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[IC] The Odd Job

Asha turns and follows the others from the room. She wipes her hands on her legs trying to clean the look their new employer just gave her. She was starting to have second thoughts about taking this job. But she needed the money. She is brought out of her thoughts by Faindil's introduction. She smiles at those gathered around her.

"Asha pleased to meet you all."

She looks at Aloysius.

"That is a good idea. Perhaps we should check the forge. See if we can help him with whatever is delaying him."

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OOC: the smithy is on the north edge of town near the lumber mill. You would assume he's there, provided he isn't downstairs in the tavern that is.


Kerzoth/Ivanhoe/Imperial’s Rest Inn
Round 0

Hrgach didn’t return the orc’s smile. His warning was given. He simply stepped out of the way as the orc left to get the merchant a whore. The hobgoblin shook his head. Disgusting creatures, humans and orcs. No discipline.

He followed the others out and nodded to Asha as the woman introduced herself. “Hrgach,” he told her, “of the Bloody Hands.”

They headed downstairs into the tavern again. “What are you intending with the dwarf?” he asked the others as he instinctively scanned the room again.

AC: 17 (chainmail, defensive fighting style)
HP: 13/13 Vitality: 17/17 HD: 1/1d10



The room had emptied some from before but then the fire was beginning to die in the hearth and no one appeared to be moving to throw on some logs from the basket. The barmaid was propping her head up, resting if on her hand, you get the distinct feeling that she has had enough of this night and that is why the fire is down to its dying embers. The only patrons left are the old men from earlier.
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~ " I imagine a simple chat," Faindil replied, his voice warm and yet brimming with energy despite the hour, " See what holds up the Dwarf and if we may be able to speed it along."

He paused at the bottom of the stairs, pondering.

" Though where our path takes us, I must wonder if there is greater reason for the delay. The Scorched Grove is not to be crossed lightly: texts from my temple marked the land as cursed by the blood of demons that fell there. Our employer has chosen a most hazardous route."

The Drow wondered what that could mean. Were their goods illicit, to have taken such a "shortcut"?

" I get the distinct impression that Gheedon is keeping information from us, and did not seem inclined to divulge. Perhaps the Dwarven Smith may know more; regardless of whether we move before two days' time, it would benefit us more to know about our cargo."

With that, Faindil made his way back to the common room, spying the overworked barmaid. He frowned slightly, noting that while she had sounded like a hard woman, she looked as though she had lived a hard life. The blue-skinned elf approached the bar, reaching into a pouch tucked into his robes and procured a small, golden disc.

" Kalethee light your way," he blessed her, laying the coin down upon the wooden top and using his right hand to make the symbol of his goddess.

With that, he made for the door, waving his coworkers on.

" Come. With luck, our Dwarven Smith may yet still be awake and we can resolve this tonight." ~

[sblock=Faindil's Stats]Character Sheet
Undying Light Warlock, Level 1

HP: 9/9
Condition: Normal
Initiative: +3
Perception: +1
Darkvision: 60 feet
In Hand: Quarterstaff

[sblock=Defenses]AC: 14
[sblock=Offenses]Sacred Flame: DC 13 Dex Save 1d8+3 Radiant
Dagger: +5 1d4+3 P
Quarterstaff (2-Hands): +3 1d8+1 B
Light Crossbow: +5 1d8+3 P[/sblock]
[sblock=Proficient Skills]History: +2
Insight: +3
Persuasion: +5
Religion: +2[/sblock]
[sblock=Spells]Cantrips: Unlimited
Dancing Lights
Sacred Flame
Mage Hand

Level 1: 1/Short Rest
Burning Hands
Hellish Rebuke[/sblock]

[sblock=Adventure Notes]Transactions:
Total Accumulated Coin: 15 GP

-1 GP to the Barmaid of Ivenho

Current Coin: 14 GP

Game Info:
It will take a day to travel through the "Shortcut" to Durran Mill, our destination.

A group called "The Royal Guard" controls the path, with palisade checkpoints.

A Demonic General was slain to the North, in an area now known as "The Scorched Grove".
- "There where seven demonic generals each embodying the worse aspects of mankind, they served under something so dark and alien no sentient race could fathom it"


OOC: given that everyone seemed to be leaning towards the forge I'll move it along. Anyone want to do anything before arriving ill just re-sequence posts

As you head towards the northern part of town you can see the tell tale orange glow of a fire coming out from a wooden leanto attached to a cobblestone building its architecture looks somewhat different to the other buildings of the area. The chill wind in the air hurries you along the promise of heat from the furnace only hastens you further.

Arriving in the forge, the wall of heat hits you as the dancing flames of the forge light the scene of a dwarf running from bellows to some metal contraption that looks to be a mould of some sort, hitting it with his hammer then pulling another lever which submerges everything in a bath of water.A few seconds later a fine blade emerges from the forge, the dwarf then throws it onto a pile of other fine blades. Cursing in dwarven, Faindil recognizes the tongue immediately [sblock] "Damn where is that godforsaken fool if I could find a demon I would feed him to it[/sblock] suddenly the dwarf turns to face you realizing he's not alone, the dancing flames masking your faces for the better, " Forge is closed and will be until I get this order done
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Round 0

Hrgach eyed the little shanty that called itself a forge as the group approached. He noted the dwarf muttering over the fire as he pounded away. When the dwarf noticed them, they were told the forge was closed.

“Worry not, dwarf,” Hrgach said. “We come only to enquire about an order for Gheedon. He wishes to be off as soon as possible and wonders what the hold up is.” The hobgoblin paused. “And if we can help.”

AC: 17 (chainmail, defensive fighting style)
HP: 13/13 Vitality: 17/17 HD: 1/1d10


"The hold up that idiot of an apprentice aint come back from the mill yet with more wood, the furnace is to cold, the water is to hot. Back home I had 10... yes 10 dwarves underneath me now all I have is 1". The dwarf shakes his head "The order will be done when I have completed the final three blades, but these simply will not do they are of inferior quality and I will not put my mark to them I want that merchant out of my town as quickly as possible. You want to help find my apprentice he should be at the lumber mill not 200yds that way he points over towards a clearing near the edge of the forest" I also need the water cooling, keira has a cellar its pretty cool down there go ask her"


~ Faindil had to admit that he was rather impressed with the diplomatic tone and words of the Hobgoblin. Considering his performance with the Orc, he supposed there wasn't much to be surprised about, but the priest was all too happy to know that his present company was as stereotype defying as, well, himself.

As for their current predicament, thankfully the solutions seemed rather simple. Faindil nodded in respect to the red-skinned Hob for his approach before speaking.

" This should be simple enough. I shall go speak to Keira about using her basement back at the inn, if you folks would care to find the wayward apprentice?"

[sblock=Faindil's Stats]Character Sheet
Undying Light Warlock, Level 1

HP: 9/9
Condition: Normal
Initiative: +3
Perception: +1
Darkvision: 60 feet
In Hand: Quarterstaff

[sblock=Defenses]AC: 14
[sblock=Offenses]Sacred Flame: DC 13 Dex Save 1d8+3 Radiant
Dagger: +5 1d4+3 P
Quarterstaff (2-Hands): +3 1d8+1 B
Light Crossbow: +5 1d8+3 P[/sblock]
[sblock=Proficient Skills]History: +2
Insight: +3
Persuasion: +5
Religion: +2[/sblock]
[sblock=Spells]Cantrips: Unlimited
Dancing Lights
Sacred Flame
Mage Hand

Level 1: 1/Short Rest
Burning Hands
Hellish Rebuke[/sblock]

[sblock=Adventure Notes]Transactions:
Total Accumulated Coin: 15 GP

-1 GP to the Barmaid of Ivenho

Current Coin: 14 GP

Game Info:
It will take a day to travel through the "Shortcut" to Durran Mill, our destination.

A group called "The Royal Guard" controls the path, with palisade checkpoints.

A Demonic General was slain to the North, in an area now known as "The Scorched Grove".
- "There where seven demonic generals each embodying the worse aspects of mankind, they served under something so dark and alien no sentient race could fathom it"

Voidrunner's Codex

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