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Iconics Green Room and OOC Thread. (Adoring fans welcome; no fighting allowed.)

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So, you're taking your ball and going home... okay. Now that's sad. You done being full of yourself yet?

First off boyo, Regdar was Iconic before the game and doesn't have to "be in the game," to call you on you're little tantrums and hissyfits you throw when everything isn't your way.

See you do have magical powers and it's your magical power, to be a twat. Regdar oh excuse me, I don't speak for all the Iconics, hell I only speak for myself but I do speak with them, go back and read, I said a few, and yes you are a reason.

You're so good with the labels too, nimrod, wow...

Catch a clue, Regdar is an on-line personna, and surprisingly just because Regdar talks in third person (which is the point of an On-line personna, on a RPG message board egads no), doesn't mean what is said isn't the truth. Regdar has always been a straight shooter, and will continue to be until I'm told to leave by someone bigger and better then you.

And oh, before you go off on the whole "internet," crud, if you were in my face I would tell you the same.... So don't you have to go die at the last supper or take a lightsaber hit for the good of all mankind, kiss a puppy or something.

BTW names not John.

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Regdar said:
Regdar has always been a straight shooter, and will continue to be until I'm told to leave by someone bigger and better then you.

...then consider yourself being told to leave by someone bigger and better than you. Because I want you to leave.

Regdar, I have tolerated you. Admittedly, I have gotten mad at you in the past, but I have been patient with you, and I have commented that your views are your own, that I have had no problem in the past with your views, nor with you posting them.

But this... this is going too far. I don't care what you say to me, or what you say about my DMing style, or what-not, but I will not tolerate you bickering with the players in a game that I am running. I will not have you constantly criticizing me and the players constantly, without contributing anything constructive - especially in the manner that you have been.

I want you to leave. I don't want to see you post again in this thread, except in possible response to this post. If you do, I will request that you be banned - either from the IC Forum, or from EN World as a whole, whichever punishment is more fitting and the mods decide to inflict upon you.


First Post
First off Gnome Works, I haven't said anything about your game beyond it wasn't for me or the way I wanted to play and I really don't care what you want, or care about your threat. I haven't said anything negative about any other player beyond Reaper so step. Go back and read the posts.

You are not bigger or better, my beef is with Reaper and Reaper alone, and also this isn't your thread and this goes way beyond your game so what you want really doesn't matter.
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OK, I'm dropping out of character (not out of the game, I should stress), just for a moment. I'm Kazak BTW.

Regdar, you're being really unpleasant. If you don't like what reaper has to say, fine, take issue with it. But what you did was just a personal attack.

Bah Kazak, Regdar has nothing against Gnomeworks, it's all Alhandra and her little tantrums she pulled, all over the place about the last game, not being updated enough, not receiving all the answers she wanted and the other crap. It's what killed this whole thing for Regdar, and a few other Iconics..

I think that Alhandra/reaper was for the most part justified in his comments on the last game. I don't think anything he's posted as Alhandra could be described as a "tantrum". When he was taking issue with PC, he wasn't ever personal about it, or doing anything unreasonable.

You chose not to be a part of the game, so I don't really think you have any right to complain about the (very civil) behaviour of those in it. The Iconics game is supposed to be fun, but you've gone out of your way to stir up problems. Your beef isn't with Reaper and Reaper alone. You've harassed the guy so much that he's felt forced to leave the game.

You, Regdar, are killing this game, exactly what you've accused Reaper of doing to the last one. How can you even begin to justify your behaviour?

The last thing I want to happen is for the Iconics to vanish from the boards, we've been here a long time. I'd really like it if we could all get along, with out this constant backbiting and fighting. There's a big difference between In Character banter and some of the more personal attacks we've seen from time to time.

Outside of this latest problem, I really wish we could see some of the "old-timers" make a return. Devis, Hennet and Lidda haven't been seen for some time. We've even lost Mialee and Vadania since the game started. You want the game to have more of the feel of PC's? Then join in. GnomeWorks is a skilled DM, and all we need a few more of us to join in.


First Post
Jarval said:
I think that Alhandra/reaper was for the most part justified in his comments on the last game. I don't think anything he's posted as Alhandra could be described as a "tantrum". When he was taking issue with PC, he wasn't ever personal about it, or doing anything unreasonable.

Problem with this Kazak is he did get personal, not only with his Alhandra personna but as Reaper as well, in more then one occasion. This goes way beyond even that.

You chose not to be a part of the game, so I don't really think you have any right to complain about the (very civil) behaviour of those in it. The Iconics game is supposed to be fun, but you've gone out of your way to stir up problems. Your beef isn't with Reaper and Reaper alone. You've harassed the guy so much that he's felt forced to leave the game.

Jarval/Kazak once again it isn't about the game, it's about him and he knows it, and it is with Reaper. I'm not trying to ruin the game, but I will call Reaper on his crap. Yeah I may have not had the tact I could of but can't change that now. It was never my goal to ruin it for you guys, which is why I stayed out of the in game thread for the most part except for a couple of banters with the group and a bump.

The last thing I want to happen is for the Iconics to vanish from the boards, we've been here a long time. I'd really like it if we could all get along, with out this constant backbiting and fighting. There's a big difference between In Character banter and some of the more personal attacks we've seen from time to time.

Reaper and I will never get along Jarval, it's not going to happen, even if I really wanted to. I tried before, despite typical Regdarisms in-character, especially when he goes out of his way to slam my friends. When PC was running, and I was playing I handled it like the group player you didn't like but had to deal with to keep the game going, but it blew up from there.

Outside of this latest problem, I really wish we could see some of the "old-timers" make a return. Devis, Hennet and Lidda haven't been seen for some time. We've even lost Mialee and Vadania since the game started. You want the game to have more of the feel of PC's? Then join in. GnomeWorks is a skilled DM, and all we need a few more of us to join in. [/B]

Jarval, I'm not saying Gnomeworks sucks, really it's just a different game style then what I wanted to do at this time. I think he's done a fine job and it was/is never/not about his game or game style that I said what I said to Reaper. Honestly it was never my intention to ruin it for you or the others, it was never that and to that I do apologise.

For the other Iconics, I'll talk to them and see what they have to say about all of this and the future of it all.
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Hand and Eye of Piratecat [Moderator]
Guys, take a deep breath and then try and work this out among yourselves via e-mail.

- Darkness

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