• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Archon Basileus

First Post
@Neurotic @Jago @KahlessNestor @Trogdor1992


You reposition yourself, gaining a better view of the next room. Even so, the statues represent a solid impediment to your sight. You push your senses, trying to grasp the position of your potential opponents.

[The X’s have been repositioned to represent the places you know are occupied by your potential foes]

You grasp some movement coming from behind the statues, as if the others were trying to determine where your entourage is exactly.


The sudden silence does not suggest a peaceful encounter. It is almost as if their foes awaited to try and ambush the party, studying their movements, carefully calculating their next steps. The considerable size of the next room intensifies the feeling of impending doom, as if something else waited in the shadows, further away.

Suddenly, an ominous chant begins to gain the air. The voices are not far away. They are three, and they come from separate directions, albeit close to each other. As the voices rise, it becomes clear there are three different incantations are being simultaniously invoked, a strange language sewing the words together.

[You may reposition yourselves at will. Remember that if you enter a potential line of sight you might be attacked, in case of hostiles among the shadows. This will grant Reynard time to adapt to the lack of light. Please warn me as you assume your positions. Also, feel free to share any potential info for strategic purposes among yourselves within the thread]
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Maran/Helen’s Fortune/Cellars

Morgrym recognized the little ceramic flasks. He treated them with care, closing the case again and slipping it into his pack. Then he turned his attention to the potions. There were fifteen of them, in five different colors. He popped the caps, dipping a finger in each to taste, to see if he knew what they would do.

Perception tests on potions: 1D20+10 = [8]+10 = 18http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=140835
1D20+10 = [8]+10 = 18
1D20+10 = [2]+10 = 12
1D20+10 = [15]+10 = 25
1D20+10 = [19]+10 = 29

Morgrym moved after the others as they proceeded down the long tunnel of statues. He had little trouble with his darkvision. Then a sound came from somewhere in the darkness beyond their vision. It was hard to tell where it came from with the way the echoes worked. The kobold seemed to spot something, though. Morgrym unshipped his battleaxe.

And then the chanting began. Morgrym muttered a few words, casting a spell to detect magic up ahead of them.

Casting Detect Magic. 60’ cone in front of us.


Archon Basileus

First Post
As soon as the chants are finished, a faint murmur can be heard, as a low-hummed mantra. From the dark, a figure comes out, slowly, bent by weariness and leaning against a cane. At each side of it, two tall cloaked humanoids march, as if to escort the bent creature forward. Morgrym identifies the bent humanoid as the one trying to hide his true alignment. He comes forward, enveloped in a leathery blue-green mantle and covered in strange metal ornaments. His visage shows a round face, sickly yellow eyes and a thin mouth that crosses its strange face. He seems covered in scales, a series of thin cartilaginous strips running across his scalp, as if it was hair. Of his bodyguards all that can be seen is a pair of scaly arms and two composite bows, fashioned from something resembling bones, both with arrows lodged in the cords, half pointing towards the passage and the group.

“Calm, you friendsss….” – a voice cold and inhuman comes from the creature that came forward, a certain pronounced age in it’s dragged, rash pace. “You come frrrom above, rright? Calm, you, frriendsss…. No need to fearrr…. No neeed…” – the outh opens to show rows of sharp teeth. “The terrrrorrr crrrossessss the skiesss, isss it not? Wee know, we hearrrrd…. Sooon, you’ll hearrr it as well…. But you, you can passss through here, safe, safe!” – he offers a clawed, bony hand, while holding his staff on the other. “We’ve shut the gatesss behind usss, but we may open then, jussst… foorrrr…. Youuu…” -his disturbing smile still amplifying itself in a inhuman gaze.”


The way the three motion denounces they have not spotted you where you are, even though they know someone lies beyond the portal. Apparently, they simply know what transpired, but cannot know how many are with you. You may move freely, maybe even into the next room, if you’re careful enough.

His words strike heavy on you, though. As he mentions the flying beast that just a minute before attacked the tower, memories of it struggle to come back, almost as if you could feel the thing scratching the walls above, trying to dig its way down. The thought lasts for a moment, and then vanishes. Once more you feel completely unseen, protected by the shadows that greet you.


Even though it’s hard for you to see anything without light, you recognize that voice. The rashness and guttural accent are typical of underwater species. These are particularly recognizable and tricky. They’re called Ichtians, even though they name themselves differently. You’ve run across these beasts before. They feed on human flesh and mate with surface women – not bothering to ask first – in coastal lines. They are a treacherous, lying bunch, but it’s possible to barter with them from time to time. Considering the size of the structure, they’re certain to have far more men waiting to protect their priest – they rarely come out of their underwater temples – or to ambush you all.

You remember crossing one of their surface outposts once. It smelled like burning flesh and held skulls for decoration. Sail enough and you’ll see worse, though. Plus, their gold was good.


The tough speech reminds you of a tribe you once fought, deep in the south lands. You fought over the human remains of a village, both trying to pillage the area. These things are unreliable. In the end, you struck a deal: you’d get the gold and they’d get the bodies. The next day, the leader of the company saw what they wanted the bodies for: sacrifices. They used them to sacrifice to their gods in the Deep. Bled everyone dry from the cliffs and into the water, only to leave the site unannounced and accompanied by an odd sea creature. Black magic, you said, but your former commander said different: a black cult.
You understand that tone in his voice. Softskins might not. But you know better: he lies. He wants you dead, roasted or bleeding in an altar.


The potions are easily recognized by the dwarf. The combination presented has been used several times by spies and assassins, a peculiar choice for the otherwise orderly dwarves of Maran.

[The box contains the following potions:

Three gaseous form potions;
Three blur potions;
Three invisibility potions (not oil);
Three pass without trace potions.]

The quick spell Morgrym conjures is more than enough to give him an accurate idea of what expects them up front. He recognizes the chants coming from the dark as protective prayers. Two of them are shields (Shield of Faith and Entropic Shield). The third one is rather peculiar: someone is trying to hide its alignment, and Morgrym knows who. He sees three distinct auras coming from the dark, the very three that raise the chants in the distance. They seem to be covered in a protective aura of sorts, but it’s quite weak and it might come from some sort of divine power.

As the decrepit scaly figure speaks, you find yourself paying more and more attention to the whispers in the back. Your heightened senses and the effects of the spell mingle together, and you realize the others are about to begin a new round of prayers. Maybe he sincerely wants to negotiate, but he might be gaining his peers some time as well. It’s an old trick, one you’ve seen among ambushers and thieves around the mountains many times.

[Positions in the map have been updated. From now on, spellcasters are represented with S, archers with A and lancers with L.]

[MENTION=6801450]Trogdor1992[/MENTION] [MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=6855130]Jago[/MENTION] [MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
At first Marius is afraid of illusion. The casting after all was unfamiliar one. But the creatures move seemlesly from darkness into the light and move naturally.

Leaving these three to his companions for the moment he slips behind them into the darkness, looking for hidden casters. He knows enough not to let them prepare or they might present harder challenge then necessary.

Edit due to map: I didn't check the map first.

At first Marius is afraid of illusion. The casting after all was unfamiliar one. But the creatures didn't betray anything that would indicate they are just images moved from afar.

Leaving discussion to his companions, he slips into the enemy hall trying to meld into the shadows so he doesn't create a silhouette when entering the room. Movement of his companions serves as acceptable cover as he disappears into the darkness looking for hidden casters.
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First Post
'These foul cultists most certainly wish to kill us' the Kobold thinks to himself, recognizing the dialect of the one speaking, and gets the attention of the others. "Do not trust them, for they certainly lie, trust me on that" Va'arahkir whispers to the others, weapons at the ready.

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Though Reynard kept his weapon out of his hand, he regarded these creatures carefully. While he was quick to assume that the Kobold was ... well, probably right, he wasn't sure that attacking the Ichtians was the best idea. They were despicable monstrosities, but last he had faced them he had done so with a crew at his back. And a ship. Here, down in the dark, Reynard was far less willing to fight.

" Easy, my scaly friend," he whispered back, " We don't want to go rushing into things, here. These guys usually have a lot of buddies nearby."

Reynard tried to regard the leader and see the truth behind his words. He looked to be some kind of priest, or shaman, it was hard to tell. Did the Ichtians even have a religion? Steeling himself, the gunslinger took a step forward, holding his hand up.

" Greetings to you, good friend," Reynard greeted the creature, still wary but unwilling to fire the first shot. The last thing he wanted was to be devoured, or worse, by these monsters.

" Why would you open the gates for us, eh? What is it you want in return ..?"

[sblock=Sense Motive Roll on the Head Ichtian][roll0][/sblock]


Maran/Helen’s Fortune/Cellars

“Hm,” Morgrym muttered as he tested the potions. He stuffed them into his pack within easy reach and followed the others. He detected the magic of the three that came out to greet them, sensing the defensive magics around them.

“Bah! They’re stallin’!” Morgrym grunted to the others. “Stallin’ f’r the c-c-casters!”

Well, two could play that game. Morgrym moved forward and a bit to the side. He started casting himself. His skin hardened and cracked, turning brown as the spell took hold. He tried to think what he knew about these creatures.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Move: Forward three and diagonal 1
Action: Cast Barkskin
Knowledge Nature on Ichthians: 1D20+8 = [4]+8 = 12

HP: 39/39 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)(Barkskin: +2)
CMD: 15 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 7 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA)
Ammunition: 10/10 bullets
Storm Burst 7/7

Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1. Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Shillelagh, Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)
2: Fog Cloud (Domain), Barkskin,* Flaming Sphere, Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)


Archon Basileus

First Post
‘Calm, friendsss.... All we ask is for jussticcce.... And then you can passss.” – the sinuous voice goes on, in response to Reynard’s attempt at dialog. “We know for a fact you have among your belongingssss something of ourssss, sssomething sstolen long ago… the dwarvesss would never return it, but you…. I believe in you… You have a sense of… jusssticcce…. Yeeeesssss?” – the creature steps forward, flanked by the archers.

“Now, now, massssster dwarf….” – he looks straight at Morgrym – “Precaution is one think, but… Let’sss not hassste ourselvessss, yeeeesssss?” – he points out to the rocky completion of the druid, leaving it quite clear that they can see in the dark. “Be patient, yeeeesssss? Do not take offense on my wordsss…. But not all of your companionsss play with honesty. You have something of ours, and we would like to have it back, yeeessss? Handle it and we will gladly let you passss….” – he stops, allowing his companions to secure him by aiming at the door and the dwarf.

“Now, within your possessionsss surely you have a dagger of peculiar handle and look…. A dagger given to you by a dwarf leader…. That’ssss all we want…. We assure you, handle us the piece and we’ll open the gatesssss… Sssimple, is it not?” – his sharp smile assumes a bestial shape as he reaches out, waiting for an answer. All around, slowly, you see more lancers coming from the shadows, weapons up, bodies half-covered by strange pieces of leathery armor. They watch carefully the dwarf, focusing on his moves, but apparently unaware of the others’ exact positions.

[Please roll for initiative. From now on each post will represent a turn. Move is restricted to the number of squares dictated by your stats and by actions’ rules. Please watch your placement at the map, as well as enemies’ placement. As usual, free actions, such as talking, are allowed freely. Archers are beginning to aim and front lancers are watchful of their surroundings.]


You’ve seen this before. It’ll go sower.

As the beast insinuates its’ apologetic monologue, you notice his interest arising. It clearly intends to get the dagger one way or another. You seen cutthroats subtler than this thing. It certainly isn’t used to deal with humans. They’re tribal types, hunters and vultures, all of them. They love to kill, the seadogs. Even so, the excuses it offers are not far-fetched. The dagger has, after all, some odd themes decorating it’s hilt, things that would suggest sea-like origins. The material, if you recall precisely, is also quite odd for a combat blade, resembling the coral reefs you swim through when fishing or looking for pearls. The same goes for the blade: you’ve seen some shells deep under that could have served to build the sharp little tooth, but then again, you’ve only seen the weapon for a second. Your instinct betrays you for a moment, almost making you go look for the dagger, either on you or on your companions, but you realize wants you to do it. An old cutpurse trick, you think to yourself.

You hold back your moves and carefully listen to it’s words. As it mentions the flying horror for the second time, you feel it’s voice crackling. It’s afraid, and they do not work together for sure. Nevertheless, the beast somehow knows about the rebellion plans.

Possibly spies, maybe traitors... It knew where, how and when to find you all, and it’s been waiting. That settles it for you: they’re prepared, and they will do anything in their power to retrieve the thing. They might get it willingly and kill you for the laughs, or they might take it from your corpses. But they will not leave without it. Either you get some real leverage to barter real quick, or you kill them faster than they can call for help. Like two packs of seawolves down for the prey.

You’ve seen this before.

It’ll go sower for sure.


Sliding through the shadows, you contort your body to shrink in size as you pass through the portcullis, nearly crawling as attentions turn to Morgrym’s sudden metamorphosis. Years of training join your muscles and tendons in a controlled effort of precise and calculated moves. Most people would focus on their own steps and moves, ignoring rhythm and opportunity... But you are not most people.

You’ve learned to love the shadows and what they represent, and you’ve learned to embrace them. You’ve also learned that even in plain sight a man can hide. All you need is a second of distraction. As the dwarf muttered an incantation and solidified his skin, all attention turned towards him. It was more than enough for you to dance through the passage, arriving at the other side just before the lancers closed in to defend it.

Right now you are at a vantage point, being able to locate more ichtians as you move. Sound and shadow betray the other two spellcasters. They are in the back, turned towards each other, as if to perform a short-term ritual.

[The map is updated. Feel free to position yourself anywhere within the pink area]


You move, feeling the density of your skin increase as the stone upon it cracks and turns. Once you’ve heard this was your legacy, as if stone ran in your mountaineer’s blood. It would not matter. What matters is that it works. Your practical sense takes over your focus as you feel the fortitude of your new armor, and you begin to study your enemies as you would the wolf hunting your sheep. If those did not pose a threat, mere ichtians could not do you harm.

Ichtians are no more than animals, you tell yourself, and should be treated as such. Most would consider this as a mere display of despise. You do not make moral judgements, though, but you do understand that, like all animals, they’ll look for comfortable places, and they’ll seek to hunt in advantageous terrain. Their eyes are wide and certainly can see in the dark – they’re comfortable studying the area you now occupy. Also, they seem to be as fast as humans while walking dry areas. They breath normally – you see their chest moving – and the gills at the side of the shaman’s head suggest they can breathe underwater as easily. Possibly remarkable swimmers, they’re somehow wet, as their scales reflect some moist and oil-like appearance. They do not look overwhelmingly strong, but can certainly work with weapons. Some of these species can have toxins attached to claws and stingers, but not these. Lastly, as you’ve noticed before, they’re stalling, meaning they are not born predators and would prefer to hunt using guile and wits instead of strength.
[You can place your move as you wish. I’ll keep an eye out, if you want to unmake it, ok?]


You feel your reptilian self awakening with the promise of battle. Something primordial rattles within your skull, a killing instinct that speaks of ancestry. Your senses sharpen and your body assumes a stiff, precise position. The barbarian, the primordial warrior within you, forces your jaws open as a deadly trap, as your muscles focus on quick and pristine strikes. The taste of a trap, the glory of the hunt and the hunger for hot blood are all together in you, as the elders of your tribe described so many times.

[Ok, so I'm trying to get into the descriptions of your characters a bit better as we play. I'm always going to try and make the descriptions and responses to tests fit your own unique points of view. Please let me know if I got this right and if this appeals to you, or if it's not a good mechanism, ok?]

@Trogdor1992 @Neurotic @Jago @KahlessNestor
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Maran/Helen’s Fortune/Cellars

“An’ how d’we know this dagger b’longs t’ yeh?” Morgrym demanded. “Didnae see yuir name on it,” he taunted the Icthian. “I’m thinkin’ we’re more’n capable o’ gettin’ tha’ door open ourselves wi’oot yuir ‘elp. Sae why no’ step aside an’ none o’ ye slimy fish need t’ get ‘urt.” As he spoke, the wood-covered dwarf stalked forward, drawing his battleaxe.

Initiative: 1D20+3 = [11]+3 = 14

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Move: Forward 4
Action: Cast Barkskin

HP: 39/39 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)(Barkskin: +2)
CMD: 15 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 7 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA)
Ammunition: 10/10 bullets
Storm Burst 7/7

Conditions: Barkskin 30m

Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1. Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Shillelagh, Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)
2: Fog Cloud (Domain), Barkskin,* Flaming Sphere, Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)


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