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Basic D&D: Did it hook you?

Did you start playing RPGs because of Basic D&D or a basic RPG?

  • Yes

    Votes: 112 80.6%
  • No

    Votes: 27 19.4%

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Nope, my first encounter with Basic (don't know which edition, never owned any of them) almost turned me off from RPGs at the start. And my first encounter with Traveller, about an hour later, nearly finished the job! (But I [we] also experienced my [our] first house rule. "No, your character doesn't die before he even gets to the game. Who came up with such a dumb rule in the first place?") Mind you, I was no kid at the time (pushing 30), nor were the people I was playing with (a couple of co-workers).

What really hooked me was Runequest.


First Post
Mark Hope said:
I voted yes, although technically speaking the answer is no :lol:

Huh - I voted no, although the answer is technically yes. ;)

I started roleplaying with AD&D, right on the cusp of 2nd edition (barring a short and very free-form session at camp, sans rulebooks or dice). Previously I'd devoured Choose Your Own Adventure, Fighting Fantasy, and Endless Quest books like they were crack cocaine, but that was where I got my start.

HOWEVER: To the question in the thread title - "Basic D&D: Did it hook you?" - I'd say yes, twice. ;) I picked up the Black Box set during that brief 2e-era Basic D&D revival, and it really sparked new creativity in me as a GM. I used it to run Hollow World for a few - not knowing jack about Mystara, I placed it as the chewy nougat center of my version of the Realms - but, not having the Rules Cyclopedia (or any of the BECMI boxes), I was only able to get so much out of the rules therein, and ended up going back to 2e (albeit with a whole new lease on life as a GM).

Fast-forward 13 years, and I'm just now picking up B/X (along with Blue Box, BECMI, and RC), and loving the HELL out of it - runs like silk. Its insidious influence is slowly but surely creeping into my HackMaster game, as well, where I can assure you it's quite lonely and out of place. :D

Edit: Just now remembering, my first brush with D&D, even before the impromptu camp session. I was stuck outside the principal's office (where I spent much of my time), and someone had left the 1e Monster Manual in the "bad kid" desk. I was FASCINATED - all the crazy art, the descriptions - these numbers, what do they MEAN, they're like some kind of code! This definitely added to my already-burning curiosity about what the hell D&D was.
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Angel Tarragon

Dawn Dragon
For me it all started with this back in 1991...



First Post
S'mon said:
My intro to RPGs was the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks, Fighting Fantasy introductory RPG, then 1e AD&D - DMG & MM purchased for £5 each from a fellow schoolboy. I never had much to do with Basic D&D until recently.
Ha! My first contact with something similar to RPGs were the Fighting Fantasy books as well. Then it was 'Das Schwarze Auge' which was pretty mediocre at the time and didn't really manage to explain how roleplaying was supposed to work.

Things really got started with AD&D 1st.ed. I got to try D&D (RBCMI) later (a player from the AD&D group was the D&D DM) but it never really worked for me - way too simple for my taste!

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