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Kulan: Bard's Gate PbP Campaign (IC) [Game Cancelled]


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"Well Caldrin we could sleep under a bridge for all I care, for I fear no man, but I do wish to stay together so the inn is more appealing, I only hope they have some fine mead."

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Sarten, kobold warmage

Sarten carefully checked but nothing seemed to be missing from his pockets; the note was just there, taunting him. Very well, I'll check it out. If it's a scam, perhaps they chose the wrong kobold to try to take advantage of.

Wearing his chain shirt armor and with his small morningstar and even smaller spell component pouch at his sides, the rusty-brown-scaled kobold makes his way into town. The sights, sounds, and smells of the Market District are familiar to him by now. He doesn't expect trouble on the way, but takes extra care to avoid possible pickpockets.

After making inquires, he learns that Willie is a normal-sized person, which among the crowds of oversized humans is just a bit of a relief. He heads to the Market Bridge to find the man.

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
An elf in woodland color travel clothing returns to the ramshackle looking building near the burned out part of town south of the market. Bard's gate is nothing like Thasgatown, where he is from. He wandered the forest of that region's northern area learning its many secrets and eventually found his way to Bard's gate.

All his actions were of a particular path, He was sent to look for creations of the mighty Elvin people's and recover them. He is a Knight Protector of the Order of the Rose, part wizard, part warrior. Seeker of ancient artifacts of Elvin make, and thorn in the rump of the elve's enemies. He is on the trail of a treasure hunter, Rihards Ozolinsh by name. Mercenary to the core, selfish and greedy. He was tracked here and now he hunts him and a chance to recover the Exiled Mask.

He chose as a safe house a building on the edge of the burned section of town to the southeast of the market; not too far from west gate, the market or the docks. He can find a lot of information around his neighborhood. He walks out of the troubled looking door and watches his back. He has been in contact with another knight, his handler and teacher.

For today he has no new leads.

The Elvin knight was handed a note by one of his contacts here, something about riches. Well, he needs some cash anyway so let's see what he can find out from this Willy mentioned. Not to mention he needs allies to find some of his target items.

So he heads toward the Market Bridge looking for 'Willie'.
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the magical equivalent to the number zero

Kisep eyes the curious halfling in his avian way, looking first with one eye, then both together. In the same Kenku tongue, he replies, "You have mastered my kin's language very well, good sir; or perhaps you have ways to appear like a small-folk while you are not. Either way, I can assure you I mean no harm to your friend or his coins, or anyone's within the city walls. I was merely curious why this Wilie, or one of his acquintances, would request my presence here."

Deciding on impulse to trust the halfling, Kisep produces the mysterious note from within his robes and shows it. "Can you introduce me to your friend?"

Trudging in from the wilderness, looking like he hasn't eaten for days, Borya grumbles something under his breath.

He was asked by Cousin Wilie, to come in from the wilderness where he spent the last few months meditating and helping out traveler's where he could.

Still, he grimaced, if it weren't for a vision of the goddess, he would not be out here, or there for that matter.

He spied across, the crowded location, before settling his eyes on a well dressed kobold.

"you there, my friend, have you have any idea where the Market District is?"


World of Kulan DM
Caldrin and Vak'tiel:
While listening to the guards speak of places to rest, Caldrin double knots his pouches to make sure no one can get to them easily.
To the guards "Thank you for the help gentlemen is it always this rough around here?" "We are in search of a man who goes by the name Wilie, we hear he hangs around the Market bridge mostly. Do you happen to know anything about this fella? Or could you point us in the direction of the Market Bridge?"
"Everyone in the Market District knows Wilie. He's been the toll taker for the Market Bridge for as long as I can remember." The guard points down the wide street ahead of you. Just keep going down Market Way to the Grand Plaza. Market Bridge arches over the canal near Helman's Bar. Wilie will be there until just after dusk, but if you miss him, you can ask Helman where he's gone. Just give him my name. I'm Everard Steele."

After listening to the guards response, caldrin turns, to answer Vak'tiel "Yes I think the Felled ogre should do, Not into spending too much just for a place to lay my head. Plus I'm not fond of staying in to shady sounding places."

"Well Caldrin we could sleep under a bridge for all I care, for I fear no man, but I do wish to stay together so the inn is more appealing, I only hope they have some fine mead."
"You do that here, my friend, and you'll be sleeping in water. And if you sleep in the street, we'll have to lock you up for the night, so you best pick an inn. of course, you can head back out of town and sleep at the Tent City, but an inn in Canal District would be safer than that. And I'm Bernulf. Bernulf Bowman at your service," the other guard shakes Vak'tiel's hand. Neither guard is put off by the barbarian's heritage.

"If you need any help," Everard says. "You can ask for me at The Storm Mammoth. My cousin, Akelda, works there. We work very hard to make sure newcomers feel welcome in Bard's Gate." He slaps Caldrin on the back. "'Travelers are the district's bread and butter', as my papa used to say."

"Aye. Just avoid the Canal District and stay out of trouble and we'll get along famously. Oh, and more more thing. Don't go into The Pride of the March unless you're a member. If you know magick, don't even consider applying. Bunch of Grand Duchy expats in that place. Tough lot with anger to burn."

OOC: if the guards point us in the right direction we will start heading towards the market bridge. Keeping a closer eye on our belongings as we go. If we find this Wilie then I will ask him if the Initials S. H. mean anything to him? If he does not know what I am talking about I will show him the letter I received."
Traveling down Market Way to the Grand Plaza, the two friends quickly spot Helman's Bar and the Market Bridge. It would be impossible to miss as it stretches across the canal. Wilie is also easy to spot. The halfling is standing on a large soapbox greeting everyone who crosses the bridge. He takes a small toll from several wagons crossing from the plaza to the other side. The copper coins go into a large ceramic pot nearly as big as Wilie. No one complains and people seem to love him.

"How are you two fine fellows doing today?" That is the friendly greeting he gives Caldrin and Vak'tiel when they walk up to him. "S.H.," he gasps when asked. He looks at both of them with some awe. "I don't know this S.H., but he sent me a note telling me that eight heroes would be showing up her to claim a great reward. And, no, I don't know what's the reward, but the note said all is set in motion and that you all will know what the opportunity is when it presents itself.

"The weird part is that he paid the toll for you, but you don't have a cart. Do you? And he overpaid. The toll was only 1 copper, but he paid a full gold piece for each of the eight. The Market Watch is going to love you guys. The toll helps pay their salaries. Wow, I'm going to have to tell 'em the heroes are arriving. You guys must be something special."


First Post
Vak'tiel looks to the halfling and says "It would appear you know as little about this as we do, perhaps we should put up at an inn for the night while we try to sort this all out."


World of Kulan DM
Borya and Sarten:
Trudging in from the wilderness, looking like he hasn't eaten for days, Borya grumbles something under his breath.

He was asked by Cousin Wilie, to come in from the wilderness where he spent the last few months meditating and helping out traveler's where he could.

Still, he grimaced, if it weren't for a vision of the goddess, he would not be out here, or there for that matter.
Wilie had told Borya much about Bard's Gate, but the sights and smells are truly overwhelming. Of course, "cousin" Wilie is a halfling who loves the city. He knew Borya's parents when he were just a babe. He was more like a little unca to the big Torassian growing up, but soon their relationship became more like "blood-brother" cousins. Wilie would often visit Borya's home in southern Torassia but that was before the war broke out.

The upheavals engulfed Borya's homeland and his family. He's been very young and couldn't fight. His father and his older brother, Veniamin, fought in the uprisings. His father survived but Veniamin did not. His older sister, Sonya, was taken away by slavers. He hasn't seen her since. Wilie had told Borya once that he'd try to find news of Sonya. Could the cryptic note Borya found in his pocket weeks ago from this S.H. be about his missing sister? Wilie must know something. It couldn't be a coincidence.

Sarten carefully checked but nothing seemed to be missing from his pockets; the note was just there, taunting him. Very well, I'll check it out. If it's a scam, perhaps they chose the wrong kobold to try to take advantage of.

Wearing his chain shirt armor and with his small morningstar and even smaller spell component pouch at his sides, the rusty-brown-scaled kobold makes his way into town. The sights, sounds, and smells of the Market District are familiar to him by now. He doesn't expect trouble on the way, but takes extra care to avoid possible pickpockets.

After making inquires, he learns that Willie is a normal-sized person, which among the crowds of oversized humans is just a bit of a relief. He heads to the Market Bridge to find the man.
Sarten knows that the West Gate will close at dusk, so he makes sure to get through before that happens. Those that come to the city after dark are forced to take lodging at the Nightgate. Terrible place. Sarten makes walks up Market Way without concern. The city is a tolerant place. There are lots of kobolds who are citizens of the city, although many choose to living in dugout burrow-towns outside the city or, if desperate, at Tent City. However, a few of his kin have made a fortune in Bard's Gate. There is Matija, a local entertainer who commands a high price in the North Wall District. There is Damir the Steelmonger who is one of the best bladesmiths in The Far North. For kobolds, they are exceptional. Many of his kin put Sarten in that same category.

He spied across, the crowded location, before settling his eyes on a well dressed kobold.

"You there, my friend, have you have any idea where the Market District is?"
It takes a moment for Borya to get the kobold's attention. The small reptilian barely comes up to Borya's waist.

Sarten could barely make out the oversized human, trying to get his attention, over the din of the city. Luckily, the man was speaking in Bravatin, so at least Sarten could understand the man. The human is burly, even for one of his kind, and smelled terrible. He smelled like he'd been sleeping on the road with horses or sheep. His clothes brought to mind the clergy of the Old Temple District.


A newcomer from the sticks. Ah well, the city thrives on them.

Sarten tells the human "You're already there, man. Are you looking for something more specific?"

Voidrunner's Codex

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