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Adv: The Path of Light; DM: ScorpiusRisk; Judge: Ozymandias79

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
Your lay on hands are a kickass ressource to have late in a tough fight. I don't think you should burn them away when the cleric has yet to act and has a full healing arsenal available!

Now you are just 25hp down so I'll pass (I hate to waste HP during healing!) but if you get back in the red, give Eefaystos a chance!

Calling out to Hadrak, the shifter says, "Feel free to take out the one in the crow's nest while I work my way around."

-''Uh... Thanks but no thanks! I want to shoot the captain!'' And Hadrak proceeds to do just that but is aim is a little off. ''Uhm. Now see, you distracted me! ...kidding.''

Move: G8
Standard: Daunting Light
Daunting Light vs Captain Reflex (1d20+11=14, 2d10+10=24)

Damn. 24 is good (wasted) damage.

52/52 9/9 surge, AP
AC: 20+1
Ref: 16
For: 17
Will: 22

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Georg moves next to his old friend Raiyek. Keep away you blood-thirsty bastards. He slams his staff into the deck of the ship and a wave of thunder ripples over the three sailors knocking them back and to the deck.

Didn't know I would give them temp HP from my saving throw :p Why doesn't Sailor 4 have ongoing damage?
Move: Shift to J11
Standard: Thunderwave from H12-J14 hits 3 sailors for non-lethal
1d20+9=25 (vs Sailor 4 Fort) will knock him unconscious
1d20+9=16 (vs Sailor 5 Fort) will knock him unconscious
1d20+9=18 (vs Sailor 6 Fort) and push him to K15
1d6+6=11 thunder damage and push 2

Triggers: Staff of Defense (if any defense hit by less than 4) and Shield (if AC/Ref hit by less than 4)
Init: +3 Speed: 5 Perception:14 Insight: 19
AC: 19 NAD:17/17/17
HP: 44/44 Surges: 10/10 Surge Value: 11 AP: 1
Languages: Common (Allarian), Dwarven
Str:8 Dex:13 Wis:15 Con:18 Int:18 Cha:10

At Will: Winged Horde, Thunderwave, Cantrips
Encounter: Burning Hands, Fire Shroud, Second Wind, Shield, Staff of Defense
Daily: Flaming Sphere, Fireball, Staff of Fiery Might, Cloak of Resistance

Full Character Sheet


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
As Dane cuts the sailor, the man's wounds spout hellfire, almost dropping his fellow.[sblock=Bloodied Boon]Trigger it on S4 when bloodied to to 7 nonleathal fire damage to S5 (leaving it w/ 3hp). Incarnation gains 2 THP and S4 is no longer cursed.[/sblock]
Last edited:


First Post
During a break in the sailors' onslaught, Raiyek calls to Palladys to ease his wounds. Divine energy heals the most grievous injuries and the paladin manages to pant a challenge. "Very well, captain, if we must fight we will fight. Let us finish this as warriors." Amidst all the incoming attacks the elf somehow manages to launch a divinely empowered blow of his own at the man, catching him off-guard and giving another injury. Raiyek is, however, careful to be sure his strikes will only be incapacitating and won't prove lethal, not wanting to kill him.

[sblock=OOC]I believe that with Raiyek's 10 thp (2 hits with Strength From Valor) and resist 1 all he should be at 16/56, right? Still bloodied, but in a bit better shape :)

**You know what. My Paladin has both Rimefire Plate and that power. So not only do I know they work, but I know you have them. I even recognized the them both in earlier posts. Did I remember to add the thp to my stat block below? No. Did I remember to factor is the resist this round? No.

Le sigh**

Minor: Lay on Hands on self. Burn a surge, heal 15. No longer bloodied.
Standard: Piercing Smite vs. Captain: 1d20+10=27 vs. Ref, 2d10+4=14 nonlethal damage. Captain and Sailors 4 and 5 are marked TENT.
Minor: DC on captain.


Seeing the Warden flanked, Rurdev steps to his foe after drawing his second axe. The shifter, even through is shifting rage, strikes with the flats of his weapon, seeking to incapacitate, not kill. The first knocks into the sailor's shoulder, keeping his off balance, while the second axe slams into his temple, knocking him out cold.

Calling out to Hadrak, the shifter says, "Feel free to take out the one in the crow's nest while I work my way around."

Minor: Draw other battleaxe
Move: Shift to H8
Standard: Twin strike vs sailor one: twin strike shifted flanking vs sailor 1 (1d20+12=29, 1d20+12=26, 1d10+4=7, 1d10+3=13)nonlethal of course

**Both hit. I just want to point out, though he's unconscious. . . he's still on fire.**[/sblock]

[sblock=Immediate Actions]
If hit by an attack by 5 or less use disrupting strike(interrupt): +10; 1d10+5, and -6 to attack roll. If hit by 6 or more use yield ground(reaction) to shift to J7 and gain +2 to defenses.[/sblock]

-''Uh... Thanks but no thanks! I want to shoot the captain!'' And Hadrak proceeds to do just that but is aim is a little off. ''Uhm. Now see, you distracted me! ...kidding.''

Move: G8
Standard: Daunting Light
Daunting Light vs Captain Reflex (1d20+11=14, 2d10+10=24)

Damn. 24 is good (wasted) damage.

Georg moves next to his old friend Raiyek. Keep away you blood-thirsty bastards. He slams his staff into the deck of the ship and a wave of thunder ripples over the three sailors knocking them back and to the deck.

Didn't know I would give them temp HP from my saving throw :p Why doesn't Sailor 4 have ongoing damage?

**Because you did not hit him**

Move: Shift to J11
Standard: Thunderwave from H12-J14 hits 3 sailors for non-lethal
1d20+9=25 (vs Sailor 4 Fort) will knock him unconscious
1d20+9=16 (vs Sailor 5 Fort) will knock him unconscious
1d20+9=18 (vs Sailor 6 Fort) and push him to K15
1d6+6=11 thunder damage and push 2

[sblock=Incarnation]I think you posted at the same time as Georg. You'll want to pick new actions.[/sblock]


Round 2

22; Enemies; Acted
Captain; K12; 22/63 hp; Cursed, 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends), Marked, Bloodied
Sailor 1; I8; -13/53 hp; Bloodied, Cursed, 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends), Unconcious
Sailor 2; K8; 8/53 hp +5 thp; Bloodied, Cursed
Sailor 3; I9(Crows Nest); 26/53; Cursed, 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends), Bloodied
Sailor 4; H12; -4/53; Cursed, Bloodied, Marked, Unconscious
Sailor 5; I12; -1/53; Cursed, 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends), Bloodied, Marked, Unconscious
Sailor 6; I14; 15/53; Cursed, 5 ongoing fire damage (save ends), Bloodied
21; Hadrak; G8; 52/52; Acted
19; Rurdev; H8; 51/51; Acted
18; Raiyek; I11; 31/56; Marked TECNT; Acted
11; Georg; H9; 44/44; Acted
9; Incarnation; J9; 39/53; Pending
6; Dane; H11; 60/60
5; -2 to AC TENT
Warden; J8; -26 hp

Aura 5: Any crewman within the aura who succeeds on a saving throws gains +5 thp
F 17 W 17

F 16 R 16 W 15


Main Mast is at I9. Provides cover. Square is inaccessible.

All furniture, crates and stairs are difficult terrain. The inside of the main deck is in the corner of the map. There's more below it but I haven't drawn it yet.

The brown dotted lines represent a shroud (rope ladder) and the mainyard (big pole the sail hangs on). It takes a DC 12 Athletics check to climb (half speed) the shroud/mainyard or a DC 19 Acrobatics check to move along either at full speed. Regular climbing rules apply, including falling off.

There is a low wall around the entire ship, and crows nest, except where indicated by the blue lines. A Bullrush or any power that forces movement requires that you beat the defense by 5 or more in order to move them over that wall. They still get a save to avoid falling, but if its over the wall they aren't prone, they're(you're) hanging on the other side.

It takes a Minor action, Athletics/Acrobatics DC 14 check to get over the wall, and that provokes OAs.

The deck of the ship is considered 0 ft for our purposes with the half deck 7 and a half feet up, and the crows nest 7 and a half feet above that.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Battle surrounded him, but Incarnation was calm. He reached out his rod and channeled black energy into a nearby sailor; the man almost staggered under the dark curse. Stepping aside, the warlock turned his attention to the Captain. Speaking in a low rumble, Incarnation drew enough heat from the fool to form ice shards on the deck, holding the man in place if he did not want further pain. The warforged glances at Georg. Move him if you can. Teach him the lessons of pain.[sblock=OOC]Change target to S2 instead of S1: EB vs S2 Ref 20, 9 nonlethal; S1 falls. Shift to H8. Use AP: Chains of Levistus Fort 22, 15 nonlethal cold and if the Captain moves before TENT Incarnation, he takes an additional 2d6 damage and grants +2 to hit to Incarnation. Now would be a good time to force movement. :)

Until the end of the encounter, anyone cursed by Incarnation that attacks him takes 2 psychic nonlethal damage.[/sblock][sblock=Incarnation]Incarnation—Male Warforged Infernal Warlock 5
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 11, Passive Insight: 16
AC: 17, Fort: 18, Reflex: 16, Will: 16 — Speed: 6
HP: 39+2/53, Bloodied: 26, Surge: 13, Surges left: 11/11
+2 save vs. ongoing damage
Action Points: 0/1, Second Wind: Not Used, Milestones 0
Powers -
Eldritch Blast
Hellish Rebuke

Fiery Bolt
Chains of Levistus

Tyrannical Threat
Tyranny of Flames

Warforged Resilience
Beguiling Word

Shadowdance Leather Armor +1 (daily)
Spidersilk Mantle +1 (encounter)
Prison of Salzacas (encounter)

Full character sheet - http://l4w.wikia.com/wiki/L4W:PC:Incarnation_(stonegod)[/sblock]


First Post
Seeing the battle is nearly won, Dane tries to put out the fire on the sailor in front of him.

Cap'n, call down ye dogs. We mean ya no furtha harm if ye stow da blades.

[sblock=Actions] I don't know if I need to roll something or just use a move/standard action to put somebody who's on fire out. Of course, this is magical fire from an effect. I know a Heal check will grant a saving throw (or is that just a bonus don't have PHB here), but I don't know how that works with KO'ed people. Here's for trying.


Trying to put the fire out on Sailor 5.
Heal (1d20+10=26)


[sblock=OOC] I guess I never figured that ongoing damage would be lethal vs non-lethal attacks. Of course game mechanics vs reality, how could any magical attack be non-lethal?[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]I have very mixed feelings about this. Technically, if someone is unconscious ongoing effects still occur until they save.

Then again, you all were attempting non-lethal attacks.

Then again, you lit someone on fire!

Let's forget about all those troubling books for a moment. For the purposes of this encounter. You can end the ongoing fire damage on an adjacent unconscious target with a minor action.

Which means Dane still could do something else this round.[/sblock]

Lord Sessadore

[sblock=OOC]Aw, Dane's such a nice dwarf. :) Or maybe he's just feeling generous in the wake of his encounter a couple nights past, lol.

@Mal, yeah, I know it was a bit early for a Lay on Hands. I didn't doubt you'd have me covered, but I usually end up feeling guilty because I still have 2 or 3 of 3 Lay on Hands left when I get to an extended rest. So I decided to use one. Hopefully we won't need it later ;)[/sblock]

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