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D&D Beyond Twitter Account says OGL will be addressed soon


It's been a tactic (not for Hollywood) for a while and they haven't really turned it down.

Notice that they don't bring up the 'it's unrealistic for a mermaid to be black' thing since the pushback was so swift and merciless.

And use words like 'triggered' in the Year of Our Lord 2023.
Look , there's no sunlight at the bottom of the ocean, so they should be a disgusting slimy white like cave fish.

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If they are going to stick to their guns, a press release defending their plans would be fairly easy to write. Plant a flag defending Wizbro's rights to its IP, talk up how the OGL 1.1 still allows extensive 3PP participation, etc. It's not like the furor will be lessened by waiting for more and more people to weigh in (various publishers, YouTubers, the EFF, Cory Doctrow, etc.) before declaring they're going full speed ahead.

On the other hand, if they're changing course, there's all sorts of people who have to sign off on the new plans and how to present the new plans, shuttling things between execs and legal and back.

On the gripping hand, of course, it could just be that there's an internal argument over which course to take, and all we're seeing is a delay before Wizbro declares that it's going to do everything in its power to kill the OGL 1.0a.
WotC: "We need the next iteration of D&D to be incompatible with the OGL and highly synergistic with our virtual tabletop. But we can't just revoke the OGL."



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Mod Squad
Staff member
But maybe you don't pay attention to obscure little indie titles like The Rings of Power or She-Hulk or The Woman King, or The Witcher, or tons of others.

Mod Note:
So, on She-Hulk, yes, there were bits describing some criticism as toxic.
But, one problem with your suggestion- a lot of criticism of the work was toxic.

And, indeed, your blaming that on the corporation when the fans were, in fact toxic... is itself kind of toxic, apologia for bad behavior among fans.

It is, I think, time for you to step back from this discussion, and rethink your approach to OGL discussions in general, before the number of reports we see about you gets too large to let pass.


It seems like that would be a really bad idea unless the response is "WE SURRENDER! WE'RE COMING OUT WITH OUR HANDS UP!".

Because if there's anything not-great about the response, and it's dropped on Friday night, fans will have all weekend to pick at it and poke at it and get real mad about it, and the YouTubers who've realized this is probably great for "the clicks" (which again, now includes non-RPG YouTubers!) can all do update videos with a picture of themselves doing a theatrical facepalm and with "Wizards of the Coast FAILS at D&D comeback!!!" in a weird font and each word at a different angle, colour and size.

You forgot the mouth open faux shocked face look.

You forgot the mouth open faux shocked face look.
I was going with the theatrical face-palm rather than open-mouthed shock, but yes you can even combine the two for maximum YouTube clicks.

I literally have no idea why humans click on stuff with schlubby dudes (I say that with love lol) pulling O-faces because to me it's extremely off-putting but it is incredibly reliable as a way to get them clicks.

The Youtube algorithm is a mysterious force of nature that no one understands and frankly, probably a force of evil at this point
It's not just the algorithm, though, it's that people really do click them more, it's been well-demonstrated. So it's more like YouTube viewers are mysterious beasts, and their click choices equally mysterious.

At least they fixed the algorithm so it stopped automatically propelling you towards more and more extreme content. I remember a few years ago, if you did something like, say, clicked on a Mass Effect video that contained say, some mild criticism of story element (like ME2's weak - compared to ME1 - central arc), but was largely positive, you'd immediately start getting like 25% of your suggestions filled with stuff like "How SJWs RUINED Mass Effect!!!" and so on. You could keep dismissing that stuff or clicking "I don't like this", but YouTube seemed to see that as "engagement", so continued to present it to you excitedly. God forbid you look at any Warhammer 40K stuff, as that just lead to demented alt-right suggestions and so on. But they did change that. It seems like it was about three years ago, suddenly I could watch a Mass Effect critical discussion video and there were no longer a bunch of "Feminazis are DESTROYING gaming!!"-type suggestions, and 40K stuff just lead to more 40K stuff, not weird alt-right/4Chan-y (not even 1d4Chan-y!) takes on 40K stuff. Even gun videos (I love a weird-ass 19th/20th-century gun - Forgotten Weapons is great for this) stopped having weird extremists as suggestions. I don't know what they did, but it was a night-and-day change. For the first few weeks I did have to do a bit of "I don't like this" and "don't show me videos like this" (which did literally nothing before), but then... I think I've had to click that like twice in the last two years.

So I guess algorithms can be improved.

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