resist Energy
3rd: Greater Magic Fang 2/2, Resinous Skin, Delay Poison Communal
4th: Thorn Body 2/2, Airwalk, Strong Jaw
5th: Animal Growth, Stone SKin
Wild Shape: 5/5 uses left per day

[sblock=Leopard Shape]
Medium animal; Senses: low-light vision, scent;
AC 18 , touch 18 , flat-footed 14
Speed 30 ft., climb 20 ft.
Melee:Bite +15; 1d8+8; 2 Claws: +15; 1d4 +8 dmg
Special: Trip


[sblock=Lizard Bird Shape]
Medium animal; Senses: low-light vision, scent;
AC 18, touch 18 , flat-footed 14
Speed 60 ft.
Melee:Bite +15; 1d6+8; 2 Talons: +15; 1d8+8 dmg; Foreclaws: +9; 1d4+5
Special: Pounce


[sblock=Dire Tiger Shape III]
Dire Tiger
Large Animal; Senses: low-light vision, scent;
AC 19 , touch 17, flat-footed 16
Speed 40 ft.
Melee:Bite +16; 2d6+9 (+Grab); 2 Claws: +16; 2d4+9 dmg (+Grab)
Special: Pounce, Rake

Wand of CLW Uses: 40/40
Wand of Magic Fang: 44/50
Wand of Speak with Animals: 46/50
Wand of Mage Armor: 46/50
Rod of Lesser Extend: 3/3
Flasks: Holy Water 2/2
Sling Bullets: 19/20

Initiative: +8
AC: 23
HP: 83 Current: 83
CMB: Trip/Disarm +11 CMD: 29 (33 vs Trip) Fort: +8 Reflex: +12 Will: +6 (+10 vs enchant)


Bite (silvered;magic): +13; 1d6+5 dmg; special: Trip
2x Claws (silvered;magic): +13 ; 1d3+5 dmg
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Voidrunner's Codex

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