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Dragon of the West Wind Dojo


Mia asked about the bath not because she didn't know such things; in fact, it was more a reminder to her how much she craved to be clean again. For many days, she had been on the road without such luxury. But one thing bugs her even more.
"Lady? Please, don't call me "Little One". I... it just doesn't sound right. You know, when I grew up, "Little One" was a caress for someone, and ... I don't feel I can live up to her."
Her thoughts race to the small island, where Berandor used to sit below the cypress tree and think of Bhallreah, his Little One. She shakes the memory off her thoughts.
She drinks some water, then takes two cookies in her hand - they fit just right - and follows Lady Diamond to the door. While they are walking through the dojo, she begins talking of her dream.
"It was really strange and things, you know? I was lying under a big oak tree, sleeping. When I woke up, it seemed as if I had dreamt of this place here, and was awake in the real world then.
There was Berandor, and Lady Tsin, but their names were different. Berandor's name was "Thomas", and I had to call Tsin "Barbara". They were married, and seemed to be my parents. Then there was Nikodemus - "Uncle Toby" - whom I saw at the tournament, and many more I have never seen before.
Lady Reiella and her cat. A preacher who always spoke of "sins eating us up", and there was a man with one arm who brought his son over to play... the boy's name was Timothy, but it was the same that beat Berandor in the tournament. I didn't like him, and when I kicked him, I was sent to my room.
It was a real strange world: People were wearing suits and robes; and all men had those silly hats on, and they called it pumpkin or melon or something. And the women had to wear several skirts, and they were giggling all the time.
We were living in a big house, with a big garden - that's where the oak tree was, too. Several steps up from the garden was a terrace where the adults were sitting and drinking tea and eating cake.
You were there, too"
Mia points at Diamond, and continues.
"When Mommy - Lady Tsin - sent me to my room, you brought me up there. You had to serve the tea, but although you should have gone down again immediacingly... I mean, directly, you stayed and played with me. It was really fun!" She laughs. When they pass Sineater on their way around the dojo, she whispers to Diamond,
"That's the preacher! In my dreams, I mean! Anyway, your name was Susan, or Sooosain, like the grown-ups said." She giggles anew. The she hooks her left arm under Diamond's right, and asks, "Now, isn't that a strange dream?
"Anyway, tell me about the dojo. Are you at war? Are there more places like this? Do you have a real name, not just Lady Dragon?"
She laughs again.
"Sorry. I mean, everybody has a name, don't they?"
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Lady Diamond

First Post
Lady Diamond nodded solemnly at Mia "Alright Mia, thanks for letting me know. I won't call you that again if you don't wish it".

Walking along and listening to Mia's description of her dream and the people in it reminded her of some of the strange dreams she'd had after her parents had been killed on the sand of this once strange land when she was but an infant. She asked Mia off-hand questions about the clothes people wore in her dream and pointed out different rooms in the dojo as they walked.

"Yes indeed that does sound like a strange dream Mia. What kind of people wear hats called pumpkin or melon?" Diamond chuckled. "I can't imagine a hat looking like one of those things".

She smiled and patted Mia's arm, linked with hers.

"There are many dojos now, but this was the first, after Lady Tsin ascended to the rank of Grandmistress, the Spider dojo closed, and there were no other dojos until this one started. I should say the only truly active one. Oh wait, there were two other dojos but their masters were absent. Sort of like having buildings or structures to train in, but no one to train the students. Very odd, isn't it?"

"No, we aren't at war.. unless you count the constant battle between good and evil. I doubt that that war every truly ends. And evil usually triumphs unless good is very, very careful. We must be on guard constantly to make sure that evil does not win. At least that's how I feel about it. How do you feel about it, Mia?"

"Now there are many dojos, so many I can't keep track of them all. I think that when honor gained a foothold here that evil moved away for a bit. I could be wrong though."

Diamond smiled a bit at Mia's last question, but the smile was tempered with sadness. "Yes Mia, I do have a name, you already know it. When my parents first came to this place from far across the sea, they explored up and down the coastline of this land for a time." Diamond thought of telling Mia that her parents had been violently killed when she was young, and that she had been enslaved, but she told it a different way instead.

"I was but an infant when my parents were taken away from me and I never saw them again. I know I had a name up until that point, but I can't remember it. The only name I know for myself is "Diamond", the name the Emperor gave me when I came to his court. I guess you could sort of say that he thought of me as a pet."

Diamond chuckled. "Nobody really calls me 'Dragon Lady'. To my face anyways. Although.. I think a few of my white belt students call me that. After we're done with training for the day". She winked at Mia. "I suppose I am rather hard on them at times, but then again I have to be, to get them ready for battle".

"Well we've toured quite a bit of the student's quarters. Should we get you that bath you've wanted and go outside to the other buildings?"


Mianaavri's first impulse was to say what Berandor would have said concerning the war between good and evil. But looking into Diamond's stern eyes told her that she could - no, should - speak her own mind on it.
"I don't know. I guess I would go out and kill all evil men, and then chop their heads off and hang them from the towers as a warning. Wouldn't that keep others from coming, too?"

But then, a different thought creeps through. "Why did Lady Tsin close her dojo? I can't imagine her being a bad teacher?" She raises her arm to her chest, feeling the tiny spider figurine under the hem of her obi.
"Does that mean, if I needed to be trained in fighting, that I could stay here? I mean, I think I do need more training...", she adds sincerely.

"I have no parents either, unless you count Berandor... but he isn't my father. I mean, real father. Bilogogical father.
I also have a name... do you think my parents might have given me a different name? I never thought of that.
What if my real name was something really stupid, like henchick, or squaggledooby?"
She wrinkles her nose, then laughs.

"What if your name was Mudpuddle, or Squishfeather?"
The mention of a bath, however, makes her even happier than this little game. "Ohh, yes, that's a great idea! You know how I would have said it in my dream? That would be swell! I remember that silly word. Swell." She laughs again, when her gaze falls upon Max (Sabaron's lieutenant).
"Who's that?" She kind of hides her looks.

OOC: Trying to get some child-speak going... you know, hopping from one topic to the next. I hope you don't mind :)
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First Post
Vanor walks across the dojo grounds looking for Lady Diamond. He had plans for tonight, things he had put off for too long already. One of them was the celebration and feast for Diamond’s first victory since joining the dojo. The fireworks had finally arrived so all was in place for that. He also had plans of a more personal nature for her after the celebration. He finds her finally, just before she enters the bath house with a small girl.

“Good morning love” he says touching her hand and kissing her softly on the cheek “Who is this with you?”

Diamond squeezes his hand and kisses him back “This is Mia, a girl who proved to have the potential to be a great fighter, once she has some more training. Right now she is in my care and I was about to give her a bath”

“Ahh I see” the look on his face says he doesn’t really, but he doesn’t press the issue. “Is she to be a guest or a student here? If a guest only that is naturally fine with me. If she is to become a student however I would need to know what style she will favor and when she will be ready to start her training. But those things can all wait until later.” he says with a smile

“Tonight we will celebrate your victory in the tournament, it is long over due, and for that I apologize. As you know, things have not been normal around here for me lately, but that is no excuse, and so tonight will be a great celebration. We will feast and have fireworks to celebrate your victory and your advancement down the path you walk. Afterwards, if you are willing I would like to have you join me in my room for a ceremony that I have put off for too long as well.”

He looks at her with vulnerability in his eyes, her answer to this request could either make him happy beyond his knowledge of the meaning of the word, or equally sad.

“I was hoping you’d join me for a special tea ceremony that was handed down though my family and dojo’s for as long as both have been around. During it I will tell you the full story of my past, and you will be able to decide if I am worthy of you as more then just a friend and teacher. I will explain more later tonight if you agree to join me that is.”

Vanor then turns and bows to Mia

“I am sorry I have forgotten my manners, I am Master Vanor, and run this place of learning. I welcome you to my dojo and my home. I hope you find peace here and your way down the path you have chosen. The dojo will be your home as well, for as long as need be.”

Vanor then turns back to Diamond and awaits her answer

OOC: If you agree to the tea ceremony, then we will continue this in a new thread, just to make life easier on everyone else involved in the dojo.

Lady Diamond

First Post
OOC: I don't mind Berandor :)

Lady Diamond stopped for a moment, the intensity in her eyes fading a bit, and she mulled over Mia's reply about what to do about evil-doers.

"Well I can't say whether hanging their heads from a tower would really scare evil away.. some evil ones might take it as a challenge, and draw more of them into battle, who knows?"

Diamond looks around for Wing Chun as she and Mia wander and discuss things. She sees the gentle maidservant over by the tannery and flashes a hand-signal, Wing Chun smiles and responds in kind "5 minutes please". Diamond nods and turns to Mia again.

"Lady Tsin's dojo did not close because she was a bad teacher, Mia. I believe it had something to do with her brown belt rank."

Diamond takes both of Mia's hands in her own and replies "I would like very much for you to stay here, and train. You won our match with the fox style, as I recall, but I feel that the Dragon style or the West Wind style of kung fu suits you much better, you can train in either of those styles if you choose to stay here. And.. if you left, and something bad happened to you out there on your own.. I don't know if I could stand it. Would you "humor" a dragon lady and stay? I would like for you to think about it for a bit before you reply, it can be a very big decision in your life.

Wing Chun arrives, drying her hands on her apron.

"Mia, this is Wing Chun, one of the village girls who volunteers her time to the dojo and resides here in the servants quarters. I trust her, she is a very pleasant and kind person. Wing Chun would you please draw a bath for Mia and find a robe and slippers for her to wear while hers are being laundered?"

Wing Chun smiles at Mia and says "Of course Lady Diamond, Mia can meet me there in a few minutes, we should be ready by then". Wing Chun bows politely and excuses herself, heading for the bath house just a short distance away.

Diamond keeps her expression neutral when Mia explains about her parents, but laughs with her at the names she speaks. "How about Jabberwocky? Or Plum-muffin? She grins. "No Mia, I bet they gave you a beautiful name, like yours is now. Mianaavri, the Moonlight Princess is a wonderful name. I think you should keep it."

She looks in the direction Mia is pointing, noticing that Mia is hesitant to let him see her. "That is Max, a white belt student here, and one of Sabaron's protege's. He has a great deal of knowledge and skill, thanks to Sabaron's teachings. Would you like to meet him later?" OOC: Sabaron wanna roleplay Max? :)

Diamond sees Vanor approaching and her heartbeat quickens, she smiles and her eyes sparkle, the intensity in her eyes gone as she blushes a bit when Vanor kisses her cheek and takes her hand.

"A celebration is a wonderful idea my love", gazing into Vanor's eyes and smiling. "It seems so long since we've had one here, right now any reason would do." She sees the puzzled look on his face as she introduces Mia to him, but mouths the word "later" as he speaks. "Mia is my guest here, and my friend as well. I've asked her to think seriously about joining the dojo, and I would like to have her here among us, but she has yet to make a decision, which must be hers alone to make. She'll let the both of us know soon enough I gather, I've explained a litte about the kung fu styles offered here so she can make a choice."

Her eyes widen a bit at the look of vulnerability in Vanor's eyes, but a joyful smile graces her lips at his words about the tea ceremony

"I'm honored that you would ask me to attend a ceremony of your ancestors. I would like that very much my love. Just let me know when and where."

She squeezes his hand softly, looking away from him only when Wing Chun reappears, saying she has Mia's bath ready.

"Mia could you go with Wing Chun and prepare? I need to find the kimono I want to tailor for you and its back in my room. As soon as I find it I'll sit beside you and do the adjusting so you can see how its done."
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Mia furrows her brow, thinking hard whether her plans would chase off evildoers.
"Perhaps", she admits.
"So Lady Tsin does not teach anymore? Aww... I would want to train with her." She looks a little disappointed.

After the short exchange of funny names, she smiles when informed about Max. "He seems nice. I don't want to meet him on purpose; that would look as if I arranged it for some reason!" she adds. OOC: It's just a little phase, so it won't become one of Sabaron's duties to play him. We can play it out, or I will just have some meeting off-board :)

Mia gazes at Vanor when he comes. looking up to his obvious strength and prowess. Her eyes sparkle at his and Diamond's exchange of words, somehow taking up what's left unsaid.
The talk of a celebration makes her forget being tired for a time, and she beams at the thought of fireworks. When Vanor addresses her, she answers with a bow.
"Hello Master Vanor. Sorry I am so dirty - I was just going to bath. I am Mia."
Hearing him out, she smiles at him. "You are nice. I would like to learn the Dragon style, like my father."

When Wing Chun calls, she is startled. "Oops, gotta go. Bye Master Vanor.", and to Diamond, "He really is nice." before slipping into the bath house.

OOC: Can't wait for the "tea ceremony - adults only" thread :)

Lady Diamond

First Post
Lady Diamond takes Vanor's hand and walks a bit with him, going towards her room to get the kimono for Mia, telling him about the meeting with Berandor the Darkwalker and what transpired, ending with the murder-rape horror story and the Darkwalker jumping into the caudron and vanishing. She wants to get that explained to Vanor, to let him know the story behind Mia, asking him not to mention it to her, ever.

She kisses him softly before going back to the bath house with the kimono, to tailor it to fit Mia better, glad that she chose to be a student here, for whatever reason, and getting prepared herself before the festivities later on.
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Vanor nods thoughtfully though out the story about Mia... but doesn't say much

"Very well love, I think she will make a interesting addition to the dojo, but I don't worry about it too much. Hopefully some training will help her over come her 'history'."

He smiles and kisses her back, then walks off to finish setting things up for tonight. His step and heart both lighter knowing she would join him this night after the celebration.

ooc:I'll try and post the celebration events here shortly, then people can respond to them as they wish. I'll also try to get the new thread started, so it doesn't interfere with the celebration or other dojo bussness/storylines.

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