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Iconics Green Room and OOC Thread. (Adoring fans welcome; no fighting allowed.)

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Jozan of Pelor

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...during a lull in the Vault escapade...

The scratched door of the Green Room opens and Jozan walks in, sighing deeply. There is blood all over his pure white tunic. He heads for the sink and runs some cold water, then dampens a rag and scrubs at the stains. "Why can't they get washable dye or something? Gheeze. How do they expect a cleric of Light to stay clean?" His tunic slowly turns pink. Water drips onto his armor. He sighs again.

Tossing the rag aside, the Iconic turns off the water and takes off his belt. He strips off the ruined tunic and throws it towards a large wicker hamper in one corner. It misses, but he ignores it, and instead leans out the door and calls to someone. "Get me a fresh tunic from my dressing room, lad!"

Jozan rubs his forehead and looks around. The overstuffed, sagging couch is scattered with magazines, and Regdar has left empty bottles of ale all over the coffee table. Jozan clears himself a spot on the couch and sits heavily. One of the magazines catches his eye and he peers at the cover for a moment. It's the June issue of "Realms of Fantasy."

"Hmph. I didn't know Hennet had a sister."

Jozan tosses the magazine aside and leans his head back against the cushions. He closes his eyes.

It feels like I've been on this gig for months...I wonder if I should cut loose and go full time on that Evil Cult Leader job? Jozan snorts. Nahh, if I'm not there to keep 'em in line, Krusk will bust a gut or something and have to go on disability again...and Al will probably end up breeding with the One Who Creeps, or whatever, and who knows what sort of contract disputes would follow. Besides, that tattooed girl from the Psionics department is...rather...hmmm...interesting...

The door opens a bit and someone tosses in Jozan's clean tunic. It lands on his head, covering his face completely, but he doesn't move. A faint snore issues from beneath the white cloth.
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"Hey you... can you direct me to green room number..." The Crimson Armored Samurai thinks to himself for a second. "Dang... I can't remember. I had a little rhyme memorized... what was it? "My Intelligence Score minus the Square Root of a Bugbears bonus Hit Dice is Equal to the hypotenuse of the leg of a right triangle when contrasted by the orange paintbrush tubing?" Samanosuke actually has to think about where that line of thought was going. "I'm sorry, whats your name sir?"

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Ash saunters in, looking haggard and beat-up (as always, of course)

He clangs over to the sink area and douses his head with water, dribbling all over the place.

He crashes down and sits on the sofa, next to Jozan, violently waking the priest from his brief respite.

"I've had a dealing or two with a "One Who Crawls"....

The way ya deal with those types is to not back down an inch - just keep blasting away at them with a good old shotgun, then sprinkle in some pain with an uppercut to the jaw, and those crawling-types won't give you as much trouble then.

Of course, that's my approach with just about everybody, so maybe I'm a bit biased..."

Crypt King

First Post
Okay clone boy

Okay clone boy, get back to your one thread buddy, the real deal is right here, and I got the gun.

Carry on people, shop smart, shop S-mart.
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Door opens and in walks Mialee, who heads to the refreshment table and grabs a sparkling water

Can you believe this Piratecat guy? Every time, it's "Big update later today!", which is the surest sign that he's not going to post for 1d4 days. I swear, Jozan, sometimes I think I'm the only one here who's trying to keep things together. I mean, you, you're fine, but can you believe that Hennet kid? It's like 'Need me to hold your hand, sweetie?' It's tough trying to direct a group of quasi-conics who're greener than a Kuo-Toa's armpit. Don't tell them I said that, of course. Ughh...

sits down wearily in a cheap pleather seat, swigs the water

Ahh. So, what's up with you these days? You got that side-project working for you yet? Something about evil? I tell ya, I need a gig like that. I'm getting REAL tired of having this pay the bills. I need to hook up with a good agent and get some movie deals. I'm tired of doing the Daily Show. Just once, I'd like to do Letterman. Y'know? You know as well as I do, sweetie, that Dave doesn't just call up RPG iconics without something more to offer. You need an upcoming movie, or scandal, or... whatever. I dunno. I'm just frustrated. How's things with you?


You're asleep, aren't you?
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Sia-Lan Wezz

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The door opens to admit one very bedraggled jedi, she looks beat up and battered and none too happy. She nods a quick greeting to Mialee before going to the table for a Diet Coke and an apple...

"Ugh... how's it going?" She plops down on the floor and begins promptly eating the apple, while trying to catch her breath...

Sia-Lan Wezz

First Post
Sia swallows her bite of apple and washes it down with a quick gulp of Diet Coke.

"Well we're on this jungle planet, having ejected there in an escape pod after pirates took our ship... We just got in a fight with some people salvaging the crashed vessel, and I'm afraid we treated them like pirates when they just might have been locals... I'm just kind of tired of trying to be a Jedi, I mean, how should I know when to talk and when to fight? Ugh... We've been shooting in the jungle almost from the start. I just want a spa day and some refrigerated Diet Coke for a change..."

She takes another swig, "How about you? Reggie still trying to peek at your undies? Or was that just a rumor?"


First Post
"Bah", Regdar's all talk. He doesn't really hit on the iconic women. He'll make some rude comment now and then for shock value, but honestly, he's harmless. Nebin, though... I'd like to Bigby's Crushing Hand his parts some days, I swear to Pelor. Rrrr.

We're currently in a cavernous area, defeating monster after monster. Every time something dies, something else comes up. It's fun, but I REALLY need to sleep and get some spells back. What's cool is that I haven't taken any damage yet. At all. Thankfully, that red-robed little troll isn't here to hear me say that, otherwise I'd get the hammer coming down on me.

Ahh. It's good to sit.

Where do you Jedi get your robes? I mean, really, that is FABulous. I wish costuming would get their act together and get me some clothes like that.

Isida KepTukari

First Post
*A harried looking older man with silvering hair came running through the door and slammed it shut again*

"Terribly sorry, they wouldn't let me off the set for long. I'm Ray Silver by the way, I'm over in the What Rough Beast Call of Cthulhu game. I just heard the WotC Iconics were on break, so I just had to come over an say hi!

You guys really are quite a blast to read! I've enjoyed your adventures since the first thread. Your by-play is really quite funny, and P-Kitty's descriptions are the best. "

*He peers at Jozan carefully for a moment, fanboy mode off*

"You know, I just had the weirdest case of deja-vu... Haven't I seen you before?"

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