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D&D 4E 4E indications - Has it slowed your purchases alreadY?

Has the threat of 4E slowed your purchases already?

  • Yes - I've nearly stopped with my 3.5 purchases completely

    Votes: 18 5.2%
  • Yes- I'm cautious on what I purchase now wait n' see

    Votes: 20 5.8%
  • Not really - I just buy what I want anyways

    Votes: 208 59.9%
  • No - I probably won't bother moving to 4E. Time will tell.

    Votes: 101 29.1%

  • Poll closed .


Arnwyn said:
I wish I knew what this meant.

It's a code for the terrorist cell of which I'm a member.

Actually, it's more just a reaction to things like ToB, which could have been really cool, but then had things like swords catching on fire instead of just incorporating sword styles. I'll get over it, but that seemed like a good description, at the time.

Really, I've just not been happy with something undefinable about recent products. All the half-breed dragon-freaks in the "Year of the Dragon" have been more annoying than inspiring, IMO. "Races of the Dragon" pretty much exemplifies the sort of material that I'm talking about. The kobold entry could have been condensed to an "Ecology" article in Dragon mag and the rest was... well, I wouldn't use it in any game, ever.

I don't know how to describe the flavor that's been turning me off, and I don't actually intend to insult anyone's preferrences. Calling it "anime" is probably grossly unfair. But I've kinda throw it into that same dark, sad corner of my mind that houses other knowledge like anime, furries, and Yanni that are really just a matter of taste, but still evoke Lovecraftian dread for me.

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Hussar said:
In other words, it's someone's attempt to say that X=crap without really having a leg to stand on.

Naw. It's someone understanding that there is no rationale for taste and that, no matter what is said, some fanboy is going to try to squeeze one outta them.

See my tongue-in-cheek explanation, above.


Lord Mhoram said:
Just the opposite. I am quite happy with 3/3.5 and could happily play it for years. In fact I intend to. With the concept of 4th coming I have a sense of closure for my collections, so I'm picking up the stuff that I was marginally interested in, so that I have it in the collection to be used, some months or years hence. :)

I virtually ignored 2nd edition, and went from 1st to 3rd. If fourth is anything short of amazing, and amazing in ways that I want to see it changed, I'll just stick with 3rd.

I'm in the same boat here. I have too much $ invested in 3.x books to switch to 4e when it comes out...unless it is really really superior. Another downside to switching to 4e is the collection of minis I have. While the mini will still work in play, the card may be obsolete and I use the cards as opposed to flipping through my MMs when I DM.



Krelios said:
If 4e actually comes out less than 12 years after 3e, then I will never buy another edition of D&D. I've already had a hard time sifting through all the crap that's come out for 3.5 and spent way too much money in the process. If WotC's going to prove that it doesn't care about the game and only about the money, I can't see why I should support them.

There are plenty of other systems I'll be happy to play instead.

Argh!!! It's all about money. The people working at WotC all (well probably most) have mortgages to pay, kids to feed, and car payments to make. It is in their interest to preserve their jobs. When the 3.x business runs it's course and provides ever decreasing returns on Hasbro's investment, the people working there on the D&D product line have to produce the next best thing...which will be 4e. Otherwise, those folks will be unemployed and wondering how they will pay the mortgage/rent, feed and clothe their kids.

I do agree and understand what you wrote about the money spent on 3.5. The same investment I've made is a hurtle for me to justify shifting to 4e unless it is backwards compatible with 3.5.



4E rumors actually caused by to make my first D&D purchase in months. I hadn't really been thinking about D&D, and in fact was kind of bleh on gaming for a while until I went to Origins. At Origins I played in some really good games (SuperSquad America 2006 and Shadowrun 4, especially) but played no D&D at all. But when the 4e rumor type threads started creeping over to rpg.net (I only actively read and post here when I am in aD&D frame of mind) it got me thinking about D&D again.

Boom. I just bought PHB II yesterday and am (so far) pretty happy with it.

Now, of course, I have to figure out a means by which to scrape together the money to fill out my Complete, Races of and Environmental series books (man does cityscape sound cool). Maybe I'll quit smoking, too...


Nah. Never happen.

Ranger REG

Li Shenron said:
3.5 teached me that it is 90% a matter of marketing and 10% a matter of improving the design. So I really doubt that I would ever shell a single $ on 4e (unless it's largely back-compatible, which doesn't make sense anyway).
Personally, it was a very STOOPID marketing move to update the 3e in just three years after its debut.

Now, we're getting another STOOPID marketing move by agitating fans that want 4e. Whether that is a WotC machination or not, I aim to quell anyone wanting a new edition so soon.

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