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Gods and Monsters: Legends Reborn main campaign thread


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*Loki notes Garith's behavior for later response. Too involved in his own thoughts, he dismisses the issue for now. Gods need not explain themselves to mortals, worshipers or otherwise. The coin would have to keep him happy for now.*

*As he makes his way down the mountain side, he intentionally heads behind a copse of trees to block the line of sight of anyone in town who might have seen him, transforming once more. Casting about, he locates a fallen branch and sets about trimming it into a rudimentary quarterstaff. Once it can be used as a walking stick, or a weapon, as needed, he resumes his journey into town. Upon arrival he enters the local tavern in search of drink and information.*



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Kossuth- The heat of your touch slightly melts and reforms one of the gold coins in your pouch to look like an unremarkable, but foreign, gold coin. Once you reach the gate, your are hailed by a guard standing at the portcullis. He salutes you with his halberd, plants the end on the ground and addresses you. "Hail, traveller. Welcome to Neverwinter. If you would like entrance to this fine city, at this time, we require a toll be paid of 1 gold coin for up to five heads." When you hand him the coin, he bites it in his mouth, noting that it does slightly give, then nods, and shouts at the gatekeeper. "Oi! Let this fine gentlman in please!" The portcullis rises quickly, and the guard addresses you again, "May your night be merry, good Sir! If you seek temple services, the merchant's quarter offers many fine temples to the various gods, though Tyr is the primary church of the city. Every quarter has inns you can stay at. Good night!" The guard ushers you in the gate, and the portcullis closes behind you. As you walk a little ways, you see a roadside tavern and inn very near to the gate, with music playing in the common room. The road signs read in a western dialect of common that takes you a moment to acclimate to, but its telling you that this is the Market Quarter, straight ahead is the Merchant's Quarter, to the left is the Black Lake District, and to the right (west) is the Docks Quarter. The sign on the Inn reads "Tavern of the Rising Sun" and is marked with a sun on the horizon, rising up over a slice of cheese. There are not many people on the streets at this time of night, but you do see an errant patrol of city watch, their cloaks look like a star struck moon symbol with a scale in the background overlaying it. You can smell some sweet aromas coming from the Inn.

Sheela- ~You recall that the Seelie and Unseelie fey courts almost always denoted weather they were friendly, kind, pranksters and helpers; or cold, crass, mean, beligerent, jokesters and thugs~
Ashara addresses you, and when she speaks the other fey at the table bow their heads, "We have been tending the forest for a long time now, even for us feyfolk. Very rarely do we have such rare, and wonderous happenings as your arrival. Even more so when other rare occurrences happen in our forest at the same time. The birds of the forest have come to us, telling of another arrival of a being, in the same way as you did. But he arrived within an ancient runestone prison. A prison built to contain that which is a bane to the spirits of the land- a Spirit-Eater. We erected a barrier to try to contain this man, should he try to leave. Because the Spirit-Eater is a curse, a living curse. Once it has ensnared a victim, it uses that victim as a husk to walk about the land feeding on that which it does not have. If you are willing, we would have you go to this runestone prison and see to it that the man trapped within it now is not infected by this curse, and that it stays within the prison. You have the power to let him out by touching one of the stones casting an animal friendship spell upon it. The magic of the prison will recognize the spell, and will make the new barrier disperse, but not the prison's wards." She pauses a moment, noticing that she has been speaking for quiet a bit longer than she is used to. "Forgive me, normally when I must converse with non-feyfolk, I only do so in short sentences or phrases. If I have caused you discomfort, know that it was not my intention." She takes a wooden flower-like tankard in her hand and drinks from the naturally grown cup. "Would you please investigate this man for us?"
GM: Indeed, her speaking for so long has had a compulsive effect on you, but you managed to assuage the urge to sit at her feat and be enthralled by her stories

Red Knight- Aurela leaps from behind one tree to one about twenty feat closer to the ogres, and then lets loose a pair of arrows. Both of them strike precisely in the armpit of the sling-ogre, under its left arm, while it was laying on the ground being pummeled by the angry ogre you hit with a rock. The arrows bite so deeply they disappear into the ogre's ribcage, which lets out a startled gargle as blood bubbles up out of its mouth and sprays all over the raging ogre's face as he smashes the now-dead ogre in the face with a fist. Aurelia ducks behind the bush after firing, trying her best to conceal her new position. The ogres watching the fight suddenly lean down to look at the now dead and very bloody ogre, in wonder, as to just how hard this raging ogre can hit. One of them notices the arrow wounds, just as the arrows suddenly fly out of the wounds at high speed, through the air, and suddenly restring themselves upon Aurelia's bow. She looks at you with a big grin on her face when she sees the look you give her upon witnessing the magical happening. The nearest bystander ogre turns toward you and Aurelia, and its eyes fall upon you. It lets out a loud shout of warning, as it dashes over to it's bedroll to retrieve it's greatclub. The raging ogre turns and sees you as well, grabs his greatclub, and leaps to his feat. The other bystander ogre, is looking back and forth from you, to the raging ogre, to the ogre that ran away, to the dead ogre, scratches his head, grabs the dead one's sling, and loads a stone.
GM: Prepare for action! Roll initiative for you and Aurelia separately, please.

Merlin- The magic missiles poke glowing silhouette holes into the unseen entity, but it doesn't release its hold on you. The whispers coalesce into a stark, many-vocals but singular voice- "Two become one!" It suddenly punches its hold all the way through your chest, feeling like it just blasted your heart out of the back of your ribcage. The pain is intense, searing, cold, and yet numb, at the same time. Your vision goes black, and your mind retreats you into a dreamscape to avoid shock from the pain. You stand upon a gray, dirt laden plain. The sky is a deep, dark purple, with no stars. In the distance, you see a city of gray buildings, and a huge, ugly looking, mold-covered wall completely surrounding it. You hear thousands upon thousands of different voices wailing, screaming, crying, babbling, talking, and shouting, but you can't make out any of the words. Then you see a flash of light, hear a clap of thunder, and it draws your attention to an area outside of the city. You see a gargantuan blue dragon breathing lightning at strange gray-colored humanoids, and then suddenly are struck with a horrible pain in your chest. You look down and you see an arm pull itself out of your chest, wrenching something inside of you out, and the arm reveals a shapeless, featureless, humanoid infront of you, with no face. What it tore from you, it turns and flings it at incredible speed. The misty blob flies through the sky and slams into the wall, and then the figure before you bodily dives into the hole in your chest. You can do nothing, say nothing, only witness and feel. It instantly fills in the hole it punched into you, and then suddenly you wake. The dreamscape you were in suddenly fades from memory, as mist and shadow, as if it never were. There is no pain, no scar, no hole in your chest. You are lieing on the grass next to the table within the stone circle. You can't remember what just transpired, as if you were trying to look at the sun, but have have several layers of silk over your eyes. The fog outside the circle has cleared away, and you can see hundreds of sets of footprints in the muddy grass outside of the circle, but no creatures are present. You concentrate on your detect evil spell, and there is no longer an evil presence within the stone circle nor without. You are alone.

Loki- Inside the mead hall, there are several men singing a drinking song about cutting down the biggest tree in the forest with nothing but their hands, feet, and other choice parts. Several serving women are busy making sure every tankard is full, and those sitting at tables have their hunger sated. A pair of men are standing before a target board and are throwing darts at it, and betting against eachother whilst chugging entire tankards. There is another man sitting in a tub of water and snow, naked. He appears to be taking bets on how long he can withstand the cold. There are banners hanging from the ceiling displaying almost all of the symbols of the deities of Asgard, but yours looks to have been cut down. There is a woman sitting at a table with three other men and they seem to be playing cards. Most of the men are missing articles of clothing, whilst the woman is still fully clothed. She has a large pile of coin infront of her on the table, while the men do not. Of all the merrymaking going on, you also notice that there is one individual sitting on a chair in the corner near the huge keg of mead that has been tapped. He looks to be watching the crowd and remaining silent.
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merlin's Recovery

The Dungeon Master said:
You can't remember what just transpired, as if you were trying to look at the sun, but have have several layers of silk over your eyes. The fog outside the circle has cleared away, and you can see hundreds of sets of footprints in the muddy grass outside of the circle, but no creatures are present. You concentrate on your detect evil spell, and there is no longer an evil presence within the stone circle nor without. You are alone.

Merlin's thoughts are muddled, confused, and diverse: ~I don't remember the battle. The entity struck the first blow. I discharged my staff... Now I am here. I am alive, and uninjured. I don't remember winning the battle. I don't remember healing myself. Did the entity escape? If so, why would it leave me alive? It said that it was HUNGRY. Yes, I remember that part. So why didn't it make me into its first "meal"? And why did its followers leave me unharmed?~

In the middle of this train of thought, a memory suddenly imposes itself:

Merlin's Memory said:
A simple stone table stands, flash-frozen, behind you. Upon it is the corpse of a man, but it appears to have been mummified to some degree, and left in a fur wrapping.

Merlin turns his attention to the stone table once more, almost afraid of what he might see---or what he might not see...

OOC: Is the fur-wrapped, mummified corpse still on the table?

GM: Your worried glance at the stone table reveals a corpse still wrapped in furs
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First Post
*Loki concentrates briefly, noting which tavern goers emit magical auras, before heading to the bar to order a common ale and a heel of bread*

*Once the order arrives, he scans the room again, to determine if anyone has become interested in him. Making his way in the direction of the solitary man, he leans against the wall, a fair distance from the man, but close enough for conversation. He begins consuming his bread, and ale, quietly. Keeping the man in his peripheral vision, Loki continues to watch the room, listening for any interesting conversation that might be of use to him.*

OOC: If nothing noteworthy occurs, he will strike up a conversation with the man, to inquire if any bards have passed this way recently.

GM: Magic auras present: 1- the man sitting by the mead keg is covered in an illusion aura, and you have not seen him being served or even noticed by others, 2- one of the darts being used by the two at the dart board is magical, and an argument has broken out between the men, 3- There is a magical aura on the gloves of one of the men seated at the poker table, he is the only man still wearing almost all of his clothing, 4- The woman at the card table has a great axe that has a magical aura, 5- The money pouch of the bartender has a magical aura, 6- The man in the ice bucket challenge has a magical aura on his ring, 7- The hearthfire in the middle of the mead hall has a magical aura
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First Post
As the zombies make their shambling way to him, Janus feels the righteous drive to purge the undead, shambling creatures from Toril. The fire of righteous rage quickly explodes into a roaring flame that fills his breast. The image of a hilt rises in his mind, emerging from the sea of retribution within him. Something in his divided mind tells him he must shape the power and give it form.

OOC: Initial Maneuvers: Shield Block, Vanguard Strike, Charging Minotaur. Entering Martial Spirit stance for HP regen per hit (if possible). Zombie mop-up allowed by DM

Janus reaches for the hilt, grasping it in his mind. As he does, a sudden jolt courses through him as the white-hot fury spreads through his form, willing him on to strike down his enemies. The first zombie crashes against his shield ineffectively, Janus' broadsword coming down in an overhead chop, rending it from head to sternum. The zombie collapses, Janus pulling his sword free with a boot against its decrepit chest. The crusader turns his attentions to Herbert, still shambling at him from his position near the door. Images flash through his mind, and Janus seizes one, body driven to supernatural force as he drives towards Herbert, catching the zombie on his shield. The flailing creature proves no match for his strength, being driven into the wall, bones snapping and cracking under the force of the spiked shield. With a final, deep crack the zombie falls limp.

The last zombie, the one confined to the bed, thumps ineffectually against Siamorphe's disciple, trying to claw for the gap between Janus' helmet and breastplate. Janus rocks his helmeted head back, catching the zombie square in the face. It flails back, face dented in from the warrior's rebuke. Swinging a last, powerful stroke, Janus ends the zombie the same way as its former master, executing it with a single, clean stroke to the neck.

The divine fury fades as the last one falls, Janus' heavy breathing echoing in his helm.

GM: Your tenacity at dispatching the zombies was fierce and fast, for after surveying the room, you notice that you actually cut down nine zombies instead of the three you thought. Your blade swings becoming but an extension of you, your rounding backswings appear to have cleaved the zombies that were behind you as well as infront. You are now alone in the bottom of this mausoleum.
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"Yes, thank you, the temple of Tyr should do for now. Could you give me directions to find it?"

Upon receiving the information he needs, Thaklor turns towards the merchants quarters with a determined step. Though the inn was tempting and his stomach bare, he had important tidings to deliver and business to attend to. In the meantime, he was no stranger to fasting and this pang was nothing to him. While on his path Thaklor keeps an eye out for any signs that this place might contain a Red Wizard's enclave. He would soon need to send word to Thay as well, or preferably acquire transport to ensure that the message got to it's destination without being subverted along the way.


First Post
*As Loki raises his tankard with his last swig of ale, he speaks quietly into the upturned cup*

"My old bones are aching tonight. Have you heard if any bards have recently been this way? I could use an interesting tale to raise my spirits"


First Post
Red Knight- You have both got the jump on the ogres and can take your turns. The nearest ogres are the raging one with a great club, and the one that picked up the dead one's sling and loaded it; at 40 feet from Red and 30 feet from Aurelia (she is a little bit ahead of you but behind a bush). The other ogre is 60 feet away at the spit-fire. In the distance you both can see other ogres waking up and starting to shout warnings, both near the fire, and beyond toward the destroyed village. The last you saw their leader, he was nearer to the village than the camp fire (~ 240 feet away).

Kossuth- The guard gives you some simple to follow directions, as this city seems to be a well organized mess, with many signs pointing here and there. As you travel to the Merchant's quarter gates, you can sense fire in your immediate vicinity. Not an ordinary feeling, and it is much stronger than what a candle or torch would give off for "feeling". You look around, puzzled, and in an alley near the gate, you see two shadowy figures pouring out vials of what looks like liquid fire but you correctly guess the contents as alchemists' fire when the liquid hits the surface of the wooden beams and immediately ignites, creating a towering flame up the side of the building. As soon as the flames shoot up the wall, the two shadowy figures dart around behind the building, out of line of sight. The building is set ablaze, with several other wooden buildings in close vicinity. ~You can feel the intensity of the flames, their artificial purity created by the alchemical mixture~

Loki- The quiet individual slowly turns his expressionless face towards you, half-surprised you are talking to him and notice him, half-ashamed that one of the villagers didn't discover him instead. "You're the greatest tale-teller this side of Asgard. Why would you need a lowly mortal to sing about your exploits?" The man continues drinking from his tankard, which oddly refills itself with liquid once he has consumed it all.
GM: No other magical auras are present on the man, just a strong illusion.

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Thaklor feels a rage begin to build up in on his breast as he experiences the crime. Whatever their reason these men were no followers of Kossuth Obesity and their deed smelt of treachery and a perversion of yhe natural order. He wishes that he could chase after, but fire in a city had to be dealt with lest it run out of control. He put his feelings aside as he watched the flames climb up the side of the building and knew he had but one chance to put an early stop to it.

Moving quickly into the alley, Thaklor called upon the divine power of Kossuth, ironically, to draw from the realm of water. Moments later globular sphere of water materialized over the fire and subsequently burst into a downpour, drenching the wall and everything below it. Hoping it was enough, but not counting on it, he called out a warning to anyone who might be nearby.


OOC: Casting Create water, CL 7 = 14 gallons.

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