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D&D General Describe your first character and your last character (and your weirdest)


He / Him
Describe the first D&D character you ever played, and the last D&D character you played (or the one you are currently playing). Then (optionally) describe your weirdest.


Twilight Winterfell, human wizard in an AD&D campaign. He was a powerful evil wizard who was banished from his guild (for some reason I can't remember) and lost all his power, reverting back to 1st Level. He was now good (for some reason I can't remember) and really wanted a winged cat as a familiar.


Plucky Honorbound, a goblin paladin in a short-lived 5e game. A dwarf knight would choose goblin children from Plucky's tribe to train as paladins each generation. He was a young, cowardly goblin, usually using hit-and-run tactics, but over the three levels we gained he slowly started to grow a spine.


Vox Mortem, a human wizard. He was a necromancer, but also a priest of a goddess of death. He believed that once someone died, they became a servant of his goddess, and he would call them to serve (raise undead, etc). He was a really nice, soft-spoken guy. I used the Cowardly Lion's voice.

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Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
First character(s) were a party of 6 since I was the only player for my first game. Basic (Holmes) D&D and the only survivor of the that crew was a fighter named Carthoris. But my first long-term character for 1e is a ranger named Fyrbrand - a tall northman who specializes in archery. I believe the last time I played him, he was 12th level.

Last character is a 5e street urchin rogue named Mouse. He's currently 13th level, but I think we're on the cusp of 14th level as of Thursday's session.

Weirdest character may take some thinking. I haven't played too many really weird characters as much as somewhat quirky. Played a specialty priest of Erevan Ilesere named Beren - I once haunted an inn as part con and then exorcised it. Got caught, however, and spent some time incarcerated. But one of the next characters I'm planning is a gnoll life cleric for a game that is going to be run by my daughter. Cannibalism is going to be significant part of his theology.


First: Aelric, a Fighting Man in White Box Original, back in 1976. I was 13. He got to Level 3 and was killed by orcs. I still mourn his passing.

Last: Well, I'm playing three simultaneously in three different games, so let's got for Arkaeus of Myrkona, the brutal, deadly warrior, with a heart of (tarnished) gold, whose sandalled feet crush the thrones of the Scorpion Age beneath their remorseless tread, in company with the mighty Minotaur warrior, Athtor, the menacing, roguish Mugan and the beguiling Naghese sorceress, Oolani. Shout out to the awesome DM, @Steampunkette .

Weirdest; Fayleen the Bard maybe, "I don't give a f**k if your name is Strahd, this is my werewolf and you can't have her." It's a long story involving an amulet, some vine leaves a raven and a luminescent tattoo.


Victoria Rules
First: Dumystor Danara, crown prince of a (very) foreign realm, in 1e. Heavy Ranger. An arrogant bastard who was used to his word being the law. Killed another PC for violating his honour, was then drumhead-tried and executed by the rest of the party.

Most recent (as in, the most recent one rolled up): Black Leaf*, a scavenger Thief who - before joining the party - made a reasonably decent living going through dungeons after the adventurers had left and scooping up all the loot they missed. Her very first action was to lose all her magic due to a Deck card, as she joined the party just as they were gifted one and they let her pull. Still trying to recover from that...

Weirdest: hell, they're all weird; 'cause if they're not then I'm doing something wrong. :)

* - yes, she's intentionally named after the character in the Chick tract.


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
First: 2E Sandbox campaign.
Halfling Rogue named Malak. Based on thief Malak from Conan and the Destroyer (I was just a kid!)
Not much to say here, halfling that scouted and tried to pocket every gold piece he could find.

Last: PF1 War for the crown Adventure Path (on going)
Human Rogue (knife Master) working towards Lions Blade prestige class.
Taldan Patriot working for change in a once great but struggling empire. Operates with stealth and subterfuge. Desires to be part of the highest echelon of clandestine operations of his home country.

Weirdest: PF1 Jade Regent Adventure Path (complete)
Tengu Ranger (Demon Slayer)
Pretty unusual for me to step aside from human, halfling, elf. So, I really took the opportunities to be outlandish, foreign, and odd with this character.


Elder Thing
First: Petal and Thorn Rose, psychically bound human twins in an Earthdawn campaign.

Latest: an elf in a DCC campaign, who had quills and a tail and who was aside form that amphibious and needed to keep their head surrounded by water at all times or suffocate.

Weirdest: see "latest," above.

Honorable mention: my first D&D character, a thri-kreen psionicist/ranger in a Dark Sun Campaign, who leaned hard into the old lore of the 'kreen considering elf meat a delicacy.


I crit!
My first character was an Moldvay Basic Elf. Started a zero level, until we knew better. My sister almost tpk'd us and sadly he didn't make it.

My latest character is a DCC Elf who barely survived the zero level funnel. In fact the others in the group pushed him into an encounter as a sacrifice at one point. Fitting that he's the survivor. Anyway he's now since caused an eclipse for 11 days and blocked out all the stars. Note they party is currently sailing across the deep sea.

Weirdest? It was a GURPS character that was a colony creature, a collection of snake like tree brachiators that mind meld to form a single conscious being. He was six snakes at the end. All knotted inside a large humanoid skull with their tails squeezing out as "tentacles".


Very first? Hmm ... I think it was Gimdol Bolbaim a dwarven fighting-man because that's all dwarves could be back in OD&D days. Honestly I don't remember much about good ol' Gimdol other than he got retired fairly quickly when we graduated to AD&D. At that point I rolled up his nephew, Kal. This was a much more complex PC, a fighter/thief! I still have his old character sheet, complete with portrait on the golden colored paper from the purchased character sheets we used. (at least I think it's the 1E version).

Strangest? I once played Nixel, gnomish illusionist along with Pixel (my wife) and Vixel (my niece). We were probably quite annoying at game days when we'd all introduce ourselves by name and then simultaneously chime "Masters of Illusion!"

Last? Well, I may have had a tabaxi that wielded a rapier, spoke in my best Spanish accent and wore a hat with a big feather.


My first was a nameless Thief. He had no personality. It was the one and only time I got to play 1st Ed.

My last was a triggerhappy Rodian Scout in a Star Wars d20 game. This was before Saga Edition came out - I spend almost all my time on the other side of the screen.

My weirdest is simple: Captain Tyche, the grizzled and somewhat paranoid leader of the Jelly Baby Commandoes. (An elite force trapped in an eternal struggle against their dread foes, the Chocolate Button Empire.) "Tales From the Floating Vagabond" is an interesting game.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Very hard to remember the first D&D character I ever played… I think it was an elf rogue in a 1-on-1 game with my best friend in 8th grade DMing. But that might have been a non-D&D RPG, cause I know at one point we also played 1-on-1 with some d6 system, and I’m not sure if that was the same character or not. The first one I know for sure was a D&D character was a monk in a one-shot with the same DM and another friend of ours. I remember we took shelter from a storm in a cave and fought some rats, and not much else. Neither character was particularly noteworthy, more or less just self-inserts.

My most recent character is a Hexblood Warlock with the Feylost background named Maven. She’s a changeling in the classic folklore sense of being the Fey that was left in the crib of a human baby whom her birth mother, a hag, abducted. She knows basically nothing about her birth mother, other than that she’s a hag, and that she sends Fey creatures to her in her dreams to try to manipulate her into embracing her heritage and becoming a hag. She grew up ostracized from her human community because her green skin and witch’s turn which marked her as Fey, and resented and feared her own Fey heritage. She identifies with and admires goblins (and other goblinoids) as Fey creatures that have made a place for themselves outside of the Feywild, but apart from other humanoid societies. I’m playing her in a Wild Beyond the Witchlight campaign and I rolled “a tiny music box that plays a spritely tune from your childhood” as a trinket for her, so I decided that her memory of said spritely tune would be the thing she lost at the Witchlight Carnival as a child. She can hear the song when she plays it, and listening to it moves her to tears (in accordance with one of her personality traits), but as soon as the song ends, she can’t remember what it sounded like or why it affected her so. I also know my DM (same DM from the aforementioned games in middle school, funny enough) has plans surrounding the identity of Maven’s birth mother, but I don’t know what they are (so no Witchlight spoilers, please!)

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