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(Adventure) The old fashioned way...


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"If the three of us need press on, we can always leave a sign for the others to follow. They will have mounts and will easily catch us if they have the brains to hurry." Cailean draws his dagger. "I could carve something as simple as an arrow pointing the direction we travel in this tree." He says gesturing toward a pine off to his right.

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Knight Otu

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"Yes, yes that may work..." Semabin says as he catches himself again speaking without thinking first, "and I think we may have to hurry up."
Impatiently, Semabin performs a few wardance steps with his scimitars.


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As Durg's dwarven companion seems not to be interested in more talking in the city, the two of them leave with all the new gear. They head towards the area, where it was agreed they should meet with the rest of the group.

Kahuna Burger

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Halydin will need to track the prints for a while to get a feel for how fast they are moving. he is aware that unless they brought two spare wolves (for the daughter and whoever's wolf was shot) some of them are traveling double and will thus be slowed down. If they have a long way to go, they will not neccassarily be pushing their mounts as well. Catching them is a possibility, though getting ahead of them poses some logistical problems.

I will presume that one of you goes to the prior meeting point and meets up with the now mounted dwarf and half orc, and that the others begin tracking, leaving occassional signs.

The five wolves have left a fairly clear trail, and Halydin does get the impression that two or more are riding heavy. After about an hour of movement through the woods, you find something you didin't expect - signs of a temporary camp, including an area where a tent of some sort was apparently set up. There is a pile of soft boughs aoung the tent stake holes. There is no sign of a campfire, but some wax is on the ground a little ways from the tent site where many feet (not paws) were gathered around.

It is while you are observing this area that your mounted compatriots catch up with you.


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"Looks like you've been busy meanwhile," Durg says as the three riders catch up with the two trackers. "A campsite this is, yes," he mutters after dismounting and looking around.

"What can you tell us about these tracks, ranger?" he asks Halydin.
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"As far as I can tell friend, six orcs and five wargs along with their hostage. Two Wargs appear to be doubled up and riding a bit slow."

Halydin kneels and points to the Warg tracks and the general direction of travel, "we're not too far behind them and in fact we may be able to catch but not overtake them before the reach the mountains but what then....we won't be in a position to conduct an ambush and we'll be facing five dire wolves and six orcs," Halydin grunts and then spits at the ground dismissively.

"Following them into the mountains is of course also a bit on the risky side as well friends." The half elf stands and looks toward the distant mountains.

Knight Otu

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(Umph, sorry about that. Yeah, maybe we should move on.)

"From what I have heard of orcs, I think we would be better off if we catch them before they get to the mountains."


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"Hrrm, sounds tough, if enemy has those numbers you say," Durg grunts. "Lead on, we can't know for sure yet."

He follows the others as the party seems to be on the move again.

Kahuna Burger

First Post
Pressing on, the group covers ground more rapidly on horseback, with Halydin ranging ahead in sprints then dismounting at any areas where a large group could have changed direction and making certain of the tracks as the others catch up at a more maintainable pace.

it is as the group is catching up to Halydin again that Rogar and Zerth catch sight of two orcs behind a log, poised to leap out upon the ranger.

Suprize round, Zerth, then Rogar, then orcs.

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