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Search results

  1. Gilladian

    Ship ownership for profit

    My 2nd level PCs “own” a ship (stole it from pirates). One of them is a priest of the god of merchants. He has dreams of setting up a mercantile trade network and reaping tons of profit. As DM, I want them to be able to travel place to place and have fun adventures. How would you balance the two...
  2. Gilladian

    Ship-based adventures

    I’m going to start a campaign set in a large, lawless port city soon. I fully expect my PCs will try to obtain a ship fairly soon. They may own it, be crew, or hire it That’s up in the air. I would like to find any and all adventures, in most any system (I have Freeport and Goodman Games DCC...
  3. Gilladian

    D&D 3E/3.5 Anyone still publishing or sharing new 3.5 adventtures?

    We tried 5e, and could have gone on with it, but we stayed with 3.5e because as DM, I am inside out familiar. We don’t usually go above 10th level. I can and do convert 5e material, but that gets old. Anyone still producing 3.5e stuff? Not rules, classes or whatever, just adventures.
  4. Gilladian

    D&D 3E/3.5 Long overland travel campaign

    I'm planning a future campaign and it would entail the PCs being a scouting group for a large river-bound exploration group. The problem is that I foresee travel being slow - 15 or so miles per day on the river, maybe 10 miles once they finally are forced to leave the river. So weeks/months of...
  5. Gilladian

    D&D General Updating a Campaign World

    In my last campaign in my homebrew campaign world (which is 40+ years old), the PCs rescued the main kingdom from being taken over by a lich and used as his "springboard" to conquer the world. Now I am contemplating a future campaign in said kingdom. The situation they left was that the Elder of...
  6. Gilladian

    D&D 3E/3.5 Best/ most balanced Artificer?

    What is the most balanced version of th artificer for 3.5?I am willing to look at 3rd party and homebrew as well as official stuff. This would be for a Drakkenheim campaign in 3.5, if it matters.
  7. Gilladian

    D&D 3E/3.5 Undead and Sunlight

    Is there a rule of thumb (or a list) for determining which undead are sunlight phobic? I mean, skeletons and zombies seem fine in the light of day, but what about wights, shadows, and such? Is it as easy as saying incorporeal undead all fear sunlight? But vampires are not incorporeal, so that...
  8. Gilladian

    D&D 5E Desert adventure help

    I am running a campaign loosely modeled on ancient Egypt/Nuria Natal (Kobold Press setting). I am plotting a murder mystery set in a camel caravan in the desert. I need some “authentic color” to add to my plot. Can anyone suggest Npc descriptions, attitudes, activities, etc... that would be...
  9. Gilladian

    D&D General Creative input needed!

    I’m experiencing a bit of creative block. In a more-or-less ancient egyptian-flavored world, I am creating two criminal gangs. One is a smuggling/drug running group, mostly run by the were-crocs and catfolk, though other races could easily be members. The other is a protection racket with a side...
  10. Gilladian

    Flat World design

    Just as an exercise, because I've thought about it off and on for years, and have never quite wrapped my head around it, I would love some input on designing a "flat world" campaign setting. Here are my ideas so far: 1) the world has an ocean in the center, a ring of mountains on the...
  11. Gilladian

    D&D General Best forum/message board for discussing home campaign metaplots/story arcs

    Is there a particular place (here on EnWorld or elsewhere) that is particularly good for getting metaplot help/discussion? I have a thorny issue I'd love to discuss, but I rarely see such discussions here, and they rarely get more than a few responses...
  12. Gilladian

    D&D General Adventure Idea help

    In my current campaign, PCs came upon a ruined town (about 3-500 years old). In the course of riding through the ruins, they met a small party of goblins/ogres. In another spot in the ruins, not too far away, they heard something "digging". At the time, I had a randomish monster (antlions) in...
  13. Gilladian

    D&D 5E Saltmarsh NPC Pictures

    I will be running Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh for some newbies in a month. I would like to find a roster of NPC pictures to have on hand to hold up as a memory-jogger for these players, as we'll be playing 2.5 hour sessions once a week, and may change players week-to-week, as well. I need...
  14. Gilladian

    help me build an adventure around a destroyed Wizard's tower

    I have an old ruined wizard's tower marked on a map, and there's a good chance that my PCs will be in the area soon, so I need to have an idea of what is there. Setting: DnD 3.5e, party will be roughly 3-5th lvl. Bog-standard campaign, temperate wilderness. Background: 50 years ago humans...
  15. Gilladian

    Trying to find a Monster PDF

    Way back, I think I purchased, or at least read an exerpt of, a PDF that covered one or more humanoid races in specific detail, giving cultural info, maybe detailed versions of the race - like soldiers, leaders, priests, etc... I remember there were multiple different races, but I can't...
  16. Gilladian

    Elvish City

    Are there any adventures/modules that have elvish cities in them? Or other published resources? I'm looking for something that is quintessentially elvish, not half/blended. I'll take maps, descriptions, NPCs, whatever...
  17. Gilladian

    Mount for a non-evil Stone Giant Druid?

    I'm trying to decide what (non-dragon) mount a Stone Giant Druid would ride... this is 3.5e, but I really just want a few suggestions from ANY source; I can mock up stats if I turn out to need them. I thought of a roc, but that's really TOO big. And I really don't want to take 2-3 hours to...
  18. Gilladian

    What would make a stne giants’ castle special

    What would make a stne giants’ castle special What would be different, besides the raw size, in a giants castle than a human castle? Ive never designed a giant lair before, so I am struggling for ideas.
  19. Gilladian

    Wedding fun!

    IMC a PC rogue/ranger is marrying the head of the local thieve’s guild. This is not a secret, though most in the community “think” he is a merchant and labor organizer. Recently, his assistant has had time and room to begin taking over from him, due to his absence; he was kidnapped by evil...
  20. Gilladian

    Evil wizard tower

    Im designing the third of a trio of wizard towers, so getting slightly burned out on ideas. The backstory is that this wizard fell into evil ways, left his tower, betrayed his buddies, and joined an evil cult. The other wizards tried to stop the cult, were partially unsuccessful, fled back home...