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Dark Days in Sion - Act 2: Scene 4


Burrai, Kadar

Kadar: Leans back in his hair and steeples his fingers, stretching ligaments tightened from scratching with a quill for a while. "I don't see why we can't accommodate you, so long as we have a clear understanding? I only say this because a dwarf of your renown could do serious harm to the reputation of the Devils if you weren't happy. I'd rather bolster it by making sure you are satisfied, so please explain what your expectations are exactly?"

"How many men would you like for this escort? How seasoned and skilled do you expect them to be? Will the new buyer also have authority to give orders? What should my men do if the new buyer acts recklessly or won't heed their advice to stay out of harms way? Should they bring extra provisions and supplies in case the new buyer asks them to stay on for a few days?"

"I understand your cabin is in a rather dangerous and isolated area of the hills. Supposing this new buyer is killed, what would you expect my men to do so far as his property and remains are concerned? Lastly, if my men die because I wasn't fully appraised of what they might by dealing with, I will be most displeased."

"Meaning no offense to you Burrai, I'm sure you know this business as well as anyone. I have to ask the proper questions before I write up a contract, which as you know is the first thing the sheriff will ask to see if things go wrong and a case is brought to court."

[Burrai: What do you do?]

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Fangor the Fierce

First Post


Reaching into his tunic, Svexyn removes the parchment and hands it over to Drasus. "I assume I'm not lucky enough to have this serve as payment," he adds.

~This guy has me on edge. No telling what he's capable of, but now's not the time to find out.~

"So what can you tell me about this Masoud Trading Company?"

He does not mind the circling and scrutiny at all and welcomes it openly. On the other hand he has to hold back a smirk as Thiara reveals some details he was not aware of before. Izel has a strange ways of making friends it seems, he expects it is going to bite hime back sooner or later. It is a useful bit of information, he hopes there will be a few more.

On the other hand she tries to wiggle somewhat now that she is not facing Izel personally it seems. He considers her offer a little and tries to weigh the advantages and disadvantages. He also has to be careful about whos priorities he puts first: Izel’s, his own, the tribe’s, or Thiara’s. The difficulty is that the four has plenty of blurry zones between them.

“I would prefer not to simply sight see, and I would be actually most interested in how you carry on in bad times. I don’t think me being in a quiet town with only a delegate of yours to guide me around would be much help to either of us.” he is also not much of a rider at all, so a couple of days by horseback would be a rather long distance if left to his own devices. “Also, we would have to see the appeal of both sides, if the two of you do wish to make an alliance, Am i wrong?”

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Billanverthorne: DO OR DIE!

Bill winces in pain, surprised by the Dwarf's blind fanaticism. He recovers quickly, however, and takes a 5 ft. (one square) adjustment backwards, drawing his bow as a free action while doing so. "VANDRIA'S TEETH!!" He exclaims.

((2 shots, results: 21, 16) = Both hits.) --(Bill has spent all but 1 of his fate points to get this far.)

(Hit location: 16, Bruised Rib, Damage = 8 points.)
(Hit location: 6, Left Shoulder, Damage = 4 points.)

(Bill was at 12 points at the end of the Hobgoblin fight. You said he healed 1 point during the time he spent between wrapping the wound in Khaled's tent, and talking to Jabbar. That means he was at 13 at the start of the round. Having taken 7 damage, Bill is currently sitting at 6 hit points.)

Feeling himself bleeding internally, Bill fights off the impulse to flee. ~Nay, I'll not leave Jabbar and Avar to the mercies of this rabid cur. If I am to die today, so be it. It's not over until it's over, let's see if he's the fighter he claims to be, or if he was just lucky!~
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Alic, Bax, Kryslogious, Malic, Ordechai, Wrenwil

The Dwarves continue their questioning of Ordechai.

Malic: "You say the Sezzara Wasteland is off limits to their agents? Are you aware of any pretense that explains this?"

Ordechai: "Not with any certainty of fact, but I have it on good authority that the Quresh are too highly respected by the Black Network to be seen as a foe exactly."

Alic: "Are they allies?!"

Ordechai: "There must be an understanding between them, though what that is exactly I do not know? It's certainly possible they have secret agreements and negotiations I'm not aware of. Though frankly, I can hardly imagine either entity being completely tolerant of the other. They are much like rival beasts after all." He says quaffing more of his rum.

Malic: Nods slowly "Beasts may sometimes destroy each other..." He murmers. "You say you have it on good authority what you know about the Quresh? What is the source of this insight?"

Ordechai: Huffs. "I gleaned it from the vipers nest itself. The Restless Sands Inn is owned and run by Quresh. One of their merchants made opinions and statements to me in confidence."

Malic: "Is it possible that he is still there?"

Ordechai: Nods "It is probable. He was the favored merchant put in charge of business by the inns owner last I knew."

Malic: "Is it possible he will divulge additional insights?"

Ordechai: "He might, but likely only to me. He knows my hatred of them is real and thus may trust to profit from that."

Alic: "How costly will this information be?"

Ordechai: Laughs. "Quite Costly! Bribery is always required dealing with the Quresh! Yet any merchant worth their salt knows the cost of doing business with them has its rewards. Access to their connections in the long term made many merchants a fortune, so long as you stay respectful and avoid their ire."

Malic: Picks at his brow thoughtfully. "And what else? Have you names of other agents or informants for the Black Network?"

Ordechai: "I do know several such names. You might as well ask me for their descriptions as well. I may only have one eye, but I never forget the face of an enemy!" He says taking another drink (at this rate the whole jug will soon be empty) "In truth it would bring me great delight to do harm unto them as they have done unto me." He adds bitterly. "Yet until now I have never had cause to hope it was possible."

Malic: "I ask you to put these names to ink while your mind is not yet fully addled from rum."

Ordechai: Scoffs. "Bax! Parchment and quill!" He orders. The goblin rushes to oblige. Ordechai quickly scrawls a list down on a bit of parchment.


Alic: Takes the list and glances it over before handing it to his father.

Malic: Takes a longer look at it before passing it on to whoever else is interested. "Very good. I will ask you a bit more about these names individually and make further notes, but I believe I finally have a plan in mind..." He says taking a long breath.

"Come the dawn I intend to ride back to Barossa as quickly as I can manage. My verbal account of Ordechai's statements, along with this list of names, should convince a few trusted friends to join this cause. Together we can persuade others. When there is enough support behind us, we will inform King Korag of the treachery in our clan and demand he root it out."

Alic: Interrupts "What of me father?"

Malic: "You shall remain here in the meantime and guard Ordechai with your life." -Looks again to Ordechai- "If you are up to it, I would ask you to return to this Inn, The Restless Sands, and learn more about the relationship between the Quresh and the Black Network. After that, pursue leads as you will."

Ordechai: "And what am I promised in return?"

Malic: "When our lands are safe again we shall all be in your debt. Until then, there are no promises in war, except the opportunity for vengeance where you find it. When such a time that I can offer more does come, we shall see."

Wrenwil: looked to the dwarven duo. "I believe Ordechai is free to walk without chains or judging gaze. He has already paid a price far more heavy than any trial or execution. He carries it with him, every day, every breath. Let us travel as friends. Let us watch each others backs. Let us reach our destination as friends, not strangers who fear."

Malic: Nods to Wrenwil "I agree. Ordechai has suffered enough. His cooperation clears him of further punishment in my eyes. However, I cannot tell the whole truth to my superiors yet. Not until I know who is truly trustworthy. Ordechai will still be known as a fugitive for the time being, but Alic will vouch for him if anyone attempts to arrest him, and defend him if necessary if anyone comes to collect the price on his head."

Alic: Looks to Wrenwil. "Does that mean you wish to join us?"

[Wrenwil: What do you do?]
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Drasus, Svexyn

Drasus: Smirks "I am no merchant, but even I know the Masoud Trading Company is a trade organization based in Cabarda. They import and export many goods through Vulkh. You must indeed have traveled far not to know that." He presumes skimming the contract before crumpling it up in his palm and tossing it into the hearth. "Tell Tylia to send up another cup of rum on your way down and we'll be even. I won't keep you any further." He says.


Ersun, Thiara

Thiara: "I just wanted to give you an option. As an outsider roaming in and beneath Masaeus you will be in serious peril, but if you insist I cannot refuse. My scouts lives depend on your cooperation after all. Understand however that I won't be offering a guided tour. It would raise too many questions to be seen with you publicly, even if I had the time and freedom to do so, which I don't."

"At best I can arrange a room at an inn and provide an escort with local knowledge and street smarts enough to reduce the risks for you. I'll try and meet with you every day to answer your questions and ask a few of my own, but beyond that you're on your own."
She states with one hand raised in emphasis. "If that's what you really want, say so and I will teleport us both back there."



Malic: Takes a longer look at it before passing it on to whoever else is interested.

"Don't mind if I do," Wrenwil said with a temporary smile as he took his turn with the list.

He squinted in the pale light of their campfire, committing as much as possible to memory, "Dread, Strife, Mourn, Blood, Gnomes, Half Orcs, Men, Women, these are what one calls... an equal opportunity employer." The names were then passed to the next who wished to view them.

"Malic, Alic, I am so humbled that you feel so, and share in the instincts I had that this man is worthy of life and peace."

Alic: Looks to Wrenwil. "Does that mean you wish to join us?"

"If you shall have me, I would be honored to travel by your side. As you no doubt now know, I am no fighter or taker of blood, however, though old and weary, perhaps my other skills may lend me to being something other than a burden. There may be times for healing, food, water, negotiation, among others, that I can assist with. These Sands of Restlessness are a waypoint in the path I must take, and I have no intention of walking alone or without my friend."

He turned to Malic, "speaking of friends, dear Malic, I must ask if it is wise for you to travel alone in your honorable quest? I would not have you leave the safety of numbers, only to suffer the agony of these lands on your own. Don't take me wrong, I have great faith, yet would you not want one of us to accompany you? Are your supplies sufficient for the task at hand?

Fangor the Fierce

First Post


Svexyn watches the crumpled paper catch on the embers, as the red hot glow of parchment burning in the hearth brings back memories.

~The fire danced on the logs. It wasn't too long ago, but it feels like ages. This journey has been long, but right when I feel it is coming to dead end, a new lead appears. Sitting at the fire, while Folg and Mogan slept, I know it was not sleep that caused it. But it couldn't have been real. The shadows.. the dancing flames.. the fire.. It seemed like a scene of destruction. Was it all a mirage, or was I watching a battle dealing with some great beast dancing here and there? Was it a glimmer of something from the past, or was it a warning of things to come? Or maybe it was just me being tired and my eyes playing tricks on me. More questions than answers, these days seem to bring them constantly...~

"As you wish," he says, as he stands and turns to walk away. He glances at the Quresh merchant before descending down the stairs. Leaving the upper area, Svexyn looks for Tylia, not liking that she had to put up with Drasus and his unwelcome actions.

When he spots her, he motions her over. "Drasus asks for another round of rum. And thank you for assisting me with my questions earlier. I am sure you have plenty of better things to do than deal with strangers and newcomers with their constant questions. Enjoy your evening."

He then heads to where he left his mule before heading back to met up with Mogan and Folg, and to check on the half-orc of course...


First Post
Burrai Steelborn

"Meaning no offense to you Burrai, I'm sure you know this business as well as anyone. I have to ask the proper questions before I write up a contract, which as you know is the first thing the sheriff will ask to see if things go wrong and a case is brought to court."

Burrai opened his mouth to speak, but instead chewed his words for a moment longer. He considered just lying to Kadar, and leaving the finer details of compensation to the colour of his coin - this wasn't Omar and good mercenaries knew what they were signing up for. Occasionally that meant being paid to face dangers one could never overcome; Burrai himself had lead mercenary teams into situations where he knew little of the enemy's strengths or numbers. He scratched his ragged scars for a moment, an ugly reminder of that time. He'd chosen that route, and now in the training ground outside Kadar's office recruits swung practise swords with barely a scruff of beard for defence. He changed his words.

"The situation then," he rumbled, brows drawn down in thought. "Yes, my home is remote, and the buyer knows this - he'll have to provide his own protection most of the year. Any threat....particular to myself will natural follow my departure, especially if I allow word to make the rounds both here and elsewhere my name holds weight." He smiled slightly. "Besides, I expect my business will attract plenty of attention over the next few months so anyone wishing me harm won't be looking for me at home." Let Kadar chew on that piece of information....and hopefully spit it into the ears of the Black Network in a few weeks time.

"As for details. 3-4 honest men would be enough - I'm sure old Uthal wouldn't mind a stroll in the country if I let him know where I keep the last of my brandy. Stay one night as guard and return. In future a similar visit each season seems reasonable, and I'll impress upon him that the contract is mine and so he must suffer them. If he wishes other activities, well then he must hire their services from you as usual. If the owner dies in the meantime, then I'd still appreciate my property watched until the contract ends..."

Burrai pauses a moment. Kadar may lack the verve of his father, the attraction to risk and adventure, but he'd already thought down several fraught avenues. He knew business if nothing else, which Burrai appreciated.

"As for what you might deal with? I can't give you specifics; I've tended to deal personally with those who've bore me a grudge over the years. But I concede there may be risks, and for those I'd say look to my past. I've spent a varied time, both working with the Devils and many other companies, and any poorly aimed revenge will come from there. And you have my permission to pass on knowledge of my departure if you think it will keep your men safe."

~There, let him consider that~ It was as close to truth as he could get. If Kadar showed even a glimmer of intelligence, he'd be able to gauge the dangers easy enough. If not, well that would be his own fault.

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