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Hell's Invasion Prologue (Michael Close) [IC]


He knew what he had planned before, he knew it, but he was paralysed with fear. Michael held his breath for what seemed an eternity. He didn't move a muscle. He was ready to blast the thing, but he daren't make a sound. And Michael had NOT heard the bear analogy before, coming from Australia. But he did know a thing or two about Demon fiction; if his knowledge held any weight, a demon would feel extremely cocky on Earth, at least in an initial invasion.

This thing has met no REAL resistance yet in its confident mind, so in theory it won't be looking absolutely everywhere for danger... It SHOULD be focused on pursuing the pathetic excuse of an enemy crawling away, then play with it noisily. Michael was hoping he could use this theoretical arrogance of the Demon against it as a weakness.

Changing his plan again, Michael would wait for the Demon to pounce on the guard, sneak over and grab the handgun, sneak over to the corner and take a shot at it before running to the studio. His plan was insane, but then again, what wasn't insane about this whole situation?

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While Michael held his breath waiting for his chance, he could still hear that high performance car engine revving and then a roar of acceleration with squealing tires echoing over the grounds. But it sounded like it was still a few blocks away.

The demon sprang with its wings spread, thrusting down once with them to gain altitude with its leap. The it glided downward in time for the rent-a-cop to look over his shoulder in panic. The demon slammed into the limping guard's chest and they flew on together as the creature clutched the man's chest and glided about 10 more feet to land atop the poor unfortunate man. The guy screamed in terror as all he could see were teeth.

The demon was enjoying the sweat and stench of fear from his victim. His long tongue lapped it up from the terrified man's face.

[sblock=OOC]Any attack with a firearm would be either d12 (Average) or d20 (Below Average), depending on how proficient you think Michael is. It would be an opposed check against the demon's d12 for defense. Low number wins, a tie would not be a miss, but more of a grazing shot.[/sblock]



As soon as the Demon was nearly at the security guard, Michael ran couching towards the pistol, snatching it up and pivoting. He then moved as swiftly and silently as possible towards the corner of the building, stopping on the other side of the golf car. He twisted around onto his right knee, holding the pistol out in front of him, resting his aim on the overturned vehicle. The pistol was the best weapon he could use in this instance. A shotgun had better penetration potential, but was weak at any long range. The pistol had greater range, but would be weaker, but maybe a well placed shot in a soft spot could do some damage. Besides that, Michael WAS combat trained with a pistol, so would definitely be more accurate with it from a distance.

The rent-a-cop was screaming and struggling. "These demons sure are a sadistic bunch, playing with their food" Michael thought; "Of course they are, THEY'RE DEMONS!" he argued with himself. Gritting his teeth, he steadied his aim, slowing his breathing as much as possible. He didn't expect the pistol to have much of an impact. He figured that a Demon's skin would have to be quite durable to handle combat with other demons and whatever you needed to put up with in hell, so Michael figured that when taking a shot, he needed to be thinking about targeting the spots that were likely the softest. The Demon's soft spot in sight appeared to be its buttocks and anything else a demon possessed in that region of its body, perfectly lined up in Michael's sights.

Hit or miss, Michael would take his shot, then run to the studio, not worry too much about waiting around to see the damage he did. JUST get its attention and MAYBE slow it down. He normally wouldn't fight dirty by aiming for the buttocks or groin, but these were Demons and Michael needed every advantage he could get.

The security guard screamed more loudly as the demon pressed one of its razor sharp claws into a wound in his right arm, opening it wider, the demon laughing playfully without a care in the world.

All that was about to change as Michael pulled the trigger...




[sblock=OOC]Whoooohooo!!!! I don't expect to do a lot of damage given that I'm fighting a demon. I'm hoping I will at least slow the demon down, like kicking someone in the balls. However, if the shot has entered through its erm.... special area, I sort of wonder if I may have shredded some of its large intestine. Even if the demon killed me from this point on, it would be kind of cool knowing I MAY have killed a demon with infection? Once again, Whooohoo![/sblock]
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The gun kicked in Michael's hand. The bullet slammed into the demon's shoulder.

The creature screamed in pain and rose to its feet, clutching the rent-a-cop by the throat. The poor guy was likely dead or soon to be since his head hung sideways and the throat was crushed in the demon's grip with its good hand.

The other arm hung limp at the demon's side and the wing on the same side hung limply at and odd angle. Black-like blood oozed from the bullet wound. The bullet must have broke something inside. But despite the injury the demon still looked plenty deadly and now very pissed off.

Turning to flee, Michael saw a black Dodge Charger nearly slowed to a stop about 50 feet away down the street between the buildings. The car had a dented in roof, a blood smear on the windshield, and there were a number of scratches to the paint job.



"Haha! The Beast bites back Bitch!" Michael shouted momentarily in the creatures direction; though Michael didn't stick around to see the Demon's full reaction. He couldn't believe he did damage to that thing! "Hmm, looks like whoever's driving that car knows how to stay alive! Okay, time to make an escape and then cry like a little bitch once the adrenaline wears off". Another side to Michael jumped in, "But what about killing the bastard? Don't you just want to electrify the thing to death? Now might be your only chance!" "Nope, I need more bullets!!" He shouted in his mind.

Running as quickly as he could, he attempted to hail the driver of the erm... slightly dented motor vehicle. Michael started screaming in a raspy Australian accent at the driver, "Heeeey mate, wait up! Let me in! I've got guns!"

Suddenly Michael heard the Demon roar again. As he got around to the passengers side of the vehicle, getting ready to open the door, there it was! The Demon was running as swiftly as possible towards him, which was much slower than its fly speed, but fast nonetheless.
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The driver rolled slowly the car forward into the open area, apparently not really eager to stop completely. He did not look very thrilled.

He called out as he looked to be trying to thread the car through the carnage. He called out, "Guns didn't help any of the security guards. Get in the car, we're bugging out!"

GM: Go ahead and post your reply in this thread: Hell's Invasion Prologue (Evan Tyler)
There is more information there as well.

Voidrunner's Codex

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