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Kulan: Bard's Gate PbP Campaign (IC) [Game Cancelled]


World of Kulan DM
At the Inn in the Morning

OOC: DM's Note: After this post, there is a bit missing of the discussions at the Felled Ogre in the morning.

Originally Posted by Scott DeWar
Shrough nods his approval at the placement of the guards, but otherwise continues in silence. As the party continues on Shrough breaks his sleepy silence, "I actually have a place I stay at else where. I personally did not pay for any rooms."

Shrough greets Vectēvs in Elvin and at the question of inquiries, he nods in agreement to the post slumber time frame. After crossing the bridge, Shrough addresses every one, "This is where I part until we return here , uh, Later this morning, which is to be what time? I have a place I stay at."
Shrough makes his way to the burned out section of the Market District and heads into the Lofthouse where he's been staying. The clientele are mostly newcomers to the city with nowhere else to stay. The proprietor charges a minimum fee for a place to sleep amongst the others and a bit more for one of four private rooms. Shrough took one of the rooms since the price was nothing compared to what the others would pay at the Ogre.

The room was undisturbed, which didn't surprise Shrough. There was no way he was going to leave anything valuable in this place while out in the city. It had been a crazy day, and he was glad for the rest. He was close to what humans call exhaustion. Slipping into the elven trace came easy. In it, his mind is at peace, at first.

Then Rihards Ozolinsh is standing before him will the relic he seeks in Rihards' hand. The man laughs at him. As Shrough tries to reach out for him, the man's visage changes to that of Yenejg holding his amulet out in front of him with the demoness hovering over Shrough ready to slice the elf man to bits. The unknown man, Odals Alzota, speaks to him about death and evil in Shrough's soul. Shrough cannot see the man but he knows it is Alzota as the estate of Kailer Galoda burns down around him. The treasurer himself stands in the center of the inferno on fire. "Find my killer," he pleads. Then the floor disappears underneath them. Kailer falls into the Abyss while Shrough falls down into the Underearth where he is surrounded by horned faces of evil.

Shrough wakes to the dawn, sweating.

Originally Posted by kinem
"Good night then."

Sarten will go to the inn for the night with the others.
Once asleep, Sarten dreams initially of home and then a vast desert filled with giant scorpions and cackling embermages. The sun turns into ice and the world freezes under a mountain of snow. Ice trolls stalk through a familiar city killing and eating the citizens. At first, he thinks it is Bard's Gate, but eventually he recognizes it as the City of Delights, Huzuz, in Zakhara. Great towers of ice rip up through the ground and a powerful voice commands Sarten to 'freeze forever in darkness little dragon, just like your kin'.

Originally Posted by Trogdor1992
Vak'tiel also goes to the inn for the night
Caldrin follows Sarten and his friend to The Felled Ogre to see if they can still get in to the inn. They find a note for them on the door, in an obscure Elvish dialect that Cal can read, telling them 'to go to the stables, if they want to get in for the night'. There, they find the boy named Chadwick sleeping in amongst the horses. The boy has a key for the back door of the inn around his neck. After waking and seeing the note, he leads them to the door, unlocks it, and then locks it again after they've entered.

"Even I feel like I could sleep," Cal says wearily. "Good night."

Vak'tiel dreams of hellfire and angels all fighting for his soul. Cal sees lost loves and the many deaths he's witnessed in his waking dreamstate. Each hero is then confronted by the worst version of the other. The person his friend would have become if they had not met. Both hear disturbing laughter near the end of the dream as they fight against their dark friend-fiend.

Caius stays in the stables and find a comfortable place in the loft. His dreams, unlike the others, are quiet.

Originally Posted by Scotley
Somewhat reluctantly, Jagr retires for the night as well. He lays awake turning the events of the day over in his mind for quite some time before sleep finally comes.
Those events invade Jagr's dreams, and he sees sights of ancient wizards and cunning villains that seek to pry open his mind and learn his secrets. The magical face of Vectēvs appears at the edge of his dream sight, and it sounds like it is whispering his name and the same phrase over and over again, 'Beware the wizard'. As the dream progresses, the whispering increases in volume until the face is screaming at him. 'Jagr, beware the wizard!'

Jagr wakes shortly after dawn. Someone is knocking on his door. "Jagr, are you awake yet?" It's Caius.. "I thought I heard, um, growling."


In Wilie's home, the halfling sleeps fitfully while Borya dreams of his sister, Sonya. He often dreams of her and often they are filled with woe. But this dream is different. She is running through the forests of their homeland. She is screaming Borya's name while blood flows from her eyes. She cannot see where she is going and falls down in the cold snow several times. Borya can hear wolves baying in the distance and somewhere a man's voice laughs at Borya's plight. 'You cannot save her, Borya. She is mine now. And, now, so is Wilie and his kin.' The scene changes to Wilie's home on fire and his halfling cousin and his wife and children hanging from a lamp with their eyes burnt out.

"Borya!" a little voice yells, then the big man is "oof"-ed awake by a small halfling child sitting on his chest, shaking him. "Get up, unca. It's morn." It is Bitters, Wilie's youngest boy. Papa's making breakfast. Flatcakes and sausage. Yum."

Borya can smell the food cooking, which reminds him of the fire in his dream.

DM's Note: Taking a bit of a break before adding more to the rebuild. The rebuild likely won't be finished tonight. There is A LOT missing near the end that I will have to completely redo from memory.

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World of Kulan DM
Kisep wakes up startled and looks around the room. The only other living creature the kenku spots is his raven familiar, Cousin Corvus. After carefully examining the bird to make sure it is not a demon in disguise, Kisep comes down from the bedpost -- how the other humanoids can sleep lying down is a mystery to the avian kenku -- and dresses himself in a hurry.

Lingering by the window, Kisep stares at the horizon. Should he just go? Was this summons a dangerous plot to seize him, torture him, or worse? How far away could he be before anyone noticed his absence?

With a sigh -- the sound very human-like, an imitation because birds don't sigh -- Kisep turns away from the window, lets Cousin Corvus take his place on the bards shoulder, and proceeds to the main hall in the inn, to meet with his companions.


World of Kulan DM
The Tiefling wakes up, covered in sweat. He looks to his friend Cal, who also appears to be sweating badly. He leaves Cal and heads down to the main room, hoping to find himself some drink.


World of Kulan DM
Originally Posted by Knightfall
Shrough makes his way to the burned out section of the Market District and heads into the Lofthouse where he's been staying. The clientele are mostly newcomers to the city with nowhere else to stay. The proprietor charges a minimum fee for a place to sleep amongst the others and a bit more for one of four private rooms. Shrough took one of the rooms since the price was nothing compared to what the others would pay at the Ogre.

The room was undisturbed, which didn't surprise Shrough. There was no way he was going to leave anything valuable in this place while out in the city. It had been a crazy day, and he was glad for the rest. He was close to what humans call exhaustion. Slipping into the elven trace came easy. In it, his mind is at peace, at first.

Then Rihards Ozolinsh is standing before him will the relic he seeks in Rihards' hand. The man laughs at him. As Shrough tries to reach out for him, the man's visage changes to that of Yenejg holding his amulet out in front of him with the demoness hovering over Shrough ready to slice the elf man to bits. The unknown man, Odals Alzota, speaks to him about death and evil in Shrough's soul. Shrough cannot see the man but he knows it is Alzota as the estate of Kailer Galoda burns down around him. The treasurer himself stands in the center of the inferno on fire. "Find my killer," he pleads. Then the floor disappears underneath them. Kailer falls into the Abyss while Shrough falls down into the Underearth where he is surrounded by horned faces of evil.

Shrough wakes to the dawn, sweating.
Sweat drips into his eyes as they open suddenly and focus sharply. His breath, rapid and ragged, is suddenly stopped with a gulping sound. He slowly raises from his position to get his bearings. 'He is aware', thinks the mage knight. 'I must get to the others and tell them.'

He casts spells of prestidigitation to cleanse and freshen himself. He looks to his familiar and transfers his thoughts to him to let him know how he feels, which includes hunger. Then he leaves to the Ogre, not hurried but steady.

Once arrived he orders 2 breakfasts, one for himself and one for Zarr. For Zarr he orders milk and a chicken breast, simply roasted and partially raw and for himself he orders a breakfast to suit a human: sausage eggs potatoes and gravy over the taters.

OOC: DM's Note: Scott DeWar posted Shrough's new spells for the day in this post in in SBLOCK, which wasn't saved in Google Cache.


World of Kulan DM
Originally Posted by JustinCase
Kisep wakes up startled and looks around the room. The only other living creature the kenku spots is his raven familiar, Cousin Corvus. After carefully examining the bird to make sure it is not a demon in disguise, Kisep comes down from the bedpost -- how the other humanoids can sleep lying down is a mystery to the avian kenku -- and dresses himself in a hurry.

Lingering by the window, Kisep stares at the horizon. Should he just go? Was this summons a dangerous plot to seize him, torture him, or worse? How far away could he be before anyone noticed his absence?

With a sigh -- the sound very human-like, an imitation because birds don't sigh -- Kisep turns away from the window, lets Cousin Corvus take his place on the bards shoulder, and proceeds to the main hall in the inn, to meet with his companions.
Kisep finds that he is the first to have awoken from last nights turmoil. The main hall has only a few patrons in it. There is a heavy-looking breakfast laid out for the inn's guests.

"I saw that you and your companions found my note on the door," Durst Hammerhand greets Kisep warmly. "Rumor has it you all had a long night. Feel free to fill a plate. There are many options."

Kisep can see that there is meat aplenty, as well as bread, cheese, and the typical foods that humans eat. However, he is surprised to find tokliali, a traditional kenku dish of fried crab that has been pickled, heavily, in raspberry leaf vinegar beforehand.

"There is something special for each of you," Durst says with a smile. "I hope its to your liking."

Originally Posted by Trogdor1992
The Tiefling wakes up, covered in sweat. He looks to his friend Cal, who also appears to be sweating badly. He leaves Cal and heads down to the main room, hoping to find himself some drink.
Vak'tiel finds that Kisep appears to be the first to wake. He is standing near a table of food conversing with Durst. The owner of the Felled Ogre notices the tiefling's arrival and waves him forward.

"The first plate is part of the price of your room. Take anything you like and fill it as high as you can. A second plate costs 2 silver. After that, I ask that you and your companions wait until all my guests have had at least one plate of food." Durst points to a smouldering bowl at the far end of the table. "Kalalokmus Stew. A tiefling dish I learned in Sharn years ago. I had to use wild boar meat instead of dragon-dog, so it might taste different if you've had it before. I used fermented torus wine for the broth. It should give it a good kick."
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World of Kulan DM
The Tiefling fills his plate with the stew and a few other things before returning to the bar. "A drink please friend, something strong, though perhaps not as strong as last night." the Tiefling says to Durst.


World of Kulan DM
Originally Posted by Scott DeWar
Sweat drips into his eyes as they open suddenly and focus sharply. His breath, rapid and ragged, is suddenly stopped with a gulping sound. He slowly raises from his position to get his bearings. 'He is aware', thinks the mage knight. I must get to the others and tell them.'

He casts spells of prestidigitation to clense and freshen himself. He looks to his familiar and transfers his thoughts to him to let him know how he feels, which includes hunger. Then he leaves to the Ogre, not hurried but steady.
As he exits his Lofthouse room, he bumps into one of his 'quieter neighbors' who rents out one of the other three rooms.

"Morning," the dwarf man says brusquely.

It's all the dwarf has ever said to Shrough even when the mage knight has tried to strike up a conversation. It took Shrough four days just to learn the dawrf's first name, Grodok, from another patron of the Lofthouse.

"Scuse me," Grodok grunts as he pushes his way past Shrough. "Places to go."

That, was a first.

The trip to the Ogre is brightened by a clear warm morning. Last nights fire hasn't inflamed the moods of the regulars of the Guild District. Shrough notices that the anonymity that he had before last night has disappeared. The locals take note of him and a few shake his hand thanking him for 'helping to take care of that arsonist'.

Shrough arrives to find that both Kisep and Vak'tiel are already awake. Durst is there too.

He greets Shrough happily, "Glad to have you back." Durst listens to Shrough's order...

Originally Posted by Scott DeWar
Once arrived he orders 2 breakfasts, one for himself and one for Zarr. For Zarr he orders milk and a chicken breast, simply roasted and partially raw and for himself he orders a breakfast to suit a human: sausage eggs potatoes and gravy over the taters.
"Well, you're welcome to join your friends here. I'll have to charge you 5 silver for a plate since you're not staying here. While I can get the kitchen to put together exactly what you want, I'm sure you'll find something suitable on the table. No potatoes this morning, unfortunately. But there is a nice bread pudding. I'm sure I can find something for your friend here, no extra charge."

Durst steps away to the kitchen and brings back a bowl full of milk. "It's goat milk. All I have right now." His puts the bowl down near a corner table and then takes a small plate and finds a big slice of roasted boar's meat and, for added treat, breaks a large hen's egg over it. He puts the plate down next to the milk. "Here you go, little fella."

Turning to Shrough, "For you and the tiefling's friend, Cal, I think that's his name, right?" Durst looks at Vak'tiel. "I was able to procure a fine morning wine of elvish origin. Something called Zintalistra. You and he can each have one glass on the house with your breakfast. More will cost 5 gold a glass. 50 gold if you want the bottle. There is also a local elvish dish already on the table called Wina Talla. I've never had it myself, but the local elves swear by it. It does have meat in it, elk I believe, and something a half-elf trader called Egariath Toria. I hope you'll try it."

OOC: Egariath Toria > A rare truffle that elves know how to cultivate and gather. However, the 'truffle' that Durst acquired isn't a true Egariath Toria. The dish is still good, however.


World of Kulan DM
Jagr awakens with a roar. He struggles to his feet and pulls open the door. He is panting as if from exertion. "Good Caius, I am sorry if I troubled your sleep. I fear the forces arrayed against us tried to reach me in dreams last night." Then he shrugs, "Or perhaps my imagination is just carried away with the events of yesterday. I think we must question Vectēvs and see if he...it was truly trying to warn me. Give me moment to gather my things." He starts to turn away and then adds, "If you could have some water sent, I have a powerful thirst," he asks humbly. Then he moves to gather his things. Soon enough he is ready to meet the others.


World of Kulan DM
Kisep politely takes the dish of the traditional kenku meal and chats a bit with his companions. He does not mention his dreams at all, but the bard is clearly unfocused. He stirs his food with a spoon, but does not take a bite. His familiar, however, uses Kiseps lack of attention to its advantage and stands on the table picking tasty bits off the plate and swallowing them whole. Every so often, Kisep looks at Durst with some suspicion. Finally, he asks, "Why are you serving us these delicacies? How did you just happen to have this in stock?"

Shaking his head, the kenku seems to change his mind. "Forgive me, I did not wish to offend you. Just had a rough night, is all."

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