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Gods and Monsters: Legends Reborn main campaign thread


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Loki- Garith looks at you with a sullen sorrowful glance, "Odin declared you be cast out until you repented for your crimes against Asgard. He decreed that you aided and abetted the Ice Giants and helped them break into the Reliquary, and allowed them to steal an artifact. I know not which one, only that the All-father was heart-sick that you would do such a thing." Garith sips some water from his waterskin, and looks out toward the town, "He made his commands to us after that. I... we, didn't listen. I tried to explain to the townsfolk that it was in your nature to conceal your true motives from everyone, despite the actions taken; but they would not hear me." Garith, licking his chapped lips, finishes all the water in his skin in some hefty gulps. "Forgive me, I hadn't noticed how thirsty I was. Would you like some water?" He offers another waterskin to you. "One question, though. Why would you ask me about what happened? You were there, and had first hand experience in the events."

Red Knight- Surprising the ogres with your stealthiness, the nearest ogre to you doesn't even notice you. You remember your training saying that ogres were none too bright, nor perceptive. Only now do you notice a natural camouflage pattern of leaves, twigs, and grasses on your armor. Aurelia must have stealthy helped you hide better while waiting in the thicket.
GM: If you wish to initiate combat, the ogre is still sitting on the ground, doesn't see you, nor does it have a weapon in hand. The closest ogre to it is 15 feet away turning a spit on the camp fire, and you notice they are roasting a person.

Merlin- Though protected by the magic of your skullcap, you feel the maddening whispers begin to rise in volume. Feel, not hear. As if the voices were only in your mind. It is incoherent, maddening babble. You are being mentally assaulted by this evil presence.
GM: Please roll a Will saving throw, no set DC, the higher your roll the better.

Helm- The ugly old woman screams and cries as you raise your sword for a killing blow, holding her hands out expecting the worst to come.
GM: You may Coup De Grace your target

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The plot thickens

*Loki nods slowly, taking in the information. Gesturing impatiently, he waves the water away*

"It may be that I have been framed. I would not put it past a member of the court to do such a thing. It has been done before. And it is easy enough to point the finger at the one they look down upon the most. In fact, it has occurred sufficiently often in the past that I have joked I should change my emblem to that of a scapegoat."

*Loki kneads his brow, an echo of pain already beginning to overtake him, as the conversation skirts the boundaries of his lost memories*

"It is also very possible I have done exactly has Father as declared. I do not always remember my pranks, after they have been performed. Some go unnoticed, and fall to the wayside. Others resolve themselves, one way or another, and I move on. There is more afoot than is currently apparent. Perhaps... the prank backfired somehow? Sometimes those end up being the most fun. I do not recall letting giants into Asgaard. That alone would be worthy of a temporary banishment. Theft of a powerful artifact... that does indeed sound like me... but to allow someone else to claim the power?
Definitely not. I should speak with my daughter. She may know more of what is going on that is currently visible. Are their any worshipers of Hel in this village? With the right incentive they might pass along a message to her."

*Loki grips the table tightly, as the searing pain returns once more. Spots dance before his eyes, as he grinds his teeth in agony. Once it passes, he growls deeply in his throat.*

"Tell me, Garith. Have you any white willow bark, to make into a tea? These damnable headaches do not seem to be leaving any time soon. I suspect someone does not *want* me to remember what has been happening back home."
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Good, now if only I had a druid to hand, or at least a gnome.

By the light of his holy symbol Thaklor casts about for a moment until he finds a sufficiently large and pointy rock which could be used as a digging tool. Then turning to a small clear area of the tunnel he intones a prayer to Kossuth, asking for the assistance of a creature which could help him to escape this prison of dirt and rock. After several seconds his prayer is answered. A far-too-large badger springs into existence before him, snarling in preparation for a battle. After a moment the creature calmed and looks quizically to Thaklor. Taking a moment to admire how the flickering light plays out over the metallic fur Thaklor speaks, not expecting the animal to understand him.

I know my friend, but I need your help with something else. I doubt you understand my words, but I need you to help me dig my way out of here...

GM: The dire badger digs a tunnel very easily all the way up and out before he puffs away back to where his spirit came from. Outside the rain storm has relinquished its grasp on the volcano and moved on. All is calm, but drenched thoroughly. In the distance to the south, you can see a bustling, large city, with many city lights in the night sky.
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Loki- Garith has a troubled look upon his brow, as he listens to you speak. When he gets the chance, he looks almost frightened to speak his next few words; "Who is Hel, Milord? I was unaware you had a daughter." Garith gets up and heads over to his small greenhouse garden, and mills about with his plants, picking some leaves and stalks, and one root. He comes back to the table and lays the picked herbs upon a cloth, then heads over to the side of the house to procure a pot and some water. He turns back to you, "I am unsure if white willowbark would aid one such as yourself, but I know of a remedy to help cure and dull trauma pain in the head. Perhaps this will help?" He goes about filling the pot with water and building a fire with a tripod to set the pot of water over.


Thaklor smiles and moves aside as the animal goes to work, trying to stay out of the way. After the dirt stops flying he moves into the smaller shaft and seems to shrink to fit the smaller opening. Once on the other side he reaches out to thank the badger with a good scratch behind the ears before dismissing it from whence it came. As he stretches out he seems to expand back to his 'normal' height never really seeming to realize the changes himself. Then he takes care to dust himself off the best he can and strikes out for the city in the distance. Wherever he is, this would be the best place to get his bearings and, with luck, begin to warn his order of his visions.


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Red sighed heavy.

~Stinking behemoth imbicils. . .~

She searched about the grass near her for a stone, not at a loss as she pries out a small, fairly hefty one from between the sheaves of grass and underbrush. She tosses it quietly in her hand before taking aim, and lofting it directly at the brute's obscenely flat and boorish forehead.

GM: Make a ranged attack roll with a thrown weapon. (base attack bonus + dexterity modifier + 1 (divine bonus) - 2 (range))
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Kossuth- The trip is easy going enough, since the rain has passed. Once you reach the base of the mountain and climb over the mud-slide debris, a small ways into a poplar forest you find a well used cobble-road leading toward the city. The moon is high in the sky, brightly lighting the night-time landscape. In the distance to the northwest, you see a small trade convoy of wagons and horse-riders about 2 miles off coming toward you. To the southeast, you can see a patrol of guards on horseback doing their rounds heading away from the city. There are several outlying farms, mills, and homes between you and the city gates. All seems as peaceful as ever.

Zoser- As you stealthy move across the Blacksand to the base of the pyramid, you can tell this structure is definitely not built by humans. It has extremely smooth surfaces, and each stone seems perfectly fit together for very flat planes and lines. It is sandstone and shale, but expert workmanship. As you work your way round the base, you see the main entrance - a small staircase leading up about 20 feet and in a large sized split-stone door. There is a statue above the door that resembles a Jackal headed man holding a wicked looking double-sword. It is beautifully colorful, with gemstones for eyes. Writing adorns the walls to its left and right - "By the sands, you shall be cursed..." and "Into the sands, you shall be redeemed."
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*Loki pushes himself to his feet with a grim sense of determination*

"Now they've taken one of my children... lovely. This smells of temporal nonsense. Will I have to speak with the jævla Norns, to get any useful information? It seems there is work to be done, and there shall be no rest for the wicked. If I want something of this magnitude done, I had best see to it myself."

"Brew the remedy. Provide it to the woman. You will see that she is cared for, and watch over her in her recovery. Take these coins to provide food and medicine for the two of you in my absence. While I am gone, you are to avoid unnecessary contact with the townsfolk. Go to market for supplies, attend holidays and social events, keep your ears open and your mouths shut whenever possible. Make no excuses for your worship of me. Your affliction will be seen by them as proof of your continued disobedience to Father. Apologize where you must. Claim it is a burden I have placed upon you, if you are pressed. It shall be true enough, for those who seek to compel answers from you.
I shall endeavor to return with more funds. Try not to get killed. It would be a nuisance to me."

"Unless you have anything further offer, I shall be on my way."

OOC: Loki leaves the shaman 175 gold pieces to provide for them until his return
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I will attempt to enter the pyramid paying respect to Anubis' statue. As I read the inscription I smile. I think to myself, "Hopefully a walker is welcome here."

OOC: Knowledge religion result on Rolz is 18

GM: The inscription is a warning, even to Walkers. This is a Marru Pyramid. There are likely marruspawn inside, and any manner of Marru creations could also be found within.
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Looking towards the bat Sheela nods, "Alright then. Lets go clean up this forest. First top the druid circle." Sheela climbs upon the back of Mortimer and lightly directs him to flight.

The circle is what a bunch of druids would have if they were in charge of building a city. thousands of tree's shaped into a hut grow peacefully, housing many different animal kind as well as human kind. The Circle itself is centered around a large cooking fire with several wood shaped seats around it. Off to the northern end, a shrine to nature, the east an infirmary, and west a barracks for sleeping. At any given time the circle houses about twenty people, with up to several hundred. Sheela directs mortimer to stay calm as she starts to head to the druid consul. A few druids, always in discussions of what is going on around the world, she quietly sits down to listen to what the others have to say.

GM: Flying around this forest, you notice that it is not a druid circle that is tending it, but a gathering of Treants and other Fey. They are shy of your arrival, but recognize you as a druid. Their leader seems to be a Nymph, and even though she wears a cloak to conceal her beauty, it causes your breath to pause, as you catch glimpses of her gorgeous face. A Pixie darts up to you to address you. (post coming)
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