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Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 4


“I was under the impression I should get to know you primarily, not the layout of the settlements. It is not the streets that we would be allying after all, and hence I would not be expecting you to guide me around personally. Although, your approach already speaks lengths of you...”
He is aware that might sound threatening or aggressive, so he assures her. “I am not saying that judgementally, merely as a curiosity.”

“My preference would be that instead of having to baby sit me I could tag along with what you do in the meantime. At least that is what seems most efficient given the time limit and the circumstances. If you will not have that, I will manage somehow with the safer town of Cabarda.” At the last sentence he lets his tone show that he indeed thinks that less satisfactory but he won't whine if that happens.

Meanwhile, he thinks he shows enough of himself to seem less like a burden. People see what they want to see, so he is open to putting on a professional attitude, or mask, so to speak, and a little insight into his wit and thinking, to push this first impression a bit in a positive direction. First impressions often matter a lot, but it seems especially significiant in this situation, so he is especially assertive even if the easy and comfortable choice would be going along with her first offer.
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Avar, Billanverthorne, Jabbar

Jabbar: Anticipated Odans charge, stepping to the side drawing a wand in the process. He aims the wand towards Odan and mutters a command word. (Use Magic Device Check, DC 20: = 24, Success)

Odan: (Will Save vs. Wand, DC 17: = 12, Fail) Suddenly Odan freezes in place, paralyzed.

Jabbar: "ODAN IS DONE!" He shouts. "Stand down, let us pass, and we will spare you. I have no desire to start a feud with Noro over your dead bodies. What say you?!" He demands, slowly pointing the wand at the rest of them in an arc. (Diplomacy Check: = 14)

Bandit 4: Steps forward, aiming his crossbow right back at Jabbar. He apparently thinks of himself in charge while Odan is incapacitated. "We still have you outnumbered old man. I say you pay the toll!"

Jabbar: Regards the bandit with a measuring stare. (Sense Motive Check: = 14) Then he slowly reaches for his coin purse and tosses it at his feet. "There is roughly two hundred gold pieces there. I say that's more than generous."

Bandit 4: Reaches down and collects the pouch, hefting it to feel its weight. "Ok, but next time its the same price for each of you!" He threatens, yet lowers his crossbow. "Let them pass!" He says stepping to the side of the passage behind him where the light source Billanverthorne saw originally emanated from.

Jabbar: "Until next time..." He says stepping up close to the bandit, looking him dead in the eyes. "Whats your name?"

Bandit 4: "Shafi"

Jabbar: "I will remember that." He says before he gestures for you and Avar to follow.

<End of Combat>

As you and Avar move away from Odan, Avar whispers to you.

Avar: -Whispers to Billanverthorne- "Are you ok?" before he catches up with Jabbar and speaks up in a low voice. "
Good of you to spare Odan, I didn't want to have to kill him."

Jabbar: "He might still be killed. Shafi might elect to take his place while Odan is bleeding out and humiliated. He's certainly capable of it, I saw it in his eyes."

[Billanverthorne: What do you do?]
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Folg, Mogan, Svexyn


"As you wish," he says, as he stands and turns to walk away. He glances at the Quresh merchant before descending down the stairs. Leaving the upper area, Svexyn looks for Tylia, not liking that she had to put up with Drasus and his unwelcome actions.

When he spots her, he motions her over. "Drasus asks for another round of rum. And thank you for assisting me with my questions earlier. I am sure you have plenty of better things to do than deal with strangers and newcomers with their constant questions. Enjoy your evening."

Tylia: "Wait! Your hot-pots!" She says bringing you the food and the small keg of ale you paid for.

He then heads to where he left his mule before heading back to met up with Mogan and Folg, and to check on the half-orc of course...

The air grows chilly as you make your way around the inn towards your camp approximately two hundred yards away. Mogan is seated while Folg paces. The body of the Half Orc lies nearby, draped with a blanket. The Kobold rushes up as you approach, startling the mule.

Folg: "Master!"

[Svexyn: What do you do?]


Burrai, Kadar

[Burrai: Make a Diplomacy Check, DC 11]

Kadar: (Sense Motive Check: = 11) "Four men for an overnight trek to your cabin will cost sixteen gold pieces at our usual rate. I can schedule return visits once per season, as you say, but those return visits must be paid for in advance." Kadar pulls a fresh contract-note from his desk and readies a quill. "What is the name and description of this new buyer? Also as a courtesy I will want to know how I can get in touch with you. In case anything happens to this buyer, or your property, that I should report."

[Burrai: What do you do?]


Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Svexyn, Folg and Mogan


"I brought some hot food. And something to drink. We need to work quickly though."

He motions for Mogan to come over, as he hands out the meals. He keeps his voice low, not caring for his words to be carried over the winds to other ears. "We will sit and eat, while we go over some things. But first, help me with Meynan."

He starts unhitching the mule from the cart, and proceeds to secure Meynan to the cart as a hitching post. "Seemed like a sound purchase. And I'm sure that you won't mind Meynan carrying your gear Mogan. Should give your leg some rest."

Once secured, he then motions to the cart. "I got a pair of tents. We only need two, since one of us will be on guard duty while the other two sleep. We need to get them setup first. Then we can worry about the half-orc."

As the gear is checked, and tents removed, Svexyn relays his plan to them both while they sit and eat. It was risky, but perhaps this half-orc might get them some information and possibly an ally in the future. It all depended on how it took to being nearly killed and somehow brought back to life. The food was decent, and the drink was cold. Hopefully the two cohorts realize how lucky they were, as their lives could easily be a lot worse from how he found them.

After the tents are setup, Svexyn then motions to the shovel. "We'll need to dig a grave. Mogan, you start while I check on the body. Folg, make sure nobody is keeping watch on us. We've got to keep this under wraps. I've got a plan, and this half-orc might be able to get me some information. You see, he's not dead. Sure, it looks like he's done for, but he's just nearly dead. Folg, once you are sure nobody is watching, let me know. I need to tie up the half-orcs hands and feet, as well as gag him. Take your time."

As Folg scouts, Svexyn checks the body again, noting that the nearly dead half-orc was barely alive. Svexyn's aura seemed to have been able to ward off death this time. But for how much longer, he was unsure. He proceeds to tie up the hands and feet of the half-orc, securing them and testing their strength. He then gags the half-orc, hoping that when he came to, he wouldn't start flailing and screaming. Once satisfied with his work, Svexyn checks on Mogan and Folg, who should be just about done with their tasks.

"Move the body into the first tent."

As the body is moved, Svexyn motions for Folg to keep watch. "Keep a lookout Folg. Mogan, I know you don't care for their race, but I need you to help keep the half-orc subdued, if it decides to mark us as enemies. All of his gear is out of reach and elsewhere, so it shouldn't be too hard to convince that we aren't here to kill him. Keep your weapon at the ready, but only to knock him back out if needed. Not to kill him."

Svexyn looks at both of them, then back to the half-orc. "Everyone ready? Then let's do this..."

Svexyn's aura washes out from him to engulf the half-orc. The wounds slowly begin to heal, as time passes. Eventually, Svexyn can tell that the half-orc should be healed enough to awaken, as he splashes the half-orc with a mug full of water. "Time to wake up.." he says, hoping the subdued captive can hear him. Once the half-orc is awake, Svexyn motions for him to be quiet.

"But please keep quiet. Drasus thinks you are dead. I saved your life. You are to be set free, if you agree to some terms. Nod if that is agreeable, and I will remove the gag."

He waits for the response from the captive, knowing how this looked.

[Taking 20 on Use Rope to secure the half-orc]


Ersun, Thiara

Thiara: "Tagging-along would be impossible I'm afraid. I have no authority to spare you from questioning or imprisonment. I am not a leader or official in the city government. I hold no titles. My only blessing in terms of influence is that my father, Stethasriss, is the head of the wizards guild. He holds the ear of Baron Zomok, ruler of the city."

"So long as my father remains in his favor I am accorded a great deal of respect. I am free to visit city offices and share company with city officials and merchant lords, under the presumption that I am carrying out errands for him. Many use me as an intermediary with my father, which affords me opportunities to glean information about rich and powerful figures."

"I collect this information for use towards my plans to free the city from tyranny. But that is a far-gone future I'm afraid. I require allies to prevent an uprising in the more immediate future by the hated wererats that dwell beneath Masaeus in the undercity ruled by King Kyser. It is the undercity I would offer your tribe as new territory as part of an alliance."

"Of course, there is much you need to learn before you should risk venturing into King Kysers domain. Fortunately I have contacts who can educate you when I'm otherwise occupied, and thankfully not all of them are in Masaeus. Hence, my logic of sparing you the added danger of being in the city for the time being. Hopefully soon it will be safe enough for you
to explore and evaluate the Undercity for your report to Izel."

"Does that make sense?"
She asks.

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Folg, Mogan, Svexyn

As he comes to his senses the half orc attempts to struggle free of his bindings, despite his weakened state. After a few moments however he must relent, out of breath, gasping through his gag. He nods at you but his is eyes are full of confusion. As you remove the gag he takes a deep breath before he speaks.

Half-Orc: "I remember you, and you..." He says glancing towards Mogan "You stood there with the others. You watched Drasus execute me. I was dead, I know I was..." He says with lingering pain. "...what do you want?"

Fangor the Fierce

First Post
Svexyn, Folg and Mogan


"Actually, I don't want anything. We had just arrived at the inn, about to enter, when you and Drasus stormed out. I didn't like the odds, and from what I saw of Drasus, even if we tried to help, he would have cut us down. But, let's just say that you were on the brink of death and I decided you didn't deserve that kind of death. So I intervened."

Svexyn moves to unbind the half-orc, but hesitates, asking, "For starters, my name is Svexyn. My friend here is Mogan, and the kobold outside keeping watch is Folg. From what I know, you confronted Drasus about someone missing. You work for the Massoud Trading Company. Drasus didn't like you questioning him, and tried to kill you. Sounds like he's hiding something, considering he crumbled up your parchment with your contract and threw it int he fire at the inn."

Svexyn continues on. "You are free to go on your way, or you can help us. But I must warn you. I paid scavenging rights for your gear. No, I don't want your gear, and you can have it all, except for one of your hidden stashes of precious gems. I had to hide your fake death, and it cost me. After all, your life wasn't cheap, but I hope you don't mind. Your weapons and armor will be returned once we are done with our discussion, and you decide what to do. You lost some of your coins as well, but I won't leave you poor. It's not in my nature."

"So, tell me what happened. Your name, where you came from, and what you know about the Quresh around here. And Drasus. As you can see, we are newcomers to this area, and I am trading your life for information. And some discretion as well. We have an empty grave, and we intend to hide the fact that you are in fact not dead. Unless you decide to disagree with my terms, in which we will have to come to other arrangements..."

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Billanverthorne: Writing A Mental Hitlist...

Jabbar: "Until next time..." He says stepping up close to the bandit, looking him dead in the eyes. "Whats your name?"

Bandit 4: "Shafi"

Jabbar: "I will remember that." He says before he gestures for you and Avar to follow.

<End of Combat>

As you and Avar move away from Odan, Avar whispers to you.

Avar: -Whispers to Billanverthorne- "Are you ok?" before he catches up with Jabbar and speaks up in a low voice. "
Good of you to spare Odan, I didn't want to have to kill him."

Jabbar: "He might still be killed. Shafi might elect to take his place while Odan is bleeding out and humiliated. He's certainly capable of it, I saw it in his eyes."

[Billanverthorne: What do you do?]

As the party leaves earshot of the bandits, Bill says, to Avar: (Common): "I'm alright. I don't think it's as bad as I first thought. I just need to wrap the wound, and perhaps purchase a salve to rub on it. And I'm running on fumes, I need to rest soon."

To Jabbar (Common): "I'll still scout the meeting place, if you like. But I should at least wrap the wound first. A bleeding man casually sitting in a tavern is bound to attract attention."

To Avar (Common): "Jabbar is correct. I doubt Odan is long for this world. Shafi seemed the type to take advantage of situations like that... Of course, I won't shed a tear in any case. Sorry, just being honest. If he had killed me, I don't think it would have ended there. I think he would have also killed you and Jabbar, without a second thought. Of course, with the killing blow, he'd probably still be telling you that it isn't anything personal. Having said that, if it makes you feel any better, I'm going to remember Shafi's name and face. If I ever find him alone, I intend to kill him. Blood temperature not withstanding. He just rubs me the wrong way. I don't like the way he threatened you," he says, nodding towards Jabbar. "I have a good mind to go back there right now and put him out of my misery."

To All (Common):
"By the way, does anyone have any jerky or biscuits? I'm famished."
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Asusk, Folg, Mogan, Svexyn

Asusk: "I am Asusk, of Tabba. I worked as a caravan guard. My employer was Muhab, a merchant. I suspect the Quresh arranged the ambush of my caravan on our way south. I was not there to witness the battle, as I was hunting, but I saw the carnage when I returned. Bodies butchered and laid to rot in the sun, wagons looted..." He says sadly. "...but there was some hope yet still as Muhab's body was missing."

"I read the tracks and I believe the bandits came after us from Tabba. Yet there were also tracks of a smaller group heading into this no-mans land. I opted to follow the trail here, hoping to find Muhab, or at least a witness who might have seen him." He pauses "I know a Quresh merchant came to Tabba recently and met with Muhab. They argued, and Muhab was quite put off. I don't know the details, but he was fearful and jumpy afterward. My employer was a good man, I fear the worst for him."

"That merchant who met with Muhab was there at the inn! I glimpsed him upstairs, but they would not permit me an audience with him. When I insisted, Drasus came downstairs and picked a fight with me. I am convinced now the Quresh know where he is and had me killed for asking questions."
His eyes take on a hateful glint.

"Drasus is a hired assassin, an attack-dog they use when they don't want their own guards seen getting their hands bloody. Why else would someone like Drasus interfere in a total strangers business, kill him for no good reason, and not even bother to loot his corpse for spoils?"

He sighs. "Is that enough information for you?"
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