• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

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  1. boxback.jpg


  2. Collective_Restraint

    Draconians Ral Partha miniatures - need help

    Ok so after spending a ton of time trying to get to the bottom of this, I came to the conclusion that : Miniatures with the same facial features are of the same draconian family I have found 0 solid evidence that ram horns are truly tied to a family of draconians I'm definitely overthinking...
  3. Collective_Restraint

    Dragonlance miniatures loot !

    Honestly, I feel like I can resell them way higher than the price I bought them. Just check Ebay prices for these.
  4. Collective_Restraint

    Dragonlance miniatures loot !

    Me and my buddy are trying out the silicon mold + resin method and the Thermoplastic mold + Milliput/GreenStuff methods to copy those miniatures. It doesn't help that a lot of the Ral Partha miniatures are really small. Trying to get resin/milliput/greenstuff in very small portions of the mold...
  5. Collective_Restraint

    Draconians Ral Partha miniatures - need help

    Agggh, now I'm starting to doubt myself again. After a lot of searches, it seems that the only draconians that seem to associate ram horns with them are the Bozak ??? Does this actually mean that Draconians #3 to #6 are actually Bozak and then #7 and #9 are Kapaks ?
  6. Collective_Restraint

    Draconians Ral Partha miniatures - need help

    Ok, looking back at the actual miniatures from the box I can confirm that : The first two are indeed the same size and they have the same facial features; they have to be Sivaks both (Draconian, Sivak (Monstrous Manual)) The next three do have the same facial features with the ram horns...
  7. Collective_Restraint

    Draconians Ral Partha miniatures - need help

    I'm just puzzled about the Kapak wielding a mace, don't they envenom their weapons by licking them ? How good is licking a mace ? The description in the books also mentions that dragonarmies tend to use Kapaks as assassins and archers so I thought the one with the bow was also a Kapak only to...
  8. Collective_Restraint

    Draconians Ral Partha miniatures - need help

    I don't understand how they never released an official list of which one is which :(
  9. Collective_Restraint

    Dragonlance miniatures loot !

    My initial plan was to cast them and only paint the copies and create additional copies of the draconians especially to finally be able to run the DL modules with them and have the proper amount ! Once done, I was planning to sell these back and I'm sure I'll be able to do quite a profit on...
  10. Collective_Restraint

    Dragonlance miniatures loot !

    Sorry for geeking out but I got into nostalgia for the original Dragonlance miniatures from Ral Partha and I can't believe I luckily was able to find someone selling all the 4 complete boxes for 640 $ ! All of them seem complete and I can't wait to start painting these ! Although I'm really...
  11. Collective_Restraint

    Draconians Ral Partha miniatures - need help

    Hey everyone, I just got a hold of the original Dragonians miniatures from Ral Partha and I really want to paint them as faithfully as possible to the source material and I'd really need help to get a confirmation of which ones are what type. I mean, I know which one is the Aurak and I think...