• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E Elementalists (IC)


Queen of Everything
"Corlan," she swirled her whiskey in her glass before taking a large swig, the strongly flavored liquid barely causing a sensation in her throat going down, "It's Lola. Call me Lola."

She gave him a sweet smile while swinging the glass back and forth in her hand. "So I'm new around here. Maybe you can tell me what's fun to do around here? Duncan," she nodded her horned head towards the bartender, "Mentioned trouble in the Temple Ward? What's that all about? I do so like to stay out of... trouble." She raised her eyebrows at him while taking another slow drink from her cup.

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Jord gave the waitress a smile in return. He watched her as she walked away before turning back to the elf. Jord stares at the elf for a minute as he takes a big bite of stew and chews then washes it down with his porter. "So, Xo. A boat." He said simply. Before turning again to his food, but keeps his eyes on the elf.


Nacay sits in on the simple bed, silently still wrapped in his cloak, he kicks off his boots the steel nails in the soles scrape across the floor as he kicks them off they make a light thud as they hit the wall.

Nacay let's out a loud sigh as he looks back at his life, once all he wanted was to be free, free from violence, free from his cage, free from orders. Now Nacay realized the cage kept him safe, the orders gave him purpose and the violence would follow him for ever. He needed a drink pulling on his boots he heads downstairs.

Nacay opens the door to the common room that's when he saw her sitting at the bar in that little plum dress revealing far to much, fortunately Nacays condtion prevented him from blushing it did not prevent him from staring for a good minute. What baffled the Orc more than her beauty was her horns and tail she wasn't hiding them hell she was swishing her tail like she was proud to own it. Perhaps Nacay was being to cautious what are the odds of him being followed here, hell it was unlikely anyone knew he was even alive.

Striding over to the bar Nacay flings back his hood revealing his long flaming hair, skin covered in shale and his lifeless white eyes that reflected all they saw, he pulls up a stool next to the horned temptress drops a gold coin on the bar and grumbles "Bottle" pointing to a dark brown bottle with a bears head etched into it. Nacay liked bears they where strong and feared nothing.
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Xobru blinks. "A boat, yes. My little row boat, I used it to get here. Swimming all the way is pretty exhausting, so I expected rowing to be more relaxing. It wasn't, but at least I had something to do. Do you own a boat, too?"

When their stews arrive, the elf again rummages through his backpack and this time produces a small bottle of what appears to be ink. He opens it, pours two drops onto the stew, and then replaces it in his pack before taking his first bite.

"This is delicious! I haven't eaten anything without fish or weed for ages. No beef in the ocean, you know," he babbles to Jord. Xobru doesn't appear to mind that the goliath is not much of a talker; like a steady stream he keeps the conversation going almost entirely on his own. "So, yeah, I'm from the ocean. Where are you from? I haven't met anyone of your size before, at least not without flippers. Do you live here? Are there others of your kind nearby? I would imagine so if this tavern has beds your size. Or are you big for your kind? What brings you here today?"


Vimak rips at the flesh in front of him with his beak. Eating the meat as he picks up the key with his other hand.

A clicking noise from his beak "thank you." followed by another click.

After finishing his meal he inspects himself carefully cleaning any blood or meat dropped onto his chest. He turns on his floating perch and surveys the room looking for a reason to be here, noting the the groups that form in the room and the others that seem to be travelers. He wonders to himself if the horns the woman near him wore were her own or a head dress from some prey or honor, maybe a title.

Looking to the bartender. "Please, How do I get to my balcony? Please"


Duncan took a double take when he saw the orc's flaming hair. That wasn't entirely unusual. Fire Genasi of every race weren't unheard of, and there was even a community of them in the city, small as it was. A few of them had hair that was more flames than hair.

But this half orc was more than that. He looked like...well, he looked like Genasi. Like all the Genasi. His eyes were ice, his skin was stone, his hair was fire. When he spoke, the bartender's clothing rustled. Duncan shook his head before grabbing the brandy in which the orc had asked. A gold piece was about right, so he just set a glass in front of him along with the bottle.

Corlan started when his eye caught sight of Nacay, a sneer on his lips before he could stop it. "Excuse me, sir." Corlan said to him, leaning back to see past Lola. "Would you mind moving away from the lady. You've got a stench about you I suspect might be contagious."

Duncan glared at Corlan, as if he wanted to say something, but he just turned and walked over to the Aarakocra. "Your room's up on the top floor. Take the stairs all the way up, and it's the first door on the right."

As everyone is talking, enjoying themselves, being insulted, or whatnot, a rumble can be felt through the earth. All the patrons stop and listen, the tavern becoming eerily quiet. It is a few moments before the party realizes that the eeriness isn't because the tavern is quiet, but because everything outside is quiet as well, as if the whole city is holding its breath.

Seemingly unfelt by the rest of the patrons, a wave of energy flows through the tavern.

[sblock=Lola, Vimak and Jord]
The wave of energy seems like a part of you that you had forgotten, a long lost piece that you didn't know was missing. It draws you towards its source, to the west.[/sblock]


When the wave of energy flows over you, it feels reminiscent of the first time you took a breath underwater, as if a part of you that had been hidden is now revealed. It feels like home...but something is wrong. It's the feeling of coming home to find someone else living in it, like the house is recognizable, but the decor is wrong. Dark. Evil.[/sblock]


As the wave of energy flows over you, you feel as if every fiber in your being lights up. It is as if you are a conduit for it, a perfect receptacle. Roll a d4. The result is the elemental type you become attuned to at the moment, altering your personality accordingly. You cannot be the same element you are currently attuned to.

1) Fire
2) Water
3) Earth
4) Air. [/sblock]

Corlan, Duncan and everyone else whose been in this city for longer than a day looks to the door, as if waiting for something. An alarm splits the silence.

"You asked what made the Temple District so much trouble?" Corlan asked, standing. "You're about to find out."

Steve Gorak

Theremin hadn't flown this long in what seemed a lifetime. He hadn't expected being called upon by his temple, but was honored he could give back to his brethren. The flight to Albion was uneventful, although Theremin wondered at the technological improvements that seemed to increase in frequency as he got closer to the city. He also saw the haze of smoke much before he could see actual details of city, and didn't care much for this foul looking air.

He had already been told that city dwellers tended to congregate in inns or taverns, and it was customary and acceptable to have conversations with strangers there. This would be a good way to start, so he landed but as it got nearer, he decided he needed to go to an inn to get more information. He landed in the part of Albion where he could see the most people, which he later learned was the market district, and clumsily asked for a Tavern to talk to strangers. Many stared at the odd winged elf asking strange questions, but one fellow was kind enough to mention the The Frosty Blaze and point in its direction.

With no hesitation, Theremin thanked the fellow, and went to the place as he could see the sign from where he was. He was about to open the door when he felt a wave of energy. Distraught, he suddenly opened the door, and asked the first person inside "What was that?"

OOC: Sorry about the delay!


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Xobru stops talking mid-sentence as the surge of, well, something goes through him and everyone else. It feels... familiar. Like a memory but distorted and off.

Hadar the octopus has emerged from his bucket and is now wrapping himself around Xobru's shoulders, mimicking a monk's battle stance with four of his tentacles. Xobru telepathically asks Hadar what happened, not really expecting a clear answer. The elf carefully grabs his spear but does not raise it yet. Just holding it close is comforting. He looks at the tavern entrance and tenses when another elf barges in.

And not just any elf! One of the winged folk! Xobru has only heard myths about them. His caution is momentarily forgotten as Xobru stares at Theremin, speechless.


OOC: Damn punk got lucky italics will be thoughts

Nacay doesn't even turn to acknowledge the sailor or even acknowledge he heard him in anyway. He is far to lost in thought What was that? I was about to remove that mans head from his shoulders but now... I don't care not one bit temple district, trouble this must have something to do with that wave

Nacay unsheathes his Elegant greatsword its blade much more slender than the normal of a sword of its type with a slight curve in the center of the blade if it where not for the double hilt one would think it was a single handed weapon, right until picking it up that is and feeling the weight of the blade.

Wandering over to the chap who insulted him his great sword trailing at his side "Your feelings ruin your judgment, if I where to follow mine you would now be dead. What is happening out there" Without waiting for a response Nacay pulls up his hood and takes to the streets heading to the temple.


"Are you crazy, don't go outside!" Corlin calls to the Orc's back as Nacay walks through the doors and in to the street.

At first, Nacay doesn't see anything. The once busy street was now silent. Carts were abandoned, items dropped here and there. There was no sign of anyone.

Then he heard it. It sounded like a flock of birds flapping ferociously. Dozens of them.

Down the street, figures rounded a corner. They looked like imps. They were relatively small, no more than three feet in length, with short wings that beat swiftly. They all had the same basic body shape, which was humanoid with long, clawed hands, short useless feet, and faces with wicked grins and empty eyes.

But that's where their similarities ended. Each one looked to be made of the fusion of different elements. Some were smoky, trailing black smoke behind them. Others looked to be made of sand, or steam, or mud. Still others looked to be made of living magma.

Seeing Nacay wasn't hard. He was the only thing in the street. When the creatures rounded the corner, they easily spotted him, and with a primal scream, they came. At first, there were only a few, within moments, the swarm followed. There were dozens of them, and they were all coming for the only living thing they could see.

OOC: They're about 90 feet away, and don't fly very fast. You've got a few rounds before they get to you.

Oh yeah, and everyone roll initiative! I'll be taking an average and doing block initiative. As always, everyone gets movement and an action, and whatever bonus actions you have available. Good luck!

Voidrunner's Codex

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