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D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Storm King's Thunder: Waterdeep


Rising from the shores of its deep harbor to ring the great mountain standing tall out of the Sea of Swords is Waterdeep, the City of Splendors and the Crown of the North. To all of Faerfun, this great metropolis stands as the pinnacle of what a great city might be, in wealth, influence, and stability. Here, the citizens work, the nobles sneer, and the great masked lords plot and scheme, all while merchants dance between them to collect their coins and continue profiting as best they can. Waterdeep's shops and merchants offer goods of every sort from every corner of Toril, and even the rarest of items can be procured, given sufficient coin and patience. Adventurers lacking one or the other can very easily find all manner of employment, from simple escorting of caravans, to guarding nobility, to investigating a ruin or rumor of monsters anywhere in the North.

Most of the city's harbor area is located in Dock Ward, as are the businesses and warehouses that depend on the city's newly restored harbor. It's a crowded neighborhood of many winding streets, where folk are comfortable making deals that might in other places provoke the displeasure of the law.

Somewhere along the Dock Ward is a little hole in the wall called "Dorkath's". They serve fine artisanal yeasted flatbread from a far off land topped with a tomato sauce and cheese and baked in an oven. The place seems to be owned by an eccentric orc wizard by the name of Dorkath the Orcath. Dorkath's claims it can deliver to anywhere within the "local planar finite curve" in thirty minutes or less, or your money back. Delivery is supposedly quite expensive and you may need to know a guy.

You arrive during the lunch rush. The place is overcrowded, smells of burnt crusts, and the menu is written entirely in authentic Orcish. There are probably two-hundred people in a space meant for fifty. The line goes out the door and around the block. Many dock workers, some unshirted and dripping with sweat, seem to be in line for a "slice". The goblin running the till has a long hooked nose and he seems to be serving people rather quickly, taking a single gold piece from each and then handing back a piping hot slice of molten cheese-sauce-bread-thing in response. "Skeez" as he seems to be called mutters something about "one a piece" to each person in line, and they seem to comply.

The noise in this place is surprisingly quiet and the crowd seems quite orderly. A strange befezzed orc in a purple robe wanders around the tables greeting everyone with a bizarrely accented string of common, orcish, and something else. He seems to pay particular attention to female customers, especially if they are young and attractive. He seems to be the proprietor of this establishment.

Booths ring the room, all filled to capacity. Tables fill most of the space in between, all equally filled. All of the furniture looks to be in terrible shape in general, seemingly patched together with twine and wax. The places decor screams a hundred years ago, and the dust and mold on everything matches in an authentic grungy way. A plump female halfling in a far too tight blue top seems to greet guests as they enter, "Welcome to Dorkath's, the one-and-only. Dining in or take out?"


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~ The journey to Waterdeep was rather quick, all things considered. Koldan Randulfr recalled many maps of the Sword Coast he had been introduced to, studied for years, but this was the farthest South he had ever been. Toross, his mentor, had spoken fondly of it, but never let on where, precisely, he was from. Reaching the city gave no answers to this: while Koldan had hoped the urban accent would be a clue, his ears were instead assaulted by a variety of dialects and speech from all across Faerûn. It was nigh impossible to dissect what, precisely, "Waterdhavian" even sounded like.

The metropolis was crowded, far too crowded for The Hunter. Chasing bounties here would be a nightmare, as a mark had ten thousand different ways to disappear in these crowds. Koldan considered this, wondering if his skills would be up to the test: chasing criminals through the smaller cities of The Dale had certainly been exhilarating on some days, but urban environments always presented their own challenges. Ah well; thoughts of older days had to be set aside for the present.

The Docks quickly lead the party from Triboar to Dorkath the Orkath and his rather unusual restaurant. Koldan stared curiously not at the Halfling hostess, but instead the curious food. It looked like bread, unleavened bread at that, covered in ... cheese? And some type of red paste. A quick sniff revealed it was probably made of 'tomatoes', something he had not seen that often: The North was not the right climate for such a crop. The smell was appetizing, invading his nose with the hint of a heavy, hearty dish, and they had mostly been subsisting off of hunted game, foraged vegetables, fruit, and nuts, and trail rations where necessarily.

Needless to say, Koldan was certainly hungry.

" Dining in," he finally replied, realizing he had been silent for just a tad too long. Reaching into a secured pocket, he also pulled out the platinum badge that Darathra had given him back in Triboar.

He held up the badge, aptly emblazoned with the symbol of three boars, to the hostess.

" We're actually here to see Dorkath. Darathra, a friend of his, sent us, and he really needs to hear what we have to say." ~

[sblock=Koldan's Stats]Character Sheet
Revised Ranger Deep Stalker 6

HP: 52/52
Condition: Normal
Initiative: +4 (Advantage)
Perception: +6 (Passive: 16)
Darkvision: 90 feet
In Hand: Nothing

[sblock=Defenses]AC: 16
[sblock=Offenses]Heavy Crossbow: +8, 1d10+3P (Sharpshooter: +3, 1d10+13 P)
Scimitar: +6, 1d6+3 S (Offhand: +6, 1d6 S)
+4 Damage to All Humanoids & Giants[/sblock]
[sblock=Proficient Skills]Acrobatics: +6
Insight: +6
Investigation: +3
Perception: +6
Stealth: +6
Survival: +6[/sblock]
[sblock=Spells]Spell Save DC: 14 Spell Attack: +6
Level 1: 4/Long Rest
Disguise Self
Ensnaring Strike
Hail of Thorns
Hunter's Mark

Level 2: 2/Long Rest
Rope Trick

[sblock=Adventure Notes]Transactions:
Total Coin: 40 GP

Game Info:
Fire Giants attacked Triboar looking for a "Vonindod", which they called a weapon that was in many parts. Fire Giant Duke Zalto of Ironslag wants this to "win".

Darathra was a Harper: she gave me a Platinum Badge of Triboar to present to Dorkath The Orkath to let him know of the attack.

There is a Kobold in the area of Yartar named "Lightwalker", a craftsman with 'some incredible weapons'.

There is a 5,000 GP Bounty on "The Weevil", a Dwarven Brigand last seen at Xantharl's Keep as a stable cleaner. The reward is for delivering him alive to authorities in Mirabar.

Ghelryn Foehammer has given us a letter of recommendation to King Morinn and Queen Tithmel of Citadel Fellbar. Ghelryn will also give us a 10% discount on customized weapons and armor in Triboar.[/sblock][/sblock]

Euon was last to enter. His eyes swam, trying to take in the bustle of the overcrowded pizzeria but not quite managing to keep pace with his whirring brain. Euon's eyes lit on the Halfling server, took in her too-tight blue bodice. His gaze drifted to the orc sporting a fez for a hat. Euon watched the orc for a few moments, saw how the lecher hovered over the younger female customers. Euon frowned in disgust. He'd seen men do such things in the past, even older priests, and had little respect for that sort of character flaw. He continued taking in the shop and became aware that his stomach was rumbling. He eyed the long line and was about to go back outside to join it when the names "Dorkath" and "Darathra" filtered through to his hearing. Euon turned his attention to the human conversing with the hostess, took in the man's heavy crossbow, scimitar, and tatty red travel-stained cloak. He edged closer to the conversation, trying to hear, and motioned for Bell and Davaros to come closer, too.


As he glanced around at the crowd, Gul felt an odd mixture of emotions. He privately admitted to himself that it was good to see the familiar sights of Waterdeep again, though the docks was not a quarter that he had ever spent much time in. At the same time, it was so much more crowded than the north, and with far more pickpockets and beggars.

With his hood drawn fully over his head, and his eyes looking down in the street, Koldan and Ilshana had the distinct impression that he did not want to announce his return to his home town. Leaving it to the others to talk to the servants and get Dorkaths attention, he kept a look out for people who did not fit with the usual attire and behavior of a stevedore or merchant.

Steve Gorak

Davaros didn't like the looks of the place, and he especially didn't appreciate the cost of a slice of flatbread, with toppings. 1gp, this is absolutely absurd! and the place is full of commoners. poor wretches. this is why they remain commoners! he thought to himself.

However, duty commanded him. First here to check on Lily and then quickly to Cauldar Marskyl of House Thann. Davaros didn't like to carry the expensive pendant; there thieves everywhere, more so in the city. Davaros quietly pushed his way through the crowd, constantly on the lookout, and searched for a maiden that could be Oren Ogilvy's sister.


First Post
Uric surged indifferently at the cost of this food, having little use for treasure. He was in this for the challenge, the fight, the battles themselves.


Needless to say, Koldan was certainly hungry.

" Dining in," he finally replied, realizing he had been silent for just a tad too long. Reaching into a secured pocket, he also pulled out the platinum badge that Darathra had given him back in Triboar.

He held up the badge, aptly emblazoned with the symbol of three boars, to the hostess.

" We're actually here to see Dorkath. Darathra, a friend of his, sent us, and he really needs to hear what we have to say." ~

The halfling cheerily tells you, "Oh he loves that sort of thing. There's a private room over there, through the doorway on the right towards the back. I'll let him know he has friends visiting."

As he glanced around at the crowd, Gul felt an odd mixture of emotions. He privately admitted to himself that it was good to see the familiar sights of Waterdeep again, though the docks was not a quarter that he had ever spent much time in. At the same time, it was so much more crowded than the north, and with far more pickpockets and beggars.

With his hood drawn fully over his head, and his eyes looking down in the street, Koldan and Ilshana had the distinct impression that he did not want to announce his return to his home town. Leaving it to the others to talk to the servants and get Dorkaths attention, he kept a look out for people who did not fit with the usual attire and behavior of a stevedore or merchant.

The room is quite a variety of faces. Besides the staff and dockworkers, there seems to be two tables of experienced looking sailors and their captain. They loudly talk about their "lucky haul", it seems the captain is buying.

However, duty commanded him. First here to check on Lily and then quickly to Cauldar Marskyl of House Thann. Davaros didn't like to carry the expensive pendant; there thieves everywhere, more so in the city. Davaros quietly pushed his way through the crowd, constantly on the lookout, and searched for a maiden that could be Oren Ogilvy's sister.

As you enter you quickly identify the halfling girl hosting. She has the look of someone that could be related to Oren, though younger and far less intoxicated.

Uric surged indifferently at the cost of this food, having little use for treasure. He was in this for the challenge, the fight, the battles themselves.

You notice that this place is full of people that could put on at least a decent display of strength, though perhaps not veteran fighters or experienced combatants.

- - - - -

Dorkath seems to go around the room greeting all of his "regulars".

A somewhat portly human boy, probably 14 or 15, comes out from the kitchen with a large container and begins taking plates and other refuse off the tables. He's s low and seems not to wise about how to hustle.

Dorkath takes notice and scolds the busser, "You work faster or you'll be cleaning the oven tonight." He then goes back to his regulars, "Can't get no good help these days. Kids hungry, says he needs work. You gotta work, am I right? Gotta teach these young folks how to survive. Back in my day you'd haul rock ten miles up hill both ways with caltrops in your feet."

He seems to laugh. Everyone else doesn't seem to think it's that clever. He slaps someone else on the back and turns around and notices something strange about some of the people that have entered his domain. "Hey you! You new around here? Get in line or get seated. Ain't no time for standing around!" He seems to not direct this order at Illshana for some reason, just everyone else in the general area of the entrance standing around.


That must be our guy.

" Not exactly here for a bite, Dorkath the Orkath," Koldan called back, stepping into the restaurant proper and flicking the platinum badge towards the proprietor with the same accuracy he had shown back in Triboar.

" Friend of yours, Miss Shendrel, sent us. Urgent business along the Northern Roads."

He decided to let the coin and name speak for themselves: Darathra had assured Koldan that Dorkath would recognize and know what this meant.

[sblock=Koldan's Stats]Character Sheet
Revised Ranger Deep Stalker 6

HP: 52/52
Condition: Normal
Initiative: +4 (Advantage)
Perception: +6 (Passive: 16)
Darkvision: 90 feet
In Hand: Nothing

[sblock=Defenses]AC: 16
[sblock=Offenses]Heavy Crossbow: +8, 1d10+3P (Sharpshooter: +3, 1d10+13 P)
Scimitar: +6, 1d6+3 S (Offhand: +6, 1d6 S)
+4 Damage to All Humanoids & Giants[/sblock]
[sblock=Proficient Skills]Acrobatics: +6
Insight: +6
Investigation: +3
Perception: +6
Stealth: +6
Survival: +6[/sblock]
[sblock=Spells]Spell Save DC: 14 Spell Attack: +6
Level 1: 4/Long Rest
Disguise Self
Ensnaring Strike
Hail of Thorns
Hunter's Mark

Level 2: 2/Long Rest
Rope Trick

[sblock=Adventure Notes]Transactions:
Total Coin: 40 GP

Game Info:
Fire Giants attacked Triboar looking for a "Vonindod", which they called a weapon that was in many parts. Fire Giant Duke Zalto of Ironslag wants this to "win".

Darathra was a Harper: she gave me a Platinum Badge of Triboar to present to Dorkath The Orkath to let him know of the attack.

There is a Kobold in the area of Yartar named "Lightwalker", a craftsman with 'some incredible weapons'.

There is a 5,000 GP Bounty on "The Weevil", a Dwarven Brigand last seen at Xantharl's Keep as a stable cleaner. The reward is for delivering him alive to authorities in Mirabar.

Ghelryn Foehammer has given us a letter of recommendation to King Morinn and Queen Tithmel of Citadel Fellbar. Ghelryn will also give us a 10% discount on customized weapons and armor in Triboar.[/sblock][/sblock]


Dorkath snatches up the badge. He paws it over then squints through his monocle. "Oh, yes, strong girl. Offered her a job once. She didn't take it. Did you bring something else for me?"


" Just a little something."

Reaching into his pack, Koldan removed an awkwardly large object swaddled in cloth. It had to have been about the length of his forearm, the Ranger struggling a bit to move closer to Dorkath without bumping the package into any of the diners. Once he was within arm's length, the Daleman unfurled the cloth away so that only he and Dorkath would see the yellowed, enameled calcium beneath.

" Genuine Fire Giant," he explained in a hushed tone of the canine, " Extracted it myself, wasn't easy. Two of them and a host of other nasties attacked Triboar."

He wrapped the cloth back around the trophy, cradling it under his arm like an oblong ball.

" They were looking for something. Darathra said you needed to be notified, and that you might know something about this we don't, but I'm not exactly keen on discussing Giant raids in the middle of a restaurant," Koldan noted, still keeping his voice down.

" Don't want your customers to panic."

[sblock=Koldan's Stats]Character Sheet
Revised Ranger Deep Stalker 6

HP: 52/52
Condition: Normal
Initiative: +4 (Advantage)
Perception: +6 (Passive: 16)
Darkvision: 90 feet
In Hand: Nothing

[sblock=Defenses]AC: 16
[sblock=Offenses]Heavy Crossbow: +8, 1d10+3P (Sharpshooter: +3, 1d10+13 P)
Scimitar: +6, 1d6+3 S (Offhand: +6, 1d6 S)
+4 Damage to All Humanoids & Giants[/sblock]
[sblock=Proficient Skills]Acrobatics: +6
Insight: +6
Investigation: +3
Perception: +6
Stealth: +6
Survival: +6[/sblock]
[sblock=Spells]Spell Save DC: 14 Spell Attack: +6
Level 1: 4/Long Rest
Disguise Self
Ensnaring Strike
Hail of Thorns
Hunter's Mark

Level 2: 2/Long Rest
Rope Trick

[sblock=Adventure Notes]Transactions:
Total Coin: 40 GP

Game Info:
Fire Giants attacked Triboar looking for a "Vonindod", which they called a weapon that was in many parts. Fire Giant Duke Zalto of Ironslag wants this to "win".

Darathra was a Harper: she gave me a Platinum Badge of Triboar to present to Dorkath The Orkath to let him know of the attack.

There is a Kobold in the area of Yartar named "Lightwalker", a craftsman with 'some incredible weapons'.

There is a 5,000 GP Bounty on "The Weevil", a Dwarven Brigand last seen at Xantharl's Keep as a stable cleaner. The reward is for delivering him alive to authorities in Mirabar.

Ghelryn Foehammer has given us a letter of recommendation to King Morinn and Queen Tithmel of Citadel Fellbar. Ghelryn will also give us a 10% discount on customized weapons and armor in Triboar.[/sblock][/sblock]

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