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Dragon of the West Wind Dojo


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ooc: I'd be happy to play Max. I was planning to use Max as a replacement for Sabaron if anything ever happened to him. I certainly don't mind doing it, if Berandor doesn't object. :)

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Vanor stood at the front of the main training hall with a smile on his face. All the students where assembled and sitting on the floor. He called Diamond up to the front of the room and bowed to her

Congratulations on your victory in the tournament of honor Lady Diamond, you have brought honor to both yourself and this dojo, and for that I thank you.

Vanor then turns and hangs a blue dragon banner on the wall representing a victory for the dojo.

Tonight will be a night of celebration for all students you have earned it. I am very proud of the progress you all have made since I opened this dojo, you have trained hard and I consider it a great honor that you call me master. With that said, let us go and enjoy this nights feast, and the fireworks to follow.

He smiles then bows to the class, to dismiss them all to the feast hall. This nights feast is made up of seafood, the best that could be gotten. The food was probably not as good as some of the feasts that diamond had at the emperors palace, but Vanor hopes the company and reason for the feast makes up for that small fact. Given the smile on her face, sitting next to him and sipping sake, he feels that mostly likely this is true.

Vanor himself eats little, he finds himself too nervous about what will happen tonight to have much of a appetite, so he instead spends most of his time chatting with those around him. Every so often he gazes at the woman sitting next to him, and once more finds himself struck to the heart by her beauty. Beauty that has been enhanced but not overshadowed by her silk kimono. It is an odd thing in his mind, she looks so natural in this dress, but in the memory of her, dressed in leathers with a weapon in her hand, she is just as beautiful then as she is now.

After everyone has eaten their fill, the student’s file out into the dojo grounds, finding comfortable places to sit, they await the fireworks. Tonight, the fireworks are quite good, Vanor spared no expense in these… It has been some time since the dojo had fireworks and so he decided he would make up for that fact tonight. The night sky lights up with a thousand new stars, after each rocket is fired.

Sitting next to Diamond by the Koei pond, Vanor reaches out and takes her hand, in his. He smiles as she squezes his hand back, tonight things will change between them. But in which way remains yet to be seen… For now he is happy to just sit next to her and hold her hand.

Lady Diamond

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Lady Diamond sits beside Vanor at the koi pond, holding his hand. She speaks, her voice is soft and husky with feeling.

"Thank you so much for the festival Vanor. I had a wonderful time."

She smiles and casts her eyes down. Vanor hadn't eaten much at all, but had talked a great deal. Was this nervousness about later tonight?

"I'm very excited about the ceremony you plan for later tonight", she whispers. "I know it will be very special and very beautiful. It will be special no matter what happens, because I know you do what you do from the heart. No one speaks to me with his heart like you do."

She sees a tiny glimpse of a smile come to his face and she smiles in return, before looking around again. Her eyes are drawn to the students and servants and volunteers still celebrating, exclamations of joy and excitement, and wonder.

"I think no one will sleep tonight, their dreams will be filled with the pleasure you provided them, my love. I will remember this night always".

She kisses his hand softly and lapses into silence, content to watch the galaxy of stars that are created with each new burst from the fireworks.


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(This takes place AFTER the tea ceremony; Sabaron doesn't like to barge in on personal matters)

"Greetings Lady Diamond and Master Vanor. I thank you both for your guidance and support, which has delivered me into my present circumstance, that being my ascension to Master of the Sly Dagger dojo. I invite you both to come visit me there anytime. You could bring your child, too, if you like."

ooc: Sabaron's never met Mia, so he doesn't know...

Lady Diamond

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Sabaron said:
(This takes place AFTER the tea ceremony; Sabaron doesn't like to barge in on personal matters)

"Greetings Lady Diamond and Master Vanor. I thank you both for your guidance and support, which has delivered me into my present circumstance, that being my ascension to Master of the Sly Dagger dojo. I invite you both to come visit me there anytime. You could bring your child, too, if you like."

ooc: Sabaron's never met Mia, so he doesn't know...

"Thanks Sabaron, and Congratulations on your new dojo. I had that feeling about you some time ago as I recall. I'm glad it came to fruition. I hope we have time to visit before.. well.. I've been feeling rather uncertain about the near future of the dojo (aka the OOC reset), although I know in my heart that the Dragon and the West Wind dojo will always be remembered. It's very nice of you to invite us, and I'm honored that you credit us in some part for your success. As for Mia.. I think she did some exploring after the celebration, perhaps she met up with Max and they're talking.. she's around here somewhere... "
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OOC: I'm not around enough this weekend, so sorry, Sabaron. I'll be happy to play IC with you after the reset :)
BTW, I hope I didn't interfere with Max in any way - if so, tell me and I'll edit some changes.

Mianaavri had just watched the celebration with open awe. Fireworks! And an honorary speech. A desire filled her heart to stay in this dojo, to train and win a fight, too, and to have a similar celebration.
When she turned to Lady Diamond, she saw her standing close with Master Vanor, and it did not seem right to disturb the two. Mia felt a lump observing the pair. She knew she should be happy for them, but somehow she couldn't. She just felt alone, standing in the middle of the celebration, with some score of students laughing and dancing about, yet alone.
"Pah! I don't need them!", she told herself, then forced a grim smile on her face, twisting it into a happy grin, and then walked off the party.
She turned at the bath house, slipping close to the unfinished tower. For a moment, she halted her step. Had there been a shadow?
As a big red rocket exploded in the sky, Mia could make out a half-finished parapet looming over the training grounds. That had been the shadow. She cursed herself for a coward, and crept on.

Mia entered the tower, raw cut stone stairs leading upwards, and the base being a crude storage room in the making. Mianaavri ascended the stairs, passing one door halfway up, until finally emerging at the top. The tower's top was almost finished, and a bucket filled with some tools were standing next to the stairs. Mia nearly stumbled over it, catching herself quickly enough to prevent herself from being swept over the side of the tower.
She was about 50 feet high now, and over her the fireworks was still in full action.
Mia nodded. At least here, she was really alone, to all senses. She climbed the parapet, sitting out in the open and letting her feet dangle in the fresh air while watching the cascades of colors explode above.
Mia couldn't help herself. Somehow, she felt free here, under the moon, and she began to laugh. It was a silent, joyous laugh, full of freedom. For a moment, she had forgotten her missing parents, her emotional stress, Lady Tsin, anything that bugged her. She was truly free, and she felt good. So she laughed a happy, innocent laughter.

"Don't!" came a voice to her. Mia spun around, balancing precariously on the small stone ridge, and looked into the darkness of the tower. There was a figure standing there, a man by all appearance. As another rocket lit the sky, Mia could see his face.
"Father!", she laughed, jumping up and running towards the man she had recognized as Berandor, but stopping short as a blade of living moonlight - his katana - pointed straight at her.
She was confused for a moment, then smiled again.
"Come on, father! It is a night of joy. We can test my abilities tomorrow, if you wish."
She took another step forward, but the blade was still pointing at her neck.
"I said, don't! Stop it! You mustn't do that!" Berandor sounded alarmed, as if she had done something grievious.
"What do you mean? Don't? You're being funny!" Mia couldn't help but laugh, a sign of her insecurity. Berandor was making her afraid, and she didn't know what to do, or whether to admit this. So she laughed a nervous laughter.
"You can't stop anymore! You are lost. Lost to me, and the world. I have failed you. I must not fail the world!" Berandor said with tears in his voice, yet with a mad certainty.
At this moment, Mia knew she would die. Here, now, on the first evening in her first dojo, at her first dojo party. She touched upon the spider in her obi, and pulled off the ring she wore. Tipping her hand at her forehead as a salute, she dropped to her knees.
"I do not know why you wish me dead, father, yet if you want, then kill me now." Mia raised her hands to her lips and looked down, awaiting the strike while silently praying. She knew she wouldn't feel the blade opening her belly, or cutting her head off. She would be dead sooner than the pain would start.

But the strike didn't come. After a few heartbeats, Mia looked up and saw Berandor towering over her like the parapet over the ground, and like the parapet he seemed to be unfinished, close to crumbling. The sword in his hands was trailing down slowly, and the grip seemed to shake. Berandor looked at her with regret in his eyes, yet there was also... doubt? As their eyes met, however, Berandor seemed to gather resolve.
"A trick. Just a trick. But a trick that won't work." He raised the katana again, actually closing his eyes the same instant Mianaavri's eyes opened with seeing her death approach. The blade stopped its ascent, and Berandor swallowed once.

"Hello? Mia, is this you?" Max came up the stairs to see whether he had really seen the newcomer up here, and whether she was all right. What he saw, however, was Mia on her knees before a stranger, who had raised a silvery katana over his head in a two-handed grip, and who was just spinning around towards him, blade flashing down the same instant. The sword made a hypontic singing sound as it cut through the night air, reflecting the moonlight on its arc downwards at his neck.
"Funny how the rockets don't reflect in there.", Max thought, as he stared into his doom.

"NO!" Mia forced herself out of the stupor she had entered as Max had appeared. She reacted instinctively, reaching out towards the tool-filled bucket, grabbing it and rasing it just as Berandor turned and struck.
The katana hit the bucket and split it cleanly in two, together with all tools inside. However, the interception turned the blade enough to miss Max' head by a hair's width. As the boy stared open-eyed at Berandor preparing a second attack, Mia launched herself from kneeling, hitting Berandor in the side, pushing him towards the battlements, and over it. The Darkwalker toppled down, his feet lodged with Mia's, and she was pulled after.
Mia flew head first through the air, looking straight into Berandor's face as he feel with the back to the ground. As if the Darkwalker had understood his error the moment Mia had tried to safe an innocent person, his eyes were filled with shame, with love, and with pride.
Mia tried to put her love and understanding for him into her eyes, and Berandor seemed to notice. He stretched out a hand to caress her cheek, and his lips formed something he wanted to say. Mia tried to make out the words.

Berandor hit the ground with a sickening thud, his body twisted in innumerable places and impossible angles. Mia landed squarely atop him, smacking into the wetness of his chest and pinning herself on his ribs. The katana landed next to Berandor, falling to the floor without a sound.
Max came running out of the tower, running towards the bodies. Without thinking, he turned Mia over, ignoring her right arm dangling next to her, suspended on a tiny bit of flesh, bones broken. Mia's eyes were open, and full of love; a salty tear was trickling down her left cheek. Her mouth twitched, and blood flowed out in a tiny trickle. Her chest was punctured by three of Berandor's broken ribs, and they came loose with a wet gurgle. As his last rib left her body, the moonlight katana flared, and silvery light encased the scene. When it died down, Berandor was gone, as well as the katana.
Max kneeled above Mia, who was whole again - at least from the outside. Her new clothes still showed the dirt and the marks where her flesh had been torn, but there was no blood, and the bones had been mended.

As Max stared in astonishment, other spectators came rushing to the scene. Max went down, whispering into her ear,
"Mia, wake up. Mia, wake up. Wake up, Mia. Mia..."

"Mia!" She opened her eyes. The shadow of the big oak tree had fallen upon her, and she was looking straight into the eyes of Lady Diamond... or was she?
"Mia! Now wake up. Come, the guests have arrived, and Master Thomas and Miss Barbara are looking all over for you." The woman before her squinted.
"You made your new dress all dirty, and grass spots nonetheless. Lady Reiella won't like that." She took Mia's hand and pulled her up. Taking a silken handkerchief from the pocket of her skirt, she moistured it with spittle and rubbed off some dirt from Mia's cheeks.
"Now you're at least presentable. Shall we, young Miss?" She winked at Mia, then turned and began to walk down the park to where the manor lay.
"I'm coming, Susan!", Mia told her. She raised her right hand to let her fingers glide over the small spider figurine at the end of a silver chain - a present by her mother. Then she walked to Susan's side, taking her hand. "You know, I've had the strangest of dreams..."

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Niko steps forth from the shadows and into the pressence of Vanor, Lady Diamond, and Mia.

"Greetings. I come to say a quick farewell to you all. Some I have known longer than others, and some I have barely seen or met before. But I will be leaving shortly to join my love, the Lady Tsin, in the heavens above. So I come to bid you farewell and good journey into the future.

"Vanor, you especially I wanted to thank for your friendship with myself and also with Tsin. Though I know that she also cares for Lady Diamond and Mia her as well. Thank you all for being who you are, and we shall meet again in the spirit world beyond this life.


With that, Niko turns and walks away until he dissapears back into the shadows.

Lady Diamond

First Post
Berandor that was some of the best writing I've ever seen. Powerful. Perhaps we all exist in a little girl's dream.


"Farewell Niko. May the gods guide your footsteps, and the Lady Tsin's."

Lady Diamond mounts Striker and makes her way to the four massive defense towers of the dojo representing the Four Winds. One signal fire arrow lifts itself into the sky, and each brazier atop every tower is stoked to the maximum, in homage to warriors soon to be gone but never forgotten, and to shine fiery beacons of light to draw new warrior spirits near. New beginnings.


Lady Diamond said:
Berandor that was some of the best writing I've ever seen. Powerful. Perhaps we all exist in a little girl's dream.

Wow. Thank you. The effect you describe was intentional, of course.
Is it just a dream?
Or is it Mianaavri's "heaven", where she changes reality to her suiting, making the evil meowth to be a nitpicking aunt?
That is left for each one to decide.

Anyway, thank you very much... and see you on the other side (at YB 2.0) :)


Lady Tsin

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Mia finds her mother waiting with a hug and a soft roll warm from the oven. "You are a mess, sweet, and I love you for it. Don't go off like that again, ok? I miss you when you're gone too long." Barbara tugs at Mia's hair and shoos her off to get a bath...when she looks back, a trick of the light coming in the window makes it seem as if a star shines in the center of her mother's forehead. Then Barbara winks at her and the effect is gone...


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