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Are your games dying?


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You make some good points Shalimar, and I am mostly in agreement.

I think part of the thing that makes people join/start so many games is what Timothy describes. With the pace as slow as it is, people tend to jump into more and more games to compensate. Somewhere a line is crossed that is probably different for different people.

I am probably playing in 1 or 2 many at this point, but I expect a couple of them will probably die off. DMing is a little different - I generally struggle to keep up during the character creation and setup phases, but once I get the PCs started down the path, I've found I'm generally waiting for them now instead of the other way around.

I've also found that my posts, either as DM or player, tend to reflect the length of the other players. That is, if I start off making long posts, but no one else is (or they aren't doing it very often), my posts will begin to shrink.

Some games can survive with short posts (the IC game being the one I'm thinking of) - most cannot. A lot of games also take some time to settle into a good rhythm.

Is there a good solution? I'm not sure, other than if everybody tries to make all the games better. I don't like having to kick people out of my games, but I'm sure it'll come to that point sometime, for whatever reason.

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I did some quoting and answering here, based entirely on my humble opinions. I think I'm going to cull my own games, and try and make some general fixes. Mecha Crusade, I'm thinking this one will be fixed by merging both games, and allowing Jarval to be a player. I'm going to give another Kickup to LHHS by adding one or two players (by invite) and dropping the deadweight. I may try and save the IRR, we are just now beginning turn 2, and if the game isn't saved now -it's doomed. My koboldquest game is probably going to be closed, or conjoined to GaryH's. I'm going to start Epic, and try really hard to figure out where it's headed.

Gwolf[/i][b] I think a dead game said:
Yeah when I started the DMing I realized that alot of players sort of wait for things to happen to them instead of going out and trying out things. Of course there are the players that take the initiative, but then there are those who are happy to just coast along for the ride.
There's a great deal of wisdom to be found from the solution to this problem. See, this is the problem with many games of any kind. I consider myself a great player, had the game runner been more efficient, I would have competed for Iron PC. That's my speciality, being a super-motivational player. One point of advice that some people might be able to take from me, 'make stuff up as you go along.' In Gnomeworks Psionicle, I have consistently added an additional character element (whether history, quirks, or memories) that contribute to my characters development. In Jemal's Intrigue in Candara game, I've taken it upon myself to just blast out with strange gibberings about unfamiliar evils and all that crazy stuff-but I always leave everything open to 'interpretation' on the DMs part. That way, they surprise me and I surprise them.

The trick is to find a game balance where you're not always shoving them along (the people who don't want to be shoved along) and yet giving a good push to those people who do want to be pushed along.
Yep, most definitely.

Of course I have yet to find this balance!
Well, I've found it in a couple games, but I don't know how to 'create' it. If I ever learn, that would be great.

Originally posted by Reapersaurus
However, how many games have what it takes to 'make it'?
And what characteristics are shared of games that "make it" the long haul?

Let's see. First off, as you stated later in your post, it has a lot to do with getting the introduction over with, without making it seem pointless. Saying, "you all are together in a bar" isn't the solution, the solution is to make sure you introduce action before you start the lul. For instance, in the LHHS, I did start you all off in a Bar. Then I sat there, and wrote down about 100 feeder leads. Different things I used to test 'what do these characters want to do? What motivates the entire group?' and I did all of it through In Character actions. It worked, and it gave me plenty of ammunition to put to use.

Now, in my experience it is the DM that is most in control of whether the game lasts.
I would imagine that DM-ing a PbP adventure is unlike what most DM's would expect at the beginning.
It requires a different level of written communication than many people possess, and a dedication to see things thru on an anonymous, un-connected medium such as the internet.
Alright, I don't know what you think of it, but I've found that it's easier to recognize a character as being different from a player -online. Because the characters are the only things I see. It's easier for me to associate Deedlit with Deedlit, and not Deedlit's player. It's easier for me to associate Dalamar with Krindor, or Jarval with Jannsen than it would be in a real life game.

What PbP games HAVE been completed?
I actually only know of one - The Original - the Non-Iconics Game that has completed their adventure to fruition.
Yep, that's the only one. Also note, there's never been a Total Party Kill to my knowledge, and trust me when I say that I've looked.

Similarly, the most successful games that I've seen have been ones that had a fairly fast recruitment time, and went right into adventuring, getting the majority of introductions going rapidly, so that by a month in, many of the players and main story are inplace (striking while the iron's hot, so to speak) before the inevitable slow-downs a game WILL have start to occur.
I have to agree with you here. And then there are problems with games like Epic, where it takes many people an exceptional amount of time to get ready. Especially the DM. It's just that way. Of course, my solution for Epic is to cater to each player seperately. Every player's going to act independantly. The more you post, the more thourough you are, and honestly 'the more entertaining to the DM you are' the more likely you are going to come up on top. Whether they impress me with RP values, humor, or persistance, that's going to be the guy to win. Players that don't post for a week are going to be left behind, I'm sorry, but It's just the style of that particular game.

What other games have you guys been in that haeve not been abandoned?
What games do you think WILL eventually finish?
What do you think are the elements that contribute to a successful, long-term PbP game?

For my part, it is my personal approach that the bane of PbP games is apathy.
Non-interest will kill a game much quicker than in-fighting or even player or DM squabbles.
Non-participation is the ultimate sin in PbP gaming, to me.
Psionicle, LHHS, Academy of Drell... not many. Some games are going to last, I think, like Intrigue in Candara (so long as everyone else is as interested in going to the next place, like me), and Emerald's game looks good. In both instances, it can be attributed a bit to the players motivation. Jemal has let Intrigue slip back a page on multiple instances, but one of them was seriously my fault (bad interpretation or writing on my part), and I think the game is still doing alright.

Now, from what some players (not characters mind you, just players) have said to me, it appears that LHHS will end somewhere near the Trollforge, in about a year. I'm going to add some new blood (Sollir joined, but I think he's in a lull right now) to the game to increase the participation. Novyet posted a character and never played, which is important to note. I figure the LHHS will finish though.
Now, Psionicle will finish as well. We are about half way there, after a year and more of playing. It will take another year, but the game WILL finish. Not many games will, in this medium.

cs - interesting that you didn't include the Heroes of the Worlds thread in the "dying" category.
Isn't that pretty much dead in the water? that cause is DM non-involvement, right?
I think Kal is bored right now. Same for Sollir. If, and when, they come back, Heroes of the World should be stopped, and probably Sollir's game, but they could still be active players. I think Deedlit is afraid to let it die, but I'm fine with it dying. It wasn't that long ago that I stated that I was going to drop out of the game to focus on others. I completely forgot about mentioning it, that's how dead it is.

Then there's some other ones I'm in I can comment on:
your great (IMO) LightHearted Hack n Slash game is unique, in that you started it with the structure that can support a long haul.
As long as you have a few participants that are dedicated, I think that it can last a while, even though from the recent posting amounts, it might seem in danger.
Thanx reaper. Yeah, I think structures need shifting in some games. Basically, I think it works best when you either have a solid motivation from everyone, or a structure that caters to the individual. LHHS, and maybe if it has some activity, Epic, should do alright since they allow a disinterested player to be cut without losing anything.

What are the statuses of other PbP games?
I've always wished I had enough time to keep up with all the games - maybe those in them can summarize what's happened over the months in them (maybe a seperate thread idea?).
At least post here whether they are active or not, and if not, why did they end? Did any end for any reason other than DM?

Well, I think I've stated my opinions on these matters in the above.


Very interesting idea for a thread CS.

I have to admit, I think my Mecha Crusade game suffered from some badly timed absences on my part. I've had to be AFK for several days at a time over the last few weeks, and I've not pushed it forwards as much as I could have done :(

My Of Sound Mind game, while perhaps not the most fast paced game around, seems to be pretty stable. I've only lost one player, and I'm hoping I may be able to bring them back in.


creamsteak said:
I did some quoting and answering here, based entirely on my humble opinions. I think I'm going to cull my own games, and try and make some general fixes. Mecha Crusade, I'm thinking this one will be fixed by merging both games, and allowing Jarval to be a player.

Hmm, could work. I have to say, you might make a better DM for the Mecha Crusade game, as you seem to have a better knowledge of the genre than me.
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Originally posted by Sixchan The In Character game is unique in that since we're roleplaying ourselves, the posts have a more 'Conversation' feel to them, with short one liners, jokes, comments and questions rather than the traditional 'Roleplaying'. So we post a lot more.

Hehe I don't mind all the posting, I was just surprised. I will honestly say that I thought the IC game would fail when I first started it because the interest didn't seem so high during character creation but I went ahead with it because there was a core group of people that really liked it and I personally liked the idea lot. It falls completely within my style.

I was afraid it would be too weird for people, but apparently, they like weird! And trying to figure out what I'll do to them next, hehe...

So all in all yay and thanks to my players! :)


First Post
I picked up a dying WOT game when ToddSchumacher left. But since they had just started, I restarted the plot in another time and place.

I came close to a TPK in If Thoughts Could Kill, when one character reminded me of his Necklace of Missles after failing a save to a fireball.

Elven Navy Delta Squad finished the first Spelljammer adventure I wrote, which is a victory of sorts. We lost two of five players along the way.

There's definitely a rhythm to games, especially around weekends and holidays. I'm flexible with my gamers as long as they are flexible with me.


Living EN World Judge
I did suffer from 'I must join' fever for a few weeks ( OK, I still do sign for games occassionally), but I find myself wanting to bow out of a few games at this point.
As far as games I run, I had intended to run 3-4 Under a Vaulted Sky games, weaving them all together as a set-up for a bigger Political game revolving around Drow Houses. While I still plan on doing this, I am going to wait a bit on it.

My 'the Dungeon: Out of Whistle' was sort of a fluke idea, though it seems to be getting off of the ground at a decent clip.
One thought that I had was to ask a few other PbPers if they had an interest in running games in the same setting, since it is pretty much an Infinite World Setting.

My Quest for the Lady game was something I thought up at 5am or so...and it will be a wierd one to say the least.

One thing I have done in the 2 latter games is limit the number of players. 4 in each, to be precise. I think that this helps (it is helping quite a bit in Dungeon:OoW).I was lucky in the UaVS game in getting a group that posts pretty regularly (Garyh needs to post more often, but until Cloning gets to be a stable science, he is just overtaxed...).

Anyways, just my 2 Coppers worth.
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Uriel_fire_of_Heaven said:
(Garyh needs to post more often, but until Cloning gets to be a stable science, he is just overtaxed...).

Sorry about that! :eek: Since I'm playing muscle it's easy to forget to post in non-combat situations with everything else I've got going, and I'm also not quite sure how to get the hobgoblin into all the drow intrigue. But all that's a topic for the UaVS OOC thread. :)


Living EN World Judge
'But all that's a topic for the UaVS OOC thread...
COOL!!! I got Garyh's official Moderator Smack-Down! YES!!!
(salutes) 'Right you are Garyh' :D
Perhaps I'll liven that one up, to get all of you folks thoughts, good idea, Garyh.


First Post
Uriel_fire_of_Heaven said:
'But all that's a topic for the UaVS OOC thread...
COOL!!! I got Garyh's official Moderator Smack-Down! YES!!!
(salutes) 'Right you are Garyh' :D
Perhaps I'll liven that one up, to get all of you folks thoughts, good idea, Garyh.

It's also the first Mod-ish thing I've done besides moving some threads. :) However, you bring up a good idea, Uriel:

If a game or even just a player or two in the game is lagging, asking what players think of the game is a good way to see what the the players are thinking. If I'd have thought of it, I could have just brought that up in the appropriate OOC thread to begin with.

So, if you're a player, don't be afraid to speak up POLITELY with your thoughts, observations, or requests for a game in the OOC thread.

And, if you're a DM, feel free to solicit imput in the OOC thread as well. Players like it when they think you're paying attention to them. ;)

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