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Dwimmermount IC:

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Tell us o' this door," inserts Midgrim between two extra-hearty mouthfuls -- truly, to watch that dwarf eat and drink is to watch a consummate athlete at his chosen - and favorite - event!

One point for Jimi.

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Emmelise shrugs "Well everyone knows of the Red Doors. They're the front entrance to the fortress, so called as they were constructed by the Eld and made of Areonite(a coppery red metal from Areon, the home planet of the Eld) as appealed to their alien tastes. Regarding the Alchemist's Door, I'm afraid I'm not the best one to ask, as it is more the purview of sorcerers and other arcanists than priests. You'll see the path to it when you are about two thirds of the way up the mountain. I've never seen it myself, but it apparently appears as the facade of a door, carved into the rock, surrounded by arcane symbols. Most believe, and I concur that it is another creation of the Eldrich sorcery as they had a penchant for gates and portals and teleportation but I have no clue as to where it might lead. It could be an entrance to the dungeon, or a portal to Areon, or a gate to hell itself for all I know. Every now and then we see folks in Muntburg with reagent stained hands who believe they have unlocked its secrets, but inevitably they either come crawling back to town when their supplies have been exhausted, or one of the mountain folk will find their carcass a few weeks later, the victim of the bandits or wild animals that infest the mountains...

If you are truly interested in that route, perhaps you may ask the magic user sitting over there. I believe his name is Climent.


Klyman Sylar

Klyman listens to the words spoken and eats his stew. He has nothing to add to the conversation at this point, but shares Midgrim's curiosity about the doors, so he pays particular attention to Emmelise's words concerning them.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"No right now, no," declines the dwarf, since they'll be going another way entirely if they can... With the edge off his hunger, Midgrim leans back as he draws from his brew long and hard, smacking his lips in satisfaction at the end: "Speaking of doors though, donna suppose yee got ta see the others from Typhon when they came out, did yee Sister? Were they carrying any thing?"

OOC: I'm assuming we know the way to get to the Secret Stairs from here, right Imperialus? Or do we need a map?


"Unfortunately they arrived and left very quickly. They briefly visited the temple of Typhon before returning to Adamas, but that was it. Corporal Danthan would have seen them when they arrived through the gates though and he's got a real ear for winnowing information out of people. Unless you have other questions, I should leave you to your meal. Please, allow me to pay for it." she places a couple of gold pieces on the table. "And Brother Tevantir. Please accept this." she holds out a gold coin of Thulian mintage with a depiction of one of the emperors on one side, and the icon of Tyche on the other. "It was minted during the reign of Emperor Ferinis the third after his son survived being thrown from his horse and was healed by one of our brethren. It's probably nothing, but I've always felt that it has made the fortune of Tyche turn in my favor more often than not."

Unless anyone stops her she then stands up and leaves the table with a smile.

The coin in your hand feels weightier than a more modern gold piece. You know that the city states debase their coins, but you had no idea how much as this is the first time you've ever actually handled a Thulian coin.
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Jimmy Disco T

First Post
"A rare blessing indeed, Sister" says Jimi gratefully, looking at the coin he has been offered. "And I thank you for it."

He turns the coin over once or twice in his hands, intrigued by its intricate designs, before carefully stowing it safely in his coinpurse. As Emmelise leaves their table he smiles and nods his head briefly in acknowledgement of her generosity. "Safe travels to you... If Tyche is with us, we will meet again under favourable circumstances."

Jimi glances over to the table where the magician is sitting. If he did know anything about what they were heading into, as Emmelise had hinted, then perhaps he should extend their hospitality. Surely his new companions wouldn't object - they seemed a friendly enough group... didn't they?

"Ah, excuse me good sir," he says in what he hopes to be a friendly voice, "Might you care to join us over here - we have a spare seat and a tankard of ale for you if you're interested?"


At your invitation the magic user comes over to your table. "Well met. My name is Climent. It sounds as though you are planning an expedition to Dwimmermount? What do you seek in its depths if you don't mind my asking? When my companions arrive I hope to find the moon pool and collect some of the lunar emissions it is rumored to contain. They are a potent reagent for those like myself, but it seems foolhardy for a lone sorcerer to try and plumb the dungeons depths alone."

*edit* ooc: Midgrim, you are fairly certain you should be able to find the stone wrought stairs. There is a chance both of you might miss the path, but you've been told of several landmarks near where it branches off from the main path, and there will be two dwarves seraching so you are likely to be able to find it. Sorry I didn't notice that section of your post before.
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Piston Honda

First Post
Gargrim ate away at his stew, magic users made him a bit uncomfortable, he certainly didn’t like anything that required one. Lunar emissions. Reagent. Climent’s words only caused confusion in the simple dwarf.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Midgrim's dwarven eyes flash at the sight of Emmelise's gold coin exchanging hands - as if a little jolt of lightning had suddenly entered the room - and he grins a bit, stark reminder of what they might find in quantity down there, in the dungeon...

"Ta gold," and he clinked, hard, with whoever is willing before taking another hearty swig of his beer.

Gargrim ate away at his stew, magic users made him a bit uncomfortable, he certainly didn’t like anything that required one. Lunar emissions. Reagent. Climent’s words only caused confusion in the simple dwarf.

His brother in stone might feel the same -- or he might not.

Whatever the case, he greeted Climent friendly enough, although he did grow a bit quieter while he was there, and stood on strong dwarven legs as soon as he finished polishing off his meal - and anything the others left behind and/or weren't quick enough to eat while he was at it! :)

Then he ordered an actual jug on Tyche's copper, saying: "I'm thinking this Danthan fellow's tha one ta talk too right now. Anybody feel like coming with?"

Accompanied or not, he'll take his jug of frothy goodness and go seek out the human corporal in his guard-house by the great entrance porticullis.


Klyman Sylar

"I'll go with you, Midgrim. I need a good stretch o' th' legs," says Klyman as he orders his own jug on Tyche's copper.

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