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Dragon of the West Wind Dojo


First Post
Well I'm back finaly...

It turns out that the reason I wasn't getting the activation email was due to the email account I used... Why the heck it would bounce a email from here, and not all the other spam I get is beyond me.

I'll be contuinuing the storyline started on the old boards tomorrow proably.

in which case I'll be editing this post. I just wanted to let everyone know I was finaly able to get on the new boards :)

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Lady Diamond

First Post
Glad you got your registration problems fixed, Vanor :)

edited to add the following: Vanor feel free to move these to a prior post if you wish, page 5 may not include all that was posted on the old boards before the new boards opened.

History of the Dragon and the West Wind Dojo

Dragon and the West Wind dojo, page 1 (138kb)

Dragon and the West Wind dojo, page 2 (152kb)

Dragon and the West Wind dojo, page 3 (132kb)

Dragon and the West Wind dojo, page 4 (147kb)

Dragon and the West Wind dojo, page 5 (35kb)
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First Post

Sorry, I disappeared for awhile there. My atention has been elsewhere of late. I'll get active again in the next day or so. Lady Diamond, do you still need Thaiger for that project you where working on. I can't find the old boards to catch up.

Lady Diamond

First Post
OOC: Welcome back Thaiger. :) yes, I did have something in mind for you to do, its the Master Armorer's position in the dojo armory/smithy. If you check out page 3 of the history I just uploaded to my "hobby" domain and scan down to a post I made on Jan. 3 at 6:10 am it might help you to see what I had in mind.

This is just a project and feel free to turn it down if you wish, you won't hurt my feelings at all. There are all kinds of things that need to be done: sword blades sharpened, more arrows and spears made, kamas sharpened, just about anything a master armorer can do, still needs to be done.

I'm holding off on posting more IC until we get accustomed to the new boards.


Lady D


First Post
"Lady Diamond! The East Tower is finished. The work seems to be going faster now with the students becoming an experienced work crew. I'm off to scout out a site for the North Tower now; I'll be back in a day or so."

Lady Diamond

First Post
Lady Diamond reached the dojo with Mia and put her to bed in her own room, not wanting to wake her from exhausted slumber but tending to her feet a bit, cleaning them and applying some antiseptic paste and some soothing balm and clean socks. Tucking her into bed and gently smoothing a bit of wayward hair away from her face her heart ached a bit, such suffering for one so young. When Mia awakened later it would be time to talk a bit about what happened, and whether Mia would like to become a student of the dojo. Diamond was aware of The Darkwalker's wishes on the subject, but Mia had yet to speak her mind, and the child would have a say in the matter. Hopefully Diamond could influence her to stay at least for awhile and regain her health, and have the safety and companionship the dojo provided. She had to let Mia know that there was no reason to walk the world alone, and lonely.

She stowed Mia's katana away for now, and brought a pitcher of water and a glass and sweet biscuits, and sat them next to the bed in case Mia awakened and wanted water to drink or a bite to eat.

She tip-toed into Vanor's room, he seemed to be resting quietly. She wanted to tell him what had transpired, but perhaps later would be better. Diamond went to find Sabaron and heard the great news.

"That's wonderful Sabaron. While you were away the students and I started on the two remaining towers, they should be completed shortly. Thanks so much for your instruction on how to search out good sites for them, and thanks for completing the job you started." She smiled wryly. "It seems I have two to care for now, I'll tell you later about what happened. I want to visit the Dagger dojo soon, but I'm just too tired right now."

She talks to Sabaron briefly, catching up on news, then heads back to her room to check on Mia, slumping into a chair next to her bed. Now she was tired. Images of what Berandor had revealed to her still whirled through her mind, her stomach felt a little queasy once her initial anger faded. Wanting desperately to enjoy a deep sleep it was something of a struggle to sleep lightly. She wanted to awaken when Mia did, the girl would not know where she is right away.
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OOC: Lady Diamond, how am I to understand your comment in the other thread? I won't stop playing YB, if that is what you mean; but I don't know how well I can incorporate Mia's storyline in the reset. As it stands, I was actually planning to activate Mianaavri AFTER the reset, but when it seemed like a long time to go, I chose otherwise. Now it seems i've got no time at all. I'm not quite sure yet whether I should keep her, or start totally new... so understanding your comment could be of help :)

IC: Mianaavri wakes up as the sun sets over the land. She looks around confused, trying to gain her bearings. At first she is scared, but when her look falls upon Lady diamond sleeping the the chair, she relaxes.
Very slowly, she lifts the bed sheet, and swings carefully around. Her feet touch the ground lightly, and Mia tries to put her weight on them. The salve has done some work already, and Mia manages the few steps to the window (or door, f there is none) without wincing or falling. She slides the cover aside, then gazes outside with a wondrous expression.
"What kind of place is this? It is no dojo, it is a castle!?" She whirls around to the sound of Lady Diamond moving as the Dragon Lady is pulled back into waking. Wide-eyed, Mia rushes back to the bed andslips under the sheet just as Lady diamond seems to wake up (perhaps she was awake before).
Feigning a yawn, Mia extends her arms upwards - only to be forced to let out a real yawn right afterwards.
"Good evening, brave Lady. Where am I?", she inquires, before adding, "You know, I've had the strangest of dreams..."

Lady Diamond

First Post
Lady Diamond stretched and yawned, having noticed that Mia had awakened before diving back into bed. She smiled at Mia.

"Welcome to the Dragon and the West Wind dojo, I am a student here, this is my room. My master's name is Vanor, he built this dojo some time ago. You must have seen some of the 'improvements' I and some of Vanor's students have constructed. I think you can see one or two of the defense towers from the window. They're built of stone, that's proably what looks like a castle to you."

Diamond motioned to the water and sweet biscuits on the table.

"Are you hungry? I am."

She took the pitcher and poured two glasses of water, handing one to Mia, and offered the plate of biscuits to Mia after taking one herself. She nibbled on the biscuit in an off-hand way, sipping water and studying Mia's figure

"What are you staring at?" Mia demanded.

"Oh, sorry." Diamond smiled. "You'll need a fresh kimono after you've cleaned up, I think I have something that will do nicely once it's taken in a bit and shortened. I was trying to guess your measurements."

"BATH!??" Mia squawked.

Diamond chuckled. "Oh yes, litte one. You need a bath. No hurry, we can do that later, but it should be done pretty soon. I can't present you to my master and introduce you around to the other students looking like a little road-waif. First impressions can be important".

Diamond paused and thought about the people in this realm who counted heavily on first impressions.. "barbarian".. "wild thing".."rootless girl".. and other not-so-complementary names she'd been given simply because of her traveling attire and her warhorse, and the fact that she'd been extremely wary at first here. She had shaken those stereotypical labels after awhile, but it had annoyed her that some here had counted more on outside appearance rather than the person inside. Oh well, that was their problem.

"How do you feel today Mia?" Diamond asked. "Do you feel up to taking a little walk around so I can show you the dojo, or do you have any questions about it? Or, did you want to talk about your dream?"
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