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IC [Dungeon World] The Seven Reaches


Day Six. Late in the Afternoon. Halfpoint.

The day is approaching its conclusion, the setting of the sun hastened by the hills that have slowly risen up around you as you head towards the town of Halfpoint. The way clear enough marked as it is into the earth by the generations that have made the trip to and from the Vale.

An hour or so before the sun touches down on the hilltops you are intercepted by the folk that call Halfpoint home. A couple of halflings mounted on dogs join you from a watch tower located south of the the town. It is obviously new. Several other halflings wave from the top of the tower.

Halfpoint is a town of some 1000 souls. But it is unlike any other town in the Seven Reaches. It is a sprawling collection of small hills into which the halflings have burrowed to make their homes. There are no walls around the town, it is completely open. There are some conventional buildings. You see one or two small ones your way in. But most of them, the larger ones, are located around a small open space in the centre of the town. As you move towards the centre of town you are greeted warmly by those that you pass. Most, you note, carry some form of weapon or have something close to hand.

It is to the largest of the stone buildings in the centre of town that you are lead. It is there that you are met by Filip, a halfling of average build but extraordinary intensity. He wears a odd looking breastplate and carries a longsword. He introduces himself and his companions. He greets you warmly enough. But it is obvious that he is tired and worn. As they all appear to be on closer inspection. Filip notes the presence of Rolff with a frown but says nothing for the moment.

"You have timed your arrival well Rangers. We are just about to get a bit to eat and prepare for this night. Join us. Your horses will be cared for as well. Burr?"

One of the halflings nearby nods. "No problem Filip. We will get them fed and watered and rubbed down. We'll put them in the stables at the inn." He point to one of the other buildings nearby. "That one over there," he adds for your benefit.

"Right then," say Filip and heads inside with half a dozen other halflings in tow. Inside the building there are a number of tables set up. Along one wall there is a table of food, mostly fruits, cold meats, cheeses, hard breads and the like. A bowl of pipe-weed, a good handful of coins worth, sits at one end. In the centre of the space is another large table surrounded by a collection of halfling sized stools and benches. Along the the third wall are a few racks of weapons and shields. At the back of the hall are a collection of cots, mostly halfling sized, all neatly made up.

Filip heads directly to the large table in the centre. The other halflings follow, ignoring the table of food.

"Forgive my bluntness and lack of courtesy," apologies Filip once everyone is gathered together. "We will eat shortly I promise.

"Some time ago I sent a message to Wintercliff requesting assistance for we are under assault by gnolls. Are you all the help Wintercliff can spare to assist us? And why is it you ride in with a solitary man wearing the crest of Ringwood?"

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First Post
Throk looks to the Halfling called Filip and says "Don' mat'er 'ow much 'elp Wintercliff can spare, for before ye is Throk tha Mighty, and me brothers in battle, an' were all tha 'elp ye'll be needin'." As he finishes you can see clearly on his face that he's quite proud of his little speech.

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Day Six, Late Afternoon, Halfpoint.

Throk looks to the Halfling called Filip and says "Don' mat'er 'ow much 'elp Wintercliff can spare, for before ye is Throk tha Mighty, and me brothers in battle, an' were all tha 'elp ye'll be needin'." As he finishes you can see clearly on his face that he's quite proud of his little speech.

Filip looks slightly non-plussed at Throck's introduction.

"You are not from around here are you?" he responds eventually "Apologies, I forget myself. I am Filip, Shield of the Crone. You are welcome. As are your companions. It is good news to here that you are hear to help. These are trying times.

He goes on to introduce the others with him.

Newstone, Earthwood and Westweir are the Northerling, Easterling and Westerling commanders respectively. They all wear leather armour enhanced with plates and scales of a similar material to Filip's breastplate. Each of them carries a hand weapon slung at their hip, and a horn.

Sworntree, Light of the Couple and Burrberry's representative (Burrberry, being elderly and frail, attends infrequently). Tonight it is Sworntree's turn to take duty at the hall.

Hornstone, a merchant and natural organiser who has taken upon herself to manage the hall each night.

And finally Manus and Fletcher, two humans. They arrive after you have entered the hall Manus is a local, a hunter. He has with him an well used longbow. Fletcher is the leader of the contingent from Hengistead. Once eight, they are now down to 5. Fletcher apologies for being late. He was looking in on Rufes, who has healed well enough, but is still in a bad way emotionally. Manus just shrugs. Time works differently for those who spend a long time in the wilderness.

"I am hoping," Filip continues "That you bring news of reinforcements to follow - either from Wintercliff or any of the towns. Halfpoint has no walls, there is only us to hold the gnolls at bay. When we are gone, Halfpoint is gone.

[sblock=OOC]Among the halflings - clerics are called 'Lights', druids 'Spears', and paladins 'Shields'. Humans believe that only humans can be paladins. They forgot to tell the 'Shields'. Halfings worship several figures, including the Crone, the Couple, the Child and the Ancestor.

Whether or not your character knows this is up to you.[/sblock]


First Post
Arafel sighs softly. "We have news, but it's not good news. Your reinforcements were destroyed, by treachery, by those they thought were allies. We will render what aid we can, but it may be wise to consider escape. A town can be rebuilt. Lives cannot be."



Half-Jack waved warmly at every person they met in entering Halfpoint, like a conquering hero returned home. Once within the stone hall he was much more reserved and simply nodded a greeting to everyone they were introduced to. He listened to Throk's pronouncement and smiled a little (but inside where only he could see it) and then to Arafel's more realistic one. He sighed softly, an unconscious mimicry of the wizard.

"News south is in short supply. How are the lands round here holding out? And what of the lands farther north?"


Map of the Seven Reaches

A copy of the original map of the Seven Reaches.


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Day Six, Twilight, Halfpoint

Arafel sighs softly. "We have news, but it's not good news. Your reinforcements were destroyed, by treachery, by those they thought were allies. We will render what aid we can, but it may be wise to consider escape. A town can be rebuilt. Lives cannot be."

"News south is in short supply. How are the lands round here holding out? And what of the lands farther north?"

"We will not abandon Halfpoint yet. For the moment we are safer here," responds Filip.

"Most of the outlying farms have been abandoned and the families brought to Halfpoint. The North and the West have been the most severely affected. They burnt a couple of farmsteads two days ago. The gnolls have not pressed from the south so far. As for elsewhere, we have heard little. Last we heard of the towns to the west, nothing unusual. To the north, beyond the Crawley hills we have heard nothing.

Filip outlines their situation. Halfpoint is a town of some 1000 souls. They have mustered around 200 who can fight. Half of them are townsfolk equipped with shields and spears and leather armour who fight in small groups of six to eight. In addition they have around 30 dog riders equipped the same way, around 30 hunters and herders equipped with bows and crossbows, and around 30 members of the guard. The guards are likewise equipped with shields and spears, but are more capable fighters. They are spread among the small foot formations to stiffen them.

The forces are divided into three groups roughly equal in size. One group has responsibility for the outer defence, another remains in the centre of town as the van. The last is dispersed among the dwellings in case the gnolls get inside. They rotate the groups every three of four days.

There is one more group. A small band in the hills lead by Thornbush a Spear of the Crone. She been scouting the gnolls in the hills with a couple of hunters. But the gnolls keen sence of smell makes it impossible to get close. But Thornbush has reported that she thinks she knows the location of their camp, and the gnolls have been sending out small bands into the hills fairly regularly. Their last report was a week ago.

As Filip talks the sun disappears behind the hills and the twilight gloom settles over the hall. Lanterns are lit and placed on the main table and around the hall. Holtson makes an appearance, and Fletcher excuses himself discussion for a moment to speak to his friend. Holtson is pale and wrapped in furs despite the mild weather. Holtson waves away Fletchers entreaties to rest. "I can't. I am all jumpy. My skin is uncomfortable. My mind is ... it keeps twisting and turning. I thought I could help out here. Keep busy. I'll light some braziers. Its chilly ..." He shuffles off to set about his self appointed task.

"We have lost around fifty since the attacks started," concludes Filip. "We have killed around a score. The gnolls recover both their wounded and dead so we can't be sure. We think that the gnolls number more than a hundred. We have identified around forty which we think to be about a third of the total. Halfling dwellings are stout enough. So long as we can prevent the gnolls from having time to break in, we can keep them out. Its a war of attrition. And given the current maths, we are losing. But we have not yet lost. There is still time to change the equation."

Filip looks at each of you around the table. He wipes his brow with his sleeve. It has become quite warm in the hall, not helped by the two braziers Holtson has lit. Meanwhile, he happily works on a third humming to himself.

"So," Filip continues "now that you have heard our situation, what are your intentions? Do you join us in defence of the town? Or head into the the hills to take the fight to the gnolls? Track down the source of the treachery? Or something else entirely?"

[sblock=OOC]1. It hasn't specifically been said IC, but I am assuming that the halflings now know that you do not come from Wintercliff, but from the south having been away for a year and a half. They would have recieved the same messages as Hengistead about you; a dwarf, elf, halfling and two humans (one a barbarian) is a somewhat unusual combination.

2. Some of you had some wounds from the goblin encounter. But since there has been time to treat with bandages and stuff, lets say you are all at back at full HP.[/sblock]



Seven Reaches/Western Valley/Halfpoint
Day 6/Late Afternoon

Warris listened quietly to the situation in Halfpoint as the halfling Filip described it. Snort enjoyed lying by the hearth, the halflings steering well clear of the large boar.

“I think we need t’ set aboot makin’ yer wee town more defensible,” Warris finally spoke. “Gettin’ ye a defensive wall will ‘elp wi’ yer attrition. Ye got able bodies no’ oot on the outer lines, they shuild be workin’ wi’ a sword on their ‘ip. Erect a barricade or palisade, or even a ditch. Mebbe a few traps. Make it ‘arder f’r them t’ get close. If they reall are as small a band as ye say, a ‘andful o’ ye cuild ‘old off a score or more o’ ‘em b’ind a wall. An’ if they concentrate their force, ye c’n move in the rear supports.”



[sblock=Warris Stats]
Warris Ironfoot

ARMOUR 3 (Chainmail 1, Shield 1, Boar 1)



First Post
Throk speaks up first, saying "Ye're right, we canno' sit idly 'ere an' wait fer a damned miracle, we ought ta take tha battle ta tha dirty things, lest they taint yer town. If no' tha', meself's thinkin' ta storm tha camp, if yer lady Dwarf is right tha' may be tha fastest road ta victory an' freedom fer ye, but I'm thinkin' it may no' be tha safest road."

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First Post
"I'd like to see this camp before we commit forces," Arafel notes. "And in the process we could try to find this scouting party."

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