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IC [Dungeon World] The Seven Reaches

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First Post
Initially ignored by the swarm of imps, perhaps because she was devoid of obvious weapon or armor, Arafel looks quickly around and takes the moment that she was offered to quickly duck behind one of the pillars supporting the roof of the hall. Her voice floats from that cover, chanting ancient syllables. The flames of candles and braziers flickered and dimmed momentarily as she pulled energy from the room to fuel her spell, which culminated in a crystalline sliver of blue-white light appearing in the air over her shoulder.

The elf leaned out from behind her cover and nodded at the first imp she saw there. It flicked out, as fast as thought, driven by indomitable will and struck the imp squarely in its potbellied midsection!

Am I targeted by imp?: 1d6 1 No.

Cast Magic Missile!: 2d6+3 13

Magic Missile damage!: 2d4 7


Half-Jack & Rat

When the flames flew Half-Jack had to dive and roll to avoid the fire. Rat squeeked in alarm and scurried after his halfling charge. Jack had practiced the dive and roll a lot so that his hands would automatically find the hilts of his weapons and he would come up out of the roll with weapons in hand. He thought it made him look dangerous and cool and he hoped a lovely halfling lass was watching from some hidden corner.

Jack was almost lucky. He came up next to an imp and stabbed it with his needle-sharp short sword. He shook it from his blade and Rat harried it. It was damaged but not as dead as he might have hoped. Jack realized he was exposed and he cringed; he knew there would be pain to come from his flashy attack.

[sblock=OOC]Half-Jack's Statistics

Imp attack?: 1D6 = [6] = 6 Yep, attacked.
Defy Danger: 2D6+3 = [5, 2]+3 = 10 Flame evaded.
Imps in Range?: 1D6 = [6] = 6 Hackin' at will.
HackNSlash: 2D6+3 = [3, 5]+3 = 11 Jack exposes himself to enemy attack for an extra d6 of damage.
Damage: 1D8+1D6+1 = [2]+[3]+1 = 6 Damage dealt: 6



Seven Reaches/Western Valley/Halfpoint
Day 6/Late Afternoon

Warris grunted as he took the fire blasts meant for Filip. The smell of burnt hair filled the room as the dwarf’s beard singed. He growled and muttered a prayer to Moradin. He felt a bit of Moradin’s displeasure, but the spell was granted and his warhammer began to glow.

Giving a whistle to snort, the dwarf and the boar charged at one of the imps, catching it off-guard. Unfortunately, the creature was too quick and his attack missed.

Damage redirect: 1D6+5 = [3]+5 = 8
I will take all of that damage.

Imp in melee range?: 1D6 = [5] = 5
I will take the -1 to spellcasting.

Imp in melee range?: 1D6 = [5] = 5
Got one!

Hack and Slash: 2D6+1 = [1, 1]+1 = 3
And I guess that’s XP at least.

-1 spellcasting (maintaining Magic Weapon)
-1 spellcasting (distance)

[sblock=Warris Stats]
Warris Ironfoot

ARMOUR 3 (Chainmail 1, Shield 1, Boar 1)
XP earned (bad rolls): 1



Day 6, Early Evening, Halfpoint Hall.

Throk ignores the gout of fire that strikes him and along with Warris throws himself in defence of Fillip. [1]

The thing that was Holtson stares in disbelief as Filip emerges with nary an eyebrow singed thanks to the valiant efforts of Throk and Warris.

Ilrec skewers a IMP before the creature can immolate him. Unfortunately, the creature survives to hurl it gout of flames. Ilrec evades it.

Arafel smacks an Imp with a bolt of magic energy. The creature pulls a sad face.

Half-Jack dodges the Imps flames rolls and comes up stabbing. The boney little monster survive and vomits forth flames [2].

"Hold the doors!" roars Filip. "Nothing infernal gets out!"

Stunned and disorientated the Halfpoint defenders stumble back towards the doors, forming a loose shield wall with whatever weapons they have to hand.

"As for you," Filip roars at the thing that was Holtson, "In the name of the Crone I declare you Exterminatus!" [3]

The thing that was Holtson roars something unspeakable and darkness swallows up the hall [4]. For a moment the hall is filled with the ragged breathing of the living and the scrape if claws on timber and stone. And the snickering of Imps. They love the darkness.

A pale light pushes back the gloom. Sworntree stands hand raised, light radiating from his holy symbol. Five gouts of flame converge on the brave Light.

What do you do?

Arafel: -
Half-Jack: Wounds 4.
Ilrec: Mark Ammo 1.
Throk: Wounds 4.
Warris: - see below

6x Imps attack Filip. 3 x Imps flame the PC's.


[1] Trogdor - a 5 means that Imps like you. Heaps. They show you a hot time. Throk - Damage 4. Ignore Armour.
On the plus side, Throk and Warris can take the "Half the damage" hold each. So no more damage to you.
KahlessNestor - Drop the 8 damage (see above). Leave the rest of the post, I will use it for the next 'round'. Or scratch it and start again.
[2] GlassEye - you can roll your own damage. Damage 6 - 2 Armour (rat?) = 4 Wounds.
[3] Exterminatus - a nifty paladin move. Now he just has to live long enough to see it through.
[4] IIRC both Warris and Arafel sacrificed their Light spells to power the burial ritual. The irony :)

Kick Off:

If you killed or wounded an Imp (Arafel, Ilrec and Half-Jack) you are now automatically targeted by an Imp's flames. An Imp's gotta look after a fellow Imp right? I mean, when you are on the bottom of the food chain Before you do anything else:

DD: Roll+DEX Damage 1d6. Ignores armour.
10+ You evade the flames.
7-9 You can evade the flames if you choose to. But one of the others in the hall is struck and incapacitated. You choose who and name them: roll 1d6 damage. Newstone, Earthwood and Westweir (the area commanders), Hornstone (the quartermaster), Manus (from Hegistead), Fletcher (the hunter), or Rolff. OR, set something in the hall alight. You can choose. Otherwise take the damage yourself.
6- Suck it up.

For the rest of you, well the rest of the Imps are kind of busy right now trying to extinguish the Light. Lucky you.

The Imps do their best to remain outside melee range. They are not stupid, and they are fast. To engage in melee, Roll 1d6:
1 no Imps are within reach.
2-4, you can close on an IMP, but first DD (DEX) to avoid their gouts of fire.
5-6, Stupid IMP never saw you coming. You can Hack and Slash at will. If you take damage from an IMP during H&S, its only claws and teeth: 1d6 does not ignore armour.
If you already engaged, take +2 to this roll.

Imp: Horde, Planar, Intelligent, Organized
Flame gout (d6 damage, ignores armour) 7 HP, 1 Armour
Close, Near, Far.[/sblock]


The imp snickers and sends a wave of infernal flame towards Ilrec. The elf tries to dodge the flames, but ends up jumping right into them.

In exchange, though, Ilrec levels his bow at the imp and fires, striking dead the little demon.

[sblock=Moves & Rolls]Defy Danger: 2D6+2 = [2, 1]+2 = 5 - Ilrec is hit by the flames.
Fire Damage: 1D6 = [3] = 3 - Ilrec takes 3 damage
Volley: 2D6+2 = [2, 5]+2 = 9 - Hits. Ilrec marks ammo again.
Damage: 1D10+1D4 = [10]+[2] = 12 - Obviously, this kills the Imp attacking Ilrec. Could I perhaps spread the damage to a nearby Imp attacking an ally?[/sblock]


Half-Jack & Rat

Half-Jack was lucky or skilled and avoided getting burnt to a crisp by imp-flame. He grinned; this was how legends began. The imp tried to escape but Jack and Rat stuck to it. They took the first chance that came up and leapt to attack it: the thin blade of Jack's short sword skewered the imp and as it flopped about in its death throes, Rat gnawed on its leathery tail.

[sblock=OOC]Half-Jack's Statistics

Defy Danger: 2D6+3 = [4, 6]+3 = 13 Flames avoided.
Imps in Range?: 1D6+2 = [5]+2 = 7 Engaged.
HackNSlash: 2D6+3 = [4, 2]+3 = 9 Attack, but exposed to enemy attack.
Damage: 1D8+1 = [8]+1 = 9 Damage dealt: 9


Voidrunner's Codex

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