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di Senzio's Tournement: Clerk Ward [El Jefe judging]


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"There is two kindsss of membersssip. Apprentissse and Massster. Apprentissse mussst be oversssee by a massster. Find firssst a massster who want you asss hisss apprentissse and then you come record here. That'sss free of chargesss. If you want to register as a massster, you must sssow an object you have forged. If the quality isss good enough, you jussst need to open a sssop and regissster here. The fee are not really high to ssstart... it'sss around 100 gp. A shop can be easily found for around 400 gp. Thisss permit allow you to practissse and sssellsss itemsss asss a massster. Only massstersss are allowed to produssse for Commersssial. For Industrial producsssion, the permitsss cossst vary depending on the product, quantity and it mussst be approved by the head of the Guild. Generally, they don't make too much problem, exsssept if you want to produssse weaponsss and armorsss in great quantity. It is more touchy, asss it might be ssseen asss an implication of the sssity in a posssible war, and Orusssusss like hisss independensssy..." explains the kobold.

"But for persssonal ussse, you must just find a massster who will allowsss you to ussse his forge. We have two forgesss here, in the guildhouse, but it isss for the training of the apprentissse." continues the kobold, not letting the gnome to add a word.

"But if you are not a member of the guild, you can do any persssonnal work without problemsss, you jussst need to find a massster who would givesss you an accesss to hisss forge." he turns to his desk and search for a paper.

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Cepheus thinks for a moment and then asks

Can I pay the 100 gold for membership as a master and pay for the shop from my income by percentage over time?

The armor I am wearing is an example of my work.


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"Sssorry, a massster need a plassse to work. If you don't own your own forge, you can't gain accesss the massster ssstatusss yet. It'sss the rule. The guild want active membersss." he stops a moment and stare at the armor. "I think that would allow you to qualify... but I am not the one who have the right of decisssion on that. Buy a forge, come with the property papersss and your armor and the 100 gp and I think it will be only a formality."

[SBLOCK=OOC]Just a note, the 500gp is the same 500gp to gain access to the Craftmans job. The apprentice rank gives you the apprentice job... look at the job system in the approved content thread for the details of the job system.[/SBLOCK]


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Velmont said:
"Sssorry, a massster need a plassse to work. If you don't own your own forge, you can't gain accesss the massster ssstatusss yet. It'sss the rule. The guild want active membersss." he stops a moment and stare at the armor. "I think that would allow you to qualify... but I am not the one who have the right of decisssion on that. Buy a forge, come with the property papersss and your armor and the 100 gp and I think it will be only a formality."

[SBLOCK=OOC]Just a note, the 500gp is the same 500gp to gain access to the Craftmans job. The apprentice rank gives you the apprentice job... look at the job system in the approved content thread for the details of the job system.[/SBLOCK]

Is there a listing somewhere of shops that are available to purchase or of masters needing an apprentice.

[sblock=ooc] Under the job system it states that you can give 1/4 of income to pay the costs. Is that for the 500? What would happen if I was an apprentice and another character wanted something made, could I give a portion of profit to the shop owner and use his forge?[/sblock]


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Sliss looks under his papers. You remak he was working one some kind of blueprint, but you can't figure what it is suppose to be. He finally take a paper with a few names and as an header, is the same symbol than di Senzio'z Magical Shop. "Ah! Here it isss..." He looks at the names and write down on a blank paper. "These two mastersss are presently in the tournement and there forge have lesss activity. You would have much chanssse to find sssome free time in a forge there."

Cepehus looks at the names:
Ingus Stonebender, Merchant Avenue
Traubon Mithrilaxe, High District

"You will find Mithralaxe'sss sssop just passs the eassstern bridge and you will find Ssstonebender'sss ssshop directly on the merchant Avenue, an hundread feetsss from the temple of Hyrag. And you might asssk directly the blacksssmith who want an apprentissse. Oh, I wasss forgetting. Even if officially, you would be recorded asss an apprentissse, sssome mastersss takesss, what we call a first apprentissse. The firssst apprentissse is given by the massster all the privilege of a massster, and he sssupervisssed them in exsssange of a persssentage of the profitsss they made, mainly a rent on the forge they ussse. It isss the way the balcksssmith prepare the perssson that will take there forge after they retire. You might asssk to become one, but generally, there isss only one firssst apprentissse per forge."

[SBLOCK=OOC]I am not sure what the 1/4 would pay the 500gp, or it is just a penalty as you need to rent a forge and you stop to pay it once you pay 500gp to get your own workshop.[/SBLOCK]


First Post
Velmont said:
Sliss looks under his papers. You remak he was working one some kind of blueprint, but you can't figure what it is suppose to be. He finally take a paper with a few names and as an header, is the same symbol than di Senzio'z Magical Shop. "Ah! Here it isss..." He looks at the names and write down on a blank paper. "These two mastersss are presently in the tournement and there forge have lesss activity. You would have much chanssse to find sssome free time in a forge there."

Cepehus looks at the names:

"You will find Mithralaxe'sss sssop just passs the eassstern bridge and you will find Ssstonebender'sss ssshop directly on the merchant Avenue, an hundread feetsss from the temple of Hyrag. And you might asssk directly the blacksssmith who want an apprentissse. Oh, I wasss forgetting. Even if officially, you would be recorded asss an apprentissse, sssome mastersss takesss, what we call a first apprentissse. The firssst apprentissse is given by the massster all the privilege of a massster, and he sssupervisssed them in exsssange of a persssentage of the profitsss they made, mainly a rent on the forge they ussse. It isss the way the balcksssmith prepare the perssson that will take there forge after they retire. You might asssk to become one, but generally, there isss only one firssst apprentissse per forge."

[SBLOCK=OOC]I am not sure what the 1/4 would pay the 500gp, or it is just a penalty as you need to rent a forge and you stop to pay it once you pay 500gp to get your own workshop.[/SBLOCK]

Cepheus thinks on it for a moment, not sure where they could be in the tournament he replies Thank you for your help. I will try the smith Stonebender's shop first and then Mithralaxe's shop. He then heads out in search of the blacksmith shop.


First Post
-=-=-= Day 4 =-=-=-

Cyrus arrive in the temple of Hyrag. As he enter teh hall, he is directed to a large room. he sees lot of beds that all seems occupied. Many of the person lying on teh beds are heavily burned. A bit fathers, the people are under heavy balnkets and are red and sweating. Most likely under the effect of some disease. He finally find a place to sit and wait. The few cleric that are in the room seems pretty occupied and none seems to bother for the moment by the blind Katara and his companion.

[SBLOCk=OOC]Verbatim, do you know your character name is the same one as a Persian king. I hope you don't want to end with the same faith as that king...[/SBLOCK]


[sblock=Day 4 spells]
0-Mending, Read Magic, Create Water
1-Disguise Self (d), Command, Sanctuary

Helping Narissa to find her seat, Cyrus stood beside her and tried to find a tactful way of asking what covering her bed this morning. For all that he knew of the Kataraian culture, all of nothing, it might have been nothing, but if it was nothing why did it bother him so much to see it?

~One thing at the time Cyrus...one thing at the time~

Watching the Sunchildren move from bed to bed checking on those who were too injured to care for themselves made Cyrus very self-conscious of the statements he made to Narissa last night.

~Not everyone is as big a bastard as you are Cyrus...~

Although Mongrel allowed him to call upon him for healing, well most of the time allowed him to do so, it was not in Mongrel's beliefs that those who called upon him were to right the wrongs of the world. If they could help someone along the way to improve their own stake at the game, then by all means do so, but to attempt to force Mongrel into something as organized as this would have him running away before you knew it.

~Still...perhaps a favor here for a favor there...~

"I will be right back Narissa. If the Sunchildren speak, answer them truthfully, but make no promises that you can not honor. All deals made under the gaze of the sun are to be honored as surely as if they were marked in stone, as they see them as being observed by Hyrag himself."

Knowing that Mongrel would give him the ability to remove a serious disease, something he had tried to stress to Benedict on many occasions, he thought that perhaps a few well placed heals might soften the Sunchildren's stance on assistance.

Trying to stay out of everyone's way as best he could, he stopped beside the beds of two children and was glad to see that they were asleep.

~Best they not be awake in case I fail~

Touching the wooden etching of Mongrel, Cyrus forced his personal issues from his mind and reached out to find Mongrel's energy.

~They are but children who have not had the chance to find their path. Let their luck take a turn for the better this day...~

[sblock=intentions]Will sacrifice Mending and Read Magic for two Cure Minor wounds. With your permission on the above post..:) Also I picked the name Cyrus due to watching Con Air in homage to John Malkovich's char. Without the murderous intent I promise.[/sblock]


Nirrassa of Clan Swiftclaw

As they enter the temple of Hyrag, she says to Cyrus, "Hopefully they will be able to help me. Hyrrag is known forr healing."

Voidrunner's Codex

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