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(IR) The 1st IC-thread of the 1st Turn of the 5th IR


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Before this goes any further, I want to make something clear: I am giving Lady Shadow to Rikandur as an NPC to play, unless Serpenteye overrules me.

Who is Lady Shadow?
She is a drow who went into Withdrawal, but like many others did not become good, but instead became far more evil than before: thus the Dark Drow came into being.
Lady Shadow isn't a high level character. She's a cleric/wizard/fighter of low levels in each class.
But she is a threat anyways, because she is extremely evil. She is a Dark Drow.

Lady Shadow would have claimed the rulership of the Drow at the TEC Summit, but it was patently clear to her that nobody would acceed to her claim.
Also, Lady Shadow seriously doubted the Dark Drow would care for her claim either.

Now, since I am playing the good drow, it is not appropriate that I play any of the Dark Drow.
Therefore, I am giving Lady Shadow away right now. To Rikandur. I feel it is the right thing to do.

For the record, you should have killed her, folks. She is far too dangerous a being to be allowed to live.

EDIT: Honestly, none of you want me playing Lady Shadow. And I mean it. Serpenteye, you saw the e-mail, didn't you? Really, let someone else play this dreadful character.
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Festy Dog!

Hachiman finds Lord Gallador in the chambers of Galion Vool, looking over the maps. With him you see a Vampire Lord wearing armor resembling a Demon covered in fllesh and blood, and a sturdy Duergar in mithril armor.

"Greetings, Lord Hachiman! I have heard much about your skill in warfare, surely you would help us devise a plan to cleanse this world from Vecna`s followers. Meet my son, Karghatorm known as Dread Prince, and Duergar Prince Rothgar Darksteel.

Currently we are waiting for other nations to send forces to our aid. When all allies are gathered, I am going to send most of our regular armies to assault the capital of the strongest Warlord. But it would be a fake strike, as our Elite forces would then attack the strongholds of other Warlords!"

Rikandur Azebol

First Post
Kalanyr said:
OOC - I presume we are both relatively even on about 1 epic PL, if this is not the case ignore the below, I'm not foolish enough to enter a battle where I'm at a huge disadvantage.

Morwel ponders for a moment and nods
"Challenge accepted. Today is your final day upon this realm, old one."

As far as I know, Iuz is about as weak. And try to understand his mindset ... He is facing something worse than just anihilation. He is facing destruction of his legend. Something that no god/demon/megalomaniac would let pass. He is sure that everyone, literally everyone are now against him. And he is going to take down someone with him, and he hates Morwel more than Elistraee who he beaten eariler. Kalanyr, could we write it in three steps ? For dramatic purpouses. :p
Preparations, where both our fighters will prepare mentally and physically ... and I advise Morwel to get used to mundane rapier. :] And crowd could assemble, usual bloodthirsty scum from Dorakaa. They will cheer Morwel or Iuz, whoever will strike their fancy. For them it will be only entertainment. I will use this part to show Iuz's personality, from my point of view, and all precautions made by him. Mostly getting himself enraged enough to overcome fear. And to show fear of those whose lives depend of Iuz's success. It's up to You, how You will describe Morwel's preparations. :)
Duel from the beggining to almost it's end ... starting from taunts from Iuz, description of his real looks for Morwel's, now mortal, eyes. Without divine splendor Iuz isn't that repulsive ... His evil is gnaving at his soul mostly, not at his surroundings.
I'm curious how Morwel really is without all shiny stuff. It's a trial of character on my part. ;)
Finish ! When one of our PC's will strike last time, resolution and impact on whole Sphere should be at least hinted. And burial of Morwel if she die ... Iuz's burial will be performed by crows and wild dogs. In Empire nobody like losers. :cool:

In fact I'm thinking that defying TEC Pact to the end, wich is full of lawful and good guys is thing that Iuz, cannonical Iuz would do anyway. Do You have any couterproposals, Kalanyr ?

Rest, People ... Remeber that Iuz is conviced that All in TEC Pact, except those who voted for his innocence, wich is more or less true, are bloodthirsty beasts craving for his blood Wolf God "betrayed" him, King Rhynnon gave to his demoncidal impulses and lied, Scarlet Brothers were alvays suspected of treasony and Morwel ? I would say it is best left unspoken, what Iuz thinks about Morwel. I weren't intending Iuz to steal Eclavdra's Artifact. His feelings are deeply hurt, and now he is conviced that All will jump on him just like they jumped on hapless Drow and brainwashed them to good. And He didn't know of Eclavdra's death ... His sending to her was sort of admiration to her cunning. :\
I think that I would explain OOC future reactions of my PC, Iuz or other, so nobody will be misguided that I and my PC are one and the same. :confused:

If anyone want to interfere in their Duel, I would say that someone capable of flying could Teleport hig above City's wards ... between Clouds that alvays above Iuz's Capital. And interfere in last moments of combat, not earlier ... please. :eek: :(


Morwel's place
"Then move here ... or You are afraid ? Take my hand."

Mocked Iuz, extending his hand trough image towards Morwel invtingly. She could see that this strange portal is closing ... crackling energies on it's border sickening in their primodal uncariness if they crush them or not. Sha have mere minute before it will close up. Or before Iuz will loose patience.

Uvenelei, Tempest recived angry sending:
[sblock]I will eat her heart, she's just stupid woman. And araise from ashes ! And crush all standing in my way !!! Your faith is right, barbarity is natural state of men ... goodness is corruption of our freedom. And I will not loose ... I'm Demon Lord.[/sblock]

Edena, Elistraee recived such agressvie sending that her ears bleed:
[sblock] YOU [CENSORED], [CENSORED] in the [CENSORED] !!! YOU STOLEN ECLAVDRA'S SPIRIT AND LET HER DIE LIKE DOG ?! YOU ... You will recive fruits of Your actions. And I'm sure ... that Your Mother is proud of You. And she will laugh with me from Your misery after I will force her back to life. There is noe escape from Iuz."[/sblock]


Imp response was sharp, and very true. Deviling sneered.

"You fear him, and fear to admit it. Worst type of covardice. What Morwel sees in such worthless ... man ? She at least is brave, and strides to her ends consequently without flinching. She is facing death on this Arena, and what will You do ? I will cheer my Master deep in my small, black heart."
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First Post
Eclavdra, Velsharess of the Drow, lays dead in the chamber of the TEC Summit.
A great pool of red blood now surrounds her, her mouth is open, and her eyes gaze sightlessly.
The Morganti Sword is still buried in her up to the hilt, piercing her heart, blade extending out her back, in the final gesture of a woman who lived a benighted life.
Her hands are open, arms extended, in her final plea, made to the TEC Summit.
A plea that has been ignored.


Eilistraee shrieks at Iuzs' sending, then heals her injured ears.
Eilistraee sends a response back:

I will not partake of this madness.
If you want to fight, you will fight without my intervention for or against you.
I have a million drow to heal here, and that is far more important that your battles.

As for my Mother and Father, the madness that overtook them both ends now. The elves are reuniting. It is over.
Do you understand?
It is OVER.
Mother will understand this soon enough, when she sees what has befallen. My Brother will be forced to accept it.
And Father will accept it. He will have to accept it. The Reunification is now.

Then Eilistraee returns to aiding the stricken drow going through Withdrawal in the Hospice of Stars.


First Post
Melkor said:
Currently we are waiting for other nations to send forces to our aid. When all allies are gathered, I am going to send most of our regular armies to assault the capital of the strongest Warlord. But it would be a fake strike, as our Elite forces would then attack the strongholds of other Warlords!"

Nazarn listens patiently as the Vampire Lord speaks, and when he is done, Nazarn speaks up:
"What are the risks for the people of King Scarseer? How many casualties will you predict in this fake assault? I have no intention of seeing the people or the Reich die because of some smokescreen."

Guilt Puppy

First Post
Abbon, dutifully, stands in a moment of silent respect for Eclavdra's display. After a suitable time, he speaks up.

"Well, there are two issues that come to mind, which unfortunately need to be addressed. Firstly, seeing as Eclavdra appointed no heir, who shall we acknowledge as ruler of her Empire?"

"And second, seeing that a battle between Iuz and Morwel could be considered an attack an a Pact member by a foreign power... Well, there are a number of sections that come into play. We do have an unprotected aggression clause on the table, advocated by Nyrond, and I suppose that, if ratified, it would keep the rest of us out of this mess. In any case, we would prefer it if Iuz and Morwel were to wait and have their contest after the Pact has determined what its response should be."


First Post
Melkor said:
Currently we are waiting for other nations to send forces to our aid. When all allies are gathered, I am going to send most of our regular armies to assault the capital of the strongest Warlord. But it would be a fake strike, as our Elite forces would then attack the strongholds of other Warlords!"

Foran speaks:

"Lord, our last assult was structured around a surprise attack with Elite forces to assasinate a warloard. We found, however, that their warlords called upon the other warloards, and, a massive amount of regular undead troops. We have no reason to expect that this will not happen again. Spliting our forces only allows our enemy to focus his attack on the weaker of our two halves.

It would seem logical that the armys of our opponents are all grouped together, and our regular forces will be facing the combined army of our opponents, while our elite forces would find nothing but empty strongholds."
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First Post
Eilistraee sends a message to the TEC Summit in which she claims Ladyship (Lordship) over the Drow of Eclavdor.

OOC: As I previously stated, I am giving Lady Shadow to Rikandur to play, unless Serpenteye overrules me. Thus, since I am not playing Lady Shadow, I cannot very well have her make a claim to the Drow of Eclavdor, to the Dark Drow, or to any other drow. Were I playing her, she would claim them all.
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