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[Adventure] New Cyre Borderlands (Judge: )

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Unit 16 tends to his wounds after the battle and is also quietly contemplative. While a greater good may have been served as far as the laborers are concerned, he still dislikes being nothing more than a hired gun - and he is certain he doesn't understand the politics involved in hiring an outside group to come clean up someone else's mess. He's also still not sure why the laborers were attacked in the first place. But ultimately these thoughts don't remain for long as he is grateful to finally escape the pervasive fog and enjoys the simple trip back to the camp through nice weather.

On the rail ride home, Ryda's question shakes him visibly. After some time, he pulls Ryda aside. "You are one of the few creatures in my existence to become an allied unit by free choice. I think of you... as a friend. My choice is to continue with you, if you would.

I am sorry you were hurt; my function is to prevent such harm. It is worse that you are a friend. If you feel I failed in my function, I will understand. But if you believe we were more effective before, I would choose to continue as before."

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"My thoughts are this. You judge this one situation too harshly Ryda, possibly because you did indeed get attacked more often than you like. Consider, however, that the situation was against us. The fog prevented the ranged attackers in our group from attacking foes conveniently and at will. The foes appeared prepared for us as well. We attempted to ambush them and not only were they ready for that and able to instantly react to the first broken twig by us, but they instead ambushed us with their little Dwarf tactic." Grys replies.

"Plus, these were no simple foes. They were skilled and fast, attacking multiple times for each time we attacked them in return. Have you faced such foes in the past where they were downright faster and stronger then you? Do you think you can do so again in a different group?"

I think this group is a good one. This was a level 7 encounter xp-wise, made more difficult by the fact that every foe had 2 or more attacks per round, the fog hindered us, and the DM purposely misled us with the "dwarven prisoner" tactic (without giving us perception rolls to notice that the dwarf had weapons on him). The DM also only attacked Grys a few times, possibly because Grys has a high AC. If the NPCs are targeting squishier PCs, the DM should have attacked Grys in cloth armor more and some of the others in leather armor less. The number of attacks against each PC (if I counted correctly) was:

Ryda 5
Mythra 5
Grys 3
Jarren 8
Susan 10

So, Ryda wasn't actually targeted excessively.

Add to that the fact that this was the first time that we worked together as a group, I thought we did great. This could have turned out a lot nastier. The two attacks per round is really misleading for XP as well. This encounter was a lot more challenging than the XP indicates.

But, if you don't want to play with certain people Mezegis, and this isn't just roleplaying a tactical discussion, you should probably be clear about it.
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Just a quick xp note, KD caught a small error I made and the total xp/person is actually 1000. I've changed it in my previous post. Please adjust [/sblock]


[sblock=KD, tactics]Well, I'm happy to be direct with you KD: I can't speak for anyone else, but I think on a player level, you and I enjoy rather different styles of play. I think this has been made fairly clear. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, or what we each prefer, but I think you and I would have more difficulty enjoying the same game. Also, on a character level, I think our styles of playing a defender are also somewhat less compatible. I've not seen two defenders fight over marks quite as much as we did, and while there's nothing inherently wrong with that, either, it just makes for slightly less fun. Again, there's nothing wrong with your tactics or mine - I feel like they just don't work as well when put together.

If if you're cool with it I think Unit 16 would like to part ways with Grys. This isn't intended to be an insult or disparaging in any way, but I just feel it would work out in our best interests. Also, I hope you are not discouraged if Unit 16 would like to continue to work with Jarren and Ryda (at their discretion, of course), as their styles of play seemed to mesh better with my own, and it fits the story somewhat better. Is that cool? You cool with that? Sorry to put what probably should have been a PM in the thread but I wanted to be very open about it. Feel free to PM me if you have a problem with what I've said.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=OOC]KD, in response to the last portion of your OOC comment, I brought this up ICly because I thought that is how you preferred it. Throughout this little adventure I got the impression you wanted OOC chat minimized and to work out with RP any conflicts in tactics or character ideas, If that was incorrect, I’m sorry.

I echo evilbob’s sentiments, our playing styles are quite different, and that leads to one or both enjoying the game less, which is a tragedy when there a many other players and games going on. And as evilbob said, feel free to PM me if you have anything to say you’d like to keep personal.[/sblock]


[sblock=KD, tactics]Well, I'm happy to be direct with you KD: I can't speak for anyone else, but I think on a player level, you and I enjoy rather different styles of play. I think this has been made fairly clear. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, or what we each prefer, but I think you and I would have more difficulty enjoying the same game. Also, on a character level, I think our styles of playing a defender are also somewhat less compatible. I've not seen two defenders fight over marks quite as much as we did, and while there's nothing inherently wrong with that, either, it just makes for slightly less fun. Again, there's nothing wrong with your tactics or mine - I feel like they just don't work as well when put together.

If if you're cool with it I think Unit 16 would like to part ways with Grys. This isn't intended to be an insult or disparaging in any way, but I just feel it would work out in our best interests. Also, I hope you are not discouraged if Unit 16 would like to continue to work with Jarren and Ryda (at their discretion, of course), as their styles of play seemed to mesh better with my own, and it fits the story somewhat better. Is that cool? You cool with that? Sorry to put what probably should have been a PM in the thread but I wanted to be very open about it. Feel free to PM me if you have a problem with what I've said.[/sblock]

No, I'll just reply.

Grys put a mark on one of Unit 16's foes because Unit 16 was being targeted and getting the crap beat out of him. Unit 16 was far from the spirit companion who was needed to heal both Ryda and Jarren, so the best option was to lower one foe's chance to hit Unit 16 and to lower some of the damage to Unit 16 if that foe did hit.

So, Grys tried to help out Unit 16. That's called good tactics.

The fact that you had "less fun" because of if it is bizarre. You should have been thanking me instead of letting it bother you.

The fact that you want to break up the group over it is bizarre as well.

I don't think our play styles are all that different and I don't see how you can claim that story fits better with some PCs in the party and not with others. Sorry, but that's a copout for whatever reason you really don't want to game with me. We haven't roleplayed long enough to illustrate any play style differences in character.

I have no idea what got your panties in a bind over Grys marking that foe. Do you even know why Grys helping out Unit 16 bothered you?

With regard to tactics, what conflct with tactics between your PC and mine are you talking about? That one mark? The mark on the dwarf at the end? Do you feel like Grys is stepping on your toes if he marks the last foe standing (which is obviously a vastly superior tactic nearly all of the time)?

Or is this all about my suggestion to make tactical suggestions in character instead of out of character and has actually nothing to do with a conflict of tactics between two PCs?

Or is it because you made a suggestion to me to not mark that foe after the fact and I didn't do it? You thought that they were going to go after Ryda and instead, the DM did the most logical thing and attacked Unit 16 four more times (the 2 scimitar foes had just hit Unit 16 four times in the previous round, so it made sense that they would continue that tactic) instead of attacking Ryda once and Unit 16 once like you thought was going to happen.

You seem to want to make suggestions to other players on how best to run their PCs OOC and are bothered when they don't do what you say. Since Grys' decision to mark that foe given the circumstances was better than him not doing so, to me it seems like you are more interested in your ideas being the ones used than the best tactics for the group. That appears to be the only reason I can think of that my tactics bother you. Because they are not YOUR tactics.

Your tactics did not bother me. In fact, nobody in the group made a single tactical decision that bothered me at all. I thought everyone did a good job. You appear to be the only one bothered by anyone else's tactical decisions. Why is that?

Is it that your idea on tactics in that particular case were wrong and mine were right (based on what the DM ended up doing) and that bothers you? Did I show you up? Or is it that you asked me to not mark that foe and I didn't do what you wanted? Is this all about you not getting your way? Is it that petty of a reason?

We didn't fight over marking. You did. I did what was best for the group at the time and subsequent rounds beared that out.

With regard to Jarren and Ryda, if you don't want to game with me, Antithetist and Mezegis and will just have to make up their own minds. They do have a track record with you, so it does make sense for them to continue gaming with you. But, will you ask them to leave if they don't do what you want them to do as well? Food for thought.


[sblock=OOC]KD, in response to the last portion of your OOC comment, I brought this up ICly because I thought that is how you preferred it. Throughout this little adventure I got the impression you wanted OOC chat minimized and to work out with RP any conflicts in tactics or character ideas, If that was incorrect, I’m sorry.

I echo evilbob’s sentiments, our playing styles are quite different, and that leads to one or both enjoying the game less, which is a tragedy when there a many other players and games going on. And as evilbob said, feel free to PM me if you have anything to say you’d like to keep personal.[/sblock]

There's a difference between discussing tactics in character and kicking someone out of the group in character.

One affects the characters. The other affects the player.

If you want me out of the group, fine. Tell me why though and tell me clearly. What is it that bugs you?


First Post
Guys, can we keep it cool? I'm not a mod so there's nothing I can do, but I'd prefer we keep things level. We can avoid personal comments from everyone?

I think this whole thing was handled poorly. I don't think this was the appropriate forum to handle this discussion and don't want it getting out of hand. I'm not 100% sure what happened? Everyone seemed fine as I reviewed the thread.[/sblock]

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